954 research outputs found

    The Importance of Local Aspects in Traditional Industries’ Competitiveness: an Overview of the State of the Art

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    The process of globalization of the economy has modified the productive activity, enlarging the level of rivalry among firms. If it wants to respond with success to this new situation, a high competitiveness level should be maintained. The word is to the order of the day, with an implicit meaning of progress and advance, although it is not easy to find a definition of it. Many authors have tried this theme in depth. As Pérez (2001) indicates, there are four factors that determine the success of a business: the region where it is located, the industry to which it belongs, the cluster, and its own resources. According to other authors, the succes or failure of a business will be determined by the resources, the capacities and the strategies applied. There are many authors that affirm that competitiveness is a very located process, based on aglomerations of firms organized around one or various related industries, that converge. (Porter, 1985, 1998, Grant, 1996b, Mintzberg 1999). Some other affirm that the strategy of the firms must be based on internal resources, having these the main importance upon the market (Grant, 1996b). According to Grant (1996b), it is more advisable for the businesses that they become competitive based on its endogenous factors. The capacity of reaction of a firm requires not only a deep knowledge of the environment, but it also depends on the function of management, and the degree in which the culture of the organization affects the profit of value and the obtention of benefits of the business. Although these two theories, the external one the internal one have been presented like different alternatives for the study of an industry, other authors consider them complementary (Henderson, 2000), since, while the first one focuses its attention on the structure of the industry, the second does it in the fact that the capabilities (abilities, investments, knowledge, etc.) developed by an organization are the ones that build an strong competitive advantage. The study has focused on the macroeconomic focus, distinguishing also the internal and external aspects of it. Some of the most accepted models by the scientific comunity are presented within the external focus. The analysis of the geographical variable as base of a sinergic action of the businesses and of the related agencies established in an specific surroundings, the cluster, has been considered as part and development of the competitive strategy Finally both theries have been opposed and a new theoretical model, based on the adaptation of the main two currents that currently exist, has been proposed.

    A Conceptual Framework for the Industrial District Analysis: from Knowledge to Resources

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    Traditional literature on Industrial Districts has remarked the social capital as a core key in the development process of a sustainable territorial competitive advantage. In that concept authors are allocated part of the externalities without being underpined by an integrating conceptual framework. Recent resource-base view and knowledge management theory, as well as intellectual capital approach, can all be use as a conceptual framework to allocate all the industrial district’s special features in a more comprehensive and connected arena. We establish a conceptual framework by integrating different approaches and adapt all of them to specific industrial district case. Moreover, we adapt the SECI knowledge management model to the cluster case as a useful way to understand the tacit knowledge dissemination that occurs in the industrial district.

    Using a Planar Array of MEMS Microphones to Obtain Acoustic Images of a Fan Matrix

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    This paper proposes the use of a signal acquisition and processing system based on an 8×8 planar array of MEMS (Microelectromechanical Systems) microphones to obtain acoustic images of a fan matrix. A 3×3 matrix of PC fans has been implemented to perform the study. Some tests to obtain the acoustic images of the individual fans and of the whole matrix have been defined and have been carried out inside an anechoic chamber. The nonstationary signals received by each MEMS microphone and their corresponding spectra have been analyzed, as well as the corresponding acoustic images. The analysis of the acoustic signals spectra reveals the resonance frequency of the individual fans. The obtained results reveal the feasibility of the proposed system to obtained acoustic images of a fan matrix and of its individual fans, in this last case, in order to estimate the real position of the fan inside the matrix

    Evaluación y Diseño de Redes: una asignatura cercana al mundo empresarial

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    En el presente artículo se presenta la guía de la asignatura Evaluación y Diseño de Redes, dirigida a alumnos de quinte curso de los estudios de Ingeniería en Informática de E.S.I.D.E. Esta asignatura pretende completar los conocimientos ya impartidos en otras asignaturas troncales de las titulaciones de Ingeniero Técnico Industrial e Ingeniero en Informática con el fin de proporcionar los elementos básicos para el diseño de redes que van a soportar actividad de comercio electrónico, desde el diseño de la arquitectura física de la red y la configuración de sus servidores, hasta el diseño de las técnicas de seguridad de sistemas y aplicaciones y la aplicación de una política y herramienta de gestión de red. Se pretende inculcar a los alumnos los conceptos necesarios para que sean capaces de diseñar, configurar y administrar una red, pensada para dar soporte a una solución de comercio electrónico. Esta asignatura además del temario teórico, posee un amplio programa práctico que permitirá al alumno asentar sus conocimientos

    Introducción a Internet: enseñar la técnica y la estrategia de la red

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    En el presente artículo se presenta la guía de la asignatura Introducción a Internet, dirigida a alumnos de segundo curso de los estudios de Ingeniería en Informática de E.S.I.D.E. De todos los posibles enfoques a la hora de ofrecer una asignatura de divulgación sobre Internet, nos hemos decidido a subrayar los contenidos en dos vertientes distintas pero complementarias: una primera parte con un contenido mayormente técnico, y una segunda parte orientada hacia Internet como medio de comunicación donde se desarrollan actividades de tan diversa índole como el comercio y el ocio. La parte práctica de la asignatura contribuye a que el alumno analice conscientemente el medio Internet y fomenta el intercambio de conocimiento mediante debates reales y virtuales, a través de la propia materia de estudio: la red de redes

    Masa intraoral de rápido crecimiento: a propósito de un caso

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    La aparición de una masa intraoral supone un motivo de consulta frecuente en nuestra especialidad. La mayoría de los casos corresponden a lesiones benignas y, dentro de las malignas, a tumores primarios intraorales. Las metástasis suponen menos del 1 % de las lesiones malignas. Presentamos el caso de una mujer de 86 años de edad, sin antecedentes oncológicos, que acudió a nuestro servicio presentando una masa intraoral asintomática, de crecimiento rápido y volumen considerable, sin otros hallazgos de interés a la exploración. La lesión se acompañaba de erosión ósea subyacente. El resultado de la biopsia fue de adenocarcinoma metastático de probable origen abdominal, si bien el tumor primario no pudo ser identificado con las técnicas diagnósticas no invasivas que se llevaron a cabo. Valorando el estado deteriorado de la paciente, así como el mal pronóstico de dichas lesiones, se optó por un tratamiento únicamente sintomático, consiguiendo una adecuada calidad de vida y sin aparición de recidivas locales en el momento actual.The appearance of an intraoral mass is common in our speciality. Most are benign lesions, but some are primary malignancies. Metastases account for less than 1% of all oral malignances. An 86 year old woman was referred to our department with a large, asymptomatic, intraoral, fast-growing mass. She had no previous cancer history or other relevant physical findings. The radiology studies showed underlying bone erosion. The histological study showed a metastatic adenocarcinoma with a suspected origin in the abdomen. We were unable to identify it by non invasive diagnostic procedures. Given the patient's general status and despite the ominous prognosis of such lesions, we decided not to perform any aggressive therapy beyond removing the oral mass, in order to maintain her quality of life. There have been no local recurrences until this time

    Treatment and Valorisation of Saline Wastewater: Principles and Practice

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    This book covers the principles and practices of processes and technologies applied for the treatment of saline wastewater with discharge and reuse purpose, and those applied for its valorisation. Saline wastewater was considered to present electrical conductivities over 2 mS/cm, which is the limit for crop irrigation. Saline wastewater management is described with respect to: Basics about salinity characterisation and environmental impact; Effects of salinity on the wastewater physical-chemical treatments; Effects of salinity on biological treatment processes; Valorisation of saline wastewater for energy and materials production; Technologies for saline wastewater treatment and salt recovery; Urban and industrial saline wastewater treatment. Treatment and Valorisation of Saline Wastewater includes two case studies evaluating the treatment of the effluents from a fish cannery and from a WWTP with seawater intrusions in the collecting system. This book is intended as a text reference book for post-graduate, PhD students and researchers interested in the effects of salinity on the wastewater treatment and valorisation processes. It also serves as a reference text for professionals working in the industrial and urban wastewater sector that deal with saline wastewaterThe elaboration of this book in the USC was supported by the Spanish Government (AEI) through the TREASURE project [CTQ2017-83225-C2-1-R] co-funded by FEDER (UE) and, in the UAI, by the Chilean Government through the Projects FONDECYT 1200850 and CRHIAM Centre grant number ANID/FONDAP/ 15130015. Anuska Mosquera Corral and Ángeles Val del Río belong to the Interdisciplinary Research Center in Environmental Technologies (CRETUS) and to a Galician Competitive Research Group (GRC), the latter programme cofunded by FEDER (UE) as wel

    Treatment and Valorisation of Saline Wastewater

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    This book covers the principles and practices of processes and technologies applied for the treatment of saline wastewater with discharge and reuse purpose, and those applied for its valorisation. Saline wastewater was considered to present electrical conductivities over 2 mS/cm, which is the limit for crop irrigation. Saline wastewater management is described with respect to: Basics about salinity characterisation and environmental impact Effects of salinity on the wastewater physical-chemical treatments Effects of salinity on biological treatment processes Valorisation of saline wastewater for energy and materials production Technologies for saline wastewater treatment and salt recovery Urban and industrial saline wastewater treatment Treatment and Valorisation of Saline Wastewater includes two case studies evaluating the treatment of the effluents from a fish cannery and from a WWTP with seawater intrusions in the collecting system. This book is intended as a text reference book for post-graduate, PhD students and researchers interested in the effects of salinity on the wastewater treatment and valorisation processes. It also serves as a reference text for professionals working in the industrial and urban wastewater sector that deal with saline wastewater

    A Conceptual Framework for the Industrial District Analysis: from Knowledge to Resources

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    Traditional literature on Industrial Districts has remarked the social capital as a core key in the development process of a sustainable territorial competitive advantage. In that concept authors are allocated part of the externalities without being underpined by an integrating conceptual framework. Recent resource-base view and knowledge management theory, as well as intellectual capital approach, can all be use as a conceptual framework to allocate all the industrial district’s special features in a more comprehensive and connected arena. We establish a conceptual framework by integrating different approaches and adapt all of them to specific industrial district case. Moreover, we adapt the SECI knowledge management model to the cluster case as a useful way to understand the tacit knowledge dissemination that occurs in the industrial district

    Design and Evaluation of a Scalable and Reconfigurable Multi-Platform System for Acoustic Imaging

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    This paper proposes a scalable and multi-platform framework for signal acquisition and processing, which allows for the generation of acoustic images using planar arrays of MEMS (Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems) microphones with low development and deployment costs. Acoustic characterization of MEMS sensors was performed, and the beam pattern of a module, based on an 8 × 8 planar array and of several clusters of modules, was obtained. A flexible framework, formed by an FPGA, an embedded processor, a computer desktop, and a graphic processing unit, was defined. The processing times of the algorithms used to obtain the acoustic images, including signal processing and wideband beamforming via FFT, were evaluated in each subsystem of the framework. Based on this analysis, three frameworks are proposed, defined by the specific subsystems used and the algorithms shared. Finally, a set of acoustic images obtained from sound reflected from a person are presented as a case study in the field of biometric identification. These results reveal the feasibility of the proposed systemSpanish research project SAM: TEC 2015-68170-R (MINECO/FEDER, UE