336 research outputs found

    Effects of intake of heated mixtures of glucose-lysine and glucose-methionine on bone calcium

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    During food thermal treatment Maillard's reaction may occur, which implicates mainly the carbonyl groups of reductory sugars and amino protein groups. Maillard's reaction products (MRP) may interfere with mineral bioavailability because of modifications of their physical-chemical moiety in the food or the lumen, disrupting the absorption process or its normal metabolism. In this study, we sought to investigate MRP influence on issues related to Ca bioavailability in vitro and in vivo. Equimolar mixtures of glucose-lysine (GL) and glucose-methionine (GM) (40% moisture) were heated at 150º C for 90 minutes (samples GL90 and GM90, respectively). In vitro solubility was measured by additioning each samples to a 3.75 mM Ca solution at intestinal pH and ionic strength; after shaking and centrifugation, soluble and insoluble calcium was determined. Three percent of GL90 and GM90 were individually added to the AIN93-G diet to obtain D-GL90 and D-GM90 diets. Three Wistar rats groups were fed for 21 days with both diets and with AIN93-G as control, carrying out calcium balance during last week and extirpating various organs after sacrifice. GM90 did not affect calcium solubility; GL90 reduced it slightly, remaining in both cases more than 94% soluble. D-GL90 and D-GM90 did not modify calcium bioavailability, with as effective usage as with the control diet (57.6 ± 1.3%, 57.8 ± 2.3% and 63.9 ± 2.6% in control diet, D-GL90 and D-GM90, respectively). MRP intake produced, however, metabolic changes that decreased bone calcium, accumulating compensatorily in other organs.Peer reviewe

    Cochonilhas-algodão associadas ao cafeeiro em estufas

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    Mestrado em Engenharia Agronómica - Instituto Superior de AgronomiaThe main objective of Centro de Investigação das Ferrugens do Cafeeiro, Instituto de Investigação Científica Tropical (CIFC/IICT) is to contribute for the development of coffee varieties resistant to coffee leaf rust, Hemileia vastatrix. Mealybugs are a major phytossanitary problem of coffee varieties maintained by CIFC/IICT, due to their interference with the production of young coffee leafs necessary for the inoculation of fungi. The aims of the present work were: a) to identify the mealybug species associated with commercial varieties of coffee, such as Catimor and Sarchimor, in the greenhouses of CIFC/IICT; b) to study the dynamics of infestation of Planococcus citri in the varieties Catimor and Sarchimor, under greenhouse conditions; c) to compare the colonization rate and development of P. citri in two coffee genotypes, one resistant to coffee leaf rust (Catimor CIFC 45) and one susceptible (Caturra vermelho CIFC 19/1). Two species of mealybugs were identified, Phenacoccus madeirensis and P. citri. The variety Catimor was the most susceptible to P. citri. No significant differences were observed in the development time of P, citri among the studied varieties. Nevertheless, the rate of colonization by mealybugs was higher in Caturra CIFC 19/

    Deporte y transformación social : sistematización de la experiencia del Club de Baloncesto Courgas.

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    El presente trabajo tiene como finalidad mostrar a través de las experiencias vividas de los jóvenes practicantes del baloncesto pertenecientes al Club Courgas de la ciudad de Cali, los elementos que el deporte aporta como formador en el proceso de socialización al ser agente de cambio. La sistematización consistió en comprender y analizar el contexto en el surge el club, teniendo en cuenta los actores sociales y actividades que se desarrollan en el parque Cien Palos, identificando las fortalezas y oportunidades de mejora para contribuir a la formación que se transmite a través de la práctica deportiva. Desde el marco legal del deporte nacional con respecto al fomento del deporte y la recreación, los hábitos de vida saludable, formación integral y los conceptos teóricos de las ciencias del deporte, se consolidan como elementos de análisis básicos: Deporte como objeto de estudio, deporte como medio de transformación social, el deporte como herramienta en la formación de valores éticos. El análisis de las observaciones y las respuestas de las entrevistas del entrenador, padres de familia y deportistas a diferentes cuestiones planteadas, evidenciará cómo la formación deportiva, es fundamental para la formación de ciudadanos íntegros.PregradoLICENCIADO(A) EN EDUCACIÓN FÍSICA Y DEPORTE

    Prebiotic properties of non-fructosylated α-galactooligosaccharides from PEA (Pisum sativum L.) using infant fecal slurries

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    The interest for naturally-occurring oligosaccharides from plant origin having prebiotic properties is growing, with special focus being paid to supplemented products for infants. Currently, non-fructosylated α-galactooligosaccharides (α-GOS) from peas have peaked interest as a result of their prebiotic activity in adults and their mitigated side-effects on gas production from colonic bacterial fermentation. In this study, commercially available non-fructosylated α-GOS from peas and β-galactooligosaccharides (β-GOS) derived from lactose were fermented using fecal slurries from children aged 11 to 24 months old during 6 and 24 h. The modulatory effect of both GOS on different bacterial groups and bifidobacteria species was assessed; non-fructosylated α-GOS consumption was monitored throughout the fermentation process and the amounts of lactic acid and short-chain fatty acids (SCFA) generated were analyzed. Non-fructosylated α-GOS, composed mainly of manninotriose and verbascotetraose and small amounts of melibiose, were fully metabolized and presented remarkable bifidogenic activity, similar to that obtained with β-GOS. Furthermore, non-fructosylated α-GOS selectively caused an increase on the population of Bifidobacterium longum subsp. longum and Bifidobacterium catenulatum/pseudo-catenulatum. In conclusion, non-fructosylated α-GOS could be used as potential ingredient in infant formula supplemented with prebiotic oligosaccharides.This research was funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness, grant numbers AGL2017-83772-R and AGL2017-84614-C2-1-R (AEI/FEDER,UE); the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities grant number RTI2018-101273-J-I00 (JIN Program) and AGR2011-7626 from Junta de Andalucía

    Aspectos de las legumbres nutricionales y beneficiosos para la salud humana

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    The Leguminosae is one of the most important botanical families from a nutritional perspective, constituting one of the main ingredients in the Mediterranean diet and an essential food in developing countries. Grain legumes like chickpea, lentil, lupin, pea and beans are well known sources of proteins, starch, fiber, vitamins and minerals. In this paper, scientific evidence for the role of legumes in human nutrition, as well as the preventive properties of some of their bioactive components in diseases like type-2 diabetes, hypercholesterolemia, hypertension, obesity, inflammatory diseases and cancer, are considered. Finally, data of consumption in Spanish households was analyzed, where a 60% decrease has been observed over the last decades. This trend must be reversed by implementing policies to promote healthy diet and by adapting to a new market by means of developing novel products oriented to consumer preferences.Las leguminosas constituyen una de las familias botánicas más importantes desde el punto de vista nutricional, siendo un componente importante de la dieta mediterránea y esencial en la de numerosos países en desarrollo. Legumbres tales como garbanzo, lenteja, altramuz, guisante y habas son reconocidas como fuentes de proteínas, almidón, fibra, vitaminas y minerales. En este trabajo, quedan incluidas las evidencias científicas relativas al papel que juegan las legumbres en la nutrición humana así como las propiedades preventivas que ejercen algunos de sus componentes bioactivos en enfermedades tales como la diabetes tipo-2, hipercolesterolemia, hipertensión, obesidad, enfermedades inflamatorias y cáncer. Por último, se analiza los datos de consumo de legumbres en los hogares españoles, los cuales demuestran un descenso superior al 60 % en las últimas décadas. Esto debe ser corregido con políticas de promoción de dieta saludable así como por medidas de adaptación al nuevo mercado con la aparición de nuevos productos que vayan orientados a las preferencias actuales del consumidor

    Physical properties of soil in the early stage of an agroforestry system in the High Andean zone

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    In Nariño, Colombia, land use has generated some problems such as erosion, compaction, lack of fertility, among others, so it is necessary to search for alternatives to mitigate these impacts. The objective of this study was to evaluate some physical properties of the soil in an agroforest system with Morella pubescens (Humb. & Bonpl. ex Willd.) Wilbur with Smallanthussonchifolius (Poepp.) H.Rob, in the experimental farm of Botana, in the city of Pasto, Nariño, where the bulk density, real density, total porosity, structural stability properties and distribution of aggregates were analyzed. The datas were obtained in two phases: f1 and f2 before and after agroforestry system implementation, respectively. A randomized complete block design with three treatments and three replications were used. The treatments corresponded to plant densities, T1: S sonchifoliuos, sowed to 1x1m, T2:0.8x0.8m y T3:0.5x0.5m, with three replications. M pusescens was stablished to 4x4m between plants and 9 m between rows and the control (f1). The statistics have differences between f1 (control) and f2 (treatments), to the structural stability properties and distribution of aggregates. The ground suffered a structural stability change to stable lightly (0.97 D.P.M) in f1 to a stable moderate (2.53 D.P.M), in f2. The distribution of aggregates passed to 60% in f1 to 70.3% in f2, with a media aggregation status. The different agroforest systems management could help, in the long term, by improving the structure of the ground through the vegetal material of arboreal component, the application of a minimum farming and the addition of organic matter

    Análisis de la satisfacción laboral y el desempeño académico-profesional del graduado en Educación Básica de la Universidad Técnica de Manabí

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    La alta demanda en el campo laboral ha generado una competitividad muy compleja que afecta especialmente a los jóvenes graduados. La carrera de Educación Básica no permanece ajena a los problemas de la sociedad, por lo que no ha repercutido favorablemente en la satisfacción laboral de los profesionales. El objetivo del trabajo de investigación fue: analizar el nivel de satisfacción laboral y el desempeño académico-profesional del graduado en Educación Básica de la Universidad Técnica de Manabí, en los últimos cinco años. La metodología aplicada en la investigación se basó en un enfoque cuantitativo, en el que se desarrolló bajo un diseño no experimental, de corte transversal para realizar la recopilación de los datos de estudio en un momento específico. La población considerada para la investigación fue de 109 profesionales graduados en la carrera de Educación Básica de la Universidad Técnica de Manabí, los últimos cinco años (2017-2021). La técnica efectuada fue una encuesta a través de un formulario de Google, que recopiló datos en diversas dimensiones, como en la satisfacción del ámbito laboral, desempeño académico, jornada laboral, ocupación, ingresos y contenidos aprendidos durante su formación académica. Los resultados de este estudio demostraron que, a pesar del reducido número de espacio laboral contra la alta demanda de necesidades laborales, se presentaron porcentajes alentadores de ingreso al campo laboral fiscal, fiscomisional, particular y de emprendimientos. De la misma forma, los niveles de satisfacción de los profesionales graduados en Educación Básica se encontraron en niveles regulares o bajos. Los profesionales que ejercen la docencia indicaron que los entornos laborales en los que están inmersos no son favorables, además, de que requieren de una formación actualizada en comparación con los contenidos aprendidos en su formación académica, y que estén acordes a las nuevas exigencias de los modelos de la educación actual. Para concluir, se determinó los niveles de satisfacción laboral y el desempeño académico-profesional de los graduados de Educación Básica, que no fueron los niveles esperados dentro del ámbito laboral. PALABRAS CLAVE: Satisfacción laboral; desempeño académico; desempeño profesional; educación básica. Analysis of job satisfaction and academic-professional performance of the Basic Education graduate of the Technical University of Manabí ABSTRACT The high demand in the labor field has generated a very complex competitiveness that especially affects young graduates. The Basic Education career does not remain oblivious to the problems of society, so it has not had a favorable impact on the job satisfaction of professionals. The objective of the research work was to analyze the level of job satisfaction and the academic-professional performance of the Basic Education graduate of the Technical University of Manabi, in the last five years. The methodology applied in the research was based on a quantitative approach, in which it was developed under a non-experimental, cross-sectional design to collect the study data at a specific time. The population considered for the research was 109 professionals graduated in the Basic Education career of the Technical University of Manabi, the last five years (2017-2021). The technique carried out was a survey through a Google form, which collected data in various dimensions, such as in satisfaction with the work environment, academic performance, workday, occupation, income and content learned during their academic training. The results of this study showed that, in spite of the reduced number of work space against the high demand for labor needs, there were encouraging percentages of entry into the fiscal, fiscal, private and entrepreneurial labor fields. In the same way, the satisfaction levels of the professionals graduated in Basic Education were found at regular or low levels. The professionals who teach indicated that the work environments in which they are immersed are not favorable, in addition to the fact that they require updated training in comparison with the contents learned in their academic training, and that they are in accordance with the new demands of the current education models. To conclude, the levels of job satisfaction and the academic-professional performance of the Basic Education graduates were determined, which were not the expected levels within the work environment. KEYWORDS: Job satisfaction; academic performance; professional performance; basic education

    Album de fotográfias:: Técnica de construção de dados na pesquisa com crianças

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    A participação de crianças e adolescentes em pesquisas é de suma importância para a compreensão dos sentidos atribuídos por eles à realidade, representando, pois, uma rica fonte de dados. Entretanto, o trabalho com esse público impõe ao pesquisador cautela ao definir os recursos metodológicos. Pesquisas que utilizam esses atores sociais como corpus de estudo requerem a utilização de uma metodologia que se adeque as peculiaridades dos participantes e que priorize os aspectos biopsicossociais de cada faixa etária. Sendo assim, este artigo, objetiva descrever e discutir o método aplicado em um estudo que investigou como crianças e adolescentes, filhos de casais homoparentais, representam a si mesmos e a suas famílias. O instrumento utilizado, intitulado “álbum de fotografias” é apresentado como uma técnica de construção de dados facilitadora do diálogo entre pesquisador e participante. Este se mostrou um excelente recurso metodológico para pesquisa com o público infanto-juvenil, pelo fato de ser uma técnica lúdica que desperta interesse e se aproxima do universo de significações dos participantes. Além disso, o uso de histórias sem menção direta aos objetivos da pesquisa inspirou maior confiabilidade e adesão por parte dos responsáveis pelos participantes, levando-os ao autorizar a aplicação da técnica

    Cell-Free DNA for Genomic Analysis in Primary Mediastinal Large B-Cell Lymphoma

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    High-throughput sequencing of cell-free DNA (cfDNA) has emerged as a promising noninvasive approach in lymphomas, being particularly useful when a biopsy specimen is not available for molecular analysis, as it frequently occurs in primary mediastinal large B-cell lymphoma (PMBL). We used cfDNA for genomic characterization in 20 PMBL patients by means of a custom NGS panel for gene mutations and low-pass whole-genome sequencing (WGS) for copy number analysis (CNA) in a real-life setting. Appropriate cfDNA to perform the analyses was obtained in 18/20 cases. The sensitivity of cfDNA to detect the mutations present in paired FFPE samples was 69% (95% CI: 60-78%). The mutational landscape found in cfDNA samples was highly consistent with that of the tissue, with the most frequently mutated genes being B2M (61%), SOCS1 (61%), GNA13 (44%), STAT6 (44%), NFKBIA (39%), ITPKB (33%), and NFKBIE (33%). Overall, we observed a 75% concordance to detect CNA gains/losses between DNA microarray and low-pass WGS. The sensitivity of low-pass WGS was remarkably higher for clonal CNA (18/20, 90%) compared to subclonal alterations identified by DNA microarray. No significant associations between cfDNA amount and tumor burden or outcome were found. cfDNA is an excellent alternative source for the accurate genetic characterization of PMBL cases