69 research outputs found

    Encouraging Undergraduate Marketing Students to Reflect on Critical Thinking and the Digital Gender Divide

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    In today’s society where there is an abundance of accessible, complex, and often false information, critical thinking (CT) is an essential skill so that citizens in general and students in particular can make complex decisions based on scientific evidence, rather than on prejudices, biases, and pre-established beliefs. In this context, the purpose of this study is to discover whether Active Learning (AL) methodology, using different technologies, contributes to improving the CT of the student body, applying it to the Digital Gender Divide (DGD). Three questionnaires were used to collect information, using both a quantitative and a qualitative approach. Open-ended questions are included for fuller answers, which are complemented by content analysis of the recordings and virtual presentations made. The results show that the AL methodology favours the development of CT in the DGD in a remarkable way. Likewise, the various technologies implemented in the methodology (e.g., the Google Applications Site, online round table discussions, role-plays, virtual presentations, and forms) are relevant to improving CT in DGD. It concludes by recommending the implementation of AL with CT as in the one carried out, to help prepare better professionals and raise awareness of how to reduce the DGD

    Exploring the Shopping Motivations of International Residential Tourists

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    Over the last few decades, so-called “international residential tourism” has increased considerably, creating a new consumer base in tourist destinations, particularly in southern Europe, whose shopping motivations are unknown. As a rule, existing literature has focused its attention on studying consumer motivations in their places of residence, references to the study of the international residential tourist's (IRT's) shopping motivations being very limited. It is in this context that this study examines the main contributions related to IRT shopping motivations. Taking as a starting point empirical research carried out in two top international tourist destinations, the study analyzes and contrasts the applicability of general theoretical contributions to this specific IRT segment. The results obtained confirm the existence, although not without its variations, of certain stability in the main aspects relating to shopping motivation, allowing the foundations to be laid for the incorporation of shopping motivation as a variable for the segmentation of IRTs. Both for tourist resort managers and retailers in the area, having access to a valid scale for measuring these motivations may be of great help to them in being able to categorize IRTs in accordance with their shopping motivations. In this way, they will have a broader knowledge of the market and how it is made up and it will facilitate the implementation of marketing policies aimed at improving the planning of commercial areas, as well as help them to adapt their product range and communication to the segments that are of most interest to their companies and destinations.The authors would like to express their thanks for the financial support received under the MCYTFEDER Research Project, grant SEJ-2006-08342/ECON

    The role of Business Model Innovation in the IT Services Sector: a Comprehensive Mapping Review

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    Purpose: The study analyzes the evolution of Business Model Innovation  (BMI) in the IT sector, which is mentioned in many available scientific publications. The major output of this paper is concrete customer requirements that invite business model innovations to managed IT services and challenges to establish corresponding business model innovations. Design/Method/Approach: The study identified more than 200 journal articles and conference articles with BMI and IT service providers, and it conducted a mapping review of current research to identify relevant academic theories, implementation strategies, and BMI in the managed IT service sector while highlighting gaps in empirical research. Findings: Most applied are BMI and the framework of dynamic capabilities in business models of IT services. Early movers, who develop a comprehensive platform strategy, can achieve an invulnerable moat and establish a leading market position. Practical Implications: The insights of this study could be applied by large companies, small- and medium-sized companies and start-ups, researchers, etc. They can use the insights to innovate their current business models and improve tailored client solutions.  Originality/Value: The study concludes that business model innovations and IT service providers develop areas for future success. Research Limitations/Future Research: The design of the study is based on a systematic literature review and limited to the areas of BMI research in the IT service sector. For further research projects, individual articles can be chosen to perform in-depth analysis. Our trend analysis shows the focus on main technologies. However, this can be compared with the technologies mentioned in the Gartner Hype Cycle. Further research could be conducted to overcome limitations and cover the uncertain content of this research. Paper Type: Conceptual

    The gender gap in intellectual property in Latin America and Iberia: the case of patents

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    The World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) indicates two important gender gaps in the field of intellectual property (IP): 1) the difference between men and women in IP registry figures; 2) the significant concentration of IP registries in less than 20 countries. This study analyses the status of IP registered by women in the countries of Latin America (LATAM) and Iberia (IBER, Spain and Portugal) in comparison to the rest of the world. Given that there is scarce literature on IP sourcing from a gender perspective, a qualitative and quantitative analysis is offered in this research as an attempt to close this gap. The qualitative analysis is based on a comprehensive desk research on various documentary sources, while the quantitative research is based on official data from the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) of the United Nations (UN). Findings indicate that women bring instrumental contribution to IP in Latin America and Iberia. However, since their achievements still remain unnoticeable, relevant policies and incentives will be necessary to close this gap

    From MOOC to SPOC, an efficient and fun methodology for teaching marketing

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    INTRODUCCIÓN. Después de más de una década desde la aparición del primer curso MOOC (Massive Open Online Course), la literatura académica ha sido prolífica en estudiar los efectos de esta metodología diseñada para el entorno virtual. Numerosos estudios centrados en la investigación sobre los MOOCs ponen de manifiesto su controvertida existencia, y otros apuntan a su evolución hacia los SPOCs (Small Private Online Course). En este contexto las preguntas de investigación se refieren a detectar si el alumnado universitario de último curso, que ya cuenta con cierta competencia digital en su haber, conoce qué es un MOOC y si ha realizado alguno durante su carrera académica, especialmente en tiempos de pandemia cuando la docencia online estaba en su punto álgido. Por otro lado, dado que cambiamos a otro formato, conocer si el SPOC resulta una metodología eficaz y divertida para enseñar conceptos extracurriculares. MÉTODO. 391 estudiantes universitarios de último curso del Grado en Administración y Dirección de Empresas (ADE) de tres cursos académicos (2018/19, 2019/20, 2020/21) respondieron voluntariamente e informados a un cuestionario online, tras realizar el SPOC. RESULTADOS. Los resultados indican que el 88,49% afirma desconocer su existencia. De aquellos que sí habían realizado algún MOOC previamente, el 95,12% lo hicieron por ser obligatorio como complemento a la formación, y sólo el 4,87% por interés personal en el tema. En ambos casos no hay diferencias ni por curso ni por sexo. El SPOC propuesto es considerado eficaz para aprender por un 82,6% del estudiantado y divertido por un 78%. En ambos casos la proporción de mujeres que lo perciben útil y divertido es mayor que la de los hombres. DISCUSIÓN. Este hecho viene a revelarnos la necesidad de revisitar esta metodología de enseñanza para redefinir mejor las estrategias de cara al futuro.INTRODUCTION. The first MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) course appeared more than a decade ago and since then, the academic literature on this topic has been prolific in studying the effects of this methodology designed for the virtual environment. There are many studies focused on the research related to MOOCs, which state its controversial existence, as well as others indicating an evolution toward SPOCs (Small Private Online Course). In this context, the research questions refer to, on the one hand, to whether final year undergraduate students with a certain level of digital competence know what a MOOC is, and if they have done any during their academic career, especially during the period of the pandemic when the online learning methodologies were on their peak. On the other hand, since we moved from MOOC to SPOC, to discover whether the SPOC has been an efficient and enjoyable methodology for teaching extra-curricular contents. METHOD. 391 last-year Administration and Marketing students of three academic years (2018/19, 2019/20, 2020/21) were asked to voluntarily complete, an online questionnaire, after completing the SPOC. RESULTS. The information was analyzed and the results indicated that more than 88.49% of the students claimed to be unaware of its existence, showing no significant statistical differences by gender or academic year. Of those who had previously done a MOOC, 95.12% did so because it was mandatory as a complementary course, and only 4.87% did so due to personal reasons. More than 82.6% of the students stated that it is an efficient methodology to learn extra contents, and more than 78% found it useful and fun. DISCUSSION. These facts reveal the need to revisit this teaching methodology to better redefine future strategies

    Retailing, Consumers, and Territory: Trends of an Incipient Circular Model

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    The aim of this theoretical research is to analyze the state of retail distribution nowadays, reviewing the dynamics of action that contribute to the move from a linear to an incipient circular retail model. The framework is based on the Retail Wheel Spins Theory and the Retail Life Cycle (RLC), with an extra review of Bauman’s liquid metaphor. We consider two questions. Firstly, are offline retailers ready to disappear as online commerce and digital marketing aggressively break into the retail industry? Secondly, could commercial spaces (in the fifth stage in the evolution of retail and territory) be in the decline stage in the RLC in the near future or can a circular connection take place? Thus, a desk research methodology based on secondary documentary material and sources issued leads to an interpretive analysis that reveals ten trends (e.g., solid retail vs. liquid retail; glocal retail; food sovereignty) and a wide diversity of changes that could involve offline stores recovering territory and entering a circular phase. Our findings suggest that digitalized physical stores are flourishing and our reflections augur changes in pace and the closure of the linear business cycle to recover territory, the city, its local market, and its symbolism, as well as a liquid business steeped in omnichannel formats developing an incipient circular movement. Conclusions indicate that it is possible to perceive a timid change back to territory and retail spaces which, along with phygitalization, will coexist with the digital world

    El Programa de Acción Tutorial en la Facultad de Económicas: reflexiones sobre la opinión de los estudiantes de ADE

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    La Universidad de Alicante viene desarrollando desde hace varios cursos el Plan de Acción Tutorial (PAT) promovido por el Vicerrectorado de Calidad y Planificación Estratégica y coordinado desde el Instituto de Ciencias de la Educación cuyo objetivo general es ofrecer a los estudiantes una persona de referencia que les apoye y oriente en diferentes contextos. La acción tutorial se concibe habitualmente como una atención individualizada para dirigir y apoyar el aprendizaje del estudiante. Los tutores dan información y enseñan a buscarla, apoyan y orientan tratando de proponer soluciones cuando el estudiante lo necesita. Dado que estas actividades ocupan un lugar destacado en la orientación del alumnado, el objetivo de este artículo es realizar, a través de una encuesta a un grupo de estudiantes del PAT de la Facultad de Económicas (PATEC), una reflexión sobre los beneficios que ofrece este programa a los alumnos en múltiples vertientes: académica, profesional, personal, social y administrativa

    The acculturation of international residential tourists and their shopping behaviours

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    This study deals with an unexplored question regarding the role of the acculturation of international residential tourists (IRT), and provides companies in tourist destinations with keys to develop strategies aimed at this type of tourists. Results show that the acculturation of IRT follows a Pareto/Bradford distribution: few show high levels of acculturation and many show low levels. Finally, we find significant differences in shopping behaviour and socio-demographic variables.The authors would like to express their thanks for the financial support received under the MEYC, DGI Research Project, grant SEJ2006/08342, Spain

    Multiculturalidad, interculturalidad y desarrollo personal en el EEES

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    In the EHEA students from different nations and cultures live and learn side-by-side in university lecture halls every day. This situation, to a great extent fostered by the ERASMUS programme, creates an unprecedented multicultural environment in contemporary universities. However, if we want to take a step beyond multiculturalism, greater involvement is needed on the part of teachers and students.With this in mind, our aim is to achieve cross-cultural environment in the classrooms of today. In order to do this, we have considered teamwork in small groups to encourage this concept. Adopting a qualitative methodological focus, in individual interviews students were asked their view of the work carried out.The students highlighted the advantages of working in a team, it having positive effects upon the personal development of each of the participants and proving to be an enriching experience, both in the way they worked, as well as in the more direct knowledge acquired on different ways of life and ways of thinking and dealing with problems.En el EEES conviven a diario en las aulas universitarias estudiantes de diferentes nacionalidades y culturas. Esta situación, propiciada en gran parte por el programa ERASMUS, dota a la universidad actual de un ámbito multicultural sin precedentes. Sin embargo, si queremos dar un paso más allá de la multiculturalidad será necesario una mayor involucración de docentes y discentes.En este contexto, nuestro objetivo es lograr la interculturalidad en las aulas actuales. Para ello hemos considerado el trabajo cooperativo en pequeños grupos como potenciador de dicho concepto. Adoptando un enfoque metodológico cualitativo, se preguntó a los estudiantes, mediante entrevistas personales su percepción del trabajo realizado.Los alumnos destacan las ventajas del trabajo cooperativo, con efectos positivos sobre el desarrollo personal de cada uno de los participantes con el consiguiente enriquecimiento tanto en la forma de trabajo como en el conocimiento más directo de distintos modos de vida y distintas formas de pensar y de afrontar los problemas.

    La Acción Tutorial en la Facultad de Económicas: perspectivas presentes y futuras

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    El Programa de Acción Tutorial de Económicas, conocido coloquialmente como PATEC, cumple su novena edición en el presente curso académico 2013-2014. Desde sus inicios el PATEC se ha adaptado a las distintas titulaciones adscritas al Centro gracias a su gran flexibilidad, aspecto fundamental si tenemos en cuenta el tamaño y la heterogeneidad de nuestro Centro y las diferentes características de nuestros estudiantes. El objetivo de esta comunicación es dar a conocer el PATEC, sus objetivos, características y datos más relevantes, así como analizar su evolución lo que nos permitirá obtener una radiografía completa del Programa. Teniendo en cuenta las dificultades encontradas en la implementación del Programa en sus distintas ediciones trataremos de abordar planteamientos alternativos entre los que se encuentra la creación de una Red de Tutores que persigue optimizar la labor tutorial y facilitar el trabajo de futuros tutores. Asimismo, se expondrán diferentes experiencias innovadoras llevadas a cabo con el objetivo de incrementar la participación del alumnado