2,118 research outputs found

    Delayed left subclavian artery pseudoaneurysm following transcatheter aortic valve implantation

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    In 10-15% of patients undergoing transcatheter aortic valve implantation (TAVI), the femoral artery approach is precluded owing to insufficient caliber or tortuosity of the vessel. In these subjects, the subclavian (SC) or the axillary (AX) access can be used; these have proved equivalent to the femoral artery approach in terms of both survival and the rate of vascular complications. The SC or AX approach usually require a surgical cut-down under general anesthesia or deep sedation, though cases have been described in which the percutaneous technique has been adopted. Furthermore, SC and AX access may be burdened by complications, such as vessel perforation or rupture, or the formation of aneurysms at the site of incision

    alternating dynamics of segregation and integration in human eeg functional networks during working memory task

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    Abstract Brain functional networks show high variability in short time windows but mechanisms governing these transient dynamics remain unknown. In this work, we studied the temporal evolution of functional brain networks involved in a working memory (WM) task while recording high-density electroencephalography (EEG) in human normal subjects. We found that functional brain networks showed an initial phase characterized by an increase of the functional segregation index followed by a second phase where the functional segregation faded after the prevailing the functional integration. Notably, wrong trials were associated with different or disrupted sequences of the segregation-integration profiles and measures of network centrality and modularity were able to identify crucial aspects of the oscillatory network dynamics. Additionally, computational investigations further supported the experimental results. The brain functional organization may respond to the information processing demand of a WM task following a 2-step atomic scheme wherein segregation and integration alternately dominate the functional configurations

    In search of different categories of abstract concepts: a fMRI adaptation study

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    Concrete conceptual knowledge is supported by a distributed neural network representing different semantic features according to the neuroanatomy of sensory and motor systems. If and how this framework applies to abstract knowledge is currently debated. Here we investigated the specific brain correlates of different abstract categories. After a systematic a priori selection of brain regions involved in semantic cognition, i.e. responsible of, respectively, semantic representations and cognitive control, we used a fMRI-adaptation paradigm with a passive reading task, in order to modulate the neural response to abstract (emotions, cognitions, attitudes, human actions) and concrete (biological entities, artefacts) categories. Different portions of the left anterior temporal lobe responded selectively to abstract and concrete concepts. Emotions and attitudes adapted the left middle temporal gyrus, whereas concrete items adapted the left fusiform gyrus. Our results suggest that, similarly to concrete concepts, some categories of abstract knowledge have specific brain correlates corresponding to the prevalent semantic dimensions involved in their representation

    ATM inhibition blocks glucose metabolism and amplifies the sensitivity of resistant lung cancer cell lines to oncogene driver inhibitors

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    Background: ATM is a multifunctional serine/threonine kinase that in addition to its well-established role in DNA repair mechanisms is involved in a number of signaling pathways including regulation of oxidative stress response and metabolic diversion of glucose through the pentose phosphate pathway. Oncogene-driven tumorigenesis often implies the metabolic switch from oxidative phosphorylation to glycolysis which provides metabolic intermediates to sustain cell proliferation. The aim of our study is to elucidate the role of ATM in the regulation of glucose metabolism in oncogene-driven cancer cells and to test whether ATM may be a suitable target for anticancer therapy. Methods: Two oncogene-driven NSCLC cell lines, namely H1975 and H1993 cells, were treated with ATM inhibitor, KU55933, alone or in combination with oncogene driver inhibitors, WZ4002 or crizotinib. Key glycolytic enzymes, mitochondrial complex subunits (OXPHOS), cyclin D1, and apoptotic markers were analyzed by Western blotting. Drug-induced toxicity was assessed by MTS assay using stand-alone or combined treatment with KU55933 and driver inhibitors. Glucose consumption, pyruvate, citrate, and succinate levels were also analyzed in response to KU55933 treatment. Both cell lines were transfected with ATM-targeted siRNA or non-targeting siRNA and then exposed to treatment with driver inhibitors. Results: ATM inhibition deregulates and inhibits glucose metabolism by reducing HKII, p-PKM2Tyr105, p-PKM2Ser37, E1α subunit of pyruvate dehydrogenase complex, and all subunits of mitochondrial complexes except ATP synthase. Accordingly, glucose uptake and pyruvate concentrations were reduced in response to ATM inhibition, whereas citrate and succinate levels were increased in both cell lines indicating the supply of alternative metabolic substrates. Silencing of ATM resulted in similar changes in glycolytic cascade and OXPHOS levels. Furthermore, the driver inhibitors amplified the effects of ATM downregulation on glucose metabolism, and the combined treatment with ATM inhibitors enhanced the cytotoxic effect of driver inhibitors alone by increasing the apoptotic response. Conclusions: Inhibition of ATM reduced both glycolytic enzymes and OXPHOS levels in oncogene-driven cancer cells and enhanced apoptosis induced by driver inhibitors thus highlighting the possibility to use ATM and the driver inhibitors in combined regimens of anticancer therapy in vivo

    Melanoma in the Italian population and regional environmental influences: A national retrospective survey on 2001–2008 hospitalization records

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    Objective: To assess the burden of regional environmental factors influencing the incidence of Melanoma in the Italian population and overcome the problem of partial population coverage by local cancer registries and thematic archives. Methods: We analyzed the Italian national hospitalization records from 2001 to 2008 provided by the Ministry of Health, excluding hospital re-admissions of the same patients, in order to assess the occurrence of Melanoma over a 8-year period. Data were presented by age groups (absolute number of cases from 20 to ≥80 years old) and per Region (rates per 100,000 inhabitants) for each year. Results: The overall number of new hospitalizations due to malignant Melanoma increased by 16.8% from 2001 (n = 4846) to 2008 (n = 5823), with the rate per 100,000 inhabitants passing from 10.5 to almost 12.0 at a national level. The majority of new diagnoses of malignant Melanoma was observed in two age groups: 61–70 years old (from 979 in 2001 up to 2109 in 2008, corresponding to 15.1 and 18.1 new cases per 100,000 inhabitants, respectively) and 71–80 years old (from 954 in 2001 up to 1141 in 2008, corresponding to 19.5 and 21.8 new cases per 100,000 inhabitants, respectively). The number of hospitalizations due to Melanoma increased in all age groups with the only exception of the youngest patients aged 20–30 years old. The highest increases over the 8-year period were observed in people aged ≥81 years old (+34%), 61–70 years old (+20%) and surprisingly in the age group 31–40 years old (+17%). Southern Regions showed lower hospitalization rates compared to Northern Italy and Region Lazio. The highest increases between 2001 and 2008 were observed in Trentino/Alto Adige, Friuli Venezia Giulia, Valla d’Aosta and Veneto Region. Conclusions: Hospitalizations due to malignant Melanoma in Italy seem to be influenced by environmental or population-related factors showing a decreasing incidence rate from the Northern to Southern Regions

    Infecciones respiratorias causadas por agentes bacterianos en bovinos y ovinos de la Provincia de Corrientes, Argentina

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    Mannheimia haemolytica, Trueperella pyogenes and Pasteurella multocida are commensal bacteria of the upper respiratory tract of ruminants. However, in presence of predisposing factors, they can trigger the disease and even lead to death. The objective of this study was to determine the causes of morbidity and mortality in calves and lambs from 4 establishments located in the Province of Corrientes, Argentina. During of the period between June and August 2021, 4 cases of respiratory diseases were received at the INTA Mercedes, Corrientes, Animal Health Laboratory, both in cattle (3) and sheep (1). Incase of cattle, the morbidity in each the herd was 3.3% (5/150), 3.5% (7/200) and 12.4% (56/450). In the sheep flock, the morbidity was 8% (4/50). In sick animals, necropsies were performed and samples of lung and lung abscess were taken. In those samples, bacteriological culture and histological analysis were performed. Bacterial agents including T. pyogenes (1), M. haemolytica (2) and P. multocida (1) were detected, associated with the macroscopic findings and histological lesions. In our study, bacterial agents were detected as causing pneumonia represent in between 2 and 6% of mortality in the herds analyzed, so they should be considered as an important cause of death, in order to implement the necessary corrective and preventive measures.Mannheimia haemolytica, Trueperella pyogenes y Pasteurella multocida son bacterias comensales de las vías respiratorias superiores de los rumiantes. Sin embargo, cuando existen factores predisponentes pueden desencadenar enfermedades respiratorias o incluso ocasionar la muerte. El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar las causas de morbilidad y mortalidad en terneros y corderos de 4 establecimientos ubicados en la Provincia de Corrientes, Argentina. Durante los meses de junio a agosto de 2021 se recibieron en el laboratorio de Sanidad Animal del INTA Mercedes, Corrientes, 4 casos de enfermedades respiratorias, tanto en bovinos (3), como en ovinos (1). En el caso de los bovinos, los lotes presentaban una morbilidad de 3,3% (5/150), 3,5% (7/200) y 12,4% (56/450). Por su parte, el lote de ovinos expuestos contó con un 8% (4/50) de animales enfermos. Se realizó la necropsia de los ejemplares, tomando muestras de pulmón y en los casos que estuvieron disponibles, abscesos pulmonares. Con dichas muestras, se realizó el cultivo bacteriológico y análisis histológico. Mediante el cultivo bacteriológico se detectó la acción de T. pyogenes (1), M. haemolytica (2) y P. multocida (1) coincidente con los hallazgos macroscópicos y lesiones histológicas halladas. En nuestro estudio las neumonías por agentes bacterianos representaron entre el 2 y 6% de las causas de mortalidad de los rodeos analizados, por lo que deberían ser tenidas en cuenta como causante de muerte, a fin de implementar las maniobras correctivas y preventivas necesarias

    The burden of endometriosis on women’s lifespan: A narrative overview on quality of life and psychosocial wellbeing

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    Endometriosis is a chronic, inflammatory disease affecting more than 170 million women worldwide and up to 10% of women of reproductive age. As a consequence of inflammatory reaction and infiltration of anatomic structures, endometriosis can cause “pain symptoms” including dysmenorrhea, dyspareunia, dyschezia, dysuria, and chronic pelvic pain. In this review, we summarized the impact of endometriosis on quality of life in all its aspects including sexual life, work, and social relationships. The data research was conducted using web‐based search engines and/or various electronic research databases querying for all articles related to endometriosis and quality of life from the inception of the database up to February 2020. Endometriosis has not only physical but also psychological effects, causing depression, anxiety, and compromising social relationships. Furthermore, endometriosis negatively impacts sexual life and social relationships. At last, the economic burden of endometriosis should not be underestimated, both individually and for the community, as this pathology leads to a loss of productivity at work and large use of health resources. Thus, endometriosis‐related symptoms control women’s lives compromising the quality of life in all aspects. In this review, we summarized the impact of endometriosis on various aspects of women’s lives

    Spatial modes for transmission of chikungunya virus during a large chikungunya outbreak in Italy. A modeling analysis

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    Background The spatial spread of many mosquito-borne diseases occurs by focal spread at the scale of a few hundred meters and over longer distances due to human mobility. The relative contributions of different spatial scales for transmission of chikungunya virus require definition to improve outbreak vector control recommendations. Methods We analyzed data from a large chikungunya outbreak mediated by the mosquito Aedes albopictus in the Lazio region, Italy, consisting of 414 reported human cases between June and November 2017. Using dates of symptom onset, geographic coordinates of residence, and information from epidemiological questionnaires, we reconstructed transmission chains related to that outbreak. Results Focal spread (within 1 km) accounted for 54.9% of all cases, 15.8% were transmitted at a local scale (1–15 km) and the remaining 29.3% were exported from the main areas of chikungunya circulation in Lazio to longer distances such as Rome and other geographical areas. Seventy percent of focal infections (corresponding to 38% of the total 414 cases) were transmitted within a distance of 200 m (the buffer distance adopted by the national guidelines for insecticide spraying). Two main epidemic clusters were identified, with a radius expanding at a rate of 300–600 m per month. The majority of exported cases resulted in either sporadic or no further transmission in the region. Conclusions Evidence suggest that human mobility contributes to seeding a relevant number of secondary cases and new foci of transmission over several kilometers. Reactive vector control based on current guidelines might allow a significant number of secondary clusters in untreated areas, especially if the outbreak is not detected early. Existing policies and guidelines for control during outbreaks should recommend the prioritization of preventive measures in neighboring territories with known mobility flows to the main areas of transmission

    Hepatitis A virus strains circulating in the Campania region (2015-2018) assessed through bivalve biomonitoring and environmental surveillance

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    The genetic diversity of Hepatitis A Virus (HAV) circulating in the Campania Region in years 2015-2018 was investigated through the monitoring of sentinel bivalve shellfish and water matrices. Overall, 463 water samples (71 sewage samples, 353 coastal discharge waters, and 39 seawaters samples), and 746 bivalve shellfish samples were analyzed. Positivity for HAV was detected in 20/71 sewage samples, 14/353 coastal discharge waters, 5/39 seawaters, and 102/746 bivalve shellfish. Sixty-one of the positive samples were successfully sequenced and were characterized as genotype IA (n = 50) and IB (n = 11). The prevalent strain circulating in 2015 in both bivalves and waters was the IA strain responsible for the outbreak occurring around the same time in the Naples area. This variant was no longer identified in subsequent years (2017-2018) when, instead, appeared two of the IA variants of the multistate outbreak affecting men who have sex with men (MSM), VRD_521_2016, and RIVM-HAV16-090, with the former prevailing in both shellfish and water environments. HAV IB isolates were detected over the years in shellfish and in water matrices, but not in clinical samples, suggesting that this genotype had been circulating silently. An integrated surveillance system (environment/food/clinical cases) can be a useful tool to monitor changes in viral variants in the population, as well as an early warning system