345 research outputs found

    Aggregation of SiC-X Grains in Supernova Ejecta

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    We present a model for the formation of silicon carbide aggregates within the expanding and cooling supernova remnant. Many SiC-X grains have been found to be aggregates of smaller crystals which are isotopically homogenous. The initial condensation of SiC in the ejecta occurs within a interior dense shell of material which is created by a reverse shock which rebounds from the core-envelope interface. A subsequent reverse shock accelerates the grains forward, but the gas drag from the ejecta on the rapidly moving particles limits their travel distance. By observing the effects of gas drag on the travel distance of grains, we propose that supernova grain aggregates form from material that condensed in a highly localized region, which satisfies the observational evidence of isotopic homogeneity in SiC-X grains.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figures, To be published in the Astrophysical Journa

    Is Glyceryl Trinitrate an Effective Treatment for Reducing Visibility of Anal Fissures in Patients Without Heart Disease Compared to Placebo?

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    OBJECTIVE: The objective of this systematic review is to determine whether or not topical glyceryl trinitrate is an effective treatment for reducing visibility of anal fissures in patients without heart disease compared to placebo. STUDY DESIGN: Evidence based review of three randomized controlled trials published in 1999, 2001, and 2007. DATA SOURCES: Three randomized controlled trials each evaluating the effectiveness of topical glyceryl trinitrate in the treatment of anal fissure, published in the English language, and containing exclusion criteria disqualifying participants with a history of heart disease. OUTCOMES MEASURED: Healing was measured via visibility of fissure through examination and structured patient interview. The outcomes were measured by medical professionals, blinded consultants, or medical investigative interviewers. RESULTS: Average healing rate is 71% for the GTN group and 43% for placebo/lignocaine group. CONCLUSIONS: Based on the combined evidence this systematic review finds that topical glyceryl trinitrate is an effective treatment for reducing visibility of anal fissures in patients without heart disease compared to placebo

    A Search For Warm-Hot Intergalactic Matter in the Local Sheet of Galaxies

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    30-40% of all baryons in the Universe are thought to reside in the warm-hot intergalactic medium (WHIM) at temperatures in the range of 10^5-10^7 K. If the oxygen abundance is comparable to expectations, then OVI absorption from the WHIM associated with the Local Sheet of galaxies should have been detected in background sources observed by the Far-Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer (FUSE). FUSE spectra of targets spanning the entire sky have been examined to distinguish the WHIM in the Sheet from other sources. These observations suggest that the Sun is offset from the plane of the Local Sheet WHIM, defining a theoretical framework against which the data was compared. By looking for a correlation of the OVI absorption equivalent widths with latitude and comparing the results to hydrodynamical simulations, strong constraints have been placed on the properties of the WHIM. With a hydrogen number density equal to that predicted by the simulations, the upper limit to the oxygen abundance for the WHIM in the Local Sheet must be 0.05 ± 0.01 Z⊙. If instead a metallicity of 0.1 Z⊙ is adopted for the WHIM, the upper limit to the hydrogen number density must be 0.64 ± 0.02 times that predicted by the simulations

    Le concept rĂ©fractĂ© de la souverainetĂ© et les États offshore

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    Si on reconnaĂźt le souverain par sa facultĂ© Ă  trancher de façon dĂ©cisive dans les situations historiques exceptionnelles, force est d’admettre aujourd’hui que ce souverain ne procĂšde pas toujours selon les dispositions des États de droit. Sont Ă©galement souverains, et rivalisent avec les « dĂ©mocraties », quand ils n’en sont pas ses complices, les tenants d’une souverainetĂ© offshore. La moitiĂ© du stock mondial d’argent transite par les paradis judiciaires et fiscaux, ports francs ou zones franches oĂč financiers, avocats, gestionnaires brassent des sommes d’argent inouĂŻes au carrefour de la gestion d’activitĂ©s industrielles, financiĂšres, mafieuses et criminogĂšnes. LĂ , la finance la moins imputable est en effet souveraine. Avec ses propres entitĂ©s « offshore », dont certaines font partie de l’Union des 25 (le Luxembourg, Chypre et Malte), l’Europe incarne par moment ce problĂšme majeur. Entre les États, les tricheurs, les criminels et le peuple, le concept de « souveraineté » se trouve hors foyer.If we recognize the sovereign by its ability to emphatically decide in historically exceptional circumstances, then we must today admit that the sovereign doesn’t always take his decisions in accordance with the rule of law. The holders of offshore sovereignty are also sovereign and rival “democracies”, when they are not their accomplices. One half of global financial resources transit through fiscal or legal paradises, free ports or free zones where financiers, lawyers and managers move unheard of sums of money at the intersection of the management of industrial, financial, mafia and criminal activities. There, the least identifiable finance is in effect sovereign. With its own “offshore” entities, of which certain are a part of the Union of 25 (Luxemburg, Cyprus, and Malta), Europe incarnates this major problem. Between states, cheaters, criminals and the people, the concept of “sovereignty” finds itself displaced.Wenn der SouverĂ€n an seiner FĂ€higkeit zu erkennen ist, in historischen Ausnahmesituationen ĂŒber zentrale Fragen zu entscheiden, dann muss heute eingerĂ€umt werden, dass dieser SouverĂ€n nicht immer gemĂ€ĂŸ rechtsstaatlichen Prinzipien verfĂ€hrt. Die Statthalter einer „Offshore“-SouverĂ€nitĂ€t sind gleichfalls souverĂ€n und rivalisieren mit den „Demokratien“, wenn die einen nicht sowieso Komplizen der anderen sind. Die HĂ€lfte der globalen Geldströme wird ĂŒber „Steuerparadiese“, Freihandelszonen und FreihĂ€fen bewegt, wo Finanzjongleure, RechtsanwĂ€lte und Vermögensverwalter am Kreuzungspunkt von industriellen und FinanzmarktaktivitĂ€ten einerseits sowie mafiösen und kriminellen Machenschaften andererseits unerhörte Geldmengen umwĂ€lzen. An diesen PlĂ€tzen ist dasjenige Kapital souverĂ€n, das sich der Besteuerung am effektivsten entziehen kann. Durch die Existenz von „Offshore“-Zonen, von denen einige sogar zur EuropĂ€ischen Union gehören (Luxembourg, Zypern und Malta), innerhalb seiner eigenen Grenzen verkörpert Europa in gewisser Weise dieses gravierende Problem. Zwischen Staaten, BetrĂŒgern, Kriminellen und der Bevölkerung findet sich der Begriff der „SouverĂ€nitĂ€t“ gleichsam ausgeschlossen

    Aerosol-Jet-Assisted Thin-Film Growth of CH3NH3PbI3 Perovskites—A Means to Achieve High Quality, Defect-Free Films for Efficient Solar Cells

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    AbstractA high level of automation is desirable to facilitate the lab‐to‐fab process transfer of the emerging perovskite‐based solar technology. Here, an automated aerosol‐jet printing technique is introduced for precisely controlling the thin‐film perovskite growth in a planar heterojunction p–i–n solar cell device structure. The roles of some of the user defined parameters from a computer‐aided design file are studied for the reproducible fabrication of pure CH3NH3PbI3 thin films under near ambient conditions. Preliminary power conversion efficiencies up to 15.4% are achieved when such films are incorporated in a poly(3,4‐ethylenedioxythiophene):polystyrene sulfonate‐perovskite‐phenyl‐C71‐butyric acid methyl ester type device format. It is further shown that the deposition of atomized materials in the form of a gaseous mist helps to form a highly uniform and PbI2 residue‐free CH3NH3PbI3 film and offers advantages over the conventional two‐step solution approach by avoiding the detrimental solid–liquid interface induced perovskite crystallization. Ultimately, by integrating full 3D motion control, the fabrication of perovskite layers directly on a 3D curved surface becomes possible. This work suggests that 3D automation with aerosol‐jet printing, once fully optimized, could form a universal platform for the lab‐to‐fab process transfer of solution‐based perovskite photovoltaics and steer development of new design strategies for numerous embedded structural power applications

    The Future Impacts of Autonomous Aid on Disaster Relief Efforts

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    Natural disasters and other catastrophes have significantly increased in recent years (Oishi & Komiya, 2017). Currently, resources available to succor in response to cataclysms are limited. Humans save lives, while ultimately risking their own. In order to bypass this risk, autonomous robot programming is essential. Research and advocacy regarding autonomous aid in the scientific community has yet to be fully addressed (Oishi & Komiya, 2017). Because of this, first responders, firefighters, and policemen are perpetually endangered. Furthermore, technological contributions would also eliminate human error, promote productivity, and stimulate collaboration on matters unable to be solved autonomously. A robot prototype, designed to retrieve 6x6х6 inch cubes, was programmed to a controller, but also operated autonomously. Despite the controller being beneficial for specific functions, autonomous programming proved to be advantageous when used applicably. While the initial task was direct, the knowledge acquired from the project possesses the potential to enhance future ventures seeking to aid disaster relief

    Les fonctions des comportements autodestructeurs et l'organisation de la personnalité

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    Les comportements autodestructeurs (CAD) reprĂ©sentent une des problĂ©matiques psychologiques les plus difficiles et longues Ă  traiter (Perry et al., 2009; Rayner & Warner, 2003), en plus de comporter un risque important de tentatives de suicide pour les individus concernĂ©s (Douglas et al., 2004; Joiner, Ribeiro, & Silva, 2012). Alors que de nombreuses Ă©tudes ont Ă©tabli des liens entre le trouble de personnalitĂ© limite et ces comportements (p. ex., Cerutti, Manca, Presaghi, & Gratz, 2011), peu ont portĂ© sur les implications de l’organisation de la personnalitĂ© selon un modĂšle psychodynamique sur les CAD, notamment celui de Kernberg (1984). Aussi, au-delĂ  des prĂ©valences de ces comportements et des facteurs de risque y Ă©tant associĂ©s, il apparaĂźt pertinent de se pencher sur les fonctions des CAD afin de dĂ©velopper une meilleure comprĂ©hension du processus menant un individu Ă  commettre ce genre d’acte (Nock & Prinstein, 2004). L’objectif de la prĂ©sente Ă©tude est de mieux comprendre les liens entre les CAD, la personnalitĂ© selon le modĂšle de Kernberg et les fonctions de diffĂ©rents types de CAD. Environ 300 participants ont complĂ©tĂ© des questionnaires couvrant les thĂšmes Ă  l’étude. Des analyses factorielles et des analyses en composantes principales ont Ă©tĂ© effectuĂ©es pour valider la structure de certains questionnaires. Des analyses de rĂ©gression multiple permettent d’explorer quels Ă©lĂ©ments sont liĂ©s aux diffĂ©rents types de CAD Ă  partir du niveau d’organisation de la personnalitĂ© et des fonctions de ces CAD. Les rĂ©sultats suggĂšrent que les CAD ayant un niveau de gravitĂ© plus faible sont davantage expliquĂ©s par des fonctions intrapersonnelles et par des enjeux au niveau des mĂ©canismes de dĂ©fense, ce qu’il est possible d’associer Ă  une personnalitĂ© nĂ©vrotique. En contrepartie, les CAD de gravitĂ© plus Ă©levĂ©e semblent liĂ©s Ă  des fonctions de nature interpersonnelles ainsi qu’à des enjeux au niveau de l’intĂ©gration de l’identitĂ© et de l’épreuve de la rĂ©alitĂ©, ce qui peut suggĂ©rer des organisations limites et psychotiques. Les implications thĂ©oriques et cliniques de ces rĂ©sultats sont discutĂ©es

    Régulation du gÚne "steroidogenic acute regulatory protein" par le cholestérol dans l'ovaire porcin

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    Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothÚques de l'Université de Montréal
