2,386 research outputs found

    Characterization and surface reconstruction of objects in tomographic images of composite materials

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    Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia InformáticaIn the scope of the project Tomo-GPU supported by FCT / MCTES the aim is to build an interactive graphical environment that allows a Materials specialist to define their own programs for analysis of 3D tomographic images. This project aims to build a tool to characterize and investigate the identified objects, where the user can define search criteria such as size, orientation, bounding boxes, among others. All this processing will be done on a desktop computer equipped with a graphics card with some processing power. On the proposed solution the modules for characterizing objects, received from the identification phase, will be implemented using some existing software libraries, most notably the CGAL library. The characterization modules with bigger execution times will be implemented using OpenCL and GPUs. With this work the characterization and reconstruction of objects and their research can now be done on conventional machines, using GPUs to accelerate the most time-consuming computations. After the conclusion of this thesis, new tools that will help to improve the current development cycle of new materials will be available for Materials Science specialists

    The Use of Transputers in Processing Telemetry Data

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    Parallelism will be an essential ingredient of high performance systems of the future. The Inmos transputer is a high performance single-chip computer whose architecture facilitates the construction of parallel processing systems. Occam is a high level language developed for use with the Inmos transputer. This paper describes a project to evaluate the feasibility of using the transputer to implement real time processing of telemetry data

    Reflexiones teórico-metodológicas para desarrollar el proceso de inducción como apoyo a la gestión del recurso humano universitario

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    Se analizan en este artículo elementos básicos que deben ser considerados en el proceso de gestión del recurso humano universitario. Se ofrece especial atención al funcionario universitario que por primera vez inicia sus labores, sobre todo, por la ansiedad , nerviosismo y otras situaciones que enfrenta cuando ingresa por primera vez a una organización tan grande y compleja en sus relaciones como lo es la universidad.. Se presenta a los responsables de dirigir y administrar el recurso humano universitario, algunas estrategias que les permitan generar confianza y seguridad entre quienes laboran a su alrededor y con ello, contribuir sin duda al logro de las metas organizacionale

    Biomembranas de poliuretano produzidas por electrofiação para enxertos vasculares

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    Mestrado em Materiais e Dispositivos BiomédicosUm dos grandes desafios da engenharia de tecidos (TE) vasculares, prende-se com a pouca disponibilidade de tecidos vasculares autólogos para substituição de vasos sanguíneos de pequeno diâmetro (<6 mm). Estudos demonstram que o poliuretano possui propriedades mecânicas adequadas para a utilização em vasos sanguíneos de pequenos diâmetros. Trabalhos anteriores realçam as propriedades antibacterianas de compósitos compostos por PU e nanopartículas de oxido de zinco (nZnO). O presente estudo teve como objetivo a produção de membranas compósitas de PU/ nZnO com recurso a electrofiação. Mais concretamente pretendia-se avaliar as propriedades antibacterianas e mecânicas dos compósitos, testando diferentes concentrações de nZnO. Foram sintetizadas nanopartículas de óxido de zinco, através do método de precipitação química à temperatura ambiente, obtendo-se nano estruturas porosas. As membranas compósitas foram testadas contra E.coli e S.aureus evidenciando um bom comportamento antibacteriano, bem como uma relação do mesmo com a concentração de nZnO nas membranas. No que diz respeito aos ensaios mecânicos, as membranas mostraram boas propriedades. Em conclusão, as nZnO podem ser adicionas ao PU formando uma membrana com propriedades antibacterianas e boas propriedades mecânicasOne of the great challenges of vascular tissue engineering (TE) is the lack of availability of autologous vascular tissues to replace small-diameter (<6 mm) blood vessels. Studies have shown that polyurethane has mechanical properties suitable for use in blood vessels of small diameters. Previous papers highlight the antibacterial properties of composites composed of PU and nanoparticles of zinc oxide (nZnO). The present study had as objective the production of composite membranes of PU / nZnO with the use of electrofying. More specifically, it was intended to evaluate the antibacterial and mechanical properties of the composites by testing different concentrations of nZnO. Nanoparticles of zinc oxide were synthesized through the chemical precipitation method at room temperature, obtaining nano porous structures. The composite membranes were tested against E. coli and S. aureus showing a good antibacterial behavior, as well as a relation thereof with the concentration of nZnO in the membranes. With regard to mechanical tests, the membranes showed good properties. In conclusion, the nZnO can be added to the PU forming a membrane with antibacterial properties and good mechanical properties

    Evaluating the reliability of NAND multiplexing with PRISM

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    Probabilistic-model checking is a formal verification technique for analyzing the reliability and performance of systems exhibiting stochastic behavior. In this paper, we demonstrate the applicability of this approach and, in particular, the probabilistic-model-checking tool PRISM to the evaluation of reliability and redundancy of defect-tolerant systems in the field of computer-aided design. We illustrate the technique with an example due to von Neumann, namely NAND multiplexing. We show how, having constructed a model of a defect-tolerant system incorporating probabilistic assumptions about its defects, it is straightforward to compute a range of reliability measures and investigate how they are affected by slight variations in the behavior of the system. This allows a designer to evaluate, for example, the tradeoff between redundancy and reliability in the design. We also highlight errors in analytically computed reliability bounds, recently published for the same case study

    Largo viaje haroldiano hacia la legalidad del logos. Haroldo de Campos lee La Ilíada

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    Indexación: Revista UNABLos dos artículos que se presentan aquí, en forma de documentos, constituyen parte de los resultados del encuentro “Tutorías de investigación en literatura y lingüística”, desarrollado por la carrera de Licenciatura en Letras de la Universidad Andrés Bello (sede Viña del Mar, Chile), durante el primer semestre de 2014 y financiado por la Dirección de Innovación y Desarrollo Docente de la misma casa de estudios. La coordinación del proyecto estuvo a cargo de Jorge Cáceres Riquelme,http://revistahumanidades.unab.cl/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/Doc.-Largo-viaje-Haroldiano.247-254.pd

    Evaluación probabilística del peligro por lahares en el flanco NE del Volcán Popocatépetl

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    This study shows the results of a probabilistic evaluation of laharic hazard to Santiago Xalitzintla, locality in Puebla, at the NE flank of the Popocatépetl volcano in México. The TITAN2F software was used for lahars modeling. The program forecasts were compared with data obtained in the field for the laharic event of 2001 in order to evaluate the reliability of its use on a digital elevation model. The results obtained with TITAN2F are comparable with information reported previously in other studies of this lahar; coming to the conclusion that modeling with TITAN2F is reliable. This investigation provides a useful tool for the knowledge of laharic hazards. Also, it shows the probability of the affected area by inundation as well as the probability distribution of dynamic-pressure levels, which is an important parameter for assessment risk in a lahar flow. To make a probabilistic analysis is required a number of statistically representative hypothetic scenarios, covering all possible cases. According to historical events recorded, two possible sources for a laharic flow were defined, and they correspond to the Huiloac and Alseseca gorges. Based on the geological information, the ranges of initial conditions that TITAN2F requires (velocity, concentration and volume) were defined for each one of the basins. A stratified sampling was carried out using the Latin Hypercube method (LHS). This method generates a representative sample of hundreds of combinations from the initial conditions, in order to modeling laharic events with TITAN2F. The probabilistic analysis was made through Bayesian inference, and programming routines in OCTAVE. The probabilistic distribution indicates that there is a nearly 80 % probability to be reached by lahars at community areas of Santiago Xalitzintla. However it is characterized by low dynamic-pressure levels. The final section of the Huiloac gorge was identified as a critical zone, where the probability that dynamic-pressures surpassing destructive levels is high

    Diagnóstico de los programas de responsabilidad social empresarial de los prestadores de servicios turísticos del sector de Galicia, Pereira

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    En el presente trabajo se indaga acerca de los programas de Responsabilidad Social Empresarial (RSE), que desarrollan los diferentes Prestadores de Servicios Turísticos (PST) presentes en el sector de Galicia, Pereira capital del departamento de Risaralda en Colombia. Dentro del cual interactúan 5 barrios con diferentes características como lo son Galicia Alta, Galicia Baja, Esperanza Galicia, Estación Villegas y Las Colonias. Se trata de Evaluar los programas de RSE desarrollados por los principales PST que se encuentran en este sector el cual ha visto un incremento e interés gubernamental y privado en el desarrollo turístico. Dicha evaluación se realiza aplicando herramientas administrativas e investigación evaluativa con un enfoque desde el punto de vista del administrador del turismo sostenible, desarrollando algunos conceptos propios de la sostenibilidad y realizando algunas conclusiones y recomendaciones para que las empresas y las comunidades tengan un instrumento para ejecutar programas de esta índole en los territorios turísticos

    Desafíos del sistema educativo costarricense: un nuevo paradigma de la administración de la educación

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    La autora y el autor realizan una contextualización teórico-práctica sobre la que actúa la educación, y desde ella el papel que asume la administración de la educación como disciplina responsable de la gestión de las organizaciones educativas. Se parte de los diferentes desafíos que presenta la educación en el sistema educativo costarricense y las posibles tendencias epistemológicas de la administración de la educación, como condición para responder a estos desafíos de manera acertada