52 research outputs found

    Tarih ve gelenek bağlamında Türkiye’de Boşnaklar

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    With withdrawal of Ottoman Empire from the Balkans Muslims who lived in Balkans had started to come to Anatolia. Amog these Muslims who came to Anatolia there were Bosniaks too. The Bosniaks who settled in Anatolia were trying to adapt to the new society and at the same time they were trying to keep their old traditions too. Traditions about birth, wedding and funeral have of course been changed a bit. Some traditions that Bosniaks in Turkey practice differs from the traditions which Bosniaks who live in other countries practice but some traditions are still the same.Osmanlı Devleti’nin Balkan coğrafyasından çekilmeye başlamasıyla bu bölgedeki Müslüman topluluklar Anadolu’ya gelmeye başlamışlardı. Bu toplulukların içerisinde Boşnaklar da vardı. Anadolu’nun değişik bölgelerine yerleştirilen Boşnak muhacirler, Türk toplumuna adapte olurlarken geleneklerini de devam ettirmeye çalışmışlardı. Doğum, düğün ve ölüm konusundaki gelenekleri geçmişten günümüze gelinceye kadar değişikliklere uğramışlardır. Bazı gelenekler, hâlihazırda diğer ülkelerde yaşayan Boşnaklardan farklılık göstermekte, bazıları ise muhafaza olunmaktadır

    Diasporada Boşnak kimliği : Türkiye ve İsveç örnekleri

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    06.03.2018 tarihli ve 30352 sayılı Resmi Gazetede yayımlanan “Yükseköğretim Kanunu İle Bazı Kanun Ve Kanun Hükmünde Kararnamelerde Değişiklik Yapılması Hakkında Kanun” ile 18.06.2018 tarihli “Lisansüstü Tezlerin Elektronik Ortamda Toplanması, Düzenlenmesi ve Erişime Açılmasına İlişkin Yönerge” gereğince tam metin erişime açılmıştır.Osmanlıların Balkanlardan çekilmesi bölgede yaşayan Müslümanlar için büyük bir göçün başlangıcı idi. Evleri yağmalanan, köyleri basılan, işkencelere ve tecavüzlere uğrayan nüfus, büyük kitleler hâlinde Balkanlardan göç etmeye başladı. Kalanlar içinse zorluklar devam ediyor, yapılan baskılara tahammül edilmek mecburiyetinde kalınıyordu. Bu bölgelerden yapılan göçler son yüz elli yıl boyunca devam etmiştir.Çalışmamızın konusunu teşkil eden bu değişim ve problemler, Boşnakların göç ettikleri iki ülkedeki durumlarını sosyolojik olarak incelemeye çalışmaktadır. Bu ülkeler, Türkiye ve İsveç'tir. Şüphesiz göç sebebiyle sosyal yapılarını bozmak zorunda kalan bu topluluk, yeni iktisadî ve sosyal düzen içerisinde kimlik edinmeye çalışmıştır. Çalışmamızda kronolojik olarak tarihi olayları dikkate alarak Türkiye'de ve İsveç'te yaşayan Boşnakların kimliği tahlil edilmiştir.Çalışmamız, nitel yöntem uygulanarak gerçekleştirilen bir saha araştırmasına dayanmaktadır. Bu araştırmayla, Türkiye'de ve İsveç'te yaşayan Boşnaklar etnik sosyoloji perspektifinden analiz edilmişlerdir. Etnik sosyoloji açısından analiz, bir etnik grup olarak İsveç'te ve Türkiye'de yaşayan Boşnak kavraamının etnisitenin objektif ve subjektif unsurlarına göre ele alınması anlamına gelmektedir.Anahtar kelimeler: Bonaklar, Göç, Kimlik, DiasporaWith withdrawal of Ottoman Empire from the Balkans the hard times had started for Muslims who lived in the Balkans. Their houses were plundered, their villages were foreyed and they were tortured. These oppressions were the main reason of mass migrations of the Muslims from the Balkans. Those who not migrated were oppressed and tortured. The migrations of Muslim population from Balkan continued for the almost a 150 years. As a result of these changes and problems in the Balkans Bosniaks also were migrating to different countries of the world.In this thesis I analized from the sociological point of view the identity of Bosniaks who migreted to Turkey and Sweden.The migration and settleing to new places of course affected the formation of identity of Biosniaks. According to kronology of historical developments I in this thesis analysed the identity of Bosniaks who livw outside of Bosbia and Hercegovina.In the thesis I applied the qualitative methodology. The thesis is a field studies thesis. In the thesis the Bosniaks who live in Turkey and Sweden were analysed from the ethnic sociological point of view. The ethnic sociology analysis means that one ethnic group, in this case, Bosniacs who live in Turkey and Sweden, is analysed according to the objective and subjective elements of the notion of etnicety.Keywords: Bosinaks, Migration, Identity, Diaspor

    Mutant Ras and inflammation-driven skin tumorigenesis is suppressed via a JNK-iASPP-AP1 axis

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    Concurrent mutation of a RAS oncogene and the tumor suppressor p53 is common in tumorigenesis, and inflammation can promote RAS-driven tumorigenesis without the need to mutate p53. Here, we show, using a well-established mutant RAS and an inflammation-driven mouse skin tumor model, that loss of the p53 inhibitor iASPP facilitates tumorigenesis. Specifically, iASPP regulates expression of a subset of p63 and AP1 targets, including genes involved in skin differentiation and inflammation, suggesting that loss of iASPP in keratinocytes supports a tumor-promoting inflammatory microenvironment. Mechanistically, JNK-mediated phosphorylation regulates iASPP function and inhibits iASPP binding with AP1 components, such as JUND, via PXXP/SH3 domain-mediated interaction. Our results uncover a JNK-iASPP-AP1 regulatory axis that is crucial for tissue homeostasis. We show that iASPP is a tumor suppressor and an AP1 coregulator

    Mutant Ras and inflammation-driven skin tumorigenesis is suppressed via a JNK-iASPP-AP1 axis

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    Concurrent mutation of a RAS oncogene and the tumor suppressor p53 is common in tumorigenesis, and inflammation can promote RAS-driven tumorigenesis without the need to mutate p53. Here, we show, using a well-established mutant RAS and an inflammation-driven mouse skin tumor model, that loss of the p53 inhibitor iASPP facilitates tumorigenesis. Specifically, iASPP regulates expression of a subset of p63 and AP1 targets, including genes involved in skin differentiation and inflammation, suggesting that loss of iASPP in keratinocytes supports a tumor-promoting inflammatory microenvironment. Mechanistically, JNK-mediated phosphorylation regulates iASPP function and inhibits iASPP binding with AP1 components, such as JUND, via PXXP/SH3 domain-mediated interaction. Our results uncover a JNK-iASPP-AP1 regulatory axis that is crucial for tissue homeostasis. We show that iASPP is a tumor suppressor and an AP1 coregulator

    Molecular networks of human muscle adaptation to exercise and age

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    Physical activity and molecular ageing presumably interact to precipitate musculoskeletal decline in humans with age. Herein, we have delineated molecular networks for these two major components of sarcopenic risk using multiple independent clinical cohorts. We generated genome-wide transcript profiles from individuals (n = 44) who then undertook 20 weeks of supervised resistance-exercise training (RET). Expectedly, our subjects exhibited a marked range of hypertrophic responses (3% to +28%), and when applying Ingenuity Pathway Analysis (IPA) up-stream analysis to ~580 genes that co-varied with gain in lean mass, we identified rapamycin (mTOR) signaling associating with growth (P = 1.4×10−30). Paradoxically, those displaying most hypertrophy exhibited an inhibited mTOR activation signature, including the striking down-regulation of 70 rRNAs. Differential analysis found networks mimicking developmental processes (activated all-trans-retinoic acid (ATRA, Z-score = 4.5; P = 6×10−13) and inhibited aryl-hydrocarbon receptor signaling (AhR, Z-score = −2.3; P = 3×10−7)) with RET. Intriguingly, as ATRA and AhR gene-sets were also a feature of endurance exercise training (EET), they appear to represent “generic” physical activity responsive gene-networks. For age, we found that differential gene-expression methods do not produce consistent molecular differences between young versus old individuals. Instead, utilizing two independent cohorts (n = 45 and n = 52), with a continuum of subject ages (18–78 y), the first reproducible set of age-related transcripts in human muscle was identified. This analysis identified ~500 genes highly enriched in post-transcriptional processes (P = 1×10−6) and with negligible links to the aforementioned generic exercise regulated gene-sets and some overlap with ribosomal genes. The RNA signatures from multiple compounds all targeting serotonin, DNA topoisomerase antagonism, and RXR activation were significantly related to the muscle age-related genes. Finally, a number of specific chromosomal loci, including 1q12 and 13q21, contributed by more than chance to the age-related gene list (P = 0.01–0.005), implying possible epigenetic events. We conclude that human muscle age-related molecular processes appear distinct from the processes regulated by those of physical activity

    Abnormal proliferation and spontaneous differentiation of myoblasts from a symptomatic female carrier of X-linked Emery-Dreifuss muscular dystrophy

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    AbstractEmery–Dreifuss muscular dystrophy (EDMD) is a neuromuscular disease characterized by early contractures, slowly progressive muscular weakness and life-threatening cardiac arrhythmia that can develop into cardiomyopathy. In X-linked EDMD (EDMD1), female carriers are usually unaffected. Here we present a clinical description and in vitro characterization of a mildly affected EDMD1 female carrying the heterozygous EMD mutation c.174_175delTT; p.Y59* that yields loss of protein. Muscle tissue sections and cultured patient myoblasts exhibited a mixed population of emerin-positive and -negative cells; thus uneven X-inactivation was excluded as causative. Patient blood cells were predominantly emerin-positive, but considerable nuclear lobulation was observed in non-granulocyte cells – a novel phenotype in EDMD. Both emerin-positive and emerin-negative myoblasts exhibited spontaneous differentiation in tissue culture, though emerin-negative myoblasts were more proliferative than emerin-positive cells. The preferential proliferation of emerin-negative myoblasts together with the high rate of spontaneous differentiation in both populations suggests that loss of functional satellite cells might be one underlying mechanism for disease pathology. This could also account for the slowly developing muscle phenotype

    Use of the WHO Access, Watch, and Reserve classification to define patterns of hospital antibiotic use (AWaRe): an analysis of paediatric survey data from 56 countries

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    BACKGROUND: Improving the quality of hospital antibiotic use is a major goal of WHO's global action plan to combat antimicrobial resistance. The WHO Essential Medicines List Access, Watch, and Reserve (AWaRe) classification could facilitate simple stewardship interventions that are widely applicable globally. We aimed to present data on patterns of paediatric AWaRe antibiotic use that could be used for local and national stewardship interventions. METHODS: 1-day point prevalence survey antibiotic prescription data were combined from two independent global networks: the Global Antimicrobial Resistance, Prescribing, and Efficacy in Neonates and Children and the Global Point Prevalence Survey on Antimicrobial Consumption and Resistance networks. We included hospital inpatients aged younger than 19 years receiving at least one antibiotic on the day of the survey. The WHO AWaRe classification was used to describe overall antibiotic use as assessed by the variation between use of Access, Watch, and Reserve antibiotics, for neonates and children and for the commonest clinical indications. FINDINGS: Of the 23 572 patients included from 56 countries, 18 305 were children (77·7%) and 5267 were neonates (22·3%). Access antibiotic use in children ranged from 7·8% (China) to 61·2% (Slovenia) of all antibiotic prescriptions. The use of Watch antibiotics in children was highest in Iran (77·3%) and lowest in Finland (23·0%). In neonates, Access antibiotic use was highest in Singapore (100·0%) and lowest in China (24·2%). Reserve antibiotic use was low in all countries. Major differences in clinical syndrome-specific patterns of AWaRe antibiotic use in lower respiratory tract infection and neonatal sepsis were observed between WHO regions and countries. INTERPRETATION: There is substantial global variation in the proportion of AWaRe antibiotics used in hospitalised neonates and children. The AWaRe classification could potentially be used as a simple traffic light metric of appropriate antibiotic use. Future efforts should focus on developing and evaluating paediatric antibiotic stewardship programmes on the basis of the AWaRe index. FUNDING: GARPEC was funded by the PENTA Foundation. GARPEC-China data collection was funded by the Sanming Project of Medicine in Shenzhen (SZSM2015120330). bioMérieux provided unrestricted funding support for the Global-PPS

    Breast cancer stem cells.

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    Could IT be a matter of life or death? : - En studie om hur det digitala vårdmötet påverkar patienten och organisationen

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    Studies show that individuals over 65 years are underrepresented by those who utilizes digital health meetings. Since this is a relatively new research area there is not much previous research on how individuals’ attitudes towards digital health meetings in Sweden differ depending on age, and why. By conducting one study group with six respondents aged between 25-30, semi structured interviews with five older respondents aged between 63-75, and one semi structured interview with a Usability Specialist at Kry, this study aims to investigate how the attitudes differs between younger and older individuals, and how these attitudes are managed by digital healthcare actors. The results show that the younger respondents had a more positive attitude towards digital health meetings, mostly because of previous experience of the service. The physical contact proved to be more important to the older respondents in relation to trust. The younger respondents also experienced a normalized view of digital health meetings. To make older individuals experience a more normalized view of digital health meetings, they need more knowledge about the service. As the study was done during the 2020 Covid-19 pandemic, the virus is assumed to affect this, and hurry the normalization process of these services