31 research outputs found

    Sistema de recogida y análisis automático de fonocardiogramas en poblaciones de recién nacidos

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    Tesis Univ. Complutense.Fac. de MedicinaTRUEProQuestpu

    Sistema de recogida y análisis automático de fonocardiogramas en poblaciones de recién nacidos

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    Tesis Univ. Complutense.Fac. de MedicinaTRUEProQuestpu

    The Rapid Effects of Yellow-Legged Gull (Larus michahellis) Colony on Dune Habitats and Plant Landscape in the Atlantic Islands National Park (NW Spain)

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    [Abstract] The Atlantic Islands of Galicia Maritime/Terrestrial National Park hosts one of the largest breeding colonies of yellow-legged gull (Larus michahellis) in the world. In 2002, a new yellow-legged gull breeding colony was established on the Punta Muxieiro dune complex, which also harbors rare and threatened plant species and habitat types of community interest according to Directive 92/43/EEC. This study assesses the effect of this colony on two habitats of community interest: white dunes and grey dunes. For this purpose, plant cover and soil properties, composition, and nutrient content were monitored in plots with different gull densities. Moreover, historic aerial images were compiled to observe changes in the plant landscape of the dune system. The results showed that, despite the recentness of the occupation of the dune system by yellow-legged gull species, significant changes in acidic–alkaline processes and nutrient availability were already observed in soils. Soils in plots with higher gull density showed more acidic pH values and a higher content of the most labile N and P fractions. Moreover, a decrease in plant cover and number of species was also demonstrated in plots with higher gull densities. Finally, the presence of ruderal and alien species such as Urtica membranacea and Parietaria judaica was also observed.This study has been funded by the BBVA Foundation and CRETUS. Thanks are due to the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science for the FPU grant to S. De la Peña-Lastr

    Afecciones quirúrgicas en el recién nacido. Nuestras estadísticas. 2002-2003. Surgical conditions in the new-born. Our statistics-2002-2003

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    Las afecciones quirúrgicas en el neonato tienen una alta morbimortalidad, por la condición de recién nacido, los trastornos ocasionados por la enfermedad de base así como por la injuria provocada posteriormente por la intervención quirúrgica. Se realizó un estudio retrospectivo por la intervención quirúrgica. Se realizó un estudio retrospectivo, longitudinal de todos los neonatos a los cuales se le diagnosticó patologías quirúrgicas en el periodo comprendido entre enero de 2002 hasta diciembre de 2003 en la provincia de Pinar del Río (Cuba) con el objetivo de analizar el comportamiento diagnóstico y terapéutico de estos pacientes. En esta etapa se intervinieron quirúrgicamente 24 recién nacidos, la mayoría fueron masculinos (17), la operación se realizó con menos de 24 horas de nacido en 14 casos, las afecciones quirúrgicas más frecuentes fueron las de intestino delgado con 7 pacientes y la supervivencia fue de un 100 %, logrando la mejor tasa de supervivencia de los últimos años en este territorio. DeCS: CIRUGIA/patología/diagnóstico, MORBILIDAD, MORTALIDAD, NEONATOLOGÍA. ABSTRACT Surgical diseases in neonates have a high morbidity because of the condition of being newborn, disorder caused by the underlying disease as well as the injury caused further by surgery. A retrospective, longitudinal study was carried out with all the neonates who where diagnosed to have surgical pathologies from January 2002 to December 2003 in Pinar del Río province, Cuba, aimed at analyzing diagnostic and therapeutic behaviour of these patients. During this period, 24 newborns underwent surgery; most of them were males (17). The surgery was performed in a period of 24 hours after being born in 14 cases, the most frequent surgical diseases were associated with the tenue intestinum in 7 patients and survival was 100 %, achieving the best survival rate during the last few years in the province. DeCS: SURGERY/pathology/diagnosis, MORBIDITY, MORTALITY, NEONATOLOGY

    Afecciones quirúrgicas en el recién nacido. Nuestras estadísticas. 2002-2003. Surgical conditions in the new-born. Our statistics-2002-2003

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    Las afecciones quirúrgicas en el neonato tienen una alta morbimortalidad, por la condición de recién nacido, los trastornos ocasionados por la enfermedad de base así como por la injuria provocada posteriormente por la intervención quirúrgica. Se realizó un estudio retrospectivo por la intervención quirúrgica. Se realizó un estudio retrospectivo, longitudinal de todos los neonatos a los cuales se le diagnosticó patologías quirúrgicas en el periodo comprendido entre enero de 2002 hasta diciembre de 2003 en la provincia de Pinar del Río (Cuba) con el objetivo de analizar el comportamiento diagnóstico y terapéutico de estos pacientes. En esta etapa se intervinieron quirúrgicamente 24 recién nacidos, la mayoría fueron masculinos (17), la operación se realizó con menos de 24 horas de nacido en 14 casos, las afecciones quirúrgicas más frecuentes fueron las de intestino delgado con 7 pacientes y la supervivencia fue de un 100 %, logrando la mejor tasa de supervivencia de los últimos años en este territorio. DeCS: CIRUGIA/patología/diagnóstico, MORBILIDAD, MORTALIDAD, NEONATOLOGÍA. ABSTRACT Surgical diseases in neonates have a high morbidity because of the condition of being newborn, disorder caused by the underlying disease as well as the injury caused further by surgery. A retrospective, longitudinal study was carried out with all the neonates who where diagnosed to have surgical pathologies from January 2002 to December 2003 in Pinar del Río province, Cuba, aimed at analyzing diagnostic and therapeutic behaviour of these patients. During this period, 24 newborns underwent surgery; most of them were males (17). The surgery was performed in a period of 24 hours after being born in 14 cases, the most frequent surgical diseases were associated with the tenue intestinum in 7 patients and survival was 100 %, achieving the best survival rate during the last few years in the province. DeCS: SURGERY/pathology/diagnosis, MORBIDITY, MORTALITY, NEONATOLOGY

    Investigação no ensino de engenharia biomédica: dois casos de estudo

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    Desde os anos oitenta que os avanços das ciências básicas e das ciências da engenharia têm dado um impulso sem precedentes à investigação médica, o que criou as condições para a afirmação da Engenharia Biomédica como ramo autónomo da Engenharia. Este novo ramo da Engenharia impôs-se em domínios que incluem a imagiologia biomédica, a bioinformática, a biotecnologia, a biomecânica, os biomateriais, a engenharia de tecidos, próteses e orgãos artificiais, a análise e modelação de sinais fisiológicos e a gestão de sistemas de saúde. Já no século XXI, o volume de saber acumulado e a motivação para acelerar desenvolvimentos científicos e tecnológicos, levou à criação e organização nas universidades de uma oferta de cursos de graduação e pós-graduação em Engenharia Biomédica. Apesar do espectro muito largo da Engenharia Biomédica e dos cursos criados, é possível, mesmo ao nível de Mestrado pós-Bologna (licenciatura pré-Bologna), dar uma formação avançada que permita aos alunos realizar trabalhos de investigação complexos e com impacto clínico. Neste artigo apresentamos dois destes casos de sucesso, representativos do papel da investigação ao longo do ensino bem actual da Engenharia Biomédica. No primeiro, intitulado “Caracterização Tridimensional da Placa de Ateroma da Bifurcação Carotídea com Ultrasonografia 3D”, é apresentado um método inovador de diagnóstico da Aterosclerose, baseado na reconstrução e caracterização tridimensional da lesão aterosclerótica ao nível da bifurcação carotídea. O segundo trabalho, intitulado “Reconstrução da Frente de Onda e Simulação da Acuidade Visual no Estudo do Impacto das Aberrações Ópticas em Olhos Submetidos a Cirurgia”, apresenta uma ferramenta computacional que gera informação adicional sobre a medição da frente de onda obtida com aparelhos comerciais, permitindo estudar o impacto de aberrações ópticas na acuidade visual de diferentes olhos. Este artigo está organizado em quatro partes. A primeira parte é uma nota histórica introdutória à Engenharia Biomédica em geral. A segunda parte apresenta o que do ponto de vista de ensino superior em Engenharia Biomédica, ao nível de Mestrado Integrado de 1º e 2º ciclos, pode em geral viabilizar a fácil inserção dos estudantes na Investigação, conduzindo-os de imediato a resultados de investigação concretos. A terceira parte constitui a parte central deste artigo onde se apresentam dois exemplos ilustrativos do sucesso da formação de 5 anos em Engenharia Biomédica e da inserção da investigação, desde muito cedo, nessa formação. Por fim, na quarta secção apresentam-se as conclusões

    Current clinical spectrum of common variable immunodeficiency in Spain: The multicentric nationwide GTEM-SEMI-CVID registry

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    Common variable immunodeficiency (CVID) constitutes a heterogenic group of primary immunodeficiency disorders with a wide-ranging clinical spectrum. CVID-associated non-infectious morbidity constitutes a major challenge requiring a full understanding of its pathophysiology and its clinical importance and global variability, especially considering the broad clinical, genetic, and regional heterogeneity of CVID disorders. This work aimed to develop a nationwide, multicenter, retrospective study over a 3-year period describing epidemiological, clinical, laboratory, therapeutic, and prognostic features of 250 CVID patients in Spain. The mean diagnostic delay was around 10 years and most patients initially presented with infectious complications followed by non-infectious immune disorders. However, infectious diseases were not the main cause of morbimortality. Non-infectious lung disease was extraordinarily frequent in our registry affecting approximately 60% of the patients. More than one-third of the patients in our cohort showed lymphadenopathies and splenomegaly in their follow-up, and more than 33% presented immune cytopenias, especially Evans' syndrome. Gastrointestinal disease was observed in more than 40% of the patients. Among biopsied organs in our cohort, benign lymphoproliferation was the principal histopathological alteration. Reaching 15.26%, the global prevalence of cancer in our registry was one of the highest reported to date, with non-Hodgkin B lymphoma being the most frequent. These data emphasize the importance of basic and translational research delving into the pathophysiological pathways involved in immune dysregulation and diffuse lymphocytic infiltration. This would reveal new tailored strategies to reduce immune complications, and the associated healthcare burden, and ensure a better quality of life for CVID patients

    Predictors of Response to Exclusive Enteral Nutrition in Newly Diagnosed Crohn´s Disease in Children: PRESENCE Study from SEGHNP

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    Exclusive enteral nutrition (EEN) has been shown to be more effective than corticosteroids in achieving mucosal healing in children with Crohn´s disease (CD) without the adverse effects of these drugs. The aims of this study were to determine the efficacy of EEN in terms of inducing clinical remission in children newly diagnosed with CD, to describe the predictive factors of response to EEN and the need for treatment with biological agents during the first 12 months of the disease. We conducted an observational retrospective multicentre study that included paediatric patients newly diagnosed with CD between 2014–2016 who underwent EEN. Two hundred and twenty-two patients (140 males) from 35 paediatric centres were included, with a mean age at diagnosis of 11.6 ± 2.5 years. The median EEN duration was 8 weeks (IQR 6.6–8.5), and 184 of the patients (83%) achieved clinical remission (weighted paediatric Crohn’s Disease activity index [wPCDAI] 15 mg/L and ileal involvement tended to respond better to EEN. EEN administered for 6–8 weeks is effective for inducing clinical remission. Due to the high response rate in our series, EEN should be used as the first-line therapy in luminal paediatric Crohn’s disease regardless of the location of disease and disease activityS