248 research outputs found
The Relationship Between Alternative Career and Technical Education (CTE) Teacher Licensure Requirements and CTE Teacher Shortage
Career and technical education (CTE) continues to face an annual shortage of qualified teachers in the profession. This shortage has caused an increase in the use of alternative certification/licensure pathways across the United States. These alternative pathways are highly divergent from state to state. Limited research has investigated CTE teacher shortage and the alternative certification/licensure requirements that contribute. Using archival data, this correlational study looked to determine if CTE alternative certification/licensure requirements can predict CTE teacher shortages. Logistic regression analysis was used to review all 50 states and the District of Columbia and determine if any of the criterion variables predicted CTE teacher shortage. After analysis, it was determined that none of the criterion variables of academic degree, work experience, mandatory testing, and program length was statistically significant in predicting CTE teacher shortage
Coastal Blue Carbon Opportunity Assessment for Snohomish Estuary: The Climate Benefits of Estuary Restoration
This report presents the findings of a groundbreaking study that confirms the climate mitigation benefits of restoring tidal wetland habitat in the Snohomish Estuary, located within the nation's second largest estuary: Puget Sound. The study, the first of its kind, finds major climate mitigation benefits from wetland restoration and provides a much needed approach for assessing carbon fluxes for historic drained and future restored wetlands which can now be transferred and applied to other geographie
Perbedaan budaya dapat menimbulkan culture shock pada pihak-pihak yang terlibat dalam komunikasi antarbudaya. Mahasiswa asal Medan (Universitas Hkbp Nommensen) menjadi salah satu contoh mahasiswa yang mengalami culture shock sejak awal mengikuti program pertukaran mahasiswa di Universitas di luar pulau sumatera seperti di Universitas Negeri Surabaya dan Universitas Nusa Cendana. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui proses adaptasi mahasiswa Universitas HKBP Nommensen Medan terhadap culture shock di Universitas penerima serta hambatan yang diperoleh dalam proses adaptasi. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif deskriptif, sumber data yang digunakan adalah sumber data primer dan sekunder dengan jumlah informan sebanyak 5 orang mahasiswa. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan wawancara, observasi, dan dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan yaitu reduksi data, penyajian data, penarikan kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan adanya perbedaan kondisi yang dialami masing-masing mahasiswa Universitas HKBP Nommensen dalam fase adaptasi budaya. Perbedaan kondisi sosial budaya mengakibatkan mahasiswa mengalami culture shock di Pt penerima. Namun mahasiswa memilih bertahan dan menghadapi segala kondisi yang ada, sehingga secara keseluruhan semua mahasiswa mampu beradaptasi di lingkungan budaya baru. Adapun hambatan dalam proses adaptasi mahasiwa Universitas Hkbp Nommensen Medan berasal dari dalam diri dan lingkungan
Etude intégrée sur l'impact des différentes classes de contaminants (composés organostanniques, métaux, HAP, PCB) sur les moules. Bioaccumulation et réponses biochimiques
Le tributylétain (TBT) a été largement utilisé comme biocide dans les peintures antisalissures des bateaux. Le TBT présent dans l'environnement marin induit chez les invertébrés des modifications hormonales et des perturbations biochimiques de certaines enzymes. Ces travaux de thÚse ont porté, d'une part, sur la caractérisation de la bioaccumulation du TBT chez la moule Mytilus sp. en microcosme et sur le terrain, et d'autre part, sur l'utilisation des stéroïdes endogÚnes comme indicateurs d'une perturbation hormonale induite par le TBT et de différents marqueurs biochimiques. Une étude de biosurveillance utilisant la transplantation de moules en cages a été réalisée dans le Bassin d'Arcachon pendant une année afin de dresser un bilan de la contamination du Bassin par les principales classes de polluants (composés organostanniques, métaux, HAP, PCB) et d'étudier les réponses biologiques associées (taux de stéroïdes endogÚnes, biomarqueurs d'exposition: GST, AChE, catalase, TBARS).Tributyltin (TBT) was widely used as biocide in antifouling paints. TBT present in the marine environment induces hormonal imbalance and biochemical disturbances of some enzymes in invertebrates. The bioaccumulation of TBT by the blue mussel Mytilus sp. has been studied in both microcosm and field studies and levels of endogenous steroids, used as indicators of a hormonal disturbance induced by TBT, and of various biomarkers have been also determined according to contaminant exposures. A one-year monitoring study using transplanted mussels was performed in the Arcachon Bay in order to obtain a global evaluation of the contamination (organotin compounds, heavy metals, PAHs, PCBs) of the bay and to study the associated biological responses (endogenous steroid levels and biomarkers of exposure: GST, AChE, catalase and TBARS)
Screening of the Toxicity of Polystyrene Nano- and Microplastics Alone and in Combination with Benzo(a)pyrene in Brine Shrimp Larvae and Zebrafish Embryos
The occurrence of nanoplastics (NPs) and microplastics (MPs) in aquatic ecosystems and their capacity to sorb hydrophobic pollutants is nowadays an issue of great concern. This study aimed to assess the potential bioavailability and acute toxicity of polystyrene (PS) NPs (50 and 500 nm) and of MPs (4.5 ”m), alone and with sorbed benzo(a)pyrene (B(a)P), in the embryo/larval stages of brine shrimps and zebrafish. Exposure to pristine plastics up to 50.1 mg PS/L did not cause significant impact on brine shrimp survival, while some treatments of plastics-B(a)P and all concentrations of B(a)P (0.1â10 mg/L) resulted acutely toxic. In zebrafish, only the highest concentrations of MPs-B(a)P and B(a)P caused a significant increase of malformation prevalence. Ingestion of NPs was observed by 24â48 h of exposure in the two organisms (from 0.069 to 6.87 mg PS/L). In brine shrimps, NPs were observed over the body surface and within the digestive tract, associated with feces. In zebrafish, NPs were localized in the eyes, yolk sac, and tail at 72 h, showing their capacity to translocate and spread into the embryo. MP ingestion was only demonstrated for brine shrimps. In zebrafish embryos exposed to plastics-B(a)P, B(a)P appeared in the yolk sac of the embryos. The presence of B(a)P was also noticeable in brine shrimps exposed to 500 nm NPs-B(a)P. In conclusion, NPs entered and spread into the zebrafish embryo and PS NPs, and MPs were successful vectors of B(a)P to brine shrimp and zebrafish embryos. Particle size played a significant role in explaining the toxicity of plasticsâB(a)P. Our study provides support for the idea that plastics may pose a risk to aquatic organisms when combined with persistent organic pollutants such as B(a)P.This work was funded by UPV/EHU (predoctoral grant to IMA), Basque Government (consolidated research group IT810-13 and IT1302-19), Spanish MINECO project NACE (CTM2016-81130-R), French ANR (No.â10âIDEX-03-02 and Cluster of Excellence COTE (ANR-10-LABX 45). This work was performed within the framework of the Centre for Advanced Studies (CAS) project âH2020 CAS6 Nanoplasticsâ funded by the European Commission- Joint Research Centre (JRC/A/05)
Expressed sequences tags of the anther smut fungus, Microbotryum violaceum, identify mating and pathogenicity genes
<p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The basidiomycete fungus <it>Microbotryum violaceum </it>is responsible for the anther-smut disease in many plants of the Caryophyllaceae family and is a model in genetics and evolutionary biology. Infection is initiated by dikaryotic hyphae produced after the conjugation of two haploid sporidia of opposite mating type. This study describes <it>M. violaceum </it>ESTs corresponding to nuclear genes expressed during conjugation and early hyphal production.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>A normalized cDNA library generated 24,128 sequences, which were assembled into 7,765 unique genes; 25.2% of them displayed significant similarity to annotated proteins from other organisms, 74.3% a weak similarity to the same set of known proteins, and 0.5% were orphans. We identified putative pheromone receptors and genes that in other fungi are involved in the mating process. We also identified many sequences similar to genes known to be involved in pathogenicity in other fungi. The <it>M. violaceum </it>EST database, MICROBASE, is available on the Web and provides access to the sequences, assembled contigs, annotations and programs to compare similarities against MICROBASE.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>This study provides a basis for cloning the mating type locus, for further investigation of pathogenicity genes in the anther smut fungi, and for comparative genomics.</p
Three birds with one stone: Tidal wetland restoration, carbon sequestration, and enhancing resilience to rising sea levels in the Snohomish River Estuary, Washington
Recent attention has focused on exploring the carbon storage and sequestration values of tidal wetlands to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions. Efforts are now underway to develop the tools and refine the science needed to bring carbon markets to bear on tidal wetland restoration activities. Effective restoration not only maximizes carbon storage in former tidal wetlands but also, through the accumulation of organic and mineral matter, enhances these systemsâ resilience to rising sea levels. To this end, this project focuses on the Snohomish River estuary of the Puget Sound, Washington, which offers a continuum of diked and un-diked wetlands including seasonal floodplains, open mudflats, mature and tidal forests, and salt marsh habitats. In addition, there is strong restoration potential in a suite of ongoing and proposed projects. We report here on the carbon storage pools, long-term sediment accretion rates (100 years), and estimated rates of carbon storage, derived from sediment cores collected at representative sites within the Snohomish estuary during the spring and summer of 2013. We found that natural wetlands (open to tidal exchange and riverine inputs) were accreting at rates that equaled or exceeded current rates of eustatic sea level rise, while formerly, or currently diked wetlands (closed to such exchanges and inputs) revealed marked evidence of subsidence. Restored sites showed evidence of both high rates of sediment accretion (1.61 cm/year) and carbon storage (352 g C/m2/year)
Uptake and Effects of Graphene Oxide Nanomaterials Alone and in Combination with Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Zebrafish
Because of its surface characteristics, once in the aquatic environment, graphene could act as a carrier of pollutants, such as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), to aquatic organisms. In this study we aimed to (1) assess the capacity of graphene oxide (GO) to sorb PAHs and (2) to evaluate the toxicity of GO alone and in combination with PAHs on zebrafish embryos and adults. GO showed a high sorption capacity for benzo(a)pyrene (B(a)P) (98% of B(a)P sorbed from a nominal concentration of 100 mu g/L) and for other PAHs of the water accommodated fraction (WAF) of a naphthenic North Sea crude oil, depending on their log Kow (95.7% of phenanthrene, 84.4% of fluorene and 51.5% of acenaphthene). In embryos exposed to different GO nanomaterials alone and with PAHs, no significant mortality was recorded for any treatment. Nevertheless, malformation rate increased significantly in embryos exposed to the highest concentrations (5 or 10 mg/L) of GO and reduced GO (rGO) alone and with sorbed B(a)P (GO-B(a)P). On the other hand, adults were exposed for 21 days to 2 mg/L of GO, GO-B(a)P and GO co-exposed with WAF (GO + WAF) and to 100 mu g/L B(a)P. Fish exposed to GO presented GO in the intestine lumen and liver vacuolisation. Transcription level of genes related to cell cycle regulation and oxidative stress was not altered, but the slight up-regulation of cyp1a measured in fish exposed to B(a)P for 3 days resulted in a significantly increased EROD activity. Fish exposed to GO-B(a)P and to B(a)P for 3 days and to GO + WAF for 21 days showed significantly higher catalase activity in the gills than control fish. Significantly lower acetylcholinesterase activity, indicating neurotoxic effects, was also observed in all fish treated for 21 days. Results demonstrated the capacity of GO to carry PAHs and to exert sublethal effects in zebrafish.This work has been funded by University of the Basque Country (predoctoral grant to IMA PIFBUR15/15), Basque Government (consolidated research group IT810-13 and IT1302-19), Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness project NACE (CTM2016-81130-R), French National Research Agency (No.-10-IDEX-03-02) and Cluster of Excellence Continental To coastal Ecosystems-COTE (ANR-10-LABX 45). Thanks to staff at Driftslaboratoriet Mongstad, Equinor (former Statoil) for supplying the sample of crude oil used in the experiments. The authors thank for technical and human support provided by SGIker (UPV/EHU/ERDF, EU)
Strategies for implementing the interRAI home care frailty scale with home-delivered meal clients
IntroductionFrailty is a complex condition that is highly associated with health decline and the loss of independence. Home-delivered meal programs are designed to provide older adults with health and nutritional support that can attenuate the risk of frailty. However, home-delivered meal agencies do not routinely assess frailty using standardized instruments, leading to uncertainty over the longitudinal impact of home-delivered meals on frailty levels. Considering this knowledge gap, this study aimed to facilitate home-delivered meal staff's implementation of a standardized frailty instrument with meal clients as part of routine programming. This article (a) describes the use of Implementation Mapping principles to develop strategies supporting frailty instrument implementation in one home-delivered meal agency and (b) examines the degree to which a combination of strategies influenced the feasibility of frailty instrument use by home-delivered meal staff at multiple time points.Methods and materialsThis retrospective observational study evaluated staff's implementation of the interRAI Home Care Frailty Scale (HCFS) with newly enrolled home-delivered meal clients at baseline-, 3-months, and 6-months. The process of implementing the HCFS was supported by five implementation strategies that were developed based on tenets of Implementation Mapping. Rates of implementation and reasons clients were lost to 3- and 6-month follow-up were evaluated using univariate analyses. Client-level data were also examined to identify demographic factors associated with attrition at both follow-up time points.ResultsStaff implemented the HCFS with 94.8% (n = 561) of eligible home-delivered meal clients at baseline. Of those clients with baseline HCFS data, staff implemented the follow-up HCFS with 43% of clients (n = 241) at 3-months and 18.0% of clients (n = 101) at 6-months. Insufficient client tracking and documentation procedures complicated staff's ability to complete the HCFS at follow-up time points.DiscussionWhile the HCFS assesses important frailty domains that are relevant to home-delivered meal clients, its longitudinal implementation was complicated by several agency- and client-level factors that limited the extent to which the HCFS could be feasibly implemented over multiple time points. Future empirical studies are needed to design and test theoretically derived implementation strategies to support frailty instrument use in the home- and community-based service setting
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