54 research outputs found

    Flash flood warning at ungauged locations: can proxy data be useful tocalibrate the hydrological model used?

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    International audienceThe Mediterranean region is subject to flash flood events that lead to many damages and sometimes to fatalities.Because not every little river’s tributaries can be monitored, flash floods occur most often on small ungaugedcatchments with limited available data. In this context, the calibration of the hydrological model used within aflood warning system is a tricky task.The aim of this study is to evaluate the potential benefit of ‘proxy data’ in areas where no classical continuousflow measurements are available. Administrative services for example collect and archive large amounts ofregional and local information over long periods based on observed damages, some of which can be used as proxyindicators for flood occurrences (e.g. infrastructure maintenance, insurance claims,...).To determine if such data could be helpful, a benchmark test is carried out, comparing three cases. In thefirst case the entire streamflow data series is used. In the second case, data from case 1 is degraded: only the dateand value of the flood peak are retained. In the last case, only the date of the flood peak is used. This last caseaims to imitate the case, where only proxy data collected by administrative services are available. The first casecorresponds to the classical gauged basin case, which is used as reference.These 3 cases are carried out using a simple conceptual hydrological model (from the GR model family)and data coming from around 150 catchments located in the South East of France and covering a 10-year period(1997-2007). The performance of simulated runoff is evaluated using contingency statistics (CSI). A split-sampletest is used in order to asses the robustness of the different calibrations.Results indicate that performances decrease from case 1 to case 3, case 2 beeing intermediate. Since themethodology developped for case 3 can be applied at ungauged locations, it seems that obtained alerts canbe very helpful when no classical hydrological data is available to calibrate the hydrological model used inthe flood warning system. This work has been made in the framework of the ongoing RHYTMME project.This project aims at developping a warning system in the south of French Alps, using radar rainfall data(http://rhytmme.cemagref.fr/synopsis)

    Adaptation et évaluation d'un système d'anticipation de crues éclair sur des bassins de montagne non-jaugés

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    En Europe, les crues éclair affectent principalement les régions méditerranéennes et montagneuses. Les bassins concernés sont le plus souvent de petite taille. Anticiper ce type d'événements demeure un exercice ardu parsemé de multiples difficultés. Cette thèse s'inscrit dans le cadre d'un projet commun à IRSTEA et Météo-France (projet RHYTMME) et ses deux objectifs sont :l'adaptation de modèle hydrologique de la méthode AIGA aux régions montagneuses, en tenant compte des caractéristiques de cet environnement ;l'évaluation du nouveau modèle sur des bassins de petite taille, qui sont réellement non-jaugés.Pour atteindre le premier objectif, le modèle est complexifié (prise en compte de la neige), testé sur 118 bassins versants jaugés et régionalisé. Quant au second but, des relevés de dégâts, issus de la base de données des services de Restauration des Terrains en Montagne (RTM), sont utilisés afin d'évaluer le modèle sur 123 très petits bassins dans des conditions aussi proches que possible de la réalité du terrain.Pour réaliser ce second objectif, une méthode d'évaluation est développée, fondée sur des statistiques de contingence, illustrant la concomitance entre dégâts observés et dépassement de seuil des débits simulés. Il est proposé un graphe renseignant le taux de détection (POD) et le taux de succès (SR) pour différents seuils simultanément à l'instar des courbes de ROC. Le principal résultat est qu'une évaluation sur bassins jaugés est une première étape nécessaire mais pas suffisante. En effet, les travaux illustrent le fait que les meilleurs modèles sur les bassins jaugés ne le sont pas forcément sur les petits bassins non-jaugés, sujets aux crues éclair.In Europe, flash floods primarily occur in the Mediterranean and mountainous areas. The concerned basins are often small and ungauged with a short lag time. Anticipating such events is a tricky task with many difficulties. This thesis is part of a common project between Irstea and Météo-France (RHYTMME project) with two objectives : the adaptation of the hydrological model of AIGA method to the mountainous areas, taking into account the environment characteristics the evaluation of the new model on small basins, which are actually ungauged. To achieve the first objective, the model is complicated by the integration of a snow modelling on 118 gauged basins. Then the model is regionalized. The second objective is to use flood reports from the mountain area restoration services database (services de Restauration des Terrains en Montagne (RTM)). The model is evaluated with these reports on 123 very small basins under conditions as close to as possible the reality. To overcome the second objective, an evaluation method is developed, based on contingency statistics, illustrating the coincidence between observed damages and threshold crossing by simulated flows. A graphic with the probability of detection (POD) according to the success rate (SR) is introduced for different thresholds. Thereby, a multi-threshold approach is used to compare hydrological models like ROC-curves. The main result, highlighted by this thesis is an evaluation on gauged basins is a necessary first step but not sufficient. Indeed, the works illustrate that the decided compromises on the large gauged basins don?t lead automatically to the best performances on the small basins occurring flash floods.PARIS-JUSSIEU-Bib.électronique (751059901) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Pearl millet genomic vulnerability to climate change in West Africa highlights the need for regional collaboration

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    Climate change is already affecting agro-ecosystems and threatening food security by reducing crop productivity and increasing harvest uncertainty. Mobilizing crop diversity could be an efficient way to mitigate its impact. We test this hypothesis in pearl millet, a nutritious staple cereal cultivated in arid and low-fertility soils in sub-Saharan Africa. We analyze the genomic diversity of 173 landraces collected in West Africa together with an extensive climate dataset composed of metrics of agronomic importance. Mapping the pearl millet genomic vulnerability at the 2050 horizon based on the current genomic-climate relationships, we identify the northern edge of the current areas of cultivation of both early and late flowering varieties as being the most vulnerable to climate change. We predict that the most vulnerable areas will benefit from using landraces that already grow in equivalent climate conditions today. However, such seed-exchange scenarios will require long distance and trans-frontier assisted migrations. Leveraging genetic diversity as a climate mitigation strategy in West Africa will thus require regional collaboration

    Evaluation of animal and plant diversity suggests Greenland’s thaw hastens the biodiversity crisis

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    Rising temperatures can lead to the occurrence of a large-scale climatic event, such as the melting of Greenland ice sheet, weakening the AMOC and further increasing dissimilarities between current and future climate. The impacts of such an event are still poorly assessed. Here, we evaluate those impacts across megadiverse countries on 21,146 species of tetrapods and vascular plants using the pessimistic climate change scenario (RCP 8.5) and four different scenarios of Greenland’s ice sheet melting. We show that RCP 8.5 emission scenario would lead to a widespread reduction in species’ geographic ranges (28–48%), which is projected to be magnified (58–99%) with any added contribution from the melting of Greenland. Also, declines in the potential geographical extent of species hotspots (12–89%) and alterations of species composition (19–91%) will be intensified. These results imply that the influence of a strong and rapid Greenland ice sheet melting, resulting in a large AMOC weakening, can lead to a faster collapse of biodiversity across the globe

    Highly Variable Sialylation Status of Donor-Specific Antibodies Does Not Impact Humoral Rejection Outcomes

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    Clinical outcome in antibody-mediated rejection (AMR) shows high inter-individual heterogeneity. Sialylation status of the Fc fragment of IgGs is variable, which could modulate their ability to bind to C1q and/or Fc receptors. In this translational study, we evaluated whether DSA sialylation influence AMR outcomes. Among 938 kidney transplant recipients for whom a graft biopsy was performed between 2004 and 2012 at Lyon University Hospitals, 69 fulfilled the diagnosis criteria for AMR and were enrolled. Sera banked at the time of the biopsy were screened for the presence of DSA by Luminex. The sialylation status of total IgG and DSA was quantified using Sambucus nigra agglutinin-based chromatography. All patients had similar levels of sialylation of serum IgGs (~2%). In contrast, the proportion of sialylated DSA were highly variable (median = 9%; range = 0–100%), allowing to distribute the patients in two groups: high DSA sialylation (n = 44; 64%) and low DSA sialylation (n = 25; 36%). The two groups differed neither on the intensity of rejection lesions (C4d, ptc, and g; p > 0.05) nor on graft survival rates (Log rank test, p = 0.99). in vitro models confirmed the lack of impact of Fc sialylation on the ability of a monoclonal antibody to trigger classical complement cascade and activate NK cells. We conclude that DSA sialylation status is highly variable but has not impact on DSA pathogenicity and AMR outcome

    Dataset of global extreme climatic indices due to an acceleration of ice sheet melting during the 21st century

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    International audienceThis article describes extreme indices maps (Data Cube, raster X Time) for different scenarios with a more important contribution to the sea level rise from Greenland and/or Antarctica during the 21st century under the Representative Concentration Pathway (RCP) 8.5 emission scenario. The indices are produced annually and globally with a resolution of 0.5_ _ 0.5_ from 1951 to 2099. The data were generated by simulating daily maximum and minimum temperature and precipitation from the IPSL-CM5A-LR model from Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 5 (CMIP5). These climatic data are unbiased and downscaled to the 0.5_x0.5 scale with the Cumulative Distribution Function transform (CDFt) and EWEMBI dataset compiled to support the bias correction of climate input data for ISIMIP. Finally, each extreme indice is computed on the unbiased data on each grid cell on all continents

    Adaptation and evaluation of an early flash floods system on ungauged mountainous basins

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    En Europe, les crues éclair affectent principalement les régions méditerranéennes et montagneuses. Les bassins concernés sont le plus souvent de petite taille. Anticiper ce type d'événements demeure un exercice ardu parsemé de multiples difficultés. Cette thèse s'inscrit dans le cadre d'un projet commun à IRSTEA et Météo-France (projet RHYTMME) et ses deux objectifs sont :l'adaptation de modèle hydrologique de la méthode AIGA aux régions montagneuses, en tenant compte des caractéristiques de cet environnement ;l'évaluation du nouveau modèle sur des bassins de petite taille, qui sont réellement non-jaugés.Pour atteindre le premier objectif, le modèle est complexifié (prise en compte de la neige), testé sur 118 bassins versants jaugés et régionalisé. Quant au second but, des relevés de dégâts, issus de la base de données des services de Restauration des Terrains en Montagne (RTM), sont utilisés afin d'évaluer le modèle sur 123 très petits bassins dans des conditions aussi proches que possible de la réalité du terrain.Pour réaliser ce second objectif, une méthode d'évaluation est développée, fondée sur des statistiques de contingence, illustrant la concomitance entre dégâts observés et dépassement de seuil des débits simulés. Il est proposé un graphe renseignant le taux de détection (POD) et le taux de succès (SR) pour différents seuils simultanément à l'instar des courbes de ROC. Le principal résultat est qu'une évaluation sur bassins jaugés est une première étape nécessaire mais pas suffisante. En effet, les travaux illustrent le fait que les meilleurs modèles sur les bassins jaugés ne le sont pas forcément sur les petits bassins non-jaugés, sujets aux crues éclair.In Europe, flash floods primarily occur in the Mediterranean and mountainous areas. The concerned basins are often small and ungauged with a short lag time. Anticipating such events is a tricky task with many difficulties. This thesis is part of a common project between Irstea and Météo-France (RHYTMME project) with two objectives : the adaptation of the hydrological model of AIGA method to the mountainous areas, taking into account the environment characteristics the evaluation of the new model on small basins, which are actually ungauged. To achieve the first objective, the model is complicated by the integration of a snow modelling on 118 gauged basins. Then the model is regionalized. The second objective is to use flood reports from the mountain area restoration services database (services de Restauration des Terrains en Montagne (RTM)). The model is evaluated with these reports on 123 very small basins under conditions as close to as possible the reality. To overcome the second objective, an evaluation method is developed, based on contingency statistics, illustrating the coincidence between observed damages and threshold crossing by simulated flows. A graphic with the probability of detection (POD) according to the success rate (SR) is introduced for different thresholds. Thereby, a multi-threshold approach is used to compare hydrological models like ROC-curves. The main result, highlighted by this thesis is an evaluation on gauged basins is a necessary first step but not sufficient. Indeed, the works illustrate that the decided compromises on the large gauged basins don?t lead automatically to the best performances on the small basins occurring flash floods

    Adaptation et évaluation d'un système d'anticipation de crues éclair sur des bassins de montagne non-jaugés

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    In Europe, flash floods primarily occur in the Mediterranean and mountainous areas. The concerned basins are often small and ungauged with a short lag time. Anticipating such events is a tricky task with many difficulties. This thesis is part of a common project between Irstea and Météo-France (RHYTMME project) with two objectives : the adaptation of the hydrological model of AIGA method to the mountainous areas, taking into account the environment characteristics the evaluation of the new model on small basins, which are actually ungauged. To achieve the first objective, the model is complicated by the integration of a snow modelling on 118 gauged basins. Then the model is regionalized. The second objective is to use flood reports from the mountain area restoration services database (services de Restauration des Terrains en Montagne (RTM)). The model is evaluated with these reports on 123 very small basins under conditions as close to as possible the reality. To overcome the second objective, an evaluation method is developed, based on contingency statistics, illustrating the coincidence between observed damages and threshold crossing by simulated flows. A graphic with the probability of detection (POD) according to the success rate (SR) is introduced for different thresholds. Thereby, a multi-threshold approach is used to compare hydrological models like ROC-curves. The main result, highlighted by this thesis is an evaluation on gauged basins is a necessary first step but not sufficient. Indeed, the works illustrate that the decided compromises on the large gauged basins don?t lead automatically to the best performances on the small basins occurring flash floods.En Europe, les crues éclair affectent principalement les régions méditerranéennes et montagneuses. Les bassins concernés sont le plus souvent de petite taille. Anticiper ce type d'événements demeure un exercice ardu parsemé de multiples difficultés. Cette thèse s'inscrit dans le cadre d'un projet commun à IRSTEA et Météo-France (projet RHYTMME) et ses deux objectifs sont :l'adaptation de modèle hydrologique de la méthode AIGA aux régions montagneuses, en tenant compte des caractéristiques de cet environnement ;l'évaluation du nouveau modèle sur des bassins de petite taille, qui sont réellement non-jaugés.Pour atteindre le premier objectif, le modèle est complexifié (prise en compte de la neige), testé sur 118 bassins versants jaugés et régionalisé. Quant au second but, des relevés de dégâts, issus de la base de données des services de Restauration des Terrains en Montagne (RTM), sont utilisés afin d'évaluer le modèle sur 123 très petits bassins dans des conditions aussi proches que possible de la réalité du terrain.Pour réaliser ce second objectif, une méthode d'évaluation est développée, fondée sur des statistiques de contingence, illustrant la concomitance entre dégâts observés et dépassement de seuil des débits simulés. Il est proposé un graphe renseignant le taux de détection (POD) et le taux de succès (SR) pour différents seuils simultanément à l'instar des courbes de ROC. Le principal résultat est qu'une évaluation sur bassins jaugés est une première étape nécessaire mais pas suffisante. En effet, les travaux illustrent le fait que les meilleurs modèles sur les bassins jaugés ne le sont pas forcément sur les petits bassins non-jaugés, sujets aux crues éclair

    A wavelet-based approach to detect climate change on the coherent and turbulent component of the atmospheric circulation

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    The Supplement related to this article is available online at doi:10.5194/esd-7-517-2016-supplementInternational audienceThe modifications of atmospheric circulation induced by anthropogenic effects are difficult to capture because wind fields feature a complex spectrum where the signal of large-scale coherent structures (planetary, baroclinic waves and other long-term oscillations) is mixed up with turbulence. Our purpose is to study the effects of climate changes on these two components separately by applying a wavelet analysis to the 700 hPa wind fields obtained in climate simulations for different forcing scenarios. We study the coherent component of the signal via a correlation analysis to detect the persistence of large-scale or long-lasting structures, whereas we use the theory of autoregressive moving-average stochastic processes to measure the spectral complexity of the turbulent component. Under strong anthropogenic forcing, we detect a significant climate change signal. The analysis suggests that coherent structures will play a dominant role in future climate, whereas turbulent spectra will approach a classical Kolmogorov behaviour