271 research outputs found

    Análise de falhas mecânicas em próteses fixas realizadas na clínica III do curso de Odontologia da UFSC – Um estudo piloto

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    TCC (graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Centro de Ciências da Saúde. Odontologia.Estudos sobre a incidência de falhas em Próteses Fixas realizadas em Cursos de Graduação em Odontologia são escassos no Brasil. Esse trabalho avaliou a incidência das falhas mecânicas em Próteses Fixas (PF) realizadas pelos alunos na Clínica III (ODT7016) do Curso de Graduação em Odontologia da UFSC. Pacientes atendidos na universidade que tiveram suas próteses confeccionadas entre 2010 e 2014 foram submetidos à avaliação clínico-radiográfica e ao exame periodontal. Buscou-se também informações relevantes nos prontuários dos pacientes armazenados no Serviço de Triagem. Vinte pacientes atenderam aos critérios de elegibilidade, totalizando 60 PF (26 coroas unitárias, 25 retentores intrarradiculares e 9 próteses parciais fixas). As falhas protéticas mais prevalentes foram: impacção alimentar por falha no contato proximal (37,1%), incompatibilidade de cor e de forma (17,1%), desadaptação marginal (11,4%), desgaste do material de revestimento (8,3%) e contato prematuro (5,7%). Conclui-se que a taxa de sucesso dos tratamentos com próteses fixas realizadas nesta universidade foi de 35%. Com isso, sugere-se um maior rigor no planejamento e execução dos tratamentos, desde o preenchimento do prontuário à inserção dos pacientes no programa de manutenção e controle das próteses após o término de seu tratamento para obter-se maior longevidade e previsibilidade das PF

    Análisis del impacto ambiental del reciclaje de las embarcaciones construidas en fibra de vidrio.

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    La fibra de vidrio se encuentra en las embarcaciones de recreo en forma de material compuesto. esto significa que, por ejemplo, el casco de una embarcación estará formado por láminas de distintos tipos de tejidos, posiblemente distintos tipos de fibras, como pueden ser el carbono o el vidrio, tejidos, recubrimientos y resinas, entre otras posibilidades. la problemática, por tanto, de convertir el ciclo de vida de un material como la fibra de vidrio en cíclico, se torna a día de hoy desafiante legal, tecnológica y económicamente. resulta desde un punto de vista ecológico un asunto de primer orden para la industria naval. existen distintos métodos para reciclar este material compuesto. la pirólisis es la estrategia más común para materiales similares, como es la fibra de carbono, obteniendo un material de unas propiedades lo suficientemente buenas como para que el reciclado sea lógico. sin embargo, la fibra de vidrio es un material mucho más barato, lo cual inclina la balanza hacia la compra de este material de primera mano. se llega a la conclusión, por tanto, de que en el ámbito nacional, la problemática es principalmente legal, ya que la fibra de vidrio reciclada no tendrá cabida en el mercado a menos que se beneficie su uso desde organismos competentes o legalmente vinculantes, dando prioridad a una economía circular, como sucede en algunos países del norte de europa. en la actualidad, numerosas son las embarcaciones que quedan abandonadas en tierra por parte de sus dueños, los cuales para desguazarlas deben pasar por una serie de trámites burocráticos y económicos por los cuales no están dispuestos, como queda demostrado con su actuación. el abandono de barcos tiene un impacto ambiental y económico indirecto desastroso

    Incoherent Radar Imaging For Breast Cancer Detection and Experimental Validation Against 3d Multimodal Breast Phantoms

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    : In this paper we consider radar approaches for breast cancer detection. The aim is to give a brief review of the main features of incoherent methods, based on beam-forming and Multiple SIgnal Classification (MUSIC) algorithms, that we have recently developed, and to compare them with classical coherent beam-forming. Those methods have the remarkable advantage of not requiring antenna characterization/compensation, which can be problematic in view of the close (to the breast) proximity set-up usually employed in breast imaging. Moreover, we proceed to an experimental validation of one of the incoherent methods, i.e., the I-MUSIC, using the multimodal breast phantom we have previously developed. While in a previous paper we focused on the phantom manufacture and characterization, here we are mainly concerned with providing the detail of the reconstruction algorithm, in particular for a new multi-step clutter rejection method that was employed and only barely described. In this regard, this contribution can be considered as a completion of our previous study. The experiments against the phantom show promising results and highlight the crucial role played by the clutter rejection procedure

    Upravljanje strujom trofaznih paralelno spojenih aktivnih filtara s četiri vodiča

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    An active filter has been proposed to compensate for harmonic distortion, line neutral current and reactive power in three-phase four-wire systems. The focus is concentrated on current control in order to achieve optimum current tracking by means of fixed frequency driving signals. The effectiveness of proposed control was proved in simulations where the harmonic pollution and imbalance caused by a highly distorting load have been drastically reduced.Opisan je aktivni filtar za kompenzaciju harmonijskog izobličenja, struje nultog sustava i jalove snage u trofaznim sustavima s četiri vodiča. Pozornost je usmjerena na upravljanje strujom da se postigne optimalno slijeđenje struje s pomoću konstantne frekvencije pobudnog signala. Djelotvornost predloženog upravljanja ispitana je simulacijom, gdje su harmonijsko zagađenje i neravnoteža, uzrokovani jakom distorzijom tereta, drastično reducirani

    The challenge of proving the existence of metazoan life in permanently anoxic deep-sea sediments

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    The demonstration of the existence of metazoan life in absence of free oxygen is one of the most fascinating and difficult challenges in biology. Danovaro et al. (2010) discovered three new species of the Phylum Loricifera, living in the anoxic sediments of the L’Atalante, a deep-hypersaline anoxic basin of the Mediterranean Sea. Multiple and independent analyses based on staining, incorporation of radio labeled substrates, CellTracker Green incorporation experiments and ultra-structure analyses, allowed Danovaro et al. (2010) to conclude that these animals were able to spend their entire life cycle under anoxic conditions. Bernhard et al. (2015) investigated the same basin. Due to technical difficulties in sampling operations, they could not collect samples from the permanently anoxic sediment, and sampled only the redoxcline portion of the L’Atalante basin. They found ten individuals of Loricifera and provided alternative interpretations of the results of Danovaro et al. (2010). Here we analyze these interpretations, and present additional evidence indicating that the Loricifera encountered in the anoxic basin L’Atalante were actually alive at the time of sampling. We also discuss the reliability of different methodologies and approaches in providing evidence of metazoans living in anoxic conditions, paving the way for future investigation

    Pyostomatitis vegetans : a review of the literature

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    Pyostomatitis vegetans (PV) is a rare condition characterized by pustules that affect the oral mucosa. It is a highly specific marker for inflammatory bowel disease and its correct recognition may lead to the diagnosis of ulcerative colitis or Crohn?s disease. Thus, a presumptive diagnosis of PV should suggest a complete gastrointestinal investigation. PV pathogenesis is as yet unknown, although immunological and microbial factors have been suggested as possible aetiological factors. Pyostomatitis vegetans is characterized by erythematous, thickened oral mucosa with multiple pustules and superficial erosions. A peripheral eosinophilia has been observed in most cases reported. Histology shows epithelial acanthosis and superficial ulceration with intraepithelial and ? or subepithelial abscesses containing large numbers of eosinophils. The underlying connective tissue exhibits neutrophil and eosinophil infiltration, with miliary abscesses in some cases. Treatment of PV focuses on control of the underlying disease

    El proceso decisorio gerencial como factor de evolución de las empresas argentinas

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    This project focuses on analyzing the process of evolution of Argentine companies. This research aims to demonstrate that the challenges of growth faced by SMEs to achieve the format of a Big Company come from the management decision-making process and not from exogenous variables. In this sense, the project supports the idea that the dominant business model in developed economies that works as an engine of development results from the existence of the institution of Professional Management. During 2015, the objectives were met satisfactorily, proceeding to carry out, between January and June, a comprehensive literature review, in which it was set a theoretical framework that allowed studying the characteristics of the decision-making process within complex organizations and how this process affects the results of the companies. It is concluded that, in companies with monolithic structures, decisions are centralized in the entrepreneur who acts as an Owner Manager,while in multidivisional companies led by Professional Managers, the decision-making process results in a set of negotiations and bargaining in order to impose their own goals. Also, in December it started a program of interviews with entrepreneurs and senior management of major Argentine and multinational companies settled in Argentina, in order to investigate how the Argentine context influences the decision-making process studied and set if previous findings can be confirmed in the national reality.El presente proyecto se centra en el análisis del proceso evolutivo de las empresas argentinas. Esta investigación se propone demostrar que los desafíos de crecimiento que enfrentan las PYMES, para alcanzar el formato de gran compañía, devienen del proceso decisorio de su gerencia y no de variables de naturaleza exógena. En este sentido, el proyecto sostiene que el modelo empresarial competitivo, dominante en economías desarrolladas y que resulta ser motor del desarrollo, es resultado de la existencia de la institución de gerencia profesional. Durante el período 2015, se cumplieron los objetivos en forma satisfactoria, y se llevó adelante un exhaustivo análisis bibliográfico entre los meses de enero y junio. Se estableció un marco teórico que permitió estudiar las características del proceso decisorio dentro de organizaciones complejas, y cómo este proceso impacta en los resultados de las compañías. Se concluyó que en empresas con estructuras monolíticas las decisiones se encuentran centralizadas en la figura del empresario, que actúa como un gerente propietario; mientras que en las empresas multidivisionales, lideradas por gerentes profesionales, el proceso decisorio se traduce en un juego de negociaciones y regateos con el objeto de imponer los propios objetivos. Asimismo, en diciembre se inició un programa de entrevistas con empresarios y la alta gerencia de grandes empresas argentinas y multinacionales radicadas en la Argentina, con el objeto de indagar cómo el contexto argentino influye en el proceso decisorio estudiado y establecer si las conclusiones previas se confirman en la realidad nacional

    Dietary Neurotransmitters: A Narrative Review on Current Knowledge

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    Foods are natural sources of substances that may exert crucial effects on the nervous system in humans. Some of these substances are the neurotransmitters (NTs) acetylcholine (ACh), the modified amino acids glutamate and γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA), and the biogenic amines dopamine, serotonin (5-HT), and histamine. In neuropsychiatry, progressive integration of dietary approaches in clinical routine made it necessary to discern the more about some of these dietary NTs. Relevant books and literature from PubMed and Scopus databases were searched for data on food sources of Ach, glutamate, GABA, dopamine, 5-HT, and histamine. Different animal foods, fruits, edible plants, roots, and botanicals were reported to contain NTs. These substances can either be naturally present, as part of essential metabolic processes and ecological interactions, or derive from controlled/uncontrolled food technology processes. Ripening time, methods of preservation and cooking, and microbial activity further contributes to NTs. Moreover, gut microbiota are considerable sources of NTs. However, the significance of dietary NTs intake needs to be further investigated as there are no significant data on their bioavailability, neuronal/non neuronal effects, or clinical implications. Evidence-based interventions studies should be encouraged


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    Acompanhando programas de exercício em voga nosúltimos anos, observa-se que o método Pilates destaca-se.  Na contramão da sua popularidade, verifica-sefalta de informações quantitativas para a prescrição e progressão dosexercícios do método, que são subsídios importantes, em especial, para areabilitação. Este estudo tem como objetivo primário construirduas plataformas de força extensométricas, de baixo custo, para serem adaptadasao aparelho Reformer, do métodoPilates – o mais utilizado dos aparelhos; o segundo, realizar a calibraçãodesses instrumentos e determinar sua acurácia. Esse instrumento foi construídopara medir forças vertical e horizontal de membros inferiores durante exercíciosem cadeia cinética fechada, sobre o aparelho Reformer. Esse instrumento foi calibrado e testado e pode serconsiderado um aparato promissor para análises biomecânicas