766 research outputs found

    Intracellular free sodium and potassium, post-carbachol hyperpolarization, and extracellular potassium-undershoot in rat sympathetic neurones

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    Double-barrelled ion-sensitive microelectrodes were used to record the free intracellular Na+- and K+-concentrations ([Na+]i, [K+]i) and to determine their relation to changes in membrane potential and extracellular K+ ([K+]e) in rat sympathetic ganglia. The application of 50 ÎĽmol/l carbachol resulted in an elevation of [K+]e followed by a post-carbachol [K+]e-undershoot. The membrane depolarization of the sympathetic neurones was associated with an increase in [Na+]i and a decrease in [K+]i. A membrane hyperpolarization and a recovery of [K+]i and [Na+]i to their baseline levels were observed during the [K+]e-undershoot. The time course of the [K+]e-undershoot correlated exactly with the duration of the rise in [Na+]i and decrease of [K+]i. No K+-reuptake occurred in the presence of ouabain. These data confirm, by direct measurements of intracellular ion concentration changes, the contribution of the Na+, K+-pump to the post-carbachol membrane hyperpolarization and [K+]e-undershoot

    Easytube, Laryngeal tube S, ProSeal Laryngeal mask: extraglottic airway devices in comparison to the endotracheal tube

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    Eine klinisch randomisierte Studie an 120 Patienten zu Beatmungs- und Vitalparametern, Systemdichtigkeit in Abhängigkeit von Cuffdruck und Cuffvolumen, Handhabung bei dem Anwender und postoperative Patientenzufriedenheit

    Developing a research agenda for digital accessibility in multinational enterprises

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    Digital accessibility for disabled people is a hot topic of Corporate Social Responsibility, mandatory under current UN and UE dispositions. This research aims at investigating its company-wide administrative integration by developing a systematic process of enquiry producing a diagnosis tool under the guidance of the Soft Systems Methodology (RQ3). Absorptive capacity provided the theoretical umbrella for structuring the problem-situation (RQ1) by setting its Root Definitions. Thus, the expected scientifically supported diagnosing tool should generate feasible and desirable changes to the problem-situation perceptions (RQ2). Digital Accessibility by Design in Service was coined to define this innovative and relevant approach.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Transport Activity of the Sodium Bicarbonate Cotransporter NBCe1 Is Enhanced by Different Isoforms of Carbonic Anhydrase

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    Transport metabolons have been discussed between carbonic anhydrase II (CAII) and several membrane transporters. We have now studied different CA isoforms, expressed in Xenopus oocytes alone and together with the electrogenic sodium bicarbonate cotransporter 1 (NBCe1), to determine their catalytic activity and their ability to enhance NBCe1 transport activity. pH measurements in intact oocytes indicated similar activity of CAI, CAII and CAIII, while in vitro CAIII had no measurable activity and CAI only 30% of the activity of CAII. All three CA isoforms increased transport activity of NBCe1, as measured by the transport current and the rate of intracellular sodium rise in oocytes. Two CAII mutants, altered in their intramolecular proton pathway, CAII-H64A and CAII-Y7F, showed significant catalytic activity and also enhanced NBCe1 transport activity. The effect of CAI, CAII, and CAII mutants on NBCe1 activity could be reversed by blocking CA activity with ethoxyzolamide (EZA, 10 µM), while the effect of the less EZA-sensitive CAIII was not reversed. Our results indicate that different CA isoforms and mutants, even if they show little enzymatic activity in vitro, may display significant catalytic activity in intact cells, and that the ability of CA to enhance NBCe1 transport appears to depend primarily on its catalytic activity

    Proton Fall or Bicarbonate Rise: Glycolytic Rate In Mouse Astrocytes Is Paved By Intracellular Alkalinization

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    Glycolysis is the primary step for major energy production in the cell. There is strong evidence suggesting that glucose consumption and rate of glycolysis are highly modulated by cytosolic pH/[H(+)], but those can also be stimulated by an increase in the intracellular [HCO3 (-)]. Because proton and bicarbonate shift concomitantly, it remained unclear whether enhanced glucose consumption and glycolytic rate were mediated by the changes in intracellular [H(+)] or [HCO3 (-)]. We have asked whether glucose metabolism is enhanced by either a fall in intracellular [H(+)] or a rise in intracellular [HCO3 (-)], or by both, in mammalian astrocytes. We have recorded intracellular glucose in mouse astrocytes using a FRET-based nanosensor, while imposing different intracellular [H(+)] and [CO2]/[HCO3 (-)]. Glucose consumption and glycolytic rate were augmented by a fall in intracellular [H(+)], irrespective of a concomitant rise or fall in intracellular [HCO3 (-)]. Transport of HCO3 (-) into and out of astrocytes by the electrogenic sodium bicarbonate cotransporter (NBCe1) played a crucial role in causing changes in intracellular pH and [HCO3 (-)], but was not obligatory for the pH-dependent changes in glucose metabolism. Our results clearly show that it is the cytosolic pH that modulates glucose metabolism in cortical astrocytes, and possibly also in other cell types

    Digitalisation, Artificial Intelligence and Vocational Occupations and Skills: What are the needs for training Teachers and Trainers?

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    The paper seeks to explore the impact AI and automation have on vocational occupations and skills and to examine what that means for teachers and trainers in VET. It looks at how AI can be used to shape learning and teaching processes, through for example, digital assistants which support teachers. It also focuses on the transformative power of AI that promises profound changes in employment and work tasks. The paper is based on research being undertaken through the EU Erasmus+ Taccle AI project. It presents the results of an extensive literature review and of interviews with VET managers, teachers and AI experts in five countries. It asks whether machines will complement or replace humans in the workplace before going to look at developments in using AI for teaching and learning in VET. Finally, it proposes extensions to the EU DigiCompEdu Framework for training teachers and trainers in using technology

    Entwicklungsperspektiven rindviehhaltender Betriebe in NRW

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    Die EU-Agrarreform von 2003 sieht eine Entkopplung der Beihilfen an die Landwirtschaft von der Produktion vor. Die nationale Ausgestaltung dieser Reform in Deutschland in Form des Kombinationsmodells entzieht der Rinderhaltung die Tierprämien. Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit ist die Darstellung von Entwicklungsperspektiven rindviehhaltender Betriebe in NRW unter den geänderten Rahmenbedingungen. Das Forschungsvorhaben wird in Form einer Panelbefragung durchgeführt. Dabei wird der Ansatz typischer Betriebe genutzt. Es werden fünf typische Betriebe mit Rinderhaltung in Zusammenarbeit mit den Spezialberatern der Landwirtschaftskammer ausgewählt. Dies sind ein Bullenmastbetrieb, ein Bullen- und Schweinemastbetrieb, ein Milchviehbetrieb mit Bullenmast, ein extensiver Milchviehbetrieb und ein Mutterkuhbetrieb. Diese Modellbetriebe bilden ein Testbetriebsnetz, das als Datengrundlage für die Forschungsfragestellungen dient. Dazu wird für jeden Betrieb ein Panel zur Befragung und Diskussion eingerichtet. Zur Analyse der Entwicklungsperspektiven der einzelnen Haltungsformen für Rinder wird ein Kalkulationsmodell entwickelt, das auf der Grundlage von Leistungs- und Kostenrechnungen Betriebszweigauswertungen erstellt. Dieses Modell bildet die typischen Betriebe mit Rinderhaltung auf der Ebene der einzelnen Betriebszweige über einen Betrachtungshorizont von zehn Jahren ab. Darüber hinaus sind die gesamtbetrieblichen Auswirkungen ersichtlich. Durch diese Vorgehensweise werden kurz- und langfristige Auswirkungen unterschiedlicher Annahmen aufgezeigt. Um verschiedene Fragestellungen in Bezug auf die Rindviehhaltung zu untersuchen, werden Szenarien gebildet, um die Auswirkungen der Annahmen unmittelbar zu simulieren. Zur Bestimmung der Effekte von agrarpolitischen Veränderungen sowie zur Darstellung der Bedeutung von Marktgeschehnissen auf die rindviehhaltenden Betriebe, werden verschiedene Szenarien getrennt von einander untersucht. Betrachtet werden insbesondere verschiedene Politik- und Preisszenarien. Die Ergebnisse der Szenarienrechnungen werden auf der Basis von Direktkostenfreier Leistung und Kalkulatorischem Betriebszweigergebnis sowohl auf Ebene des Gesamtbetriebes als auch auf Ebene der Betriebszweige betrachtet. In einem separaten Hochrechnungsmodul werden die Ergebnisse der Modellrechnungen in ihren Auswirkungen auf die Struktur der Rinderhaltungen in NRW abgebildet. Die Rinderhaltung in NRW ist durch die Entkopplung in der Mid-term Reform stark betroffen. Die Anzahl der Halter wird nach den Berechnungen bis 2014 um 40 % und die Anzahl der Rinder um 23,5 % zurückgehen. Sinken die Rindfleischpreise stärker ab, wird sich diese Entwicklung verstärken.Prospects of cattle farms in North Rhine Westfalia The CAP Reform in the European Union in 2003 decouples the granting of subsidies from production. In Germany the national implementation of this reform withdraws the payments for animals from the production in particular for cattle. The objective of this study is to analyse the prospects of cattle farms in North Rhine Westfalia (NRW). The research project is based on a panel survey. Thereby the approach of typical farms is used. Five typical cattle farms are selected in cooperation with the experts of the official consulting. These typical farms include a bull fattening production farm, a production farm with bull- and pig fattening, a dairy production farm with bull fattening, an extensive dairy production farm and a suckler cow farm. Data sets of these farms are used to build a network of test farms as database for further research work. For every typical farm an advisory board of farmers belonging to the same production type is installed. Meetings with these groups are used to interrogate the farmers, to discuss special questions and finally to validate the simulation results. A model is developed based on cost accounting and results accounts for each farm enterprise entity to analyse the perspectives of the different cattle production systems. The model simulates the typical cattle farms on farm entity level. These typical farms are mapped on their accountancy on farm level by the use of the described calculation model over a ten years period. Furthermore the entire farm effects are apparent. Due to this approach, it is possible to demonstrate the short term and the long term impacts of different assumptions. To investigate different questions with relation to cattle farming assumptions are made and these scenarios are included in the calculation model to simulate the effects directly on farm level. Different assumptions for changes in agricultural policy and changes of the markets are investigated separately regarding their impacts on the typical farms. The outcome of these scenario calculations are compared on different accounting levels for the farm enterprise entity as well as on entire farm level. The results where aggregated by a separately developed exploration tool to demonstrate the impact on the farm structure in NRW. The cattle production in NRW is extremely affected by the decoupling of the Midterm Reform. According to the calculations the number of cattle owner will decrease until 2014 by 40 % and the number of cattle by 23.5 %. In case of declining cattle meat prices the described development will be more intensive

    Energy Dynamics in the Brain: Contributions of Astrocytes to Metabolism and pH Homeostasis

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    Regulation of metabolism is complex and involves enzymes and membrane transporters, which form networks to support energy dynamics. Lactate, as a metabolic intermediate from glucose or glycogen breakdown, appears to play a major role as additional energetic substrate, which is shuttled between glycolytic and oxidative cells, both under hypoxic and normoxic conditions. Transport of lactate across the cell membrane is mediated by monocarboxylate transporters (MCTs) in cotransport with H+, which is a substrate, a signal and a modulator of metabolic processes. MCTs form a "transport metabolon" with carbonic anhydrases (CAs), which not only provide a rapid equilibrium between CO2, HCO3- and H+, but, in addition, enhances lactate transport, as found in Xenopus oocytes, employed as heterologous expression system, as well as in astrocytes and cancer cells. Functional interactions between different CA isoforms and MCTs have been found to be isoform-specific, independent of the enzyme's catalytic activity, and they require physical interaction between the proteins. CAs mediate between different states of metabolic acidosis, induced by glycolysis and oxidative phosphorylation, and play a relay function in coupling pH regulation and metabolism. In the brain, metabolic processes in astrocytes appear to be linked to bicarbonate transport and to neuronal activity. Here, we focus on physiological processes of energy dynamics in astrocytes as well as on the transfer of energetic substrates to neurons

    Strukturdeterminanten in der Behandlung des Akuten Koronarsyndroms:Analyse des Einflusses der Strukturausstattung von Krankenhäusern auf den Behandlungserfolg aus organisationswissenschaftlicher Sicht

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    Der Einfluss von Strukturdeterminanten auf den Behandlungserfolg aus organisationswissenschaftlicher Sicht (Organisationserfolg) im Sinne eines Beitrags zur Optimierung der med. Versorgung wurde am Beispiel des akuten Koronarsyndroms im Vergleich von drei Kliniken untersucht. Die Strukturausstattung einer Klinik hat insofern Einfluss auf den Organisationserfolg, als dass ein abgestimmter, zeitlich optimaler Behandlungsablauf bestimmt wird von einer günstigen Infrastruktur, von qualifiziertem und erfahrenen Personal, eindeutigen Koordinations- und Kommunikationsregeln sowie festgelegten Behandlungsstandards. Weiter wurde analysiert, inwieweit sich in Krankenhäusern individuell entwickelte Behandlungspfade auf andere Kliniken übertragen lassen, bzw. welche Vorraussetzungen für eine gemeinsame krankenhausübergreifende Pfadentwicklung vorliegen müssen. Hier zeigte sich, dass auch bei einer zentralen Entwicklung von Pfaden die klinikindividuelle Struktur berücksichtigt werden kann

    Ileitis Control: Prophylaxis or therapy? Impact on herd performance

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    Lawsonia intracel/ularis (L. i.), an ubiquitous pathogen, is well known as the causative agent of ileitis, a major gut-related health disease in pork production. Two approaches exist to control the ileitis-induced loss: Therapy by antibiotics or prophylaxis by vaccination. This field study was conducted to answer the question: Docs a curative treatment with antibiotics improve performance as good as protection by vaccination in a L. intracellularis infected herd
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