711 research outputs found

    Background field technique and renormalization in lattice gauge theory

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    Lattice gauge theory with a background gauge field is shown to be renormalizable to all orders of perturbation theory. No additional counterterms are required besides those already needed in the absence of the background field. The argument closely follows the treatment given earlier for the case of dimensional regularization by Kluberg-Stern and Zuber. It is based on the BRS, background gauge and shift symmetries of the lattice functional integral.Comment: 26 pages, uuencoded compressed postscript fil

    Effective Field Theory for Highly Ionized Plasmas

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    We examine the equilibrium properties of hot, dilute, non-relativistic plasmas. The partition function and density correlation functions of a classical plasma with several species are expressed in terms of a functional integral over electrostatic potential distributions. The leading order, field-theoretic tree approximation automatically includes the effects of Debye screening. Subleading, one-loop corrections are easily evaluated. The two-loop corrections, however, have ultraviolet divergences. These correspond to the short-distance, logarithmic divergence which is encountered in the spatial integral of the Boltzmann exponential when it is expanded to third order in the Coulomb potential. Such divergences do not appear in the underlying quantum theory --- they are rendered finite by quantum fluctuations. We show how such divergences may be removed and the correct finite theory obtained by introducing additional local interactions in the manner of modern effective quantum field theories. We obtain explicit results for density-density correlation functions through two-loop order and thermodynamic quantities through three-loop order. The induced couplings are shown to obey renormalization group equations, and these equations are used to characterize all leading logarithmic contributions in the theory. A linear combination of pressure and energy and number densities is shown to be described by a field-theoretic anomaly. The effective theory allows us to evaluate very easily the algebraic long-distance decay of density correlation functions.Comment: 194 pages, uses elsevier & epsf.sty; final corrections include

    Initial Conditions for a Universe

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    In physical theories, boundary or initial conditions play the role of selecting special situations which can be described by a theory with its general laws. Cosmology has long been suspected to be different in that its fundamental theory should explain the fact that we can observe only one particular realization. This is not realized, however, in the classical formulation and in its conventional quantization; the situation is even worse due to the singularity problem. In recent years, a new formulation of quantum cosmology has been developed which is based on quantum geometry, a candidate for a theory of quantum gravity. Here, the dynamical law and initial conditions turn out to be linked intimately, in combination with a solution of the singularity problem.Comment: 7 pages, this essay was awarded First Prize in the Gravity Research Foundation Essay Contest 200

    J/\Psi production in two-photon collisions at next-to-leading order

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    In this paper, we report on the calculation of the cross section of J/\Psi plus jet inclusive production in direct two-photon collisions at next-to-leading order within the factorization formalism of nonrelativistic quantum chromodynamics (NRQCD). Theoretical predictions for the future e^+e^- linear collider TESLA are also presented.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, talk given at the 7th DESY Workshop on Elementary Particle Theory: Loops and Legs in Quantum Field Theory, Zinnowitz, Germany, 25-30 April, 2004: added references for section

    The Dark Matter Problem in Light of Quantum Gravity

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    We show how, by considering the cumulative effect of tiny quantum gravitational fluctuations over very large distances, it may be possible to: (aa) reconcile nucleosynthesis bounds on the density parameter of the Universe with the predictions of inflationary cosmology, and (bb) reproduce the inferred variation of the density parameter with distance. Our calculation can be interpreted as a computation of the contribution of quantum gravitational degrees of freedom to the (local) energy density of the Universe.Comment: 13 pages, LaTeX, (3 figues, not included

    Diffraction in the Semiclassical Approximation to Feynman's Path Integral Representation of the Green Function

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    We derive the semiclassical approximation to Feynman's path integral representation of the energy Green function of a massless particle in the shadow region of an ideal obstacle in a medium. The wavelength of the particle is assumed to be comparable to or smaller than any relevant length of the problem. Classical paths with extremal length partially creep along the obstacle and their fluctuations are subject to non-holonomic constraints. If the medium is a vacuum, the asymptotic contribution from a single classical path of overall length L to the energy Green function at energy E is that of a non-relativistic particle of mass E/c^2 moving in the two-dimensional space orthogonal to the classical path for a time \tau=L/c. Dirichlet boundary conditions at the surface of the obstacle constrain the motion of the particle to the exterior half-space and result in an effective time-dependent but spatially constant force that is inversely proportional to the radius of curvature of the classical path. We relate the diffractive, classically forbidden motion in the "creeping" case to the classically allowed motion in the "whispering gallery" case by analytic continuation in the curvature of the classical path. The non-holonomic constraint implies that the surface of the obstacle becomes a zero-dimensional caustic of the particle's motion. We solve this problem for extremal rays with piecewise constant curvature and provide uniform asymptotic expressions that are approximately valid in the penumbra as well as in the deep shadow of a sphere.Comment: 37 pages, 5 figure

    The Inverse Scale Factor in Isotropic Quantum Geometry

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    The inverse scale factor, which in classical cosmological models diverges at the singularity, is quantized in isotropic models of loop quantum cosmology by using techniques which have been developed in quantum geometry for a quantization of general relativity. This procedure results in a bounded operator which is diagonalizable simultaneously with the volume operator and whose eigenvalues are determined explicitly. For large scale factors (in fact, up to a scale factor slightly above the Planck length) the eigenvalues are close to the classical expectation, whereas below the Planck length there are large deviations leading to a non-diverging behavior of the inverse scale factor even though the scale factor has vanishing eigenvalues. This is a first indication that the classical singularity is better behaved in loop quantum cosmology.Comment: 17 pages, 4 figure

    A Massive Renormalizable Abelian Gauge Theory in 2+1 Dimensions

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    The standard formulation of a massive Abelian vector field in 2+12+1 dimensions involves a Maxwell kinetic term plus a Chern-Simons mass term; in its place we consider a Chern-Simons kinetic term plus a Stuekelberg mass term. In this latter model, we still have a massive vector field, but now the interaction with a charged spinor field is renormalizable (as opposed to super renormalizable). By choosing an appropriate gauge fixing term, the Stuekelberg auxiliary scalar field decouples from the vector field. The one-loop spinor self energy is computed using operator regularization, a technique which respects the three dimensional character of the antisymmetric tensor ϵαβγ\epsilon_{\alpha\beta\gamma}. This method is used to evaluate the vector self energy to two-loop order; it is found to vanish showing that the beta function is zero to two-loop order. The canonical structure of the model is examined using the Dirac constraint formalism.Comment: LaTeX, 17 pages, expanded reference list and discussion of relationship to previous wor

    Canonical Quantum Supergravity in Three Dimensions, (some lines lost during submission)

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    We discuss the canonical treatment and quantization of matter coupled supergravity in three dimensions, with special emphasis on N=2N=2 supergravity. We then analyze the quantum constraint algebra; certain operator ordering ambiguities are found to be absent due to local supersymmetry. We show that the supersymmetry constraints can be partially solved by a functional analog of the method of characteristics. We also consider extensions of Wilson loop integrals of the type previously found in ordinary gravity, but now with connections involving the bosonic and fermionic matter fields in addition to the gravitational connection. In a separate section of this paper, the canonical treatment and quantization of non-linear coset space sigma models are discussed in a self contained way.Comment: 40 pages, LaTeX, DESY 93-07