3,547 research outputs found

    Sostenibilitat i modalitats turístiques : una anàlisi de casos a Catalunya

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    El present article té com a objectiu exposar els resultats obtinguts de l'aplicació d'un sistema d'indicadors de sostenibilitat sociocultural, econòmica i ambiental en diferents municipis turístics de Catalunya (Salou, Naut Aran, Tarragona i Llavorsí). L'interès consisteix a avaluar la influència que exerceixen diferents modalitats turístiques (turisme de sol i platja, turisme de neu, turisme cultural i turisme d'esports d'aventura) en el grau de sostenibilitat turística dels municipis. Es tracta d'una aproximació metodològica a la identificació i quantificació d'impactes del turisme a escala local per valorar comparativament, a partir de l'anàlisi de casos, la sostenibilitat turística associada a cada modalitat.El presente artículo tiene como objetivo exponer los resultados obtenidos de la aplicación de un sistema de indicadores de sostenibilidad sociocultural, económica y ambiental en diferentes municipios turísticos de Cataluña (Salou, Naut Aran, Tarragona y Llavorsí). El interés consiste en evaluar la influencia que tienen diferentes modalidades turísticas (turismo de sol y playa, turismo de nieve, turismo cultural y turismo de deportes de aventura) en el grado de sostenibilidad turística de los municipios. Se trata de una aproximación metodológica a la identificación y cuantificación de impactos del turismo a escala local para valorar comparativamente, a partir del análisis de casos, la sostenibilidad turística asociada a cada modalidad.Cet article vise à présenter les résultats de la mise en place d'un système d'indicateurs de développement durable, sur les axes socioculturel, économique et environnemental, dans différentes communes touristiques de la Catalogne (Salou, Naut Aran, Tarragone et Llavorsí). L'intérêt est d'évaluer l'influence de certaines formes de tourisme (balnéaire, blanc, culturel et actif) sur le degré de durabilité touristique des communes.Il s'agit d'une approche méthodologique pour l'identification et la quantification des impacts du tourisme au niveau local, afin d'évaluer d'une façon comparative à partir des l'analyses de cas, la durabilité associée à chaque forme touristique.The aim of this paper is to present the results for the implementation of a set of indicators of social-cultural, economical and environmental sustainability in different municipalities of Catalonia (Salou, Naut Aran, Tarragona and Llavorsí). The main focus is to evaluate how different tourist modalities (sun and beach tourism, snow tourism, cultural tourism and adventure sport tourism) influence the local tourist sustainability. This is a methodological approach to identify and quantify the tourism impacts at local level to assess comparatively, through case analysis, the level of tourist sustainability associated with each modality

    Linking through LibGuides: Collaborating with Faculty through an Adaptable Teaching and Marketing Tool

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    This presentation will demonstrate how LibGuides can be used as a winning teaching and marketing tool to promote collaboration between the library and academic departments that benefit from information literacy instruction. Two librarians with a diverse range of subject liaison responsibilities will illustrate how you can successfully market LibGuides across any and all disciplines and will present examples of LibGuides created as successful research guides and instruction tools

    Planificación turística y desarrollo territorial sostenible en el Pirineo catalán. El caso del Valle de Camprodon

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    XII Coloquio de Geografía del Turismo, Ocio y Recreación de la Asociación de Geógrafos Españoles. Colmenarejo (Madrid), del 17 al 19 de junio de 2010.Este trabajo se inscribe en el Proyecto de investigación CS02008-03315/GEOG, titulado Nuevo turismo y desarrollo territorial sostenible: análisis y evaluación de la intensificación y extensión espacial del turismo en la Cataluña interior, financiado por el Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación; y en el marco del Grup de Recerca d'Anàlisi Territorial i Desenvolupament Regional (ANTERRIT) (Pla de Recerca de Catalunya, Generalitat de Catalunya)Publicad

    Tackling food waste in the tourism sector: towards a responsible consumption trend

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    One of the significant problems of planet Earth is related to food production and consumption. This paper evaluates the role of the tourism sector in generating food waste as well as its potential to drive sustainability. Tackling food loss and waste is acknowledged as urgent, both for the people and the planet. Food waste is particularly problematic in industrialised regions, impeding the fulfilment of the Sustainable Development Goals. Although most of the wasted food originates in households, the contribution of the tourism sector is still relevant. A multidisciplinary reflection is thus carried out to assess the impacts of tourism on food production and consumption, linking them with cultural landscapes. By taking the UK as a case study, common problems of the sector are exposed, including dealing with food that remains uneaten, and the need to accurately assess food waste. Data gaps and guidance in measuring food waste are discussed, and suggestions for mitigating this issue include increasing food literacy, reducing food demand, and implementing sustainability business awards. Initiatives such as zero-waste restaurants are paving the way for mainstream changes in reducing food waste, thereby addressing climate change, increasing food availability and helping to alleviate hunger and malnutrition worldwide.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Speaker diarization and speech recognition in the semi-automatization of audio description : an exploratory study on future possibilities?

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    This article presents an overview of the technological components used in the process of audio description, and suggests a new scenario in which speech recognition, machine translation, and text-to-speech, with the corresponding human revision, could be used to increase audio description provision. The article focuses on a process in which both speaker diarization and speech recognition are used in order to obtain a semi-automatic transcription of the audio description track. The technical process is presented and experimental results are summarizedEste artículo presenta una visión panorámica de los componentes tecnológicos usados en el proceso de audiodescripción y propone un nuevo escenario en el que se aplicarían el reconocimiento de habla, la traducción automática y la síntesis de habla, con su correspondiente revisión humana, para incrementar la cantidad de audiodescripciones disponibles. El artículo describe un proceso en el que la diarización y el reconocimiento de habla permiten obtener una transcripción semiautomática de la audiodescripción. El artículo presenta detalladamente el proceso técnico así como un resumen de los resultados experimentales.- In a second languag

    Validation study of an evaluation scale of ‘perceived social justice’ in the primary and secondary education

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    La evaluación educativa se ha basado fundamentalmente en el éxito académico. Sin embargo, estudios recientes han valorado estudiar la percepción que el propio alumnado tiene sobre otros aspectos como, por ejemplo, el de la justicia social. Así pues, el objetivo general de nuestro trabajo es el diseño de un instrumento que permita evaluar la percepción que crea el alumnado sobre justicia social educativa (JSP-E) a partir de las interacciones y relaciones que se establecen entre alumnado y profesorado. El constructo “Justicia Social Percibida en la Educación" se incluye dentro de la dimensión de equidad del modelo de evaluación de instituciones y sistemas educativos definido en Jornet (2012) dirigido a valorar la aportación de la educación para el desarrollo personal y la transformación social. Para ello, los jueces llevarán a cabo diferentes fases de valoración (relevancia, adecuación, susceptibilidad de cambio y claridad), en donde se considerarán cada uno de los criterios para recoger dicha percepción. Finalmente, también, se reflejan en este artículo las puntuaciones de valoración de los jueces y la propuesta final de la escala que queremos trabajarThe educational evaluation has been based fundamentally on academic success. However, recent studies have valued studying the perception that the students themselves have about other aspects such as, for example, that of social justice. Therefore, the general objective of our work is the design of an instrument that allows evaluating the perception that students create about educational social justice (JSP-E) from the interactions and relationships established between students and teachers. The construct "Social Justice Perceived in Education" is included within the equity dimension of the model of evaluation of institutions and educational systems defined in Jornet (2012) aimed at assessing the contribution of education for personal development and social transformation. To do this, the judges will carry out different phases of assessment (relevance, adequacy, susceptibility to change and clarity), where each of the criteria for collecting said perception will be considered, and finally, this article will also reflect the evaluation of the judges and the final proposal of the scale that we want to wor

    How MPEG Query Format enables advanced multimedia functionalities

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    In December 2008, ISO/IEC SC29WG11 (more commonly known as MPEG) published the ISO/IEC 15938-12 standard, i.e. the MPEG Query Format (MPQF), providing a uniform search&retrieval interface for multimedia repositories. While the MPQF’s coverage of basic retrieval functionalities is unequivocal, it’s suitability for advanced retrieval tasks is still under discussion. This paper analyzes how MPQF addresses four of the most relevant approaches for advanced multimedia retrieval: Query By Example (QBE), Retrieval trough Semantic Indexing, Interactive Retrieval, and Personalized and Adaptive Retrieval. The paper analyzes the contribution of MPQF in narrowing the semantic gap, and the flexibility of the standard. The paper proposes several language extensions to solve the different identified limitations. These extensions are intended to contribute to the forthcoming standardization process of the envisaged MPQF’s version 2.Postprint (author’s final draft

    De la jurisdicció secular a la jurisdicció eclesiàstica. El procés contra Lorenç Portugalès, menstre en arts, i també tonsurat, i la seva amant Joana d'Oriola, portuguesa, acusats ambdós de robatori i Lorenç Portugalès de nigromància

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    In 1420 a penal process of secular jurisdiction took place in Barcelona. A master in arts, whose name was Lorenç, originate from Portugal, and his lover named Joana, also portuguese, were charged. The offense commited was a currency theft. During the process it was fi nd out that the defendant Lorenç was a clergyman who often practised magic and necromancy. That’s why the criminal case of Lorenç, master in arts and clergyman, passed to the ecclesiastical jurisdiction.In 1420 a penal process of secular jurisdiction took place in Barcelona. A master in arts, whose name was Lorenç, originate from Portugal, and his lover named Joana, also portuguese, were charged. The offense commited was a currency theft. During the process it was fi nd out that the defendant Lorenç was a clergyman who often practised magic and necromancy. That’s why the criminal case of Lorenç, master in arts and clergyman, passed to the ecclesiastical jurisdiction

    Pärnumaa laste ja noorte vaimse tervise keskuse klientide rahulolu teenustega

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