52 research outputs found


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    The aim of this research was to research and verify the possibilities of using microphone to determine mechanical load acting on high voltage insulator. The insulator features a cable hole, which can be used for optical cables. Let’s use this hole as a microphone mount in order to listen to sounds inside of an insulator. The cable hole and the insulator end holes were filled with insulating foam to insulate microphone from the external interferences. Acoustic measurements were performed on the outdoor post insulator C30-850-II. The insulator was placed in bending machine and was repeatedly mechanically stressed by bending forces. The results of this research verify the suitability of the selected method for future use in the proposed device for detection of mechanical overload of high-voltage insulators

    The origin and historical development of psychiatric hospital Červený Dvůr

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    Background: Alcohol treatment in facilities that have adopted the so-called apolinar model has a long tradition in our country. A certain "basic trio" of institutions based on this model was formed by the above mentioned Apolinář, as its carrier and flagship. Another one was psychiatric hospital Lojovice in 1958, later intended for women only. The last one, Červený Dvůr near Český Krumlov was found in 1960s. It became the largest specialized institution for treatment of alcohol addiction in the former Czechoslovakia. Goals: Mapping the history of today's psychiatric hospital Červený Dvůr with the focus on these partial goals: Origin and development, in the initial stage with LSD treatment and the beginning of artetherapy. Find out what kind of patients was the treatment determined for. How the capacity varied and how the program differed in each stage of development. In addition, people who have somehow influenced the origin, development, and therapeutic program. Also personnel changes and interconnection of the significant monument and medical institution. Methods: A document analysis, which is a search for suitable sources, was used to collect the data. In this case was mainly used so-called "medical tool" Červenodvorská cesta and Zápisy z Apolináře. Next titles were specialized magazines...Východiska: Protialkoholní léčba v institucích, které převzaly tzv. apolinářský model, má u nás dlouholetou tradici. Určitou "základní trojici" zařízení, založených na tomto modelu tvořil ve své době výše zmíněný Apolinář, jako jeho nositel a vlajková loď. Další byla v roce 1958 protialkoholní léčebna Lojovice, později určená pouze pro ženy, a v 60. letech založená léčebna Červený Dvůr u Českého Krumlova, která se v roce 1970 stala největším specializovaným zařízením pro léčbu alkoholizmu na území tehdejšího Československa. Cíle: Zmapování historie dnešní PL Červený Dvůr se zaměřením na tyto dílčí cíle: Vznik a vývoj v počáteční etapě s léčbou LSD a počátky arteterapie. Zjistit pro jaké pacienty byla léčba určena, jak se měnila kapacita a jak se program lišil v jednotlivých etapách vývoje. Dále osoby, které nějakým způsobem ovlivnily vznik a vývoj PL, či terapeutický program. Také personální změny a propojení památky a léčebné instituce. Metody: Pro sběr dat byla použita analýza dokumentů, která představuje vyhledávání vhodných zdrojů. V tomto případě především tzv. léčebnou pomůcku Červenodvorská cesta a Zápisy z Apolináře. Dalšími tituly byly specializované časopisy Československá psychiatrie, Alkoholický obzor, apod. Dále primární dokumentace z archivu léčebny a SOkA Český Krumlov. Cenným...Klinika adiktologie 1.LF UK a VFN v PrazeDepartment of Adictology First Faculty of Medicine and General University Hospital in PragueFirst Faculty of Medicine1. lékařská fakult

    Aldehyd-oxidierende Enzyme im anaeroben Phenylalanin-Stoffwechsel von Aromatoleum aromaticum

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    Der anaerobe Abbau von Phenylalanin führt über das Zwischenprodukt Phenylacetat zu Benzoyl-CoA, dem häufigsten Intermediat im anaeroben Abbau von aromatischen Verbindungen. Das Zwischenprodukt Phenylacetat entsteht durch die Oxidation von Phenylacetaldehyd. Vor Beginn dieser Arbeit war bekannt, dass Aromatoleum aromaticum sowohl eine Aldehyd:Ferredoxin-Oxidoreduktase (AOR) besitzt, die den Schritt katalysieren könnte, als auch ein oder mehrere Enzyme, die diese Oxidation mit NAD und NADP als Elektronenakzeptoren durchführen könnten. Folglich stellte sich die Frage, welches dieser Enzyme das Schlüsselenzym für den anaeroben Phenylalanin-Stoffwechsel darstellt. Außerdem ist die Entdeckung einer AOR in einem fakultativ anaeroben Bakterium ungewöhnlich, da AORs bisher ausschließlich aus obligat anaeroben, häufig hyperthermophilen Prokaryonten bekannt sind. A. aromaticum braucht ein Molybdän-Enzym zum denitrifizierenden Wachstum, nämlich die Nitrat-Reduktase. Alle bisher beschriebenen AORs enthalten das dem Molybdän sehr ähnliche Metall Wolfram. Vor diesem Hintergrund sollte untersucht werden, welches Metall die AOR aus A. aromaticum enthält. Für beide Fragestellungen war es wichtig, die Phenylacetaldehyd-oxidierenden Enzyme aus A. aromaticum-Zellen anzureichern und im Idealfall aufzureinigen. Durch vielfältige chromatographische Verfahren gelang es, alle Enzymaktivitäten in einem für die Bearbeitung der Fragestellungen ausreichenden Maße anzureichern. Metallanalysen der angereicherten AOR-Fraktionen und begleitende Wachstumsversuche mit verschiedenen Molybdat- und Wolframat-Konzentrationen zeigten, dass die AOR tatsächlich einen Wolfram-Cofaktor enthält und dieser nicht wirksam durch einen Molybdän-Cofaktor ersetzt werden kann. Folglich muss A. aromaticum zur selben Zeit spezifisch mindestens ein Mo- (Nitrat-Reduktase) und ein W-Enzym (AOR) herstellen können. Während die meisten Enzyme aus dem Molybdän-Cofaktor-Biosyntheseweg auch zur Biosynthese des Wolfram-Cofaktors dienen können, wurden in dieser Arbeit durch bioinformatische Analysen mehrere Enzyme gefunden, die eine Metall-Spezifität unterstützen könnten. Dazu gehören Molybdat- und Wolframat-spezifische Transporter und Enzyme, die das Metall auf den Cofaktor übertragen. Außerdem wurden Proteine aus dem Cofaktor-Biosyntheseweg gefunden, die in enger Assoziation mit AORs codiert werden und möglicherweise auch bei der Bereitstellung des richtigen Cofaktors eine Rolle spielen. Durch Anreicherung der NAD(P)-abhängigen Phenylacetaldehyd-oxidierenden Aktivitäten konnte das zugehörige Enzym, eine Aldehyd-Dehydrogenase, die durch das Gen ebA4954 codiert wird, identifiziert werden. Die Phenylacetaldehyd-Dehydrogenase (PDH) wurde heterolog produziert, mithilfe eines C-terminalen Strep-Tags aufgereinigt und biochemisch charakterisiert. Es handelt sich um ein Homotetramer, das sehr spezifisch für Phenylacetaldehyd ist, eine kooperative Kinetik zu diesem Substrat zeigt, stark durch steigende Phenylacetaldehyd-Konzentrationen inhibiert wird und sowohl NAD als auch NADP reduzieren kann. Die Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit führen zu der neuen Hypothese, dass die PDH das Schlüsselenzym für den Phenylalanin-Stoffwechsel ist. Es wurde gezeigt, dass die AOR nicht essentiell für das denitrifizierende Wachstum auf Phenylalanin ist, aber verschiedenste Aldehyde mit ähnlichen Reaktionsgeschwindigkeiten oxidieren kann. Deshalb ist es vorstellbar, dass der AOR eine Funktion zur Detoxifizierung reaktiver Aldehyde zukommt, wenn der Stoffwechsel aus dem Gleichgewicht gerät. Die Erkenntnis, dass A. aromaticum gleichzeitig Molybdän- und Wolfram-Enzyme produzieren kann, eröffnet viele neue Fragestellungen und Forschungsansätze

    Reciprocal association between social support and psychological distress in chronic physical health conditions: A random intercept cross-lagged panel model.

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    The onset of a chronic physical health condition (CHC) can highly impact individuals' well-being and mental health. Social support has been shown to help people rebound after the onset of a CHC. Nonetheless, little is known about the longitudinal pattern of social support and its reciprocal association with mental health in CHC. This study aimed to illustrate the longitudinal pattern of perceived social support and to examine the reciprocal association between perceived social support and psychological distress across 6 years. Two random intercept cross-lagged panel models were conducted, one for emotional and one for practical support, using yearly assessments of 582 Swiss Household Panel's participants reporting a CHC. A reciprocal association was found, with psychological distress 1 year after the onset being linked to less emotional support in the following year and vice versa, more emotional support being linked to less psychological distress the following year. A unidirectional association was found for practical support, with more psychological distress 1 year before the CHC onset being linked to more practical support at the onset year. This study underlines the importance of involving the social environment of individuals living with a CHC, especially around the first year after the onset

    Psychological distress trajectories in chronic physical health conditions

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    Objective: The onset of a chronic health condition (CHC) can have a severe impact on an individual’s life, affecting mental and physical health. This study’s goal was to investigate psychological distress trajectories starting from 1 year before to 4 years after the onset of a physical CHC. The specific aims were to identify the number and shape of longitudinal psychological distress trajectories and to test health-related, psychological, social, and demographic factors predicting these trajectories. Method: Two samples were drawn from the Swiss Household Panel data set: a CHC sample (n = 361) and a 1-to-1 matched comparison sample of healthy individuals. Latent growth mixture modeling was used to identify psychological distress trajectories over 6 years. Factors predicting trajectories were then tested using multinomial logistic regression. Results: Four psychological distress trajectories were identified in the CHC sample: resilience (53.9%), chronic (22.2%), delayed (15.0%), and recovery (8.9%). In the comparison sample, two trajectories were identified: low psychological distress (90%) and elevated psychological distress (10%). Protective factors associated with resilient trajectory membership in the CHC sample were higher emotional stability, higher relationship satisfaction, and male gender. Conclusion: Individuals living with a CHC had an increased risk of vulnerability compared with a sample of healthy individuals. This advocates awareness of mental health issues following the onset of a CHC. In this regard, biopsychosocial factors (gender, emotional stability, and relationship satisfaction) offer prevention and intervention opportunities for more vulnerable individuals

    Is necessary hard approach in the treatment of addiction? Qualitative analysis of attitudes and experiences of Czech therapists

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    In the therapy of addiction we constantly come across the opinion that the therapy should be tough, even though such an approach is obviously not suitable for everyone. Where does this general idea among proffessionals come from then? No single treatment is appropriate for everyone and not all the patients/clients are able to continue to abstain or even lead a fully-fledged life after completing their therapy. In the residential rehabilitation we usually encounter the usage of a specific set of rules, called cardinal. Violation of these rules is generally perceived as incompatible with patient's remaining in the rehab. Therefore the matter of approach towards adhering to the cardinal rules and their enforcement by a therapist remains a key in this research. The core issue of the thesis is to describe and discuss how proffessionals in the field perceive some of these controversial topics and to reveal the origin and causation of their attitude towards the "tough approach" in therapy. The methodology used in the thesis consist in the following: semi - structured interviews, survey set analysis using interpretive techniques such as data coding, colour coding, segmentation, and finally analysis of survey results. The research sample was formed by selection of six therapists. All of these proffessionals..

    Traffic accidents in the Czech Republic

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    In this dissertation on the topic of traffic accidents in the Czech Republic will discuss the causes of accidents, its prevention and the institutions that deal with this issue, railway crossings, statistics both in comparison with other European countries, season, age of drivers ages motor vehicles in the Czech Republic and their impact on traffic safety. Furthermore, this work will mention the point system and that after its introduction into practice reflected in the reduction of traffic accidents, the consequences of human life and that had an influence on the drivers themselves and their behavior in traffic on the roads

    The Semantic Fields of Selected Ethical Terms in the Written and Web Subcorpus of the Slovak National Corpus

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    The paper investigates the issue of semantic field of selected ethical terminology (e.g. morality, conscience, moral action, etc.) in the Slovak National Corpus (SNC). The examination covers two different subcorpuses (written and web) containing a collection of about thousand text units. The basic framework of written subcorpus consists of scientific articles from the field of humanities, religion and art. The web subcorpus was generated from website www.salon.eu.sk offering essays and feuilletons published by the European and world press, with special focus on Central European countries. Firstly, the paper describes the way of designing and building these subcorpuses based on critical interpretation of text metadata, and, secondly, it focuses on the rate of occurrence for the subject areas - Domains and Subdomains - that refer to ethical terminology included in the SNC. The paper then outlines the ways of interpreting the statistical results of the quantitative occurrence of the selected word forms, and it also defines the ways of using the subcorpus not only for linguistic and literary purposes, but also in interdisciplinary research areas