13 research outputs found

    Temporary Arterial Stenting: Comparison to Permanent Stenting and Conventional Balloon Injury in a Rabbit Carotid Artery Model

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    The objective was to assess the arterial wall response to temporary stenting with a removable nitinol stent in comparison with permanent stenting and balloon injury at 28 days in the rabbit carotid artery. Restenosis remains an important limiting factor after the implantation of permanent metallic stents and balloon angioplasty. We have developed a temporary nitinol stent that uses a bolus injection of warmed saline to collapse the stent for percutaneous removal. Vascular changes related to the thermal saline bolus injection required to remove a nitinol implanted stent were assessed in 12 rabbit carotid arteries at 7 and 28 days postinjection. Nitinol stents, inflated to 3.0 mm diameter, were implanted for 3 days (n 5 6) and histology and quantitative histomorphometry examined at 28 days. Results were compared with permanently implanted stents (n 5 5) and balloon injury (n 5 9). Dual bolus injection of 10 ml at 70°C created an acute necrotizing injury and chronic neointimal proliferation, whereas injections of 5 ml at 63°C were minimally injurious. Temporary stenting resulted in the least neointimal proliferation measured by the intima to media ratio (0.22 6 0.10 vs. 1.59 6 0.31 for permanent stenting and; 0.49 6 0.14 for balloon injury; P F 0.001). Temporary stenting maintained a significantly larger lumen than balloon (1.53 6 0.72 mm 2 vs. 0.64 6 0.14 mm 2 ; P F 0.001), which could not be explained by absolute changes in intimal cross sectional area (0.14 6 0.07 mm 2 vs. 0.21 6 0.06 mm 2 respectively; P 5 0.33). Temporary stenting resulted in a relatively larger vessel area within the external elastic lamina than with balloon (2.28 6 1.06 mm 2 vs. 1.30 6 0.18 mm 2 ; P 5 0.007). The thermal stent recovery process can create necrotizing vascular injury and neointimal proliferation at higher temperatures and injectate volumes. Stent removal after 3 days using 63°C saline bolus injection results in less neointimal proliferation than with permanent stents or balloon injury. In comparison to balloon injury, temporary stenting also may have a long-lasting beneficial effect on vessel recoil and remodeling, resulting in larger lumen size after stent removal. Cathet. Cardiovasc. Diagn. 41:85-92, 1997. r 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc

    Conte et cinéma

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    Ce numéro 18 de Féeries est consacré aux adaptations cinématographiques des contes merveilleux français. Résolument transdisciplinaire, il réunit sept contributions de chercheurs français et étrangers, spécialistes de cinéma, de musicologie et du conte littéraire. Les articles portent chacun sur une ou plusieurs adaptations de contes des XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles incluant le recueil des Mille et Une Nuits adapté par Galland. Longs et courts métrages ou films d’animation produits entre 1951 et 2017, certains célèbres et d’autres moins, sont examinés ici sous des angles inédits. La question étant de montrer ce que le conte apporte au cinéma et réciproquement, toutes les œuvres sont considérées sans hiérarchisation de genre ni d’auteur. Si la transdisciplinarité est un domaine bien établi de la recherche, le champ récent des études intermédiales trouve dans le conte une forme plastique, ouverte aux migrations de toute nature. Plusieurs articles de ce numéro mettent en avant les interactions entre les arts embrassés par le cinéma (peinture, photo, musique…), qui enrichissent le dialogue entretenu par les cinéastes avec les contes

    CD5-positive and CD5-negative human B cells converge to an indistinguishable population on signalling through B-cell receptors and CD40

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    Whether CD5 on B cells marks a subset functionally distinct from the conventional CD5 negative (CD5neg) adult population or is more an indicator of activation, remains contentious. Here we have investigated whether CD5 positive (CD5pos) and CD5neg B cells can be distinguished in terms of their response to surrogate signals aimed to model, in vitro, T-cell dependent (TD) and T-independent (TI) encounters with antigen in vivo: the predominantly CD5pos B-cell population found in cord blood, CD5 B cells positively selected from tonsils and their CD5neg counterparts, were compared. Neonatal B cells displayed a near-identical phenotype to that of adult CD5pos B cells, being characterized by uniform immunoglobulin M (IgM), immunoglobulin D (IgD), CD23 and CD44 coexpression. When cultured with anti-IgM maintained at high density on CD32-tranfected mouse L cells to model TI responses or on CD40 ligand (CD40L)-bearing L cells (with or without captured anti-IgM) to model TD encounters, DNA synthesis was stimulated to a similar extent in all three populations. Focusing on CD5 and CD23, we found that – although the signals delivered promoted distinct profiles of expression – under each condition of activation, the phenotypes that emerged for adult CD5pos and CD5neg B cells were remarkably similar. Neonatal B cells displayed a greater diminution in CD5 expression than adult CD5pos B cells following CD40 signals but otherwise the two populations again behaved similarly. The inclusion of interleukin-4 (IL-4) to cultures where cells were costimulated via surface (s)IgM and CD40 resulted in a complete loss of CD5 expression and a corresponding hyperexpression of CD23, irrespective of the population studied. The near-identical response of CD5pos and CD5neg B cells to surrogate TD or TI signals in vitro and their convergence to indistinguishable phenotypes is wholly supportive of CD5 being a fluctuating marker of activation rather than it delineating functionally distinct subsets