299 research outputs found

    Estrategias de Reconversión de la Arquitectura Industrial

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    El campo del reciclaje industrial ha dado pie a profundas reflexiones respecto a la tradicional oposición entre ruina y conservación. Especialmente hoy una parte de la profesión ha concentrado su pensamiento en esas estrategias de actuación sobre lo construído, como lugar desde donde recuperar un nuevo sentido para la arquitectura, con un atisbo de esperanza semejante al que en el siglo XIV tuvieron los arquitectos del renacimiento con los restos romanos. Hoy sabemos que las intervenciones sobre esas arquitecturas industriales no pueden ser realizadas con las mismas actitudes que han producido mucha de la construcción insustancial de los últimos tiempos. Por ello se propone un listado de acciones trasnsitivas que adquiere voluntariamente la forma de una simple sucesión : llenar, vaciar, limpiar, evocar, artealizar, localizar, borrar, camuflar, ampliar… Una sucesión clara y aséptica, como una mera enumeración, que evita las relaciones entre estrategias, despojándolas de toda intencionalidad narrativa o ideológica. Se trata de un catálogo de acciones posibles que, desde el estudio de las relaciones entre lo existente y lo proyectado, en el contexto de la arquitectura industrial, tal vez contribuya a un debate más general sobre el estado en que se encuentra la propia disciplina

    La nostalgia del lugar. Sobre las relaciones de la arquitectura con el lugar contemporáneo

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    Architecture is enriched when it goes beyond the fundamental act of construction and achieves an indissoluble unity with the site where it sets root. The architect´s work becomes more delicate and intense when making reference, not so much to the building itself, but to the invisible complementary space surrounding the architecture object. However, the notion of context and place, understood in this way, hasn´t received the same consideration either in architectural history or within modernist criticism. Much of the architecture of the twentieth century has exhibited a strange ambiguity about where it is located, due either to a violent or reverential obedience to the site. Today the nostalgia for site appears as one of the few instruments in architecture that still create significance and avoid the emptiness of sense.La arquitectura adquiere mayor valor cuando supera la simple construcción y logra una fusión indisoluble con el lugar donde hecha raíces. El trabajo del arquitecto se convierte en algo más delicado e intenso cuando está referido, tanto a la obra, como al invisible espacio complementario del objeto arquitectónico. No obstante, la noción de contexto y de lugar, entendido de este modo, no ha tenido la misma consideración ni en la historia de la arquitectura ni en la propia modernidad. Mucha de la arquitectura del siglo XX se ha comportado con extraña ambigüedad respecto al lugar donde se asienta, bien por violencia o por reverencial acatamiento. Hoy la nostalgia del lugar se manifiesta como una de los pocos reductos de la arquitectura para lograr alguna dosis de significación y evitar la intrascendencia

    Interdisciplinary debate: participative processes in the design and execution of the urban project

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    Procesos participativos y espacio público constituyen dos de los ámbitos que más diversidad reúnen a la hora de trabajar sobre la ciudad contemporánea. Desde el usuario del barrio hasta el académico, desde el técnico al artista, desde el político al trabajador social… la multiplicidad de visiones que confluyen con un mismo objetivo, la mejora de la polis, constituye al mismo tiempo su mayor riqueza y su mayor dificultad. Este debate, realizado de forma virtual a través del software Skype, entre profesionales provenientes de distintas disciplinas, muestra ese mismo enfrentamiento a la vez que trata de encontrar posicionamientos comunes. El proceso participativo es abordado como fuente de complejidad, cuya gestión presenta toda una serie de cuestiones metodológicas. La educación, el espacio público como lugar de ejemplaridad, el movimiento 15-M y la responsabilidad política, son todos temas básicos en esta materia que serán tratados desde distintas experiencias y puntos de vista técnicos, académicos y sociales. Por otro lado aparecerán cuestiones no tan comunes pero de gran interés, como la relación entre identidad, participación y responsabilidad, o la estética propia de los procesos participativos

    Biofumigation With Pellets of Defatted Seed Meal of Brassica carinata: Factors Affecting Performance Against Phytophthora nicotianae in Pepper Crops

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    Phytophthora nicotianae is the pathogen that causes root and crown rot disease in open field paprika pepper crops of Extremadura (central-western Spain). A field experiment was established during spring, a period compatible with the pepper crop cycle in this region, to evaluate the effects of biofumigation with pellets of Brassica carinata defatted seed meal, at the rate recommended by the manufacturer (3 tons ha−1), on the survival and infectivity of P. nicotianae chlamydospores inoculum. Furthermore, three biofumigant rates (3, 6, and 20 tons ha−1) were assayed in laboratory experiments with natural soil inoculated with chlamydospores. In the field trial, the incorporation of pellets at 3 tons ha−1 did not produce remarkable changes in soil enzyme activity or soil properties. In both the field and laboratory tests, survival and infectivity in the biofumigated treatment at 3 tons ha−1 did not differ from those in the untreated control. On the contrary, the same rate added to autoclaved soil completely suppressed the inoculum, suggesting that the soil microbiota degrades B. carinata pellets before being effective against P. nicotianae. Increasing the recommended rate to 6 tons ha−1 decreased inoculum survival in the laboratory test and 20 tons ha−1 completely inhibited the inoculum, although the economic value of such a high rate application is a factor to be assessed. In phytotoxicity tests on radish and white mustard seeds with several concentrations (100, 50, 25, 10, 5, and 0%) of B. carinata pellets solution, no phytotoxic effect was observed with the two lowest concentrations, and no symptoms of phytotoxicity were found in the bioassays of pepper plants

    Financial Stability Report - Second Semester of 2021

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    Banco de la República’s main objective is to preserve the purchasing power of the currency in coordination with the general economic policy that is intended to stabilize output and employment at long-term sustainable levels. Properly meeting the goal assigned to the Bank by the 1991 Constitution critically depends on preserving financial stability. This is understood to be a general condition in which the financial system assesses and manages the financial risks in a way that facilitates the economy’s performance and efficient allocation of resources while, at the same time, it is able to, on its own, absorb, dissipate, and mitigate the shocks that may arise as a result of adverse events. This Financial Stability Report meets the goal of giving Banco de la República’s diagnosis of the financial system’s and its debtors’ recent performance as well as of the main risks and vulnerabilities that could affect the stability of the Colombian economy. In this way, participants in financial markets and the public are being informed, and public debate on trends and risks affecting the system is being encouraged. The results presented here also serve the monetary authority as a basis for making decisions that will enhance financial stability in the general context of its objectives. In recent months, several positive aspects of the financial system have preserved a remarkable degree of continuity and stability: the liquidity and capital adequacy of financial institutions have remained well above the regulatory minimums at both the individual and consolidated levels, the coverage of past-due loans by loan-loss provisions remains high, and the financial markets for public and private debt and stocks have continued to function normally. At the same time, a surge in all the types of loan portfolios, a sharp downturn in the non-performing loan portfolio, and a rise in the profitability of credit institutions can be seen for the first time since the beginning of the pandemic. In line with the general recovery of the economy, the main vulnerability to the stability of the Colombian financial system identified in the previous edition—uncertainty about changes in the non-performing loans portfolio—has receded and remains on a downward trend. In this edition, the main source of vulnerability identified for financial stability in the short term is the system’s exposure to sudden changes in international financial conditions; the results presented in this Report indicate that the system is sufficiently resilient to such scenarios. In compliance with its constitutional objectives and in coordination with the financial system’s security network, Banco de la República will continue to closely monitor the outlook for financial stability at this juncture and will make the decisions necessary to ensure the proper functioning of the economy, facilitate the flow of sufficient credit and liquidity resources, and further the smooth functioning of the payment system. Leonardo Villar Gomez Governor Box 1 -Decomposition of the Net Interest Margin in Colombia and Chile Wilmar Cabrera Daniela Rodríguez-Novoa Box 2 - Spatial Analysis of New Home Prices in Bogota, Medellín, and Cali Using a Geostatistical Approach María Fernanda Meneses Camilo Eduardo Sánchez Box 3 - Interest Rate Model for the SYSMO Stress Test Exercise Wilmar Cabrera Diego Cuesta Santiago Gamba Camilo Gómez Box 4 - The Transition from LIBOR and other International Benchmark Rates Daniela X. Gualtero Briceño Javier E. Pirateque Niñ

    Precision Betacarotene Supplementation Enhanced Ovarian Function and the LH Release Pattern in Yearling Crossbred Anestrous Goats

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    The possible out-of-season effect of beta-carotene supplementation on ovulation rate (OR), antral follicles (AFN), and total ovarian activity (TOA = OR + AFN) as related to the LH release pattern in yearling anestrous goats was evaluated. In late April, Alpine-Saanen-Nubian x Criollo goats (n = 22, 26 N) were randomly allotted to: (1) Beta-carotene (BETA; n = 10, orally supplemented with 50 mg/goat/d; 36.4 ± 1.07 kg live weight (LW), 3.5 ± 0.20 units, body condition score (BCS) or (2) Non-supplemented (CONT; n = 12, 35.2 ± 1.07 kg LW, 3.4 ± 0.2 units BCS). Upon estrus synchronization, an intensive blood sampling (6 h × 15 min) was accomplished in May for LH quantifications; response variables included (pulsatility-PULSE, time to first pulse-TTFP, amplitude-AMPL, nadir-NAD and area under the curve-AUC). Thereafter, an ultrasonography scanning was completed to assess OR and AFN. The Munro algorithm was used to quantify LH pulsatility; if significant effects of time, treatment or interaction were identified, data were compared across time. Neither LW nor BCS (p > 0.05) or even the LH (p > 0.05); PULSE (4.1 ± 0.9 pulses/6 h), NAD (0.47 ± 0.13 ng) and AUC (51.7 ± 18.6 units) differed between treatments. Nonetheless, OR (1.57 vs. 0.87 ± 0.18 units) and TOA (3.44 vs. 1.87 ± 0.45 units) escorted by a reduced TTFP (33 vs. 126 ± 31.9 min) and an increased AMPL (0.55 vs. 0.24 ± 0.9 ng), favored to the BETA supplemented group (p < 0.05), possibly through a GnRH-LH enhanced pathway and(or) a direct effect at ovarian level. Results are relevant to speed-up the out-of-season reproductive outcomes in goats while may embrace translational applications


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    Moulds are common and important allergens. They are more abundant outdoors but patients affected by mould allergy stay indoors much longer than outdoors. So, indoor sampling could help to assess the influence of the concentration of allergens in allergic symptoms. The aim of this study was to assess the relative efficiencies of two air sampling methods, viable and non viable, for the quantification of airborne indoor fungi in the homes of patients sensitized to Alternaria. Furthermore, outdoor sampling was carried out to compare results. Samples were taken over six months in Badajoz (SW Spain). Two houses were selected according to the presence of allergic patients to Alternaria. They were sampled once a month using both viable and non viable personal samplers at solar noon. A Burkard personal sampler was used to record spores and a Sampl’air AES Chemunex sampler was used for colonies. Three rooms were selected in each home: living room, kitchen and bathroom. Temperature and relative humidity were registered at each sample. Outdoor sampling was performed one day per week at the Faculty of Science, using a seven day Burkard sampler for spores and the same personal sampler for colonies. On average, 200-300 CFU/ m3 were found from more than 40 taxa identified. The highest number of colonies was recorded in the kitchen, then in the bathroom and finally in the living room. Nevertheless, there were minor differences between rooms. The houses studied showed a similar temporal pattern, with maximum values in December and minimum in January. Cladosporium colonies showed statistical differences between homes, but these differences were not found with Alternaria, Aspergillus or Penicillium colonies. Differences between rooms appeared for Alternaria colonies and Cladosporium herbarium spores. Temperature was positively correlated in most cases and relative humidity negatively with Alternaria spores. The number of spores collected was as twice as that of colonies, with an average concentration between 600-700 colonies/m3 , and nearly 1400 spores/m3 as maximum concentration. The temporal pattern of spores was similar to that found for colonies. Comparing colonies to spores, Alternaria and AspergillusPenicillium showed similar values. Notwithstanding, Cladosporium spores were nearly five times more abundant than colonies. The advantage of viable methods is the identification to species level, but they have the disadvantage that spores from some ubiquitous species, as Cladosporium, do not always grow in those media, which raises the interest to use additional non-viable methods

    GEHEP 010 study: Prevalence and distribution of hepatitis B virus genotypes in Spain (2000–2016)

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    [Objective] To study the prevalence and distribution of HBV genotypes in Spain for the period 2000–2016.[Methods] Retrospective study recruiting 2559 patients from 17 hospitals. Distribution of HBV genotypes, as well as sex, age, geographical origin, mode of transmission, HDV-, HIV- and/or HCV-coinfection, and treatment were recorded.[Results] 1924 chronically HBV native Spanish patients have been recruited. Median age was 54 years (IQR: 41–62), 69.6% male, 6.3% HIV-coinfected, 3.1% were HCV-coinfected, 1.7% HDV-co/superinfected. Genotype distribution was: 55.9% D, 33.5% A, 5.6% F, 0.8% G, and 1.9% other genotypes (E, B, H and C). HBV genotype A was closely associated with male sex, sexual transmission, and HIV-coinfection. In contrast, HBV genotype D was associated with female sex and vertical transmission. Different patterns of genotype distribution and diversity were found between different geographical regions. In addition, HBV epidemiological patterns are evolving in Spain, mainly because of immigration. Finally, similar overall rates of treatment success across all HBV genotypes were found.[Conclusions] We present here the most recent data on molecular epidemiology of HBV in Spain (GEHEP010 Study). This study confirms that the HBV genotype distribution in Spain varies based on age, sex, origin, HIV-coinfection, geographical regions and epidemiological groups.This study has been funded in part by the funds of the research project GEHEP-2018-010, granted by the Hepatitis Group of the Spanish Society of Infectious Diseases and Clinical Microbiology (Grupo de Hepatitis de la Sociedad Española de Enfermedades Infecciosas y Microbiología Clínica, GEHEP/SEIMC)

    Saúde ambiental de parques espanhóis: Abordagem ao potencial alergénico dos espaços verdes urbanos

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    Los parques urbanos son elementos de la infraestructura verde que deben contribuir a mejorar la calidad de vida y el bienestar ciudadano. En este trabajo se presentan los resultados de la aplicación de un novedoso índice que estima la alergenicidad potencial de las zonas verdes urbanas. Este índice, que contempla parámetros biológicos y biométricos intrínsecos a las especies arbóreas existentes en los parques, genera un resultado cuyo valor está comprendido entre 0 y 1 según el potencial alergénico del parque sea nulo o de riesgo alto para la población. En una primera fase el índice se ha aplicado a parques de diferente tipología, diseño, tamaño, riqueza específica y biodiversidad ubicados en 20 ciudades españolas. Los resultados han mostrado que algunos de los parques estudiados registran un valor de índice superior a 0,30, umbral suficiente para causar síntomas de alergia a la población expuesta, y por tanto, de riesgo moderado o alto. Por el contrario, en la mayoría de los parques se obtuvo un valor inferior a este umbral. También es posible conocer cuáles son las especies que más contribuyen al valor resultante, que son aquellas con estrategia de polinización anemófila, periodos de floración extensos y alta alergenicidad referenciada. Estos requisitos los cumplen todas las especies de las familias Betuláceas, Cupresáceas y Moráceas, y en menor extensión, Oleáceas y Platanáceas. Puede concluirse que el desarrollo de un índice de estimación de alergenicidad de espacios verdes urbanos constituye una herramienta de utilidad para minimizar el impacto de la alergia polínica en la población.Urban parks are green infrastructure elements that should contribute to improving the quality of life and well-being of citizens. In this work there are presented the results of applying a new index to estimate the potential allergenicity of parks located in 20 Spanish cities. This index, which considers intrinsic biological and biometric parameters of existing plant species in parks, allows the allergenic risk thereof to be calculated on a scale ranging from 0 to 1, depending on whether to the park’s allergenicity is zero or has a high risk for the population. The parks selected for this study have different typologies, sizes, species richness and biodiversities, which has yielded highly variable index values. Almost half of the analysed parks have an index value higher than 0.30, a threshold considered having a moderate to high risk, and therefore, enough to cause allergy symptoms in the population. Conversely, most of the parks had an index value below this threshold, so that the risk of suffering allergies is low or very low. The formula also allows the species that most contribute to the resulting value for allergenicity to be known, which are those having an anemophillous strategy of pollination, extended periods of flowering, and a referenced high allergenicity. These requirements are met by all species of the Betulaceae, Cupressaceae and Moraceae families, and to a lesser extent by Oleaceae and Platanaceae. It can be concluded that the development of an index to estimate the allergenicity of urban green spaces constitutes a useful tool to minimize the impact of pollen allergy on the population.Os parques urbanos são elementos da infraestrutura verde que devem contribuir para a melhoria da qualidade de vida dos cidadãos. Neste trabalho apresentam-se os resultados da aplicação de um índice inovador, que permite estimar a alergenicidade potencial dos espaços verdes urbanos. Este índice, que inclui parâmetros biológicos e biométricos, intrínsecos às próprias espécies existentes nos parques, tem como resultado um valor numa escala entre 0 e 1, de acordo com o potencial alergénico do parque, caso este seja, respetivamente e nos seus extremos, nulo ou de máximo risco para as populações. O índice foi aplicado em parques de diferentes tipologias, desenho, tamanho, riqueza específica e biodiversidade, situados em 20 cidades espanholas. Os resultados demonstram que alguns dos parques estudados registam um valor de índice superior a 0,30, limite suficiente para causar sintomas de alergia na população exposta, e por tanto, risco moderado a alto. No entanto, a maioria dos parques apresenta um valor inferior a este limite. Também é possível conhecer quais as espécies que mais contribuem para o valor do índice, que correspondem aquelas com a estratégia de polinização anemófila, períodos de floração extensos e potencial alergénico referenciado. Estes requisitos são aplicáveis a todas as espécies das famílias Betuláceas, Cupressáceas e Moráceas, e em menor medida, Oleáceas e Platanáceas. Pode assim concluir-se que a aplicação de um índice de previsão dos níveis de alergenicidade dos espaços verdes urbanos constitui uma ferramenta útil para minimizar o impacto da alergia polínica sobre a população.peerReviewe