354 research outputs found

    Impact of Climate Change on Zoonotic Diseases in Latin America

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    La Convención Marco de Naciones Unidas sobre el Cambio Climático (CMNUCC), con sede en Bonn, Alemania, define el cambio climático como "un cambio de clima atribuido directa o indirectamente a la actividad humana que altera la composición de la atmósfera mundial y que se suma a los recursos naturales variabilidad del clima observada durante períodos de tiempo comparables ". Aunque muchas otras definiciones se pueden encontrar y se han declarado por muchos autores y grupos de investigación, el mensaje clave importante, es que el cambio climático supone una seria amenaza para el mundo, que puede generar agitación social, los desplazamientos de población, las dificultades económicas y ambientales la degradación, entre muchas otras consecuencias relevantes. Con el fin de llegar a un verde como World menos impacto antropogénico, de acuerdo con las nuevas tendencias ecológicas en la sociedad, la mitigación del cambio climático debe ser una prioridad para la sociedad y sus gobiernos (Rodríguez-Morales, 2011). Como se ha indicado anteriormente, el cambio climático ya es un problema ampliamente conocido por múltiples disciplinas (Rodríguez-Morales, 2005). Aunque sus orígenes pueden converger en un complejo de múltiples fenómenos de interacción, para algunas disciplinas, como las ciencias biológicas y médicas, sus consecuencias son más estudiados y destacan por sus implicaciones actuales y más.Aún más, sus impactos y chillidos son motivo de preocupación a nivel global (Rodríguez-Morales et al, 2010 ). Esta amenaza creciente constituye en el siglo XXI un reto importante para la humanidad. Sus efectos aún son muchos los aspectos que se han estudiado no por la sociedad en diferentes niveles.The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCC), located in Bonn,Germany, defines climate change as “a change of climate which is attributed directly or indirectly to human activity that alters the composition of global atmosphere and which is in addition to natural climate variability observed over comparable time periods”. Although many other definitions can be found and have been stated by many authors and research groups, the important key message, is that global climate change poses a serious threat to the World, which can generate social upheaval, population displacement, economic hardships, and environmental degradation, among many other relevant consequences. In order to reach a green as less anthropogenically impacted World, according to the new ecological trends in the society, mitigation of global climate change should be a priority for the society and its governments (Rodriguez-Morales, 2011). As has been previously stated, climate change is already a widely known problem to multiple disciplines (Rodriguez-Morales, 2005). Although its origins can converge in a complex of multiple interacting phenomena, for some disciplines, such as biological and medical sciences, their consequences are more studied and highlighted for their current and further implications. Even more, its impacts and squeals are cause of concern at a global level (Rodriguez-Morales et al, 2010). This growing threat represents in the XXI century a significant challenge for the humankind. Its effects even include many aspects that have been not studied by the society at different levels

    Enhancement of a High Speed De-Excitation System for Brushless Synchronous Machines by large blocking voltage semiconductors

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    One of the main disadvantage of the synchronous machines with brushless excitation is that the field winding is not accessible for the de-excitation. The de-excitation process is very slow as the field current flows through the rotating diodes which operate in freewheel mode. Therefore in case of an internal fault, despite the correct operation of the protection relays, the machine could have severe damages. A high-speed de-excitation system for these machines was developed. The de-excitation is achieved by inserting a resistance in the field circuit by a static switch semiconductor based, obtaining a dynamic response similar to that achieved in machines with static excitation. This paper presents the improvement in the de-excitation system in the second commercial 20 MVA hydro generator in operation. In this case, high blocking voltage semiconductor was used, making the dynamic response even better, than in the first hydro generator

    Surgical site infection in critically ill patients with secondary and tertiary peritonitis: epidemiology, microbiology and influence in outcomes

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    Background: Surgical site infection (SSI) remains a significant problem in the postoperative period that can negatively affect clinical outcomes. Microbiology findings are typically similar to other nosocomial infections, with differences dependent on microbiology selection due to antibiotic pressure or the resident flora. However, this is poorly understood in the critical care setting. We therefore aimed to assess the incidence, epidemiology and microbiology of SSI and its association with outcomes in patients with severe peritonitis in the intensive care unit (ICU). Methods: We prospectively studied 305 consecutive patients admitted to our surgical ICU from 2010 to 2014 with a diagnosis of secondary or tertiary peritonitis. We collected the following data: SSI diagnosis, demographics, Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation (APACHE) II score, Simplified Acute Physiology Score (SAPS) II score, type of surgery, microbiology, antibiotic treatment and outcomes. Microbiological sampling was done by means of swabs. Results: We identified 269 episodes of SSI in 162 patients (53.1 %) aged 64.4 +/- 14.3 years, of which 200 episodes occurred in men (64.6 %). The mean APACHE II and SAPS II scores were 19.7 +/- 7.8 and 36.5 +/- 16.1 respectively. The mean ICU and hospital stays were 19.8 +/- 24.8 and 21.7 +/- 30 days respectively. Pseudomonas spp. (n = 52, 19.3 %), Escherichia coli (n = 55, 20.4 %) and Candida spp. (n = 46, 17.1 %) were the most frequently isolated microorganisms, but gram-positive cocci (n = 80, 29.7 %) were also frequent. Microorganisms isolated from SSIs were associated with a higher incidence of antibiotic resistance (64.9 %) in ICU patients, but not with higher in-hospital mortality. However, patients who suffered from SSI had longer ICU admissions (odds ratio = 1.024, 95 % confidence interval 1.010-1.039, P = 0.001). Conclusions: The incidence of SSI in secondary or tertiary peritonitis requiring ICU admission is very high. Physicians may consider antibiotic-resistant pathogens, gram-positive cocci and fungi when choosing empiric antibiotic treatment for SSI, although more studies are needed to confirm our results due to the inherent limitations of the microbiological sampling with swabs performed in our research. The presence of SSI may be associated with prolonged ICU stays, but without any influence on overall mortality

    Microrreservas marinas artificiales en la línea de costa. Hacia un nuevo modelo de gestión de la biodiversidad en áreas litorales

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    Recientemente se ha propuesto a la comunidad científica la nueva figura de protección MRMA (Microrreserva Marina Artificial; AMMR en inglés) la cual también ha sido formalmente solicitada a la UNESCO para que esta institución considere reconocerla y consecuentemente, validarla. Se expone la contribución de las MRMAs a la preservación de especies protegidas, particularmente a las consideradas en peligro de extinción que propendan, de forma natural, a establecerse en escolleras y diques de abrigo de instalaciones costeras. Se mencionan las especies protegidas localizadas en las MRMAs, así como sus figuras de protección y disposiciones oficiales que les conciernen. Se exponen criterios generales de designación de MRMAs, posibles vías de solución ante problemas previsibles que puedan surgir (entendimiento entre administraciones, calidad de aguas, medidas de contingencia ante vertidos accidentales, etc.) y se deja entrever las potencialidades de las MRMAs como activo ecológico, medioambiental, urbanístico y educativo, así como el futuro papel que desempeñarán las MRMAs en la gestión del medio litoral y en el campo de la biología de la conservación. Finalmente, se establece una revisión de la legislación actual que más pudiera concernirles, destacándose los aspectos más importantes que en ellas pudieran influir. Al respecto, se destaca que ley 41/2010 de Protección del Medio Marino (Artº 26) establece que podrán formar parte de la red de Áreas Marinas Protegidas “ las áreas protegidas por instrumentos internacionales, sin perjuicio de que su declaración y gestión se ajustará a lo dispuesto en su correspondiente normativa internacional ” por lo que, si la nueva figura de protección “Microrreserva Marina Artificial” consiguiera marchamo UNESCO, aquélla podría incorporarse a la legislación española sin ninguna dificultad especial

    Outcomes of abdominal surgery in patients with liver cirrhosis

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    Patients suffering from liver cirrhosis (LC) frequently require non-hepatic abdominal surgery, even before liver transplantation. LC is an important risk factor itself for surgery, due to the higher than average associated morbidity and mortality. This high surgical risk occurs because of the pathophysiology of liver disease itself and to the presence of contributing factors, such as coagulopathy, poor nutritional status, adaptive immune dysfunction, cirrhotic cardiomyopathy, and renal and pulmonary dysfunction, which all lead to poor outcomes. Careful evaluation of these factors and the degree of liver disease can help to reduce the development of complications both during and after abdominal surgery. In the emergency setting, with the presence of decompensated LC, alcoholic hepatitis, severe/advanced LC, and significant extrahepatic organ dysfunction conservative management is preferred. A multidisciplinary, individualized, and specialized approach can improve outcomes; preoperative optimization after risk stratification and careful management are mandatory before surgery. Laparoscopic techniques can also improve outcomes. We review the impact of LC on surgical outcome in non-hepatic abdominal surgeries required in this cirrhotic population before, during, and after surgery

    Study Of Two Intertidal Benchs At The North Coast of Tenerife As Nursery Area For The Juveniles Of Epinephelus marginatus (LOWE, 1834)

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    Se realizó una serie de muestreos en el intermareal rocoso al norte de la isla de Tenerife (Islas Canarias, España) con el objetivo de recopilar datos de abundancia y tallas de la especie Epinephelus marginatus (Lowe, 1834), familia Serranidae, conocida coloquialmente como mero. Esta especie es un recurso pesquero importante con una amplia distribución en zonas litorales, y cuyas zonas de cría son los charcos intermareales. En el presente estudio se muestrearon charcos al azar de diferentes volúmenes: pequeños (<10 m3), medianos (10 m3- 80 m3) y grandes (>80 m3), con la finalidad de encontrar diferencias en la abundancia y la talla en función del tamaño del charco. Las zonas de estudio se localizaron en Punta del Hidalgo y Finca El Apio, tomando datos en 22 charcos en los cuales se contaron un total de ocho juveniles de E. marginatus. Los análisis mostraron una influencia significativa del tamaño del charco, de tal forma que los individuos de mayor talla se encontraron en los charcos de mayor volumen.A set of samplings were carried out at the rocky intertidal shore of the north of Tenerife island (Canary Islands, Spain) with the objective of compile abundance and size data from the species Epinephelus marginatus (Lowe, 1834) belonging to Serranidae family, known as dusky groupers in colloquial language. This species is an important fishing resource with a wide distribution along the rocky shores, observing juvenile populations inhabiting intertidal pools. In the present research a set of intertidal pools were sampled randomly in function of their size: smalls (80 m3) with the purpose of determine if there is an effect of this factor over the abundance and size values observed. Study area was located in Punta del Hidalgo and Finca El Apio, recording data from 22 tidalpools with a total number of 8 juveniles of E. marginatus. The statistical analysis showed a significant effect of the size of the pools, finding the biggest individuals at the biggest pools

    Enantiopure 4‐oxazolin‐2‐ones and 4‐methylene‐2‐oxazolidinones as chiral building blocks in a divergent asymmetric synthesis of heterocycles

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    En este trabajo se describe la reactividad de las oxazolidin-2-onas en un ambiente quiral obteniéndose resultados novedosos, los cuales se describen extensamente.Enantiopure 3‐((R)‐ and 3‐((S)‐1‐phenylethyl)‐4‐oxazoline‐2‐ones were evaluated as chiral building blocks for the divergent construction of heterocycles with stereogenic quaternary centers. The N‐(R)‐ or N‐(S)‐1‐phenylethyl group of these compounds proved to be an efficient chiral auxiliary for the asymmetric induction of the 4‐ and 5‐positions of the 4‐oxazolin‐2‐one ring through thermal and MW‐promoted nucleophilic conjugated addition to Michael acceptors and alkyl halides. The resulting adducts were transformed via a cascade process into fused six‐membered carbo‐ and heterocycles. The structure of the reaction products depended on the electrophiles and reaction conditions used. Alternative isomeric 4‐methylene‐2‐oxazolidinones served as chiral precursors for a versatile and divergent approach to highly substituted cyclic carbamates. DFT quantum calculations showed that the formation of bicyclic pyranyl compounds was generated by a diastereoselective concerted hetero‐Diels‐Alder cycloaddition.Instituto Politécnico Nacional, Secretaria de Investigación y Estudios Avanzados de la Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México, Universidad de Guanajuato y CONACYT

    Proteasome Dysfunction Associated to Oxidative Stress and Proteotoxicity in Adipocytes Compromises Insulin Sensitivity in Human Obesity

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    AIMS: Obesity is characterized by a low-grade systemic inflammatory state and adipose tissue (AT) dysfunction, which predispose individuals to the development of insulin resistance (IR) and metabolic disease. However, a subset of obese individuals, referred to as metabolically healthy obese (MHO) individuals, are protected from obesity-associated metabolic abnormalities. Here, we aim at identifying molecular factors and pathways in adipocytes that are responsible for the progression from the insulin-sensitive to the insulin-resistant, metabolically unhealthy obese (MUHO) phenotype. RESULTS: Proteomic analysis of paired samples of adipocytes from subcutaneous (SC) and omental (OM) human AT revealed that both types of cells are altered in the MUHO state. Specifically, the glutathione redox cycle and other antioxidant defense systems as well as the protein-folding machinery were dysregulated and endoplasmic reticulum stress was increased in adipocytes from IR subjects. Moreover, proteasome activity was also compromised in adipocytes of MUHO individuals, which was associated with enhanced accumulation of oxidized and ubiquitinated proteins in these cells. Proteasome activity was also impaired in adipocytes of diet-induced obese mice and in 3T3-L1 adipocytes exposed to palmitate. In line with these data, proteasome inhibition significantly impaired insulin signaling in 3T3-L1 adipocytes. INNOVATION: This study provides the first evidence of the occurrence of protein homeostasis deregulation in adipocytes in human obesity, which, together with oxidative damage, interferes with insulin signaling in these cells. CONCLUSION: Our results suggest that proteasomal dysfunction and impaired proteostasis in adipocytes, resulting from protein oxidation and/or misfolding, constitute major pathogenic mechanisms in the development of IR in obesity.IMIBIC/Universidad de Córdoba-SCAI (ProteoRed, PRB2-ISCIII)MINECO/FEDERJunta de Andalucía/FEDERCIBERobn(Instituto de Salud Carlos III

    Susceptibilidad a movimientos de ladera inducidos por terremotos en Alcoy (Alicante) y sectores adyacentes

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    We present an approach developed to estimate the seismically-induced landslide susceptibility of the Alcoy (Alicante) area. It combines the Newmark's method of evaluation of slope stability with a seismic hazard study o f the region through a GIS. The obtained results show that the distribution of susceptible areas is closely related to the position of river valleys, specially the Molinar and Serpis rivers. Due to Alcoy city has developed around these rivers, some zones of the city show moderate to high susceptibility, which is in accordance with historical data which describe the occurrence of seismically-induced landslides along these valleys. The results emphasize areas of susceptibility that actually are being occupied, thus pointing out the necessity of incorporating this information into the land use planning.Este trabajo ha sido financiado por el proyecto CTI-DIB/2002/177

    Hazardous faults of South America; compilation and overview

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    The heterogeneous South American geology has coined a wide variety of neotectonic settings where crustal seismogenic sources do occur. This fact has led to different approaches for mapping and inventory neotectonic structures. The South American Risk Assessment project promoted the discussion and update under uniform standards of the available information on neotectonic deformation, for its application in regional Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Assessments. As a result, 1533 hazardous faults have been inventoried onshore South America, 497 of them qualifying to feed the engine model driving probabilistic maps. Main hazardous structures are concentrated throughout the eastern boundary of the Northern Andean Sliver and along the foreland-facing Andean Thrust Front. Space geodesy and seismicity illuminate the seismogenic significance of these deformation belts, although few neotectonic surveys have been conducted to date in the latter region. The characteristics of the main structures or deformation zones are here outlined according to their filiation to neotectonic domains, which are dependant on the geologic, seismotectonic, or morphotectonic settings in Andean and extra-Andean regions. The knowledge accrued on the hazardous faults in South America here compiled, reinforces the fact that some of these structures constitute significant hazard sources for many urban areas and critical facilities and should be incorporated in seismic hazard assessments. However, the available fault data are insufficient in many cases or carry significant epistemic uncertainties for fault source characterization. This contribution aims to summarize the present knowledge on the South American hazardous faults as well as the main challenges for successful fault data incorporation into seismic hazard models