3,205 research outputs found

    Use of rare earth oxides as tracers to identify sediment source areas for agricultural hillslopes

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    Understanding sediment sources is essential to enable more effective targeting of in-field mitigation approaches to reduce diffuse pollution from agricultural land. In this paper we report on the application of rare earth element oxides to arable soils at hillslope scale in order to determine sediment source areas and their relative importance, using a non-intrusive method of surface spraying. Runoff, sediments and rare earth elements lost from four arable hillslope lengths at a site in the UK with clay soils were monitored from three rainfall events after tracer application. Measured erosion rates were low, reflecting the typical event conditions occurring at the site, and less than 1% of the applied REO tracers were recovered, which is consistent with the results of comparable studies. Tracer recovery at the base of the hillslope was able to indicate the relative importance of different hillslope sediment source areas, which were found to be consistent between events. The principal source of eroded sediments was the upslope area, implying that the wheel tracks were principally conduits for sediment transport, and not highly active sites of erosion. Mitigation treatments for sediment losses from arable hillslopes should therefore focus on methodologies for trapping mobile sediments within wheel track areas through increasing surface roughness or reducing the connectivity of sediment transport processes

    COST EFFICIENCY LEVEL OF ISLAMIC BANKS IN INDONESIA: A STOCHASTIC FRONTIER ANALYSIS Study on Indonesian Islamic Banks (Islamic Commercial Bank and Islamic Windows) during 2011-2014 Period

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    This research aims to compare and analyze on the cost efficiency level of Islamic Commercial Bank (ICB) and Islamic Windows (IW) in Indonesia. Another purpose is to find out whether the Islamic Banks are ready to face the application of ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) based on the result of efficiency analysis. This research is conducted on eleven samples in total, which consist of seven ICB and four IW. This research employs Stochastic Frontier Analysis (SFA) with cost function to measure the efficiency. Asset approach is selected as the approach to determine the input and output variables. The input variables used in this research are cost of profit/loss sharing and cost of labor, whereas the output variables selected are total financing channeled by Islamic banks in the sample and securities owned by them. Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) is employed to find out the difference between the efficiency level of ICB and IW. The result of analysis by SFA shows that in average Indonesian Islamic Banks has achieved the efficiency level at 0.652188318 or 65.22% within the year of 2011 to 2014. It indicates that the Islamic banks in Indonesia have not yet achieved the cost efficiency in generating outputs using inputs available. In other words, Indonesian Islamic banks have to improve the performance in order to increase competitive advantage to face the application of AEC. Another finding reveals that Islamic Commercial Banks tend to be more efficient compared to Islamic Windows. Based on the result of regression on panel data to test the effect of input and output variables on total cost, the variables that have positive and significant impact on total cost are total financing, cost of profit/loss sharing, and cost of labor. Meanwhile owned securities have negative insignificant effect on total cost. The ANOVA result reveals that there is no significant difference between the efficiency level of Islamic Commercial Banks and Islamic Windows

    The Imprisoned

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    In lieu of an abstract, below is the essay\u27s first paragraph. The seven o\u27clock whistle shrilled just as he turned to race up the next flight of stairs. Manny swore and slid through a puddle of spilled coffee on the landing. Dull green factory walls, dismal grey factory stairs, dirty factory floors - he cursed them all. He lost his footing and banged his shin on the next step as he fell. It hurt like hell but he picked himself up and half-walked, half-hopped up the next two flights. Another bad day - and it had barely begun

    Autler-Townes splitting via frequency upconversion at ultra-low power levels in cold 87^{87}Rb atoms using an optical nanofiber

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    The tight confinement of the evanescent light field around the waist of an optical nanofiber makes it a suitable tool for studying nonlinear optics in atomic media. Here, we use an optical nanofiber embedded in a cloud of laser-cooled 87Rb for near-infrared frequency upconversion via a resonant two-photon process. Sub-nW powers of the two-photon beams, at 780 nm and 776 nm, co-propagate through the optical nanofiber and generation of 420 nm photons is observed. A measurement of the Autler-Townes splitting provides a direct measurement of the Rabi frequency of the 780 nm transition. Through this method, dephasings of the system can be studied. In this work, the optical nanofiber is used as an excitation and detection tool simultaneously, and it highlights some of the advantages of using fully fibered systems for nonlinear optics with atoms

    “ IMPROVING STUDENTS’ PARTICIPATION IN LEARNING ENGLISH BY USING ENGLISH BOARD GAME” (A Classroom Action Research at the First Grade of SMA Negeri Kebakkramat in the Academic Year 2015 / 2016)

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    The objectives of the research are: (1) to identify whether and to what extent the use of games can improve student’s participation (2) to describe difficulties in implementing games in the English class. This action research was carried out at SMA Negeri Kebakkramat was conducted from August to September 2015. The subject of the research was the students of class X-2. The research was conducted in two cycles: in the first cycle there were three meetings and in the second cycle there were three meetings. This research optimized the use of English board game to improve students’ participation in learning English. The qualitative data were collected through interview, observation, field note and questionnaire. The qualitative data were collected through speaking test in playing board games, in this research focus on students’ speaking skill. The data were compared and analyzed to get a conclusion as the result of this research. The finding showed that English board game improves students’ participation in learning English. The improvements of students’ participation include: (1) the number of students asking question during learning process increased; (2) the number of students gave comment or suggestion in learning process increased; (3) students became more enthusiastic in following the learning process; (4) students became more confident to involve themselves in learning process; (5) many students gave positive feedback during the lesson; (6) students made good cooperation in class discussion. Besides, the difficulties of using English board game in English class that the teacher should: (1) adjust the class material with the design of a board game; (2) be creative in making an attractive design; (3) make the rule easy to understand; (4) consider the level of the students and the appropriate time; (4) handle the students patiently and keep the students not to get bored of the game. In addition, the students’ skill also improved. It can be seen from students’ speaking skill score: in pre-test their mean score was 63.2, in test 1 it was 67.5 and in test 2 it was 70.2. Besides, students’ writing and reading skill were also good. Students’ reading score was 70, 80, and even 100. In writing their score was quite good that was 70 and 85. It can be concluded that English board game can improve students’ participation in learning English. This new variation of game will hopefully help teacher, students and school to make a better lesson in learning English. Students will improve their skill and also this game gives new experiences for students. Key words: students’ participation, board game, English lesson, classroom action researc


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    Pada proses pembelajaran di SMKN 2 Garut memiliki beberapa permasalahan di antaranya adalah kurangnya motivasi daya saing antar siswa, kurangnya keaktifan siswa dalam proses pembelajaran sehingga pembelajaran cenderung monoton, tidak ada ruang gerak untuk siswa mengeksplorasi potensi dalam belajar. Maka dari itu dilakukan penelitian yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah terdapat perbedaan antara penerapan metode ceramah dengan metode Competitive-Based Learning pada peningkatan motivasi daya saing siswa yang dianalisis berdasarkan uji keaktifan dan nilai N-Gain. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode eksperimen semu (Quasi-Eksperimental Design) dengan desain Nonequivalent Control Group Design. Eksperimen dilakukan pada siswa-siswi Kelas XI TGB 2 SMKN 2 Garut pada mata pelajaran Konstruksi Tangga, masing-masing terdiri dari dua kelompok dalam satu kelas yaitu kelompok eksperimen dengan metode Competitive-Based Learning dan kelompok kontrol dengan metode ceramah yang terdiri dari 12 orang masing-masing kelompok. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa hasil belajar dan keaktifan siswa dengan menggunakan metode Competitive-Based Learning lebih tinggi dibanding dengan metode ceramah. Diperoleh dari hasil N-Gain dan Uji Keaktifan Siswa, dalam Uji N-Gain rata-rata untuk kelas kontrol 0,501 sedangkan rata-rata N-Gain untuk kelas Eksperimen 0,665. Berdasarkan hasil N-Gain dan hasil uji hipotesis dengan rumus uji-t yang telah dihitung di bab IV bahwa thitung > ttabel maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa ‘Terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan pada hasil belajar dan keaktifan siswa dalam meningkatkan daya saing antara penerapan metode pembelajaran Competitive-Based Learning dengan metode ceramah.’ Dan dari segi uji keaktifan klasifikasi keaktifan kelas kontrol dengan kategori ‘Aktif’ presentasenya sebesar 17 % sedangkan pada kelas eksperimen presentase keaktifan dengan kategori ‘Aktif’ sebesar 33 %. Berdasarkan uji tes dan uji keaktifan maka pada metode Competitive-Based Learning berhasil untuk meningkatkan motivasi daya saing siswa yang dilihat dari hasil belajar dan keaktifan siswa dalam pembelajaran Konstruksi Tangga di kelas XI TGB 2 SMKN 2 Garut. At learning process in SMKN 2 Garut has some problemses among others is lack of motivation of competitiveness between students, lack of livelines of student in process of study so that study tends to monotone, there is no space moves for exploration student of potency in learning. Hence from that is done research with aim to know is there is difference between applyings of discourse method with method Competitive-Based Learning at improvement of motivation of student competitiveness analysed based on livelines test and value N-Gain. The method used is a quasi-experimental method (Quasi-Experimental Design) with design Nonequivalent Control Group Design. Experiments conducted on students of Class XI TGB 2 at subject Ladder Construction , each consisted of two groups in one classes that is group of experiment with method Competitive-Based Learning and group of control with discourse method consisted of 12 each group. Result of research indicates that result of learning and livelines of student by using method Competitive-Based higher Learning compared to with discourse method. Obtained from result of N-Gain and Uji Keaktifan Siswa, in Uji N-Gain average of control class 0,501 while average of N-Gain for class Eksperimen 0,665. Based on result of N-Gain and hypothesis test result with t-test formula which has been calculated in chapter IV that thitung > ttabel hence inferential that ' There is difference signifikan at result of learning and livelines of student in increasing competitiveness between applyings of study method of Competitive-Based Learning with discourse method. And in terms of livelines test of classification of livelines of control class with category ' Active ' its(the presentase 17 % while at experiment class presentase livelines with category ' Active ' 33 %. Based on test test and livelines test hence at method Competitive-Based Learning succeeds to increase motivation of student competitiveness seen from result of learning and livelines of student in study of Ladder Construction in class XI TGB 2 SMKN 2 Garut


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi perubahan konsepsi siswa pada konsep substansi genetika dengan menggunakan analogi sebagai bentuk dari representasi. Pada penelitian ini 35 orang siswa SMA kelas XII diberikan lembar kegiatan analogi yang bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi bagaimana siswa membuat analogi mereka dalam merepresentasikan setiap sub konsep substansi genetika pada tahap awal dan akhir pembelajaran. Data yang diperoleh dari penelitian ini yaitu bentuk-bentuk analogi siswa pada setiap sub konsep, jenis-jenis perbandingan analogi yang dibuat siswa, dan perubahan konsepsi siswa. Bentuk-bentuk analogi siswa dalam merepresentasikan sub konsep substansi genetika sangat beragam serta berada pada kategori cukup dan kurang sekali. Jenis perbandingan yang paling banyak dibuat oleh siswa yaitu jenis perbandingan mere appearance match, membandingkan domain target (konsep) dengan domain analog (analogi) tanpa menjelaskan keterkaitan antara domain target dengan domain analog, hanya menjelaskan deskripsi objek dari domain analog. Berdasarkan hasil tes penguasaan konsep, siswa dikelompokkan menjadi kelompok atas, kelompok rata-rata, dan kelompok bawah untuk diidentifikasi perubahan konsepsinya dari hasil wawancara pada setiap sub konsep. Perubahan konsepsi siswa kelompok atas, kelompok rata-rata, dan kelompok bawah terjadi pada tiga sub konsep dari delapan sub konsep, yaitu sub konsep keterkaitan antara kromosom, DNA, dan gen dengan persentase 17%, sub konsep homologi kromosom dengan persentase 26% dan sub konsep struktur DNA dalam bentuk kromosom dengan persentase 3%. Predikat siswa yang mengalami perubahan konsepsi pada kelompok atas, kelompok rata-rata, dan kelompok bawah berada pada level kurang dan kurang sekali.;---The purpose of this study was to identify student’s conception change about genetic substance with using analogy as a form of representation. This study was conducted in 35 high school student grade 12 who are given an analogy activity sheet for identification on students create their analogies that represent the sub concepts of genetic substance in early learning, during learning and the end of the lesson. Data obtained from this study are forms the analogy of students in each sub concepts, types of comparative analogy, and the student’s conception change. The students analogy forms in represent sub concepts of genetic substance is very diverse and be in category enough and low. Most types of comparisons made by the students are mere appearance match the type of comparison, comparing the target domain (concepts) with analog domain (analogy) without explaining the relationship between the target domain to the analog domain, just explain the description of the object from the analog domain. Based on the test results mastery concept, students grouped in a top, average, and bottom for identify their conception change of interviews in each sub concepts. Students' conceptions change in top group, average group, and bottom group occured in three of the eight sub concept, there are association between chromosomes, DNA and genes with percentage of 17%, homology chromosomes with percentage of 26% and DNA structure in chromosome form with percentage of 3%. Student’s predicate with conception change in top group, average, and bottom at the level fail and so fail


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    Masalah Hipotermia yang sering terjadi pada bayi baru lahir disebabkan, masih banyak ibu yang belum memahami tentang pencegahan hipotermia. Hal ini dapat berpengaruh pada morbiditas dan mortalitas bayi. Sehingga kejadian hipotermia dan angka kematian bayi (AKB) semakin meningkat. Penyebab seringnya bayi mengalami hipotermia dikarenakan kurangnya pengetahuan ibu tentang pencegahan hipotermia pada bayi baru lahir. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menggambarkan tingkat pengetahuan ibu nifas tentang pencegahan hipotermia pada bayi baru lahir di Desa Tenggulunan Candi Sidoarjo. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain penelitian deskriptif. Populasinya seluruh ibu nifas yang mempunyai bayi usia 0-28 hari sebesar 14 orang. Sampel sebesar 14 responden diambil dengan teknik total sampling. Variabelnya adalah tingkat pengetahuan ibu nifas tentang pecegahan hipotermia pada bayi baru lahir. Pengumpulan data menggunakan kuesioner, data diolah dengan cara editing, skoring, coding, tabulating. Analisa yang digunakan adalah analisis statistik deskriptif dengan persentase. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan setengahnya (50%) responden pengetahuannya kurang tentang pencegahan hipotermia pada bayi baru lahir, hampir setengahnya (28,57%) responden pengetahuannya baik, dan sebagian kecil (21,43%) responden pengetahuannya cukup. Simpulan penelitian ini setengahnya ibu memiliki tingkat pengetahuan kurang tentang pencegahan hipotermia pada bayi baru lahir, diharapkan bagi tenaga kesehatan memberikan penyuluhan tentang pencegahan hipotermia pada bayi baru lahir kepada ibu nifas


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    Sebenarnya sistem perbankan dalam ekonomi Islam didasarkan pada konsep pembagian baik keuntungan maupun kerugian. Prinsip yang umum adalah siapa yang ingin mendapatkan hasil dari tabungannya, harus juga bersedia mengambil resiko. Bank akan membagi juga kerugian perusahaan jika mereka menginginkan perolehan hasil dari modal mereka.Ditegaskan bahwa kepemilikan Bank Perkreditan Rakyat dan BPRS oleh badan hukum yang bersangkutan, yang merupakan penjumlahan dari modal disetor. Cadangan dan laba, dikurangi penyertaan dan kerugian, bagi badan hukum Perseroan Terbatas perusahaan daerah; atau penjumlahan dari simpanan pokok, simpanan wajib, hibah, modal penyertaan, dana cadangan dan sisa hasil usaha, dikurangi penyertaan dan kerugian, bagi badan hukum koperasi.Kata Kunci : Kredit, Bank dan Syaria