1,227 research outputs found


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    The paper has analysed outputs generated by the development policies implemented in last decades in the South of Italy, starting from the Extraordinary Intervention (since 1950, until 1992) to the European cohesion policy (since 1996). The first one was a high-centralized development policy. Differently, the European cohesion policy is based on multilevel governance, and follows a bottom-up approach oriented to stimulate local stakeholders’ participation. The analysis, exposed in previous paragraphs, has described these two different policy experiences, the related effects on local development and on convergence between North and South of Italy and among European regions. The paper has tried to answer to a fundamental question: what factors have negatively affected the implementation of these policies, generating unexpected effects

    Compositional variation and zoning of epidote supergroup minerals in the Campi Flegrei geothermal field, Naples, Italy

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    Authigenic epidote supergroups are an abundant accessory mineral in the calcium–aluminum silicate and thermometamorphic hydrothermal zones of the Campi Flegrei (Phlegraean Fields) geothermal field located west of Naples, Italy. Geothermal exploration for high-enthalpy fluid produced drill core and cuttings to ∌ 3 km depth in the Mofete (MF1, MF2, MF5) and San Vito (SV1, SV3) wells, where measured down-hole temperatures of epidote-bearing samples range from 270–350 ∘C and from 285–390 ∘C for the Mofete and San Vito areas, respectively. Two epidote group (epidote, clinozoisite), some rare earth element (REE)-bearing, and two allanite group (allanite-(Ce), ferriallanite-(Ce)) minerals were identified by electron microprobe. The allanite group is light rare earth element (LREE, La–Gd) enriched, Ce dominant, with REE + Y that varies from 30.59 wt %–14.32 wt %. Complex compositional variation such as oscillatory, sector, and complex (mixed) zoning is a ubiquitous feature observed in the epidote group, which occurs as veins, in vugs, as various size masses, and as isolated single crystals. Compositional zoning is caused by variable Fe ↔ Al3+ substitution and XFe [(Fe3+) / (Fe3++ Al)] ranges from 0.06–0.33 (Fe3+=0.185–0.967 apfu). XFe tends to decrease with increasing temperature in the Mofete wells, but its distribution is more complex in the San Vito wells, which records recent fault displacement. The variety and complexity of the epidote supergroup zoning suggest rapid fluid composition and/or intensive parameter fluctuations in the local hydrothermal system.</p

    Paroxysmal eye–head movements in Glut1 deficiency syndrome

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    Objective:To describe a characteristic paroxysmal eye–head movement disorder that occurs in infants with Glut1 deficiency syndrome (Glut1 DS).Methods:We retrospectively reviewed the medical charts of 101 patients with Glut1 DS to obtain clinical data about episodic abnormal eye movements and analyzed video recordings of 18 eye movement episodes from 10 patients.Results:A documented history of paroxysmal abnormal eye movements was found in 32/101 patients (32%), and a detailed description was available in 18 patients, presented here. Episodes started before age 6 months in 15/18 patients (83%), and preceded the onset of seizures in 10/16 patients (63%) who experienced both types of episodes. Eye movement episodes resolved, with or without treatment, by 6 years of age in 7/8 patients with documented long-term course. Episodes were brief (usually &lt;5 minutes). Video analysis revealed that the eye movements were rapid, multidirectional, and often accompanied by a head movement in the same direction. Eye movements were separated by clear intervals of fixation, usually ranging from 200 to 800 ms. The movements were consistent with eye–head gaze saccades. These movements can be distinguished from opsoclonus by the presence of a clear intermovement fixation interval and the association of a same-direction head movement.Conclusions:Paroxysmal eye–head movements, for which we suggest the term aberrant gaze saccades, are an early symptom of Glut1 DS in infancy. Recognition of the episodes will facilitate prompt diagnosis of this treatable neurodevelopmental disorder.</jats:sec

    Le reti di impresa nella politica industriale. I contratti di rete e i contratti di sviluppo.

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    Le reti di impresa si sono affermate come un modello organizzativo e competitivo compiutamente alternativo sia al mercato sia alla gerarchia, superando una visione teorica che tendeva a confinarle come modello imperfetto o immaturo del capitalismo. I contributi raccolti nel volume, frutto di un lavoro di ricerca multidisciplinare, analizzano i presupposti teorici delle reti e si concentrano su due principali strumenti di politica industriale – i contratti di rete e i contratti di sviluppo – avvalendosi dei risultati emersi dai percorsi di attuazione di casi selezionati in quattro regioni italiane

    Novo gĂȘnero para Loncheres grandis Wagner, 1845, com comentĂĄrios taxonĂŽmicos sobre outros equimĂ­deos arborĂ­colas (Rodentia, Echimyidae)

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    A study of arboreal echimyids in Brazilian and European collections revealed a number of morphological traits supporting the recognition of Loncheres grandis Wagner, 1845, currently included in Makalata Husson, 1978, as a full genus. Our proposition of a new genus for L. grandis changed the species content of Makalata, what led us to reformulate the generic diagnosis for this genus and other arboreal echimyids as well. The new genus can be distinguished by several external characters including its color pattern, striking differences in tail pilosity, and palmar and plantar pad morphology. Osteological distinguishing traits includes the shape of nasals, the structure of the postorbital process of the zygomatic arch, petrosal morphology, the presence of a posterior maxillary foramen, the crown pattern of molariform teeth, and baculum morphology.O estudo de equimídeos arbóreos em coleções brasileiras e européias revelou diversas características morfológicas sustentando o reconhecimento de Loncheres grandis Wagner, 1845, atualmente incluído em Makalata Husson, 1978, como um gênero válido. Nossa proposta de um novo gênero para L. grandis alterou o conteúdo específico de Makalata, o que nos levou a reformular a diagnose genérica para este gênero, assim como para outros equimídeos arbóreos. O novo gênero pode ser distinguido através de várias características externas tais como seu padrão de coloração, uma notável distinção da pilosidade caudal e a morfologia das almofadas das patas anteriores e posteriores. Características osteológicas distintivas incluem a forma dos nasais, a estrutura do processo pós-orbital do arco zigomático, a morfologia do petroso, a presença de um foramen maxilar posterior, a morfologia da coroa dos dentes molariformes e a forma do báculo

    Mathematical model for preoperative identification of obstructed nasal subsites

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    The planning of experimental studies for evaluation of nasal airflow is particularly challenging given the difficulty in obtaining objective measurements in vivo. Although standard rhinomanometry and acoustic rhinometry are the most widely used diagnostic tools for evaluation of nasal airflow, they provide only a global measurement of nasal dynamics, without temporal or spatial details. Furthermore, the numerical simulation of nasal airflow as computational fluid dynamics technology is not validated. Unfortunately, to date, there are no available diagnostic tools to objectively evaluate the geometry of the nasal cavities and to measure nasal resistance and the degree of nasal obstruction, which is of utmost importance for surgical planning. To overcame these limitations, we developed a mathematical model based on Bernoulli's equation, which allows clinicians to obtain, with the use of a particular direct digital manometry, pressure measurements over time to identify which nasal subsite is obstructed. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study to identify two limiting curves, one below and one above an average representative curve, describing the time dependence of the gauge pressure inside a single nostril. These upper and lower curves enclosed an area into which the airflow pattern of healthy individuals falls. In our opinion, this model may be useful to study each nasal subsite and to objectively evaluate the geometry and resistances of the nasal cavities, particularly in preoperative planning and follow-up

    a robust approach to the design of an electromagnetic shield based on pyrolitic carbon

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    A robust approach to the design of an electromagnetic shield based on ultra-thin pyrolytic carbon (PyC, 5 Ă· 110 nm) films is proposed. Finite Element Method (FEM) simulations and Monte Carlo based tolerance analysis are used to show that even a deviation of 15 Ă· 20% from the nominal values of the most important design parameters of the PyC film, i.e. its thickness and sheet resistance, does not significantly affect the wanted level of electromagnetic interference shielding efficiency (EMI SE). The ranges of the SE show that EMI shield based on PyC film is characterized by a robust behavior with respect to the variation of such parameters due to the production processes. Therefore, since the PyC can be produced on a scalable basis, is chemically inert, significantly transparent in the visible range and can be deposited onto both metal and dielectric substrates, including flexible polymers, it may be appropriate for the highly demanding technological needs associated to the graphene revolution and can be de..

    ‘We have a Common Past, a Common Present and a Common Future’ Postcolonial Gendered Memories of the Eritrean Diaspora

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    Vivo con Domenica GhideiBiidu e Elisabetta Hagos nel 2009. In quanto componentidella diaspora eritrea in Europa, Ghidei Biidu e Hagos contribuiscono con questa intervista alla memoria della dominazione coloniale italiana nel Corno d’Africa sullabase del patrimonio di conoscenze che entrambe hanno ereditato dalle propriefamiglie.L’intervista si sviluppa lungo delle line di analisi e riflessione che rendono con efficacia l’importanza della dimensione di genere nel movimento nazionalista eritreoe nelle migrazioni di tipo postcoloniale e diasporico, così come nel processo dimemorizzazione che le ha accompagnate. S’illustrano inoltre la dimensione culturalee quella simbolica della relazione attuale fra popolazioni ex colonizzate ed excolonizzatrici. Infine, quest’intervista rappresenta un contributo originale nell’ottica del ‘fare storia’ rispetto al ruolo particolare che hanno avuto le donne eritree nei periodi di transizione politica e nelle connessioni fra Eritrea, Etiopia e Italia
