84 research outputs found

    A nationwide survey on patient's versus physician's evaluation of biological therapy in rheumatoid arthritis in relation to disease activity and route of administration : the Be-Raise study

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    Objectives : Biological treatment of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is one of the cornerstones of current treatment strategies for the disease. Surprisingly little information exists on whether the route of administration affects patients' treatment satisfaction. It is equally unclear whether rheumatologists are able to accurately perceive their patients' appreciation. Thus, the Belgian Beraise survey aimed to examine whether RA patient's experience of their current biological treatment coincided with the treating physician's perception. Methods : A nationwide cross-sectional survey was conducted by 67 Belgian rheumatologists providing data obtained from 550 RA patients. Patients under stable dose of biologics for at least 6 months, were enrolled consecutively and all completed questionnaires. Separate questionnaires were completed by the treating rheumatologist which evaluated their patient's perception of the route of treatment administration. This study therefore evaluates whether a treating physician perceives the satisfaction with the route of administration to the same degree as the patient. Results : Completed questionnaires were obtained from 293 and 257 patients who obtained treatment via the intravenous (IV) or subcutaneous (SC) route of administration, respectively. 58.4% of patients were in DAS28-CRP(3) remission. Patient satisfaction with disease control was higher (44% scored >= 9) than that of the treating physician (35%), regardless of the route of administration (p<0.01). No differences were seen for the patients treated with an IV as opposed to a SC route of administration. The physician's perception of patient's satisfaction with disease control was markedly lower for IV treated patients as opposed to SC treated patients (p<0.001). Conclusions : Patients' satisfaction with biological treatment is high, but there is a considerable mismatch between patients' and rheumatologists' appreciation on the route of administration of biological therapy in RA. Physicians consistently consider IV biological therapy to be less satisfactory. Patient's appreciation is largely dependent on disease control, irrespective of the route of administration. Therefore, and encouraging shared decision making, we suggest that physicians and patients discuss the route of administration of biologicals in an open way

    Reliability and validity of the INFOOT three-dimensional foot digitizer for patients with rheumatoid arthritis

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    Background: Abnormal foot posture and deformities are identified as important features in rheumatoid arthritis. There is still no consensus regarding the optimum technique(s) for quantifying these features; hence, a foot digitizer might be used as an objective measurement tool. We sought to assess the validity and reliability of the INFOOT digitizer. Methods: To investigate the validity of the INFOOT digitizer compared with clinical measurements, we calculated Pearson correlation coefficients. To investigate the reliability of the INFOOT digitizer, we calculated intraclass correlation coefficients, SEMs, smallest detectable differences, and smallest detectable difference percentages. Results: Most of the 38 parameters showed good intraclass correlation coefficients, with values greater than 0.9 for 30 parameters and greater than 0.8 for seven parameters. The left heel bone angle expressed a moderate correlation, with a value of 0.609. The SEM values varied between 0.31 and 3.51 mm for the length and width measures, between 0.74 and 5.58 mm for the height data, between 0.75 and 5.9 mm for the circumferences, and between 0.78 degrees and 2.98 degrees for the angles. The smallest detectable difference values ranged from 0.86 to 16.36 mm for length, width, height, and circumference measures and from 2.17 degrees to 8.26 degrees for the angle measures. For the validity of the INFOOT three-dimensional foot digitizer, Pearson correlation coefficients varied between 0.750 and 0.997. Conclusions: In this rheumatoid arthritis population, good validity was demonstrated compared with clinical measurements, and most of the obtained parameters proved to be reliable. (J Am Podiatr Med Assoc 101(3): 198-207, 2011

    The Glasgow-Maastricht foot model, evaluation of a 26 segment kinematic model of the foot

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    BACKGROUND: Accurately measuring of intrinsic foot kinematics using skin mounted markers is difficult, limited in part by the physical dimensions of the foot. Existing kinematic foot models solve this problem by combining multiple bones into idealized rigid segments. This study presents a novel foot model that allows the motion of the 26 bones to be individually estimated via a combination of partial joint constraints and coupling the motion of separate joints using kinematic rhythms. METHODS: Segmented CT data from one healthy subject was used to create a template Glasgow-Maastricht foot model (GM-model). Following this, the template was scaled to produce subject-specific models for five additional healthy participants using a surface scan of the foot and ankle. Forty-three skin mounted markers, mainly positioned around the foot and ankle, were used to capture the stance phase of the right foot of the six healthy participants during walking. The GM-model was then applied to calculate the intrinsic foot kinematics. RESULTS: Distinct motion patterns where found for all joints. The variability in outcome depended on the location of the joint, with reasonable results for sagittal plane motions and poor results for transverse plane motions. CONCLUSIONS: The results of the GM-model were comparable with existing literature, including bone pin studies, with respect to the range of motion, motion pattern and timing of the motion in the studied joints. This novel model is the most complete kinematic model to date. Further evaluation of the model is warranted

    Multi-segment foot landing kinematics in subjects with chronic ankle instability

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    Background Chronic ankle instability has been associated with altered joint kinematics at the ankle, knee and hip. However, no studies have investigated possible kinematic deviations at more distal segments of the foot. The purpose of this study was to evaluate if subjects with ankle instability and copers show altered foot and ankle kinematics and altered kinetics during a landing task when compared to controls. Methods Ninety-six subjects (38 subjects with chronic ankle instability, 28 copers and 30 controls) performed a vertical drop and side jump task. Foot kinematics were obtained using the Ghent Foot Model and a single-segment foot model. Group differences were evaluated using statistical parametric mapping and analysis of variance. Results Subjects with ankle instability had a more inverted midfoot position in relation to the rearfoot when compared to controls during the side jump. They also had a greater midfoot inversion/eversion range of motion than copers during the vertical drop. Copers exhibited less plantar flexion/dorsiflexion range of motion in the lateral and medial forefoot. Furthermore, the ankle instability and coper group exhibited less ankle plantar flexion at touchdown. Additionally, the ankle instability group demonstrated a decreased plantar flexion/dorsiflexion range of motion at the ankle compared to the control group. Analysis of ground reaction forces showed a higher vertical peak and loading rate during the vertical drop in subjects with ankle instability. Interpretation Subjects with chronic ankle instability displayed an altered, stiffer kinematic landing strategy and related alterations in landing kinetics, which might predispose them for episodes of giving way and actual ankle sprains

    Movement of the human foot in 100 pain free individuals aged 18–45 : implications for understanding normal foot function

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    Background: Understanding motion in the normal healthy foot is a prerequisite for understanding the effects of pathology and thereafter setting targets for interventions. Quality foot kinematic data from healthy feet will also assist the development of high quality and research based clinical models of foot biomechanics. To address gaps in the current literature we aimed to describe 3D foot kinematics using a 5 segment foot model in a population of 100 pain free individuals. Methods: Kinematics of the leg, calcaneus, midfoot, medial and lateral forefoot and hallux were measured in 100 self reported healthy and pain free individuals during walking. Descriptive statistics were used to characterise foot movements. Contributions from different foot segments to the total motion in each plane were also derived to explore functional roles of different parts of the foot. Results: Foot segments demonstrated greatest motion in the sagittal plane, but large ranges of movement in all planes. All foot segments demonstrated movement throughout gait, though least motion was observed between the midfoot and calcaneus. There was inconsistent evidence of movement coupling between joints. There were clear differences in motion data compared to foot segment models reported in the literature. Conclusions: The data reveal the foot is a multiarticular structure, movements are complex, show incomplete evidence of coupling, and vary person to person. The data provide a useful reference data set against which future experimental data can be compared and may provide the basis for conceptual models of foot function based on data rather than anecdotal observations

    The use of 3D surface scanning for the measurement and assessment of the human foot

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>A number of surface scanning systems with the ability to quickly and easily obtain 3D digital representations of the foot are now commercially available. This review aims to present a summary of the reported use of these technologies in footwear development, the design of customised orthotics, and investigations for other ergonomic purposes related to the foot.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The PubMed and ScienceDirect databases were searched. Reference lists and experts in the field were also consulted to identify additional articles. Studies in English which had 3D surface scanning of the foot as an integral element of their protocol were included in the review.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Thirty-eight articles meeting the search criteria were included. Advantages and disadvantages of using 3D surface scanning systems are highlighted. A meta-analysis of studies using scanners to investigate the changes in foot dimensions during varying levels of weight bearing was carried out.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Modern 3D surface scanning systems can obtain accurate and repeatable digital representations of the foot shape and have been successfully used in medical, ergonomic and footwear development applications. The increasing affordability of these systems presents opportunities for researchers investigating the foot and for manufacturers of foot related apparel and devices, particularly those interested in producing items that are customised to the individual. Suggestions are made for future areas of research and for the standardization of the protocols used to produce foot scans.</p

    Static and dynamic analysis of the rheumatoid arthritis foot

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    Elaboration of a short documentary film about the beef production chain in the region of Curimataú Paraibano.

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    Atualmente, o nosso país está inserido entre os principais lideres no ranking de produção de bovinos de corte, assim como dos maiores exportadores de carne bovina para consumo humano. Tais características aumentam a responsabilidade para que a cadeia de produção de carne bovina atenda as principais exigências dos mercados competitivos, com uma oferta de carnes de qualidade organoléptica e com controle sanitário. O presente estudo, portanto, objetivou avaliar a cadeia produtiva de carne bovina para o consumo humano, através da elaboração de um curta metragem gênero documentário, em uma cidade de pequeno porte do curimataú da Paraíba. Com a construção de um vídeo curta metragem, realizou-se a exposição da realidade encontrada a distintos públicos com graus de instrução acadêmica diversos. Para uma percepção do impacto ocasionado pelas imagens e cenas que compõem o filme, foram aplicados questionários, com perguntas subjetivas e de caráter crítico, a fim de perceber a intensidade do impacto causado após a observação da realidade mostrada. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que as condições de abate de bovinos na cadeia de produção investigada não encontravam-se satisfatórias, com um total descumprimento do que descreve os manuais de bem-estar animal e os regulamentos exigidos por órgãos competentes, como vigilância sanitária e boas práticas de processamento de alimentos. De acordo com os resultados, pode-se concluir que as inadequações dos processos que compõem a cadeia de produção de carne bovina acarretam em enormes prejuízos na qualidade do produto final adquirido, sugerindo-se um maior controle das falhas ocorridas para a oferta de um produto de ótima qualidade.Currently, our country is among the main leaders in the ranking of beef cattle production, as well as the largest exporters of beef for human consumption. These characteristics increase the responsibility for the beef production chain to meet the main requirements of the competitive markets, with an organoleptic quality of meat with health control. The present study, therefore, aimed to evaluate the beef production chain for human consumption, through the elaboration of a short documentary genre, in a small city of the Paraiba curimataú. With the construction of a short video, the exposition of the reality found was carried out to different audiences with different degrees of academic instruction. For a perception of the impact caused by the images and scenes that compose the film, questionnaires with subjective and critical questions were applied in order to perceive the intensity of the impact caused after the observation of the reality shown. The results showed that the conditions of slaughter of cattle in the production chain under investigation were not satisfactory, with a total noncompliance with what describes animal welfare manuals and the regulations demanded by competent organs, such as sanitary surveillance and good practices of food processing. According to the results, it can be concluded that the inadequacies of the processes that compose the beef production chain lead to enormous losses in the quality of the final product acquired, suggesting a greater control of the failures occurred for the supply of a product of great quality