580 research outputs found

    Finite element analysis of hydrogen retention in ITER plasma facing components using FESTIM

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    The behaviour of hydrogen isotopes in ITER monoblocks was studied using the code FESTIM (Finite Element Simulation of Tritium In Materials) which is introduced in this publication. FESTIM has been validated by reproducing experimental data and the Method of Manufactured Solutions was used for analytical verification. Following relevant plasma scenarios, both transient heat transfer and hydrogen isotopes (HIs) diffusion have been simulated in order to assess HIs retention in monoblocks. Relevant materials properties have been used. Each plasma cycle is composed of a current ramp up, a current plateau, a current ramp down and a resting phase before the following shot. 100 cycles are simulated. The total HIs inventory in the tokamak during resting phases reaches 1.8 x 10(-3) mgwhereas during the implantation phases it keeps increasing as a power law of time. Particle flux on the cooling channel of the monoblock is also computed. The breakthrough time is estimated to be t = 1 x 10(5) s which corresponds to 24 cycles. Relevance of 2D modelling has been demonstrated by comparing the total HIs inventory obtained by 2D and 1D simulations. Using 1D simulations, a relative error is observed compared to 2D simulations which can reach -25% during the resting phase. The error during implantation phases keeps increasing.Peer reviewe

    Mycosis fongoïde chez une Gabonaise infectée par le HTLV-I

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    L'HTLV-I est carcinogène pour les lymphocytes T mais sa responsabilité dans le mycosis fongoïde est discutée. Une forme typique de mycosis fongoïde au stade tumoral de la forme classique d'Alibert - Bazin a été diagnostiquée chez une gabonaise de 58 ans également infectée par l'HTLV-I. Cette affection, qui se classe parmi les lymphomes épidermotropes, est rarement décrite en Afrique mais elle y est vraisemblablement méconnue. L'association avec l'infection rétrovirale pourrait n'être que fortuite, le Gabon se situant parmi les régions de plus forte prévalence pour l'HTLV-I dont la seule expression maligne actuellement reconnue est la leucémie/lymphome à cellules T. Cependant des données récentes font état de la présence de particules rétrovirales semblables et d'un gène commun tax dans les monocytes de la plupart des patients porteurs de mycosis fongoïde. (Résumé d'auteur

    Particularités épidémiologiques de l'infection rétrovirale à HTLV-1 en Afrique centrale

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    L'Afrique subsaharienne est le réservoir le plus important de virus HTLV-1, mais son épidémiologie reste très mal connue. Pour y remédier, les auteurs ont étudié - de 1987 à 1990 - la situation qui prévaut dans six états d'Afrique centrale. Les modalités admises de la transmission sont effectives : voie sanguine par le biais de la transfusion au rôle à moduler selon les régions en fonction de l'importance, souvent faible, de cette pratique; voie hétérosexuelle qui ne paraît pas avoir la place essentielle supposée dans les autres régions d'endémicité du globe et transmission de la mère à l'enfant par l'allaitement au sein. Mais il semble que des facteurs environnementaux - qui restent à préciser - puissent jouer un rôle non négligeable parmi lesquels vecteurs ailés et helminthes pourraient être pris en considération. (Résumé d'auteur

    Екологія: наукова сутність, об'єкти досліджень, завдання

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    Розкрита суть чотирьох основних розділів екології: аутекології, демекології, синекології та екосистемології; описані об’єкти, предмет і завдання останньої. Визначена роль розумової і виробничої діяльности людства як зовнішнього збурювального чинника щодо живих систем і як організатора соціосфери. Обґрунтовані завдання екосистемології у теперішніх геосоціальних умовах.The matters of the four main divisions in ecology, such as autecology, demecology, synecology and ecosystemology have been uncovered. The objects, subjects and assignments of the latter were described too. A part of mankind’s mental and industrial activities, which are outside disturbing factors for biosystems and sociosphere organisers, has been determined. The assignments of ecosystemology within present geosocial condition were well grounded in the article

    Imparting structural robustness of metal-organic cages based on oxo-dimolybdenum clusters

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    A family of robust and stable molybdenum-based metal-organic cages have been obtained based on the [Mo2O2(μ2-O)2]2+ secondary building unit. The resulting cages are decorated with different pyrdine derivatives that impart structural stability, resulting in the structural elucidation of the activated cage with single-crystal diffraction. The chemical robustness of the cage is also demonstrated by the post-synthetic modification of the cage, which allows the exchange of the pyridine derivatives without rupture of the cage

    An improvement of the Berry--Esseen inequality with applications to Poisson and mixed Poisson random sums

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    By a modification of the method that was applied in (Korolev and Shevtsova, 2009), here the inequalities ρ(Fn,Φ)0.335789(β3+0.425)n\rho(F_n,\Phi)\le\frac{0.335789(\beta^3+0.425)}{\sqrt{n}} and ρ(Fn,Φ)0.3051(β3+1)n\rho(F_n,\Phi)\le \frac{0.3051(\beta^3+1)}{\sqrt{n}} are proved for the uniform distance ρ(Fn,Φ)\rho(F_n,\Phi) between the standard normal distribution function Φ\Phi and the distribution function FnF_n of the normalized sum of an arbitrary number n1n\ge1 of independent identically distributed random variables with zero mean, unit variance and finite third absolute moment β3\beta^3. The first of these inequalities sharpens the best known version of the classical Berry--Esseen inequality since 0.335789(β3+0.425)0.335789(1+0.425)β3<0.4785β30.335789(\beta^3+0.425)\le0.335789(1+0.425)\beta^3<0.4785\beta^3 by virtue of the condition β31\beta^3\ge1, and 0.4785 is the best known upper estimate of the absolute constant in the classical Berry--Esseen inequality. The second inequality is applied to lowering the upper estimate of the absolute constant in the analog of the Berry--Esseen inequality for Poisson random sums to 0.3051 which is strictly less than the least possible value of the absolute constant in the classical Berry--Esseen inequality. As a corollary, the estimates of the rate of convergence in limit theorems for compound mixed Poisson distributions are refined.Comment: 33 page

    Peculiarities of a wake potential formation due to a polarization interaction of channeling electron with ionic crystal solid state plasma

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    Under the influence of electric and magnetic fields generated by a nonrelativistic electron moving in the regime of a plane channeling, the induced time dependent ion electric dipole moments of a crystal medium are calculated. Accounting the causality principle for this dipole system a general scalar potential which can be named a “wake” one is found. It is shown that this potential in some crystallographic directions (for example, in ionic crystals) may lead to an essential reverse influence on the regime of the channeling particle motion.Под воздействием электрического и магнитного полей, создаваемых движущимся в режиме плоскостного каналирования релятивистским электроном, рассчитываются зависящие от времени наведенные электрические дипольные моменты ионов кристаллической среды. С учетом принципа причинности для этой системы диполей находится суммарный скалярный потенциал, который можно назвать “кильватерным потенциалом”. Показывается, что этот потенциал в некоторых кристаллографических направлениях (например, в ионных кристаллах) может приводить к существенному обратному влиянию на режим движения каналируемой частицы.Під дією електричного та магнітного полів, створених рухомим у режимі площинного каналювання релятивістським електроном, розраховуються залежні від часу наведені електричні дипольні моменти іонів кристалічного середовища. На підставі врахування принципу причинності для цієї системи диполів знаходиться сумарний скалярний потенціал, який можна назвати “кільватерним потенціалом”. Показується, що цей потенціал у деяких кристалографічних напрямках (наприклад, в іонних кристалах) може приводити до суттєвого зворотного впливу на режим руху канальованої частинки