482 research outputs found

    Thyroid status co-regulates thyroid hormone receptor and co-modulator genes specifically in the hypothalamus

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    AbstractRegulation of Thyrotropin Releasing Hormone (TRH) transcription in the hypothalamus represents the central control point of thyroid function. To examine the expression of potential TRH regulatory components, we simultaneously amplified, by semi-quantitative multiplex PCR system, nine key genes from ⩽100 ng total RNA from two brain areas (hypothalamus and cortex) under different thyroid states. Expression of TRβ1 and TRβ2 isoforms, key elements in TRH regulation, was modified by thyroid status in the hypothalamus but not in the cortex. Similarly, hypothyroidism increased specifically hypothalamic levels of three co-modulator genes. This study provides the first demonstration of tissue specific co-regulation of a set of genes by thyroid status within a defined brain area

    Répression transcriptionnelle du gène TRH

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    Les hormones thyroïdiennes (HT : T3, T4) exerçant des effets pléiotropes chez les vertébrés, leur synthèse et leur sécrétion doivent être finement contrôlées. Elles agissent elles-mêmes sur leur production, par un système de rétrocontrôle négatif de l’expression des gènes hypothalamique TRH et hypophysaire TSH. Les fondements moléculaires de cette répression transcriptionnelle des gènes TRH et TSH par l’hormone T3, forme biologiquement la plus active des HT, restent méconnus. Certaines caractéristiques de cette régulation commencent toutefois à être identifiées, notamment le rôle spécifique des isoformes TRβ (versus TRα) des récepteurs des HT. La spécificité fonctionnelle de ces isoformes résiderait principalement dans leur extrémité aminoterminale, qui permettrait une interaction différentielle avec certains comodulateurs. L’objectif, aujourd’hui, est de caractériser ces comodulateurs et d’analyser leur contribution à la régulation transcriptionnelle du gène TRH par l’hormone T3.The synthesis and secretion of thyroid hormones (TH: T3, T4) must be strictly regulated. TH act on their own production via a negative feedback system. The synthesis of thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH), produced in the hypothalamus, and thyrotropin (TSH) in the pituitary is inhibited at the transcriptional level by TH. TRH and TSH stimulate production of TH. An outstanding, still open, question is the molecular basis of T3-dependent transcription repression of TRH and TSH genes. However, some regulatory components have been identified, with the β-TH receptor (TRβ) playing a specific regulatory role (versus TRα) in the negative feedback effects of T3 on production of TRH and TSH. Moreover, the N-terminus of TRβ is known to be a key element in this regulation. A hypothesis to explain this isoform specificity could be that TRβ and TRα interact differentially with transcriptional comodulators. Thus, it is critical to characterize these comodulators and to analyse their contribution to the transcription regulation of TRH

    A hybrid CMV-H1 construct improves efficiency of PEI-delivered shRNA in the mouse brain

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    RNA-interference-driven loss of function in specific tissues in vivo should permit analysis of gene function in temporally and spatially defined contexts. However, delivery of efficient short hairpin RNA (shRNA) to target tissues in vivo remains problematic. Here, we demonstrate that efficiency of polyethylenimine (PEI)-delivered shRNA depends on the regulatory sequences used, both in vivo and in vitro. When tested in vivo, silencing of a luciferase target gene by shRNA produced from a hybrid construct composed of the CMV enhancer/promoter placed immediately upstream of an H1 promoter (50%) exceeds that obtained with the H1 promoter alone (20%). In contrast, in NIH 3T3 cells, the H1 promoter was more efficient than the hybrid construct (75 versus 60% inhibition of target gene expression, respectively). To test CMV-H1 shRNA efficiency against an endogenous gene in vivo, we used shRNA against thyroid hormone receptor α1 (TRα1). When vectorized in the mouse brain, the hybrid construct strongly derepressed CyclinD1-luciferase reporter gene expression, CyclinD1 being a negatively regulated thyroid hormone target gene. We conclude that promoter choice affects shRNA efficiency distinctly in different in vitro and in vivo situations and that a hybrid CMV-H1 construct is optimal for shRNA delivery in the mouse brain

    Assessment of Estrogenic Endocrine-Disrupting Chemical Actions in the Brain Using in Vivo Somatic Gene Transfer

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    Estrogenic endocrine-disrupting chemicals abnormally stimulate vitellogenin gene expression and production in the liver of many male aquatic vertebrates. However, very few studies demonstrate the effects of estrogenic pollutants on brain function. We have used polyethylenimine-mediated in vivo somatic gene transfer to introduce an estrogen response element–thymidine kinase–luciferase (ERE-TK-LUC) construct into the brain. To determine if waterborne estrogenic chemicals modulate gene transcription in the brain, we injected the estrogen-sensitive construct into the brains of Nieuwkoop-Faber stage 54 Xenopus laevis tadpoles. Both ethinylestradiol (EE2; p < 0.002) and bisphenol A (BPA; p < 0.03) increased luciferase activity by 1.9- and 1.5-fold, respectively. In contrast, low physiologic levels of 17β-estradiol had no effect (p > 0.05). The mixed antagonist/agonist tamoxifen was estrogenic in vivo and increased (p < 0.003) luciferase activity in the tadpole brain by 2.3-fold. There have been no previous reports of somatic gene transfer to the fish brain; therefore, it was necessary to optimize injection and transfection conditions for the adult goldfish (Carassius auratus). Following third brain ventricle injection of cytomegalovirus (CMV)-green fluorescent protein or CMV-LUC gene constructs, we established that cells in the telencephalon and optic tectum are transfected. Optimal transfections were achieved with 1 μg DNA complexed with 18 nmol 22 kDa polyethylenimine 4 days after brain injections. Exposure to EE2 increased brain luciferase activity by 2-fold in males (p < 0.05) but not in females. Activation of an ERE-dependent luciferase reporter gene in both tadpole and fish indicates that waterborne estrogens can directly modulate transcription of estrogen-responsive genes in the brain. We provide a method adaptable to aquatic organisms to study the direct regulation of estrogen-responsive genes in vivo

    Ventx factors function as Nanog-like guardians of developmental potential in Xenopus

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    International audienceVertebrate development requires progressive commitment of embryonic cells into specific lineages through a continuum of signals that play off differentiation versus multipotency. In mammals, Nanog is a key transcription factor that maintains cellular pluripotency by controlling competence to respond to differentiation cues. Nanog orthologs are known in most vertebrates examined to date, but absent from the Anuran amphibian Xenopus. Interestingly, in silico analyses and literature scanning reveal that basal vertebrate ventral homeobox (ventxs) and mammalian Nanog factors share extensive structural, evolutionary and functional properties. Here, we reassess the role of ventx activity in Xenopus laevis embryos and demonstrate that they play an unanticipated role as guardians of high developmental potential during early development. Joint over-expression of Xenopus ventx1.2 and ventx2.1-b (ventx1/2) counteracts lineage commitment towards both dorsal and ventral fates and prevents msx1-induced ventralization. Furthermore, ventx1/2 inactivation leads to down-regulation of the multipotency marker oct91 and to premature differentiation of blastula cells. Finally, supporting the key role of ventx1/2 in the control of developmental potential during development, mouse Nanog (mNanog) expression specifically rescues embryonic axis formation in ventx1/2 deficient embryos. We conclude that during Xenopus development ventx1/2 activity, reminiscent of that of Nanog in mammalian embryos, controls the switch of early embryonic cells from uncommitted to committed states

    A Rapid, Physiologic Protocol for Testing Transcriptional Effects of Thyroid-Disrupting Agents in Premetamorphic Xenopus Tadpoles

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    Increasing numbers of substances present in the environment are postulated to have endocrine-disrupting effects on vertebrate populations. However, data on disruption of thyroid signaling are fragmentary, particularly at the molecular level. Thyroid hormone (TH; triiodothyronine, T(3)) acts principally by modulating transcription from target genes; thus, thyroid signaling is particularly amenable to analysis with a transcriptional assay. Also, T(3) orchestrates amphibian metamorphosis, thereby providing an exceptional model for identifying thyroid-disrupting chemicals. We combined these two advantages to develop a method for following and quantifying the transcriptional action of T(3) in Xenopus laevis tadpoles. This technology provides a means of assessing thyroid activity at the molecular level in a physiologically relevant situation. Moreover, translucent tadpoles are amenable to “on-line” imaging with fluorescent reporter constructs that facilitate in vivo measurement of transcriptional activity. We adapted transgenesis with TH-responsive elements coupled to either luciferase or green fluorescent protein to follow T(3)-dependent transcription in vivo. To reduce time of exposure and to synchronize responses, we optimized a physiologic pre-treatment protocol that induced competence to respond to T(3) and thus to assess T(3) effects and T(3) disruption within 48 hr. This pretreatment protocol was based on a short (24 hr), weak (10(−12) M) pulse of T(3) that induced TH receptors, facilitating and synchronizing the transcriptional responses. This protocol was successfully applied to somatic and germinal transgenesis with both reporter systems. Finally, we show that the transcriptional assay allows detection of the thyroid-disrupting activity of environmentally relevant concentrations (10(−8) M) of acetochlor, a persistent herbicide

    Non-viral approaches to gene therapy

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    Several advances in non-viral gene transfer technology have been reported over the past year. Cationic lipids have been successfully used to deliver genes in vivo, providing a clear alternative to recombinant viruses. In addition, investigators have demonstrated that direct application of DNA via injection or particle bombardment can be used for vaccination. Analysis of the mechanisms employed by viruses to invade cells has demonstrated a crucial role for membrane-active proteins or peptides in the entry process. Several non-viral systems that include membrane-active elements are now available

    Exploring nervous system transcriptomes during embryogenesis and metamorphosis in Xenopus tropicalis using EST analysis

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The western African clawed frog <it>Xenopus tropicalis </it>is an anuran amphibian species now used as model in vertebrate comparative genomics. It provides the same advantages as <it>Xenopus laevis </it>but is diploid and has a smaller genome of 1.7 Gbp. Therefore <it>X. tropicalis </it>is more amenable to systematic transcriptome surveys. We initiated a large-scale partial cDNA sequencing project to provide a functional genomics resource on genes expressed in the nervous system during early embryogenesis and metamorphosis in <it>X. tropicalis</it>.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>A gene index was defined and analysed after the collection of over 48,785 high quality sequences. These partial cDNA sequences were obtained from an embryonic head and retina library (30,272 sequences) and from a metamorphic brain and spinal cord library (27,602 sequences). These ESTs are estimated to represent 9,693 transcripts derived from an estimated 6,000 genes. Comparison of these cDNA sequences with protein databases indicates that 46% contain their start codon. Further annotation included Gene Ontology functional classification, InterPro domain analysis, alternative splicing and non-coding RNA identification. Gene expression profiles were derived from EST counts and used to define transcripts specific to metamorphic stages of development. Moreover, these ESTs allowed identification of a set of 225 polymorphic microsatellites that can be used as genetic markers.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>These cDNA sequences permit <it>in silico </it>cloning of numerous genes and will facilitate studies aimed at deciphering the roles of cognate genes expressed in the nervous system during neural development and metamorphosis. The genomic resources developed to study <it>X. tropicalis </it>biology will accelerate exploration of amphibian physiology and genetics. In particular, the model will facilitate analysis of key questions related to anuran embryogenesis and metamorphosis and its associated regulatory processes.</p

    Human amniotic fluid contaminants alter thyroid hormone signalling and early brain development in Xenopus embryos.

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    Thyroid hormones are essential for normal brain development in vertebrates. In humans, abnormal maternal thyroid hormone levels during early pregnancy are associated with decreased offspring IQ and modified brain structure. As numerous environmental chemicals disrupt thyroid hormone signalling, we questioned whether exposure to ubiquitous chemicals affects thyroid hormone responses during early neurogenesis. We established a mixture of 15 common chemicals at concentrations reported in human amniotic fluid. An in vivo larval reporter (GFP) assay served to determine integrated thyroid hormone transcriptional responses. Dose-dependent effects of short-term (72 h) exposure to single chemicals and the mixture were found. qPCR on dissected brains showed significant changes in thyroid hormone-related genes including receptors, deiodinases and neural differentiation markers. Further, exposure to mixture also modified neural proliferation as well as neuron and oligodendrocyte size. Finally, exposed tadpoles showed behavioural responses with dose-dependent reductions in mobility. In conclusion, exposure to a mixture of ubiquitous chemicals at concentrations found in human amniotic fluid affect thyroid hormone-dependent transcription, gene expression, brain development and behaviour in early embryogenesis. As thyroid hormone signalling is strongly conserved across vertebrates the results suggest that ubiquitous chemical mixtures could be exerting adverse effects on foetal human brain development