74 research outputs found

    Lessons from the Nordics: does party membership still provide a meaningful link between citizens and politics?

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    Political parties play a crucial role in enabling the views of citizens to be represented in political decision-making. Yet across Europe, the vast majority of citizens no longer actively participate in political parties, with party membership numbers experiencing a sharp fall in recent decades. Drawing on a new edited volume covering the Nordic countries, Marie Demker, Knut Heidar and Karina Kosiara-Pedersen explain how parties might continue to link citizens with politics, despite the fall in membership numbers

    “We Are a Small Country That Has Done Enormously Lot”: The ‘Refugee Crisis’ and the Hybrid Discourse of Politicizing Immigration in Sweden

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    This article looks at mainstream political discourses about immigration in Sweden during the recent “refugee crisis”. It argues that different patterns of politicization of immigration have traditionally dominated in Sweden and focuses on Swedish mainstream politics wherein, as is shown, explicit focus on politicization via (previous as well as current) immigration-related policies still persists. However, as the analysis of Sweden's Social Democratic Party's Twitter discourse shows, a hybrid new discourse of politicization is now emerging. It allows political actors to legitimize immigration policy with often populist-like politicization and the use of new modes of online political communication

    Scandinavian Higher Education Governance – Pursuing Similar Goals through Different Organizational Arrangements

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    Under embargo until: 2022-02-03The differences and similarities among the three Scandinavian countries, Denmark, Norway, and Sweden have been discussed by social scientists on several occasions. Focusing on higher education (HE) governance systems, this paper raises three questions. (1) What are the differences and similarities among the three countries? (2) How can the similarities and differences be explained? (3) Are the similarities strong enough to justify the common label of a Scandinavian model of HE governance? The three HE governance systems are briefly described and compared. They are then analyzed as, respectively, outcomes of partisan politics or politico-administrative regimes. The paper argues that similarities such as publicness, massive investments, and emphasis on access are best explained in terms of partisan politics, while the variation in governance arrangements can best be explained by path dependencies following choices made at critical junctures within similar politicoadministrative regimes.acceptedVersio

    Determination of mechanical comfort properties of floor coverings

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    In March 2002, the Swedish Work Environment Authority performed an inspection at Skottsundsbackens home for elderly in the municipality of Sundsvall. The Swedish Work Environment Authority came to the conclusion that the ergonomic problems many employees had experienced were related to the floor covering in the building. The municipality lodged an appeal, but in October 2005 the appeal was rejected by the Supreme Administrative Court of Sweden. In the decision you can read that “The Swedish Work Environment Authority points out that if the floor covering has got a suitable springiness or not can not be objectively judged, since there are no test methods for this”. In spite of this, the Swedish Work Environment Authority believes that the best way to minimise the risks of strain injuries is to replace the current floor covering with a softer floor covering.Since there are existing test methods to quantify properties of springiness (i.e. shock absorption and vertical deformation) for sport surfaces, the aim of this study has been to find out whether these methods can be applied to ordinary floor coverings. If it’s possible, this might be a way of objectively judge if a floor covering is suitable or not for a certain work activity. The test methods chosen were EN 14808 Surfaces for sports areas – Determination of shock absorption and EN 14809 Surfaces for sport areas – Determination of vertical deformation. The study could also bee seen as an inventory of what values that could be expected for ordinary floor coverings in Sweden. Another goal for the study was to find out whether or not it was possible to quantify the difference between the floor covering that was replaced at Skottsundsbacken and the softer one that was finally installed.The conclusions of the study were that the mentioned test methods are suitable for measuring mechanical comfort properties of floor coverings, exceptions made for homogeneous and heterogeneous floor coverings without any kind of foam backing. These floorings has got very little ability to absorb energy and the results from the measurements can not be used to discriminate between them.Keywords:Floor covering, comfort, shock absorption, springiness, vertical deformation, EN 14808, EN 1480

    How the past have affected the perception of Hammarkullen

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    The present study examines the demolition of a house on Hammarkulletorget in 1996 and the discourse of Hammarkullen, Gothenburg (Sweden), drawn from the perspective of historicization [“historisering”]. I have examined how the past played role in presentations of Hammarkullen and how the past affected the decision to demolish a house. By examining which role the neighbourhood’s past time played in the perception of the neighbourhood, the thesis aims at providing a better understanding of how the past can influence and legitimize major changes in the urban environment. In the early 1980s the image of Hammarkullen as a victim of negative publicity is established and this reputation lives beyond the simplistic and negative descriptions themselfs. This has also established a duality in the presentations of Hammarkullen where the internal perception is positive and the external perception of Hammarkullen is negative. I have identified four different motives for the demolition at Hammarkulletorget. These have been summarized as follows, namely: 1. Housing policy, 2. Aesthetics and design, 3. Maintenance related, and 4. Area development. Together these four contributed to the decision of demolishing the house at Hammarkulletorget. The area that in general is referred to as “Hammarkullen” are the houses at Hammarkulletorget and BredfjĂ€llsgatan. Although these houses represent only a part of Hammarkullen, they symbolize the whole district. Accordingly, it is not surprising that one of these houses were chosen for demolition. Hammarkullen has also been viewed as a neighbourhood where the desire for change is present. The desire for change probably contributed to the legitimacy of the demolition. This study’s main contribution are the examined time-spatial associations in the presented discourse of Hammarkullen and the studied demolition process, likewise the fact that the past has always been a part of the perception of the neighbourhood. This can be said to have contributed to the decision to demolish a house at Hammarkulletorget in 1996

    Mental health promotion among children in schools : A pupil health team perspective

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    Introduktion: Barns psykiska hĂ€lsa och lĂ€rande har reciprokt samband. Skolan tillhör samhĂ€llets frĂ€msta hĂ€lsofrĂ€mjande arena. Studier av hĂ€lsofrĂ€mjande insatser i skolan visar skiftande utfall och att hela skolmiljön behöver inkluderas. I Sverige stĂ„r elevhĂ€lsans hĂ€lsofrĂ€mjande arbete i centrum för förbĂ€ttringsĂ„tgĂ€rder. Syfte: Utforska hur medlemmarna i elevhĂ€lsoteam uppfattar det hĂ€lsofrĂ€mjande arbetet för psykisk hĂ€lsa i skolan. Metod: Fokusgruppintervjuer med elevhĂ€lsoteam (förskoleklass-Ă„k 6) i sex kommuner i sydöstra Sverige. 29 deltagare med professionerna: kurator, specialpedagog, speciallĂ€rare, psykolog, skolsköterska och rektor. Dataanalys med kvalitativ konventionell innehĂ„llsanalys. Resultat: I skolans hĂ€lsofrĂ€mjande arbete för barns psykiska hĂ€lsa spelar alla vuxna en viktig roll. Arbetet uppfattas ske i tre sammanlĂ€nkade processer dĂ€r Reflektioner om HĂ€lsa och LĂ€rande Ă€r centralt. VĂ€rdegrundsarbetet bidrar till samsyn, öppenhet och trygg lĂ€rmiljö. Det ElevnĂ€ra arbetet innebĂ€r att anpassa, inspirera, skapa relationer och trygga rutiner. ElevhĂ€lsoteamens arbete har central roll i kartlĂ€ggning av elevers hĂ€lsa och lĂ€rande, handledning av personal, och samverkan med hĂ€lso- och sjukvĂ„rden och social omsorg dĂ€r brister finns i kommunikation. Behov finns av mer gemensam reflektion kring barn med psykisk ohĂ€lsa. Personal i skolan reflekterar utifrĂ„n KĂ€nnedom om och samarbete med nĂ€rsamhĂ€llet vilket tillför verklighetsnĂ€ra kunskap om elevers livsvillkor och engagemang för barn frĂ„n socioekonomiskt svagare hem. Hinder finns i samverkan med vĂ„rdnadshavare och ökad interaktion med nĂ€rsamhĂ€llet efterstrĂ€vas. Konklusion: I Skolan tillĂ€mpas salutogen teori och barnrĂ€ttsperspektivet. Reflektioner kring elevers hĂ€lsa och lĂ€rande leder till förbĂ€ttring och spridning av hĂ€lsofrĂ€mjande strategier. Studien ledde fram till en modell som illustrerar förhĂ„llandet mellan olika roller och processer i skolans hĂ€lsofrĂ€mjande arbete och i relation till nĂ€rsamhĂ€llet och andra aktörer. Reflektioner behöver tydliggöras och ges ökat utrymme. VĂ€rdegrundsarbetet behöver inkludera all personal och ske kontinuerligt. ElevhĂ€lsoteamens roll i koordination av insatser för elever med psykisk ohĂ€lsa Ă€r central. Teamen kan stĂ€rka sitt deltagande i beslutsfattande- och policyskapande arbete, samverkan med vĂ„rdnadshavare och nĂ€rsamhĂ€llet för att förbĂ€ttra och utvidga skolan som hĂ€lsofrĂ€mjande arena. Introduction: Children’s mental health and learning have a reciprocal relationship, and schools are one of society’s main health promotion settings. Studies of health promotion in schools show varying results. In Sweden, pupil health promotion work is at the core of improvement efforts. Purpose: To explore how the members of pupil health teams perceive mental health promotion practice in their schools. Method: Focus group interviews with pupil health teams (school years 1-6) in six municipalities in southeastern Sweden. There were 29 participants, including professions such as counsellor, special teacher, special educator, psychologist, school nurse and principal. Data analysis with qualitative conventional content analysis. Results: In schools’ mental health promotion among pupils, all adults play an important role. Promotion was seen to take place in three interconnected processes where reflection on health and learning is central: Work on values contributes to consensus, openness and a safe learning environment. Work near pupils involves customizing, inspiring and creating confident relationships and safe routines for pupils. Pupil health teams’ work has a central role in the mapping of pupils’ health and learning, staff guidance and collaboration with other stakeholders such as health care and social care services where there is a lack of communication and a need for common reflection. Knowledge of and cooperation with the local community adds real life knowledge of pupils’ life conditions and a commitment to children from socioeconomically weaker homes. Obstacles exist in collaboration with parents, and increased interaction with the local community is sought. Conclusion: In schools, the salutogenic theory and a child rights perspective are applied. Reflections about pupils’ health and learning lead to the improvement and spread of health promoting strategies. The study contributes a model which may help to clarify collaboration and the relationship between various roles and processes in health promotion work in schools, as well as interaction with the local community and other stakeholders. Reflections need to be clarified and given increased space. The role of the pupil health teams in coordinating interventions for pupils with mental illness is central. The teams’ participation in decision making and policymaking work and collaboration with parents and the community needs to be strengthened to enhance and broaden schools as a health promoting setting.

    Mental health promotion among children in schools : A pupil health team perspective

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    Introduktion: Barns psykiska hĂ€lsa och lĂ€rande har reciprokt samband. Skolan tillhör samhĂ€llets frĂ€msta hĂ€lsofrĂ€mjande arena. Studier av hĂ€lsofrĂ€mjande insatser i skolan visar skiftande utfall och att hela skolmiljön behöver inkluderas. I Sverige stĂ„r elevhĂ€lsans hĂ€lsofrĂ€mjande arbete i centrum för förbĂ€ttringsĂ„tgĂ€rder. Syfte: Utforska hur medlemmarna i elevhĂ€lsoteam uppfattar det hĂ€lsofrĂ€mjande arbetet för psykisk hĂ€lsa i skolan. Metod: Fokusgruppintervjuer med elevhĂ€lsoteam (förskoleklass-Ă„k 6) i sex kommuner i sydöstra Sverige. 29 deltagare med professionerna: kurator, specialpedagog, speciallĂ€rare, psykolog, skolsköterska och rektor. Dataanalys med kvalitativ konventionell innehĂ„llsanalys. Resultat: I skolans hĂ€lsofrĂ€mjande arbete för barns psykiska hĂ€lsa spelar alla vuxna en viktig roll. Arbetet uppfattas ske i tre sammanlĂ€nkade processer dĂ€r Reflektioner om HĂ€lsa och LĂ€rande Ă€r centralt. VĂ€rdegrundsarbetet bidrar till samsyn, öppenhet och trygg lĂ€rmiljö. Det ElevnĂ€ra arbetet innebĂ€r att anpassa, inspirera, skapa relationer och trygga rutiner. ElevhĂ€lsoteamens arbete har central roll i kartlĂ€ggning av elevers hĂ€lsa och lĂ€rande, handledning av personal, och samverkan med hĂ€lso- och sjukvĂ„rden och social omsorg dĂ€r brister finns i kommunikation. Behov finns av mer gemensam reflektion kring barn med psykisk ohĂ€lsa. Personal i skolan reflekterar utifrĂ„n KĂ€nnedom om och samarbete med nĂ€rsamhĂ€llet vilket tillför verklighetsnĂ€ra kunskap om elevers livsvillkor och engagemang för barn frĂ„n socioekonomiskt svagare hem. Hinder finns i samverkan med vĂ„rdnadshavare och ökad interaktion med nĂ€rsamhĂ€llet efterstrĂ€vas. Konklusion: I Skolan tillĂ€mpas salutogen teori och barnrĂ€ttsperspektivet. Reflektioner kring elevers hĂ€lsa och lĂ€rande leder till förbĂ€ttring och spridning av hĂ€lsofrĂ€mjande strategier. Studien ledde fram till en modell som illustrerar förhĂ„llandet mellan olika roller och processer i skolans hĂ€lsofrĂ€mjande arbete och i relation till nĂ€rsamhĂ€llet och andra aktörer. Reflektioner behöver tydliggöras och ges ökat utrymme. VĂ€rdegrundsarbetet behöver inkludera all personal och ske kontinuerligt. ElevhĂ€lsoteamens roll i koordination av insatser för elever med psykisk ohĂ€lsa Ă€r central. Teamen kan stĂ€rka sitt deltagande i beslutsfattande- och policyskapande arbete, samverkan med vĂ„rdnadshavare och nĂ€rsamhĂ€llet för att förbĂ€ttra och utvidga skolan som hĂ€lsofrĂ€mjande arena. Introduction: Children’s mental health and learning have a reciprocal relationship, and schools are one of society’s main health promotion settings. Studies of health promotion in schools show varying results. In Sweden, pupil health promotion work is at the core of improvement efforts. Purpose: To explore how the members of pupil health teams perceive mental health promotion practice in their schools. Method: Focus group interviews with pupil health teams (school years 1-6) in six municipalities in southeastern Sweden. There were 29 participants, including professions such as counsellor, special teacher, special educator, psychologist, school nurse and principal. Data analysis with qualitative conventional content analysis. Results: In schools’ mental health promotion among pupils, all adults play an important role. Promotion was seen to take place in three interconnected processes where reflection on health and learning is central: Work on values contributes to consensus, openness and a safe learning environment. Work near pupils involves customizing, inspiring and creating confident relationships and safe routines for pupils. Pupil health teams’ work has a central role in the mapping of pupils’ health and learning, staff guidance and collaboration with other stakeholders such as health care and social care services where there is a lack of communication and a need for common reflection. Knowledge of and cooperation with the local community adds real life knowledge of pupils’ life conditions and a commitment to children from socioeconomically weaker homes. Obstacles exist in collaboration with parents, and increased interaction with the local community is sought. Conclusion: In schools, the salutogenic theory and a child rights perspective are applied. Reflections about pupils’ health and learning lead to the improvement and spread of health promoting strategies. The study contributes a model which may help to clarify collaboration and the relationship between various roles and processes in health promotion work in schools, as well as interaction with the local community and other stakeholders. Reflections need to be clarified and given increased space. The role of the pupil health teams in coordinating interventions for pupils with mental illness is central. The teams’ participation in decision making and policymaking work and collaboration with parents and the community needs to be strengthened to enhance and broaden schools as a health promoting setting.
