66 research outputs found

    Extension Assistance for Integrated Pest Management Programs in K-12 Schools

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    We developed a training and education program in integrated pest management (IPM) for K-12 school building and grounds managers. The purpose of the program was to reduce exposure of children to pesticides at schools. Web-based and hard copy resource materials were developed in a cooperative effort between University of Wisconsin-Extension and the state\u27s Department of Agriculture. Since 1999, personnel at 46% of Wisconsin\u27s public schools have received training, education, and assistance in developing IPM programs. This high degree of voluntary participation is expected to affect pending legislation aimed at mandating IPM in schools

    Quantification of three macrolide antibiotics in pharmaceutical lots by HPLC: Development, validation and application to a simultaneous separation

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    A new validated high performance liquid chromatographic (HPLC) method with rapid analysis time and high efficiency, for the analysis of erythromycin, azithromycin and spiramycin, under isocratic conditions with ODB RP18 as a stationary phase is described. Using an eluent composed of acetonitrile –2-methyl-2-propanol –hydrogenphosphate buffer, pH 6.5, with 1.5% triethylamine (33:7: up to 100, v/v/v), delivered at a flow-rate of 1.0 mL min-1. Ultra Violet (UV) detection is performed at 210 nm. The selectivity is satisfactory enough and no problematic interfering peaks are observed. The procedure is quantitatively characterized and repeatability, linearity, detection and quantification limits are very satisfactory. The method is applied successfully for the assay of the studied drugs in pharmaceutical dosage forms as tablets and powder for oral suspension. Recovery experiments revealed recovery of 97.13–100.28%

    Abstracts from the Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis Meeting 2016

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    EnquĂȘte nationale sur l'enseignement de l'Ă©ducation thĂ©rapeutique dans les instituts de formation en soins infirmier

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    Objectifs : L'objectif de cette recherche est de caractĂ©riser les enseignements en Ă©ducation thĂ©rapeutique dispensĂ©s dans les instituts de formation en soins infirmiers (IFSI) de France, dans la continuitĂ© du rĂ©fĂ©rentiel de formation paru au 31 juillet 2009. L'Ă©tude a pour but de constituer une photographie rĂ©aliste de cette formation, en mettant en Ă©vidence ses points forts et ses points faibles, en Ă©tablissant des parallĂšles entre formation initiale et continue Ă  l'ETP, en dĂ©gageant des perspectives pĂ©dagogiques. MĂ©thode : Il s'agit d'une enquĂȘte par questionnaire rĂ©alisĂ©e en 2016 auprĂšs de 331 IFSI de France mĂ©tropolitaine et des dĂ©partements d'outre-mer. Le questionnaire comportait 16 questions fermĂ©es Ă  choix de rĂ©ponses et 15 questions ouvertes. Les rĂ©ponses aux questions fermĂ©es ont Ă©tĂ© traitĂ©es par le logiciel Google DriveÂź. Les rĂ©ponses aux questions ouvertes ont fait l'objet d'une analyse de contenu. RĂ©sultats : 140 IFSI (42,2 %) prĂ©cisent qu'ils organisent un enseignement de l'ETP dans le cadre de l'UE 4.6 : « Soins Ă©ducatifs et prĂ©ventifs », dont la partie thĂ©orique est assurĂ©e en semestre 3 et la partie pratique en semestre 4, le formateur rĂ©fĂ©rent Ă©tant le mĂȘme dans 89,5 % des cas. Dans une majoritĂ© d'IFSI ( 62 %), l'enseignement de l'ETP est associĂ© Ă  celui de pathologies chroniques. Discussion : Par rapport Ă  des enquĂȘtes prĂ©cĂ©dentes rĂ©alisĂ©es sur le mĂȘme sujet en 1999, 2005 et 2012, on constate d'incontestables progrĂšs : un plus grand nombre de formateurs est formĂ© Ă  la dĂ©marche de l'ETP ; ils prennent appui sur des intervenants qualifiĂ©s en ETP ; les thĂšmes traitĂ©s au cours des enseignements convoquent des concepts et des rĂ©flexions actuelles et pertinentes ; cet enseignement est apprĂ©ciĂ© des Ă©tudiants. Les dĂ©fauts constatĂ©s : pas de rĂ©fĂ©rence Ă  un modĂšle thĂ©orique de l'ETP, confusion entre ETP et Ă©ducation pour la santĂ© (EPS), manque de terrains de stages comportant des programmes d'ETP autorisĂ©s. Les formateurs en concluent que leurs Ă©tudiants sont moins compĂ©tents en ETP que des professionnels ayant suivi une formation continue correspondante de 40 heures. Conclusion : En raison de diffĂ©rents facteurs mis en Ă©vidence par notre enquĂȘte, il apparaĂźt que la formation initiale Ă  l'ETP dĂ©livrĂ©e dans les IFSI est plutĂŽt de nature thĂ©orique. Il serait donc plus rĂ©aliste de la considĂ©rer comme prĂ©paratoire Ă  une formation continue rĂ©ellement professionnelle. NĂ©anmoins, des progrĂšs pĂ©dagogiques importants ont Ă©tĂ© accomplis dans cette formation initiale qu'il conviendrait de renforcer, compte tenu de l'importance que revĂȘt aujourd'hui l'ETP dans la prise en charge des patients chroniques

    Probing for corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH) in human blood for doping control purposes using immunoaffinity purification and LC-HRMS/MS

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    Corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH), a peptide hormone whose secretion leads to adrenal cortisol release, is classified as prohibited substance by the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA). In order to comprehensively enforce anti-doping regulations, a detection method for CRH in blood (serum and plasma) is required. In this study, two different immunoaffinity purification strategies were optimized and employed for sample preparation, followed by nano-ultra high performance liquid chromatography (UHPLC) coupled to high resolution/high accuracy tandem mass spectrometry (HRMS/MS). For that purpose, a CRH primary polyclonal antibody was immobilized to either IgG-covered paramagnetic particles or a monolithic protein A/G surface. The first approach using magnetic beads was fully validated in both human plasma and serum, while the Mass Spectrometric Immunoassay (MSIA (TM)) procedure was cross-validated for selected parameters. The resulting assays' LLODs were estimated at 200 pg mL(-1) (magnetic beads) and 500 pg mL(-1) (MSIA (TM)). In addition to human CRH, also animal analogs such as ovine and bovine CRH were found to be traceable using the established approach. For all target analytes comprising of 41 amino acids (approximately 4.7 kDa), high-resolution/high-accuracy product ion mass spectra were generated, and diagnostic y-and b-ions were identified. Proof-of-concept data were obtained by the analysis of plasma samples collected in the course of CRH stimulation blood tests. Specimens were collected from three patients 15 and 30 min after intravenous application of a 100 mu g single dose of human CRH, yielding plasma concentrations between 7.6 and 18.9 ng mL(-1)

    Wheat Gluten Used as a Clarifying Agent of Red Wines

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    Residues in beeswax: a health risk for the consumer of honey and beeswax ?

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    A scenario analysis in regard to the risk of chronic exposure of consumers to residues through the consumption of contaminated honey and beeswax was conducted. Twenty-two plant protection products and veterinary substances of which residues have already been detected in beeswax in Europe were selected. The potential chronic exposure was assessed by applying a worst-case scenario based on the addition of a “maximum” daily intake through the consumption of honey and beeswax to the theoretical maximum daily intake through other foodstuffs. For each residue, the total exposure was finally compared to the acceptable daily intake. It is concluded that the food consumption of honey and beeswax contaminated with these residues considered separately does not compromise the consumer’s health, provided proposed action limits are met. In regard to residues of flumethrin in honey and in beeswax, “zero tolerance” should be applied
