184 research outputs found

    Multidrug resistance mediated by MRP1 gene overexpression in breast cancer patients

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    Multidrug resistance (MDR) is a serious handicap towards the effective treatment of breast cancer patients. One of the most prevalent MDR mechanisms is through the overexpression of genes coding the proteins called Multidrug Resistance-associated Proteins (MRPs). The aim of this study was to investigate the expression of MRP1 in tumor tissues from breast cancer patients. In this study, a semi-quantitative RT-PCR approach was utilized. Our results suggest that MRP1 overexpression can mediate MDR in patients. Pre-evaluation of the level of such MDR mediators before chemotherapy can increase the efficacy of the treatment

    One-pot synthesis of oxazolidinones and five-membered cyclic carbonates from epoxides and chlorosulfonyl isocyanate: theoretical evidence for an asynchronous concerted pathway

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    The one-pot reaction of chlorosulfonyl isocyanate (CSI) with epoxides having phenyl, benzyl and fused cyclic alkyl groups in different solvents under mild reaction conditions without additives and catalysts was studied. Oxazolidinones and five-membered cyclic carbonates were obtained in ratios close to 1:1 in the cyclization reactions. The best yields of these compounds were obtained in dichloromethane (DCM). Together with 16 known compounds, two novel oxazolidinone derivatives and two novel cyclic carbonates were synthesized with an efficient and straightforward method. Compared to the existing methods, the synthetic approach presented here provides the following distinct advantageous: being a one- pot reaction with metal-free reagent, having shorter reaction times, good yields and a very simple purification method. Moreover, using the density functional theory (DFT) method at the M06-2X/6-31+G(d,p) level of theory the mechanism of the cycloaddition reactions has been elucidated. The further investigation of the potential energy surfaces associated with two possible channels leading to oxazolidinones and five-membered cyclic carbonates disclosed that the cycloaddition reaction proceeds via an asynchronous concerted mechanism in gas phase and in DCM

    Metaproteogenomic analysis of saliva samples from Parkinson's disease patients with cognitive impairment

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    Cognitive impairment (CI) is very common in patients with Parkinson's Disease (PD) and progressively develops on a spectrum from mild cognitive impairment (PD-MCI) to full dementia (PDD). Identification of PD patients at risk of developing cognitive decline, therefore, is unmet need in the clinic to manage the disease. Previous studies reported that oral microbiota of PD patients was altered even at early stages and poor oral hygiene is associated with dementia. However, data from single modalities are often unable to explain complex chronic diseases in the brain and cannot reliably predict the risk of disease progression. Here, we performed integrative metaproteogenomic characterization of salivary microbiota and tested the hypothesis that biological molecules of saliva and saliva microbiota dynamically shift in association with the progression of cognitive decline and harbor discriminatory key signatures across the spectrum of CI in PD. We recruited a cohort of 115 participants in a multi-center study and employed multi-omics factor analysis (MOFA) to integrate amplicon sequencing and metaproteomic analysis to identify signature taxa and proteins in saliva. Our baseline analyses revealed contrasting interplay between the genus Neisseria and Lactobacillus and Ligilactobacillus genera across the spectrum of CI. The group specific signature profiles enabled us to identify bacterial genera and protein groups associated with CI stages in PD. Our study describes compositional dynamics of saliva across the spectrum of CI in PD and paves the way for developing non-invasive biomarker strategies to predict the risk of CI progression in PD.FEMS Research and Training Gran

    Total antioxidant and oxidant status in obese children without insulin resistance

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    Objective: Oxidative stress in obese children may lead in adulthood serious conditions such as coronary heart diseases or type 2 diabetes mellitus. In childhood oxidative stress is associated with insulin resistance or extreme obesity. In this study, we aimed to evaluate oxidative stress status in moderately obese children without insulin resistance. Methods: A total of 38 obese children (21 male, 17 female) without insulin resistance, mean aged 9.4±3.8 years) and 51 normal weight children (25 male, 26 female) as the control group, mean aged 9.3±3.9 years) were enrolled to the study. Total oxidative status (TOS), total antioxidant capacity (TAC) were measured and oxidative stress index (OSI) was calculated. Results: The results reveal that obese children had lower TAC than normal weight children (2,27±0,28 vs. 2.76±0.35 mmol Trolox Eq./L; p<0,001). There was no statistical difference between obese and control groups regarding TOS (6,08±3,63 vs 5.25±4.16 μmol H2O2 Eq./L; p=0.333). OSI was higher in obese group (2.65±1.52 vs 1.92±1.56; p=0.029) Conclusion: Balance between oxidant and antioxidant system is disrupted due to the reduced TAC even in moderately obese children without insulin resistance. Further studies should also be performed to evaluate the beneficial effects of dietary intake of antioxidants in these children

    Could ratio of hemoglobin to red cell distribution width and ratio of absolute lymphocyte count to absolute monocyte count be a prognostic tool in newly diagnosed multiple myeloma patients?

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    IntroductionHemoglobin/red cell distribution width (RDW) ratio (HRR) and lymphocyte-to-monocyte ratio (LMR) are two novel bio-markers associated with overall survival (OS) and prognosis in several types of cancers. The aim of this study is to investigate the value of HRR and LMR in newly diagnosed multiple myeloma (MM) patients. MethodsA total of 180 patients were included in this study. Patients diagnosed with MM between May 2013 and May 2019 at a single center were evaluated. HRR was calculated by dividing hemoglobin to RDW, both measured from the same sample. LMR was calculated by dividing absolute lymphocyte count (ALC) to absolute monocyte count (AMC). ResultsThe cutoff value for HRR was taken as 0.61, and the cutoff value for LMR was taken as 3.28. Patients were divided into low HRR, high HRR, low LMR, and high LMR groups. OS of the patients with low HRR was found lower compared with high HRR (36.7 months for low HRR and 53.2 months for high HRR, < 0.001). Also, OS was found lower in the low LMR group (39.4 months for low LMR and 51.7 months for high LMR, = 0.016). On multivariate analysis, low HRR and low LMR were predictive factors of OS (hazard ratio (HR) 2.08, 95% confidence intervals (CI) 1.31–3.03, and = 0.002 for low HRR; HR 1.47, 95% CI 0.92–2.29, and = 0.010 for low LMR). ConclusionCombining both HRR and LMR could be a prognostic biomarker and it reflects the status of the immune system in newly diagnosed MM patients

    Investigation of theileria equi, babesia caballi, neospora spp. and toxoplasma gondii by serological methods in horse breed for touristic purpose in Nevşehir province

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    Protozoal hastalıklar atlarda ölümlere ve ciddi ekonomik kayıplara neden olur. Bazılarının zoonotik potansiyelleri ise halk sağlığı açısından önem arz eder. Bu çalışmanın amacı Nevşehir ilinde turistik amaçlarla yetiştirilen atlarda doku (Neospora spp. ve Toxoplasma gondii) ve kan (Theileria equi ve Babesia caballi) protozoonlarının yaygınlığını belirlemektir. Bu amaçla yaşları 3-24 arasındaki 105 dişi attan kan alınarak serumları çıkarılmıştır. Elde edilen serumlar Neospora spp., T.equi ve B.caballi antikorlarına karşı c-ELISA ve T.gondii antikorlarına karşı da Sabin-Feldman Dye testleri ile incelenmiştir. Çalışma sonucunda 105 atın ikisinde (%1,90) anti-Neospora spp., dokuzunda (%8.57) anti-T.gondii, ikisinde (%1,90) anti-B.caballi ve 77 (%73,33)’sinde de anti-T.equi antikorları tespit edilmiştir. Atlardan birinde (%0,95) T.equi, B.caballi ve T.gondii, birinde (%0,95) T.equi ve B.caballi, ikisinde (%1,90) Neospora spp. ve T.equi ve altısında (%5,71) ise T.gondii ve T.equi’nin neden olduğu miks enfeksiyonlar belirlenmiştir. Ki-kare testi ile ≤ 7 ve >7 yaş grupları ile Neospora spp., T.gondii ve B.caballi seroprevalansları arasında istatistiksel açıdan önemli bir fark bulunmazken, 7 yaş üzerindeki atlarda yüksek T.equi seroprevalansının önemli olduğu görülmüştür. Bu çalışma ile İç Anadolu bölgesinde Nevşehir ilinde atlarda T.equi’ye maruziyet oranının oldukça yüksek olduğu, prevalansın yaşla birlikte arttığı, ayrıca protozoon kaynaklı miks enfeksiyonların görülebileceği ve bunun tedavide göz ardı edilmemesi gereken bir durum olduğu ortaya konmuştur.Protozoan diseases cause deaths in horses and serious economic losses. Some of them have zoonotic potential and are important for public health. The aim of this study was to determine the seroprevalence of tissue (Neospora spp. and Toxoplasma gondii) and blood (Theileria equi and Babesia caballi) protozoa of horses, raised for touristic purposes, in the Nevşehir provice Central Anatolia Region of Turkey. For this aim, a total of 105 blood samples were collected from female horses from various breeds between the ages of 3-24 in Nevşehir province. Sera samples were tested against anti-Neospora spp., T.equi and B.caballi antibodies with c-ELISA method, while Sabin Feldman Dye Test was used for the detection of anti-T.gondii antibodies. At the end of the serologic examination, it was determined that two of 105 (1.90%) horses had anti-Neospora spp.; nine (8.57%) had anti-T.gondii; two (1.90%) had anti-B.caballi and 77 (73.33%) had anti-T.equi antibodies. Mixed infections were also detected in one horse (0.95%) caused by T.equi, B.caballi and T.gondii, one (0.95%) by T.equi and B.caballi, two (1.90%) by Neospora spp. and T.equi and in six horses (5.71%) by T.gondii and T.equi. There was no statistically significant difference between the age groups and Neospora spp., T. gondii and B.caballi seropositivity, while high T.equi seroprevalence was found to be significant in horses over 7 years old with the chi-square test. With this study, it was set forth that the exposure rate to T.equi in horses in Nevşehir province in the Central Anatolia region is quite high; also the prevalence increases with age, and protozoal mixed infections are likely to occur, which should not be ignored in treatment

    Evaluation of the safety of intracameral trypan blue injection on corneal tissue using oxidative stress parameters and apoptotic activity: an experimental study

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    Purpose: The present experimental study aimed to investigate the effects of intracameral trypan blue (TB) on oxidative stress parameters and apoptosis in corneal tissue. Methods: Thirty rats were randomly assigned to three groups of 10 rats each: the sham group (Group 1); control group (Group 2); and treatment group (Group 3). The control group was administered 0.01 cc of balanced salt solution. The treatment group was administered 0.006 mg/0.01 cc of TB. The total antioxidant status (TAS) and total oxidant status (TOS) in corneal tissue and blood were measured and the oxidative stress index (OSI) was calculated. Finally, corneal tissue histopathology was evaluated using staining for caspase-3 and -8, and apoptotic activity was examined. Results: The TAS, TOS and OSI levels in the blood samples were not significantly different (p>0.05 for all). Compared with the sham and control groups, the TOS and OSI levels in corneal tissue were significantly different in the treatment group (p<0.05 for all). No significant difference was observed between the sham group and the control group (p>0.05). Immunohistochemical staining for caspase-3 and caspase-8 demonstrated higher apoptotic activity in the TB group than in the sham and control groups. Conclusion: The present study showed that intracameral TB injection is safe systematically but may be toxic to corneal tissue, as demonstrated using oxidative stress parameters and histopathological evaluation

    Characteristics of food allergy in children: National multicenter study

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    Conference: Congress of the European-Academy-of-Allergy-and-Clinical-Immunology (EAACI) Location: Lisbon, PORTUGAL Date: JUN 01-05, 2019Background : Food allergies impose a significant burden on the life of the child and the family. In this study, to determine the demographic characteristics of food allergies, we investigated the characteristics of patients with food allergies in different regions of Pediatric Allergy- Immunology departments in Turkey. Method : Turkey ' s National Study of Allergy and Clinical Immunology Society has conducted a Study Group on Food Allergies. 25 centers participated in this multicenter, cross- sectional and descriptive study.European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunolog