315 research outputs found

    A convergent family of approximate inertial manifolds

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    AbstractA new method of construction of approximate inertial manifolds (AIMs) is derived for a very general class of evolution partial differential equations. We construct a family (MN)NϵN and show that when the spectral gap condition holds, it converges to an exact inertial manifold. When it does not hold, we prove that the attractor—when it exists—is contained in a thin neighborhood of the AIM MN and when N is large, the thinness decreases exponentially with respect to the dimension of MN

    Stochastic Cahn-Hilliard equation with double singular nonlinearities and two reflections

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    We consider a stochastic partial differential equation with two logarithmic nonlinearities, with two reflections at 1 and -1 and with a constraint of conservation of the space average. The equation, driven by the derivative in space of a space-time white noise, contains a bi-Laplacian in the drift. The lack of the maximum principle for the bi-Laplacian generates difficulties for the classical penalization method, which uses a crucial monotonicity property. Being inspired by the works of Debussche, Gouden\`ege and Zambotti, we obtain existence and uniqueness of solution for initial conditions in the interval (−1,1)(-1,1). Finally, we prove that the unique invariant measure is ergodic, and we give a result of exponential mixing

    Non elliptic SPDEs and ambit fields: existence of densities

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    Relying on the method developed in [debusscheromito2014], we prove the existence of a density for two different examples of random fields indexed by (t,x)\in(0,T]\times \Rd. The first example consists of SPDEs with Lipschitz continuous coefficients driven by a Gaussian noise white in time and with a stationary spatial covariance, in the setting of [dalang1999]. The density exists on the set where the nonlinearity σ\sigma of the noise does not vanish. This complements the results in [sanzsuess2015] where σ\sigma is assumed to be bounded away from zero. The second example is an ambit field with a stochastic integral term having as integrator a L\'evy basis of pure-jump, stable-like type.Comment: 23 page

    Éducation thérapeutique du patient. Modèles, pratiques et évaluation

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    International audienceIssu d’une collaboration entre l’Inpes et des acteurs de l’éducation thérapeutique du patient, cet ouvrage rassemble des analyses d’interventions d’éducation thérapeutique mises en place en France et au Québec, dans le cadre de huit maladies chroniques : diabète, obésité, maladies cardio-vasculaires, VIH/sida, asthme, cancer, polyarthrite rhumatoïde et lombalgie. En rendant compte des modèles théoriques qui sous-tendent l’éducation thérapeutique et des démarches mises en œuvre, les contributions mettent au jour une large diversité de pratiques. Qu’il soit professionnel de santé, formateur ou chercheur, le lecteur trouvera ainsi des pistes pour démarrer, développer et évaluer ses actions éducatives. Il trouvera aussi matière à éprouver ses conceptions de la santé et de l’éducation, notamment à travers la découverte de pratiques qui produisent des résultats très encourageants alors qu’elles se réfèrent à des cadres théoriques diversifiés et à des voies différenciées pour penser l’action éducative.Parce qu’elles ne montrent pas l’excellence d’une voie plutôt qu’une autre, ces analyses invitent au développement de nouvelles perspectives d’action et de recherche. L’ouvrage offre ainsi une ouverture précieuse dans un contexte général où l’éducation thérapeutique s’inscrit dans le Code de santé publique, notamment à travers la loi Hôpital, patients, santé et territoires du 21 juillet 2009, qui en reconnaît l’importance pour l’amélioration de l’état de santé des personnes, en particulier de celles atteintes d’une maladie chronique

    Weak convergence of finite element approximations of linear stochastic evolution equations with additive noise II. Fully discrete schemes

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    We present an abstract framework for analyzing the weak error of fully discrete approximation schemes for linear evolution equations driven by additive Gaussian noise. First, an abstract representation formula is derived for sufficiently smooth test functions. The formula is then applied to the wave equation, where the spatial approximation is done via the standard continuous finite element method and the time discretization via an I-stable rational approximation to the exponential function. It is found that the rate of weak convergence is twice that of strong convergence. Furthermore, in contrast to the parabolic case, higher order schemes in time, such as the Crank-Nicolson scheme, are worthwhile to use if the solution is not very regular. Finally we apply the theory to parabolic equations and detail a weak error estimate for the linearized Cahn-Hilliard-Cook equation as well as comment on the stochastic heat equation

    Trajectory and smooth attractors for Cahn-Hilliard equations with inertial term

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    The paper is devoted to a modification of the classical Cahn-Hilliard equation proposed by some physicists. This modification is obtained by adding the second time derivative of the order parameter multiplied by an inertial coefficient which is usually small in comparison to the other physical constants. The main feature of this equation is the fact that even a globally bounded nonlinearity is "supercritical" in the case of two and three space dimensions. Thus the standard methods used for studying semilinear hyperbolic equations are not very effective in the present case. Nevertheless, we have recently proven the global existence and dissipativity of strong solutions in the 2D case (with a cubic controlled growth nonlinearity) and for the 3D case with small inertial coefficient and arbitrary growth rate of the nonlinearity. The present contribution studies the long-time behavior of rather weak (energy) solutions of that equation and it is a natural complement of the results of our previous papers. Namely, we prove here that the attractors for energy and strong solutions coincide for both the cases mentioned above. Thus, the energy solutions are asymptotically smooth. In addition, we show that the non-smooth part of any energy solution decays exponentially in time and deduce that the (smooth) exponential attractor for the strong solutions constructed previously is simultaneously the exponential attractor for the energy solutions as well

    Photographie diachronique et changement des paysages : un siècle de dynamique naturelle de la forêt à Saint Bauzille de Putois, vallée de l'Hérault

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    La comparaison de photographies anciennes (prises au début du siècle) et de photographies actuelles des mêmes paysages met en évidence de manière souvent spectaculaire les changements des paysages méditerranéens à la suite de l'exode rural. Ceux-ci se transforment progressivement en une mosaïque à deux éléments, forêts et culture, où les formations végétales intermédiaires tendent à disparaître. Ces changements mettent aussi en évidence la grande résilience des peuplements forestiers étudiée

    Dynamique des paysages méditerranéens : un siècle de réinstallation naturelle de la forêt dans le bassin versant de l'Hérault.

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    Au milieu du 19ème siècle, la densité maximale de la population s'accompagne d'une utilisation intensive des boisements ; ensuite la phase de déprise aboutit à une recolonisation par la forêt

    Quasilinear generalized parabolic Anderson model equation

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    Bailleul I, Debussche A, Hofmanová M. Quasilinear generalized parabolic Anderson model equation. Stochastics and Partial Differential Equations: Analysis and Computations. 2018;7(1):40-63
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