2,562 research outputs found


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    Obra ressenyada: Rafael HUERTAS, Neoliberalismo y políticas de salud. El Viejo Topo, Fundación de Investigaciones Marxistas, 1999

    What We Talk About When We Talk About Psychometrics?

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    [EN]Understanding the meaning of the term psychometrics can be approached from different perspectives, such as the consultation of dictionaries, the point of view of international experts, or the analysis of a linguistic corpus. For this study, an up-to-date Spanish corpus was used as the starting point. The sample consisted of 90 valid documents from which the first text was selected so that the frequencies of the themes came from independent texts. The method used was structured tabular thematic analysis (ST-TA). The results indicate that the most frequent meaning in Spanish is that related to the analysis of the quality of measurements, followed by that referring to evaluation, and finally that of a methodological approach in general. This is consistent with the dictionaries of authorities, but departs from the majority perspective of international experts, who consider that psychometrics does not necessarily have to be linked to psychology.[ES]El significado del término psicometría se puede abordar desde distintas perspectivas, tales como la consulta de diccionarios, el punto de vista de expertos internacionales o el análisis de un corpus lingüístico. Para este estudio, se ha partido de un corpus actualizado del español. La muestra fue de 90 documentos válidos de los que se seleccionó el primer texto de modo que las frecuencias de los temas procedieran de textos independientes. El método empleado fue el análisis temático tabular estructurado (AT-TE). Los resultados indican que la acepción más frecuente en español es la relativa al análisis de la calidad de las medidas, seguida de la que refiere a la evaluación y finalmente la de un enfoque metodológico en general, lo que es coherente con los diccionarios de autoridades, pero se aleja de la perspectiva mayoritaria de expertos internacionales, que consideran que la psicometría no tendría por qué vincularse a la psicología

    Características de las directoras de los centros escolares andaluces: análisis y propuestas para el cambio social

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    Aunque el número de profesoras es mayor que el de profesores en las escuelas e institutos los puestos de dirección han sido y son ocupados mayoritariamente por los hombres. En esta ponencia se presentan los resultados y una reflexión sobre las características personales y profesionales de las mujeres en las organizaciones educativas y los puestos de dirección. Entre los hallazgos de nuestra investigación se pone de manifiesto que el porcentaje de nuevas directoras va acercándose progresivamente al de sus colegas varones, sobre todo en mujeres que superan los 40 años, aunque todavía siguen dirigiendo mayoritariamente centros de Educación Infantil y Primaria y se concentran prioritariamente en centros de tamaño pequeño o mediano

    Interdisciplinary Analysis of the Current Status of Environmental Culture from Technical, Social, Communicational and Pedagogical Components. The University and its Commitment with a Sustainable Development

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    El artículo plantea los desafíos que trae consigo el análisis del estado actual de la cultura ambiental; más aún cuando la universidad es considerada la institución divulgadora de conocimiento y formadora de ciudadanos promotores de ideas, decisiones y comportamientos que contribuyan al desarrollo ambiental sostenible.Se caracterizaron las realidades ambientales que dan origen al escenario actual, para a partir del aporte de los grupos de interés, iniciar el proceso de construcción del escenario posible y deseable. El análisis documental, la revisión de los planes de estudio y la encuesta fueron las estrategias metodológicas que aportaron a la documentación teórica, la interpretación de evidencias y la interacción de los investigadores con los actores y sus realidades.Los resultados evidenciaron que en la Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana, seccional Montería, la relación hombre-sociedad-naturaleza se ve afectada por el uso y ahorro de materias primas, energía y agua; manejo de residuos sólidos y líquidos; aprovechamiento de zonas comunes; análisis ambiental en los planes de estudio; apropiación del ciudadano; uso de la comunicación para generar procesos de transformación social, y desarrollo de proyectos de investigación y de iniciativas de proyección social en materia ambiental.This article poses challenges that the analysis of the current status of environmental culture brings; even when the university is considered the institution for disclosing knowledge and educate citizens who promote ideas, decisions and behaviors contributing to the sustainable environmental development. Environmental realities which originate the current arena were characterized, so from the contribution of interest groups, the construction process of a possible and desirable arena may be started. The documental analysis, revision of courses of study and the survey were the methodological strategies, which contributed to the theoretical documentation, the interpretation of evidences, and the interaction of researchers with actors and their realities.Results evidenced that in Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana, Montería campus, man-society-nature relation has been affected by the use and savings of raw materials, energy, and water; solid and liquid residues handling; use common zones; environmental analysis in courses of study; appropriation of the citizen; use of communication for generating social transformation processes, and development of research and social projection projects in environmental issues

    Rasch analysis of the scores of the difficulties in emotion regulation scale (DERS) in a traffic context

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    [EN]The functional approach of emotion regulation has been mainly used in the clinical context. However, other fields such as traffic psychology have also adopted this perspective, showing interest in how difficulties in emotion regulation might interfere in driving. Various driving styles have been associated with maladaptive emotion regulation. Difficulties in Emotion Regulation Scale (DERS) is the most commonly used instrument to assess ER difficulties and it is often used in the context of driving. Most studies have scored DERS by using procedures of the classical test theory approach instead of advanced psychometrics. In this study, a sample of 318 male drivers aged between 20 and 69 (M age = 41.6 years, SD = 11.0) completed the DERS. The total sample was divided in two halves: drivers with road traffic offences and matched controls. Data analysis was carried out using the Rasch Rating Scale Model (RSM). Results indicated that response categories performed inadequately. Collapsing the 5 original categories into 3 new categories was necessary. To meet the unidimensionality requirement, both the first DERS item and the awareness subscale were removed. Model-data fit was then good enough. Item Separation Reliability (ISR = 0.97) was excellent and Person Separation Reliability (PSR = 0.89) was quite good. Even though requirements of invariant measurement were met, there was low validity evidence for the driving context

    Desigualdad de género en la ocupación de cargos directivos en el sistema sanitario público en España

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    La medicina se feminiza pero existen obstáculos en la ocupación de altos cargos. Objetivo=Describir la distribución por sexo de cargos directivos del sistema sanitario público (SSP) en Comunidades Autónomas (CCAA). Estudio descriptivo. Población=Profesionales colegiados/as en medicina en 2008 por CCAA. Variables= sexo, cargos directivos de 1er y 2do nivel de consejerías y servicios sanitarios en las 17 autonomías del estado español. Fuentes=Instituto Nacional Estadística. Webs del SSP de CCAA. Análisis=Índice de Feminización (IF) y Brecha de Género (BG) para cargos. Resultados=Cargos directivos: Consejerías=101; Servicios Sanitarios= 83. IF y BG por CCAA: Andalucía=1,6; 3,8. Murcia=0,3; -11,8. Castilla La Mancha=0,3; -11,2. Extremadura=0,4; -9,8. Valencia=0,6; -1,6. Madrid=2,5; 3,4. Castilla León=0,4; -4,3. Galicia=3,5; 10,2. Asturias=0,3; -14,3. Cantabria=0,4; -15. Cataluña=1; 0,5. País Vasco=0,5; -4,6. La Rioja=0,4; -85. Navarra=1,6; 12,6. Aragón=0,5; -5,8. Baleares=0,3; -19,7. Canarias=0,5; -5. Aunque con diferente grado, persisten desigualdades de género en las estructuras directivas del SSP

    La feminización de la profesión médica: parte de la solución de los problemas de la sanidad

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    Respuesta al artículo aprecido en Diario Médico el 13 de enero titulado: Más médicos mujeres = más problemas de cobertura. Creemos totalmente cotnradictorio con la realidad plantear el incremento de médicas, como un problema para la cobertura asistencia, como indicaba un artículo publicado en Diario Médico el trece de enero de 2011

    Performance mutation testing

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    Performance bugs are known to be a major threat to the success of software products. Performance tests aim to detect performance bugs by executing the program through test cases and checking whether it exhibits a noticeable performance degradation. The principles of mutation testing, a well-established testing technique for the assessment of test suites through the injection of artificial faults, could be exploited to evaluate and improve the detection power of performance tests. However, the application of mutation testing to assess performance tests, henceforth called performance mutation testing (PMT), is a novel research topic with numerous open challenges. In previous papers, we identified some key challenges related to PMT. In this work, we go a step further and explore the feasibility of applying PMT at the source-code level in general-purpose languages. To do so, we revisit concepts associated with classical mutation testing, and design seven novel mutation operators to model known bug-inducing patterns. As a proof of concept, we applied traditional mutation operators as well as performance mutation operators to open-source C++ programs. The results reveal the potential of the new performance-mutants to help assess and enhance performance tests when compared to traditional mutants. A review of live mutants in these programs suggests that they can induce the design of special test inputs. In addition to these promising results, our work brings a whole new set of challenges related to PMT, which will hopefully serve as a starting point for new contributions in the area

    Performance mutation testing: Hypothesis and open questions

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    Performance bugs are common, costly, and elusive. Performance tests aim to detect performance bugs by running the program with specific inputs and determining whether the observed behaviour is acceptable. There not exist mechanisms, however, to assess the effectiveness of performance tests. Mutation testing is a technique to evaluate and enhance functional test suites by seeding artificial faults in the program under test. In this new idea paper, we explore the applicability of mutation testing to assess and improve performance tests. This novel approach is motivated with examples and open questions

    TANDEM: A Taxonomy and a Dataset of Real-World Performance Bugs

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    The detection of performance bugs, like those causing an unexpected execution time, has gained much attention in the last years due to their potential impact in safety-critical and resource-constrained applications. Much effort has been put on trying to understand the nature of performance bugs in different domains as a starting point for the development of effective testing techniques. However, the lack of a widely accepted classification scheme of performance faults and, more importantly, the lack of well-documented and understandable datasets makes it difficult to draw rigorous and verifiable conclusions widely accepted by the community. In this paper, we present TANDEM, a dual contribution related to real-world performance bugs. Firstly, we propose a taxonomy of performance bugs based on a thorough systematic review of the related literature, divided into three main categories: effects, causes and contexts of bugs. Secondly, we provide a complete collection of fully documented real-world performance bugs. Together, these contributions pave the way for the development of stronger and reproducible research results on performance testing