3,997 research outputs found

    Una aproximación jerárquica a la cartografía del espesor del suelo en ambientes semiáridos

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    [Resumen] Se explora la producción de mapas de profundidad del suelo construyendo y modelizando un sistema de relaciones espaciales entre muestras georeferenciadas y variables topográficas derivadas de un Modelo Digital de Elevación a 30 m de resolución. El muestreo sigue una estratificación jerarquizada cuya representatividad se mantiene, de modo que el modelo producido es aplicable al total del territorio. El trabajo se ha realizado en dos pequeñas cuencas (20 km2) dentro del valle del Guadalentín (3300 km2), un territorio semiárido del sureste peninsular. La precisión de los mapas resultantes está en el intervalo 61-81%para pizarras, 40-55% para filitas y 72-78% para calizas. La baja precisión obtenida para las filitas parece relacionada con la imposibilidad de detectar sus facetas topograficas a la resolución de trabajo..[Abstract] We explored a method to produce soil depth maps that is based on the spatial modelling of a system of relationships between georeferenced field samples and topographic variables derived from a Digital Elevation Model at the 30 m resolution. The sampling design follows a hierarchical stratification to ensure representativeness, so that the model relationships may be applied to the entire territory. The work has been carried out in two small basins of 20 km2 within the basin of the Guadalentin, a 3300 km2 territory in SE Spain. The accuracy of the resulting maps ranges from 61 to 81%in shales, 40-55% in phyllite, and 72-78% in limestones. The low results obtained for phyllites seem to be related to undetected topographic features at the work resolution

    Geomorphic Processes above Timberline in the Spanish Pyrenees

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    A 1973-2008 archive of climate surfaces for NW Maghreb

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    Climate archives are time series. They are used to assess temporal trends of a climate-dependent target variable, and to make climate atlases. A high-resolution gridded dataset with 1728 layers of monthly mean maximum, mean and mean minimum temperatures and precipitation for the NW Maghreb (28ºN-37.3ºN, 12ºW-12ºE, 1-km resolution) from 1973 through 2008 is presented. The surfaces were spatially interpolated by ANUSPLIN, a thin-plate smoothing spline technique approved by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO), from georeferenced climate records drawn from the Global Surface Summary of the Day (GSOD) and the Global Historical Climatology Network-Monthly (GHCN-Monthly version 3) products. Absolute errors for surface temperatures are approximately 0.5ºC for mean and mean minimum temperatures, and peak up to 1.76ºC for mean maximum temperatures in summer months. For precipitation, the mean absolute error ranged from 1.2 to 2.5 mm, but very low summer precipitation caused relative errors of up to 40% in July. The archive successfully captures climate variations associated with large to medium geographic gradients. This includes the main aridity gradient which increases in the S and SE, as well as its breaking points, marked by the Atlas mountain range. It also conveys topographic effects linked to kilometric relief mesoforms.Focus on Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia North of 28ºNDeSurvey IP (European Commission FP6 contract No. 003950), MesoTopos (Junta de Andalucia PE P08-RNM-04023) and MELODIES (European Commission FP7, contract No. 603525)Ye

    Growth and yield models in Spain: historical overview, contemporary examples and perspectives

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    Producción CientíficaIn this paper we present a review of forest models developed in Spain in recent years for both timber and non timber production and forest dynamics (regeneration, mortality,..). Models developed are whole stand, size (diameter) class and individual-tree. The models developed to date have been developed using data from permanent plots, experimental sites and the National Forest Inventory. In this paper we show the different sub-models developed so far and the friendly use software. Main perspectives of forest modelling in Spain are presented

    Drivers of change and conservation needs for vertebrates in drylands: an assessment from global scale to Sahara-Sahel wetlands

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    Drylands range across more than half of the global terrestrial area and harbour about a quarter of continental vertebrate species, many of them endemic. However, this fauna is being increasingly threatened, in particular the one that inhabits deserts, one of the last biomes on earth. This work tracks the most relevant global change drivers acting on drylands, especially in deserts and arid regions, the conservation actions being developed, and the research needs for vertebrate conservation, following IUCN standardised classification schemes. Using the Sahara-Sahel wetlands as case study, it is provided a detailed examination of these aspects to support regional biodiversity conservation and human welfare. Deserts and arid regions are threatened by the synergistic effects of increasing development of urban areas, agriculture, energy production, mining, transportation and service corridors, resulting in pollution, invasive species, human intrusions and disturbance, biological resource overuse and in general, natural system modifications. In addition, climate change together with social underdevelopment of many desert-range countries places the mitigation of threat factors in a large and complex web of global-local societal challenges. Conservation actions targeting land/water and species protection and management, as well as education, awareness, capacity building, and legislation measures to increase livelihood development, are being developed. Additional research efforts are need to enhance biodiversity conservation planning, monitoring biodiversity and land-degradation status (based on Essential Biodiversity Variables), and quantification of socioeconomic factors associated with sustainable use of natural resources and human development. Sahara-Sahel wetlands are important life-support systems for both humans and vertebrates, the last vulnerable to listed global threats. They offer framework scenario to revert current environmental and societal challenges in deserts. Long-term conservation of desert vertebrate biodiversity requires appropriate policy instruments to promote sustainable use of natural resources. Raising environmental alertness within local communities of uniqueness of desert biodiversity is needed to promote policy change

    Light-Regulated Molecular Trafficking in a Synthetic Water-Soluble Host.

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    Cucurbit[8]uril (CB[8])-mediated complexation of a dicationic azobenzene in water allows for the light-controlled encapsulation of a variety of second guest compounds, including amino acids, dyes, and fragrance molecules. Such controlled guest sequestration inside the cavity of CB[8] enables the regulation of the thermally induced phase transition of poly(N-isopropylacrylamide)-which is not photosensitive-thus demonstrating the robustness and relevancy of the light-regulated CB[8] complexation.J.D.B. thanks Marie Curie IEF (project no. 273807). S.T.J.R. acknowledges the Cambridge Home and European Scholarship Scheme and the Robert Gardiner memorial scholarship. This work was supported by the EPSRC (reference no. EP/G060649/ 1), an ERC Starting Investigator Grant (project no. 240629), and a Next Generation Fellowship from the Walters-Kundert Foundation. The authors thank HECBioSim (EPSRC grant no. EP/L000253/1) via ARCHER, and the Ada King’s HPC3 service.This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from ACS Publications via http://dx.doi.org/10.1021/jacs.5b1164

    Estación Experimental "El Cautivo" (Desierto de Tabernas, Almería)

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    En: La Red de Estaciones Experimentales de Seguimiento y Evaluación de la Desertificación (RESEL) . Actividades y Resultados 1995-2004. Dirección General para la Biodiversidad, Ministerio de Medio Ambiente, MadridEl Área Experimental El Cautivo es una instalación permanente, mantenida y gestionada por el Departamento de Desertificación y Geoecología de la Estación Experimental de Zonas Aridas (EEZA) del CSIC, en Almería. El Cautivo inició su andadura en 1990 en el marco del proyecto “Erosión por acarcavamiento en medio semiárido: causas, evolución y restauración” (del Plan Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología), y ha funcionado sin interrupción desde entonces asociada a otros proyectos de investigación. El Cautivo se escogió por ser una de las áreas del desierto de Tabernas en donde los procesos geomorfológicos parecen ser especialmente activos, enmarcados por el clima más árido de Europa que le confieren características geoecológicas muy especiales. Además, las áreas intensamente acarcavadas, conocidas como malpaís o badlands en inglés, son consideradas como laboratorios naturales que ofrecen en miniatura y en intervalos de tiempo cortos muchas de las formas y procesos erosivos de los paisajes fluviales.El trabajo presentado en este capítulo ha sido financiado total o parcialmente por los siguientes proyectos de investigación: 1) Erosión por acarcavamiento en medio semiárido: causas, evolución y restauración (NAT89-1072-C06-02), 2) DESERMA (AMB93-0844-C06-01), 3-4-5) MEDALUS I, II y III (EPOC-CT90-0014-SMA; EV5V-0128; ENV4-CT95-0118), 6) PROHIDRADE (AMB95-0986-C02-01), 7) EPOHIDRO (HID98-1056-C02-01), 8) PROHISEM (REN2001-2268-C02-01/HID), 9) GEORANGE (CE EVK2-2000-22089, CSIC ENVIR/992/0630), 10) ECONEXUS (REN2000-1513 GLO) y 11) PECOS (REN2003 - 04570/ GLO).Peer reviewe

    100 GHz Multiple Colliding Pulse Generation From Cleaved Facet-Free Multi-Section Semiconductor Laser Diode

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    We present a monolithically integrated mode-locked laser (MLL) with 25 GHz fundamental repetition rate frequency, which has been designed to operate in a fourth-order colliding regime, to generate 100 GHz. This device has been fabricated within a multi-project wafer (MPW) run in an InP-based active-passive generic foundry. The Fabry-Perot laser resonator, of around 1.66 mm length, is defined by two on-chip reflectors, eliminating the need of cleaved facet. Three saturable absorber sections are symmetrically located by spacing them a quarter of this total length, dividing the cavity into four gain segments. We show that this structure can generate an electrical beat note at 25 GHz as well as 100 GHz, with a linewidth of 350 kHz and 150 kHz, respectively, operating in passive operation regime

    Pre-processing techniques to improve HEVC subjective quality

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    Nowadays, HEVC is the cutting edge encoding standard being the most efficient solution for transmission of video content. In this paper a subjective quality improvement based on pre-processing algorithms for homogeneous and chaotic regions detection is proposed and evaluated for low bit-rate applications at high resolutions. This goal is achieved by means of a texture classification applied to the input frames. Furthermore, these calculations help also reduce the complexity of the HEVC encoder. Therefore both the subjective quality and the HEVC performance are improved

    Information fusion based techniques for HEVC

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    Aiming at the conflict circumstances of multi-parameter H.265/HEVC encoder system, the present paper introduces the analysis of many optimizations\u27 set in order to improve the trade-off between quality, performance and power consumption for different reliable and accurate applications. This method is based on the Pareto optimization and has been tested with different resolutions on real-time encoders