141 research outputs found

    R^2-corrections to Chaotic Inflation

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    Scalar density cosmological perturbations, spectral indices and reheating in a chaotic inflationary universe model, in which a higher derivative term is added, are investigated. This term is supposed to play an important role in the early evolution of the Universe, specifically at times closer to the Planck era.Comment: 14 pages, accepted for publication in MPL

    Effect of an eccentric overload and small-side games training in training accelerations and decelerations

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the effects that two different training programs have on the characteristics of the accelerations (ACC) and decelerations (DCC) of the soccer players and their ability to maintain them over time in a training task. Twenty-three female soccer players from a Spanish professional club were split into three groups: a Small-sided game training (SGG), an eccentric overload training (EOG) and a control group (CG). The ACC and DCC variables were analysed in a training task before and after the training protocol using GPS devices. The SSG improved the total distance travelled [ES (CI) = 0.32 (0.04; 0.60)], the number of ACC >2 m/s2 [ES (CI) = 0.60 (-0.16; 1.36)], distance travelling ACC between 2-3 m/s2 [ES (CI) = 0.62 (-0.01; 1.25)], initial velocity ACC [ES (CI) = 0.88 (-0.10; 1.86)] and the percentage of repeated ACC [ES (IC) = 0.58 (-0.11; 1.28)] with respect to the CG. The EOG group improved distance travelling ACC [ES (CI) = 0.66 (-0.10; 1.41)] and DCC [ES (CI) = 1.21 (0.77; 1.64)] over 3 m/s2, maximum ACC [ES (CI) = 0.92 (0.40; 1.44)] and DCC [ES (CI) = 1.16 (0.58; 1.74)], average ACC [ES (CI) = 1.07 (0.40; 1.74)] and DCC [ES (CI) = 0.91 (0.24; 1.54)] and the number of DCC >2 m/s2 [ES (CI) = 0.54 (-0.18; 1.26)] with respect to the CG. In conclusion, the SGG obtained improvements in the ACC variables, while the EOG brought about improvements in the ACC and DCC variables

    Optimizacion de las instalaciones y procesos del segundo escalón de mantenimiento para impulsar su empleo eficiente sobre las diferentes plataformas

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    Primeramente se pretende mostrar el estado del arte a través de la explicación del funcionamiento actual del mantenimiento en el GCAC XII. Seguidamente se realizará un análisis que permita extraer las carencias en las instalaciones de los talleres, las cuales impiden un uso eficiente del tiempo de mantenimiento. Junto con esto se realizará un análisis del proceso de mantenimiento, buscando carencias a mejorar. Por último se van extraer una conclusiones que permitan desarrollar unas líneas futuras que permitan mejorar la forma de trabajo en los talleres.<br /

    Simulation and Thermo-Energy Analysis of Building Types in the Dominican Republic to Evaluate and Introduce Energy Efficiency in the Envelope

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    The improvement of the energy performance in buildings is key for sustainable development, even more so in the case of the Dominican Republic (DR), which is committed to this goal but which has neither regulation nor specific social behavior in this field. The main goal of this work is double; on one hand it is aimed at providing useable information for those who have the responsibly of making regulation norms and on the other, it is desirable to give an essential, technically proven and handy tool to those involved in the construction sector in improving the envelopes of buildings and to introduce good practices into the management of the energy systems of buildings. A case study of eight administrative buildings located in different climatic zones of the DR was carried out. A simulation tool was used for the study, and one of the buildings was monitored to verify the simulation work. Those factors that affect the development of the buildings in relation to thermo-energy consumption have been detailed. The large-scale heat gains resulting from the common glazing used by the tertiary sector in the Dominican Republic (including office buildings, hospitals and shops among others) illustrate the need for economically viable solutions in this sector. As a conclusion, it has been proved that the incidental thermal load of buildings could be reduced by up to 40%, thus in turn reducing the costs associated with the electricity needed to maintain the users&rsquo; desired thermal comfort level, as their influence in this sector is significant

    Análisis comparativo de las demandas físicas de dos tareas de juego reducido en fútbol profesional

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    El objetivo del estudio fue comparar las demandas físicas de dos situaciones de fútbol reducido, modifi cando el espacio relativo de juego. El estudio siguió un diseño pre-experimental de grupo único. Un total de diez deportistas profesionales pertenecientes a un equipo de primera división de la liga española de futbol fueron sometidos a dos tareas de fútbol reducido: 7x7 (25x45 m) y 11x11 (60x45 m). Mediante GPS se midieron las siguientes variables cinemáticas: distancia recorrida, distancia recorrida a alta intensidad, número de aceleraciones moderadas, número de aceleraciones medias, número de aceleraciones máximas, duración de las aceleraciones, y distancia recorrida durante las aceleraciones. Se procedió con estadística descriptiva y, tras comprobar la normalidad de las distribuciones, se procedió con prueba T para muestras relacionadas, estimándose el tamaño del efecto mediante el porcentaje de cambio. En la situación 11x11 los jugadores recorrieron más distancia (p = 0,003), corrieron más distancia a altas velocidades (p = 0,016) y se produjeron aceleraciones más duraderas en tiempo (p = 0,017) y en distancia recorrida (p = 0,001). En la situación de juego 7x7 se registraron mayor número de aceleraciones moderadas (p = 0,002) y medias (p = 0,004). Mientras que la carga de trabajo total es mayor en la situación 11x11, el 7x7 es más exigente en cuanto a aceleraciones y cambios de ritmo, lo que implica una carga interna distinta, de orientación más neuromuscular. A juicio de los autores de este trabajo, las demandas físicas propias del 7x7, en el que se realizan un mayor número de aceleraciones, convierten al 7x7 en un ejercicio idóneo para trabajar la fuerza específi ca en un contexto en el que se integran aspectos físico, técnico y táctico.The aim of the present study was to compare the physical demands of two SSG (small sided games) modifying the relative pitch area per player. The study followed a pre-experimental design only group. A total of ten professional soccer players belonging to a team of Spanish fi rst division soccer league were monitored during two diff erent SSG: 7x7 (25x45 m) and 11x11 (60x45 m). Using GPS the following cinematic variables were measured: distance, distance at high speed running, number of moderate accelerations, average number of accelerations, number of maximal acceleration, duration of acceleration, and distance traveled during acceleration. After checking the normal distribution, data were analyzed by T test for related sample, and eff ect size was estimated using percentage change. According to the results, in 11x11 SSG players covered more total distance (p = 0.003), covered more distance at high intensity running (p = 0.016) and accelerations occurred along more time (p = 0.017) and distance (p = 0.001). In the 7x7 SSG more number of moderate (p = 0.002) and medium (p = 0.004) accelerations were registered. Even though the total workload is higher in the 11x11 situation, 7x7 is more demanding in terms of accelerations and direction changes, which implies a diff erent internal load, more neuromuscular. Furthermore, the physical demands of the SSG 7x7, where a higher number of accelerations are performed, becoming the 7x7 an ideal task to work specifi c strength, in a context where physical, technical and tactical aspects are integrated

    Revisiting LP-NUCA Energy Consumption: Cache Access Policies and Adaptive Block Dropping

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    Cache working-set adaptation is key as embedded systems move to multiprocessor and Simultaneous Multithreaded Architectures (SMT) because interthread pollution harms system performance and battery life. Light-Power NUCA (LP-NUCA) is a working-set adaptive cache that depends on temporal-locality to save energy. This work identifies the sources of energy waste in LP-NUCAs: parallel access to the tag and data arrays of the tiles and low locality phases with useless block migration. To counteract both issues, we prove that switching to serial access reduces energy without harming performance and propose a machine learning Adaptive Drop Rate (ADR) controller that minimizes the amount of replacement and migration when locality is low. This work demonstrates that these techniques efficiently adapt the cache drop and access policies to save energy. They reduce LP-NUCA consumption 22.7% for 1SMT. With interthread cache contention in 2SMT, the savings rise to 29%. Versus a conventional organization, energy--delay improves 20.8% and 25% for 1- and 2SMT benchmarks, and, in 65% of the 2SMT mixes, gains are larger than 20%

    An error based mathematical module to enhance learning in signals and systems

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    During the last years, the lecturers at the Circuits and Systems Engineering Department at the E.U.I.T. de Telecomunicación at the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid are observing more and more serious mathematical errors in the different exams and exercises taken by the students. Although some of these mistakes can be considered unacceptable in engineering disciplines, it is possible for a student to pass the final exam regardless of these mistakes. In this scenario, and aware that results were getting worse and worse year after year, it was considered convenient, and almost indispensable, to develop math exercises that students must practice if they want to progress following a continuous and formative assessment method along their engineering studies. The first part of this work is to analyze basic mathematical errors in final exam exercises of the course “Signals and Systems”. We present and illustrate the most relevant errors detected during the last two years final exams of that course. The information obtained permits us to identify the main lacks, difficulties and defaults of the students. The second part of this work is to develop a training module in order to the students can practice as many times as they want with simple exercises dealing with the topics where frequent errors are detected. After practicing they must pass an initial test to make sure that students have acquired the adequate basic mathematical background and skills to progress successfully in the mentioned course. The questions and exercises have been written using different formats, most of them to be compatible with Moodle platform requirements

    Evaluación del efecto de dos niveles de pH con dos condiciones iniciales de oxígeno en el contenido de compuestos fenólicos y sulfitos en vino cabernet sauvignon

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    52 p.Los compuestos fenólicos le otorgan variadas características organolépticas al vino tinto y son los principales reactantes que se oxidan en presencia de oxígeno generando una serie de reacciones químicas que pueden deteriorar su calidad. En este estudio se evaluaron los efectos de dos niveles de pH (3,5 y 4,0) y condición inicial de oxígeno (con aireación inicial y desplazamiento de oxígeno con gas nitrógeno) en el contenido de compuestos fenólicos y sulfitos en un vino tinto Cabernet Sauvignon. Los efectos de dichos tratamientos se evaluaron a partir de las determinaciones de consumo de anhídrido sulfuroso libre y total mediante el método de Ripper, y variaciones en la concentración de compuestos fenólicos mediante los métodos de Folin Ciocalteu y precipitación de proteínas. En cuanto al contenido de sulfitos, los tratamientos con pH alto presentaron una disminución más acelerada de su concentración. Por su parte, los resultados de compuestos fenólicos no presentaron diferencias significativas probablemente debido al corto tiempo en que se realizaron las mediciones.Bajo las condiciones de este estudio, no se puede concluir que los ajustes de pH y condición inicial de oxígeno fueron determinantes en la evolución del contenido de anhídrido sulfuroso libre y total, ni en el contenido y composición de los compuestos fenólicos medidos./ABSTRACT :Phenolic compounds provide several organoleptic characteristics to red wines and are the main reactants that protect the quality of wines against oxygen and oxidations.This study evaluated the effects of two pH levels (3.5 to 4.0) and initial oxygen condition (initial aeration and oxygen displacement with nitrogen gas) on the content of phenolic compounds and sulfites in red wine Cabernet Sauvignon. The effects of these treatments were evaluated following the content of free and total sulfites by means of the Ripper method, and phenolic compounds by the Folin Ciocalteu and protein precipitation assays. As for the content of sulfites, the high pH treatments showed a faster decrease of its concentration. On the other hand, the results of phenolic compounds were not significantly different, probably due to the short time in which measurements were made.Under the conditions used in this study, it can not be concluded that the pH adjustments and the initial condition of oxygen exposure used were crucial in the evolution of the content of free and total sulfur dioxide, and the content and composition of phenolic compounds analyzed