224 research outputs found

    Teoria, pratica e storia: problemi metodologici degli studi teatrali

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    A discussion of methodological problems in theatrical studies, concerning especially the relations between theory, history and practice

    Ivrea Cinquanta. Mezzo secolo di Nuovo Teatro in Italia

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    Presentazione del progetto storico-critico sotteso al convegno sul Nuovo Teatro svoltosi a Genova, Palazzo Ducale, dal 5 al 7 maggio 2017

    Leo de Berardinis artista-teorico

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    Leo de Berardinis was an allround man of the theatre: an extraordinary actor, director, dramaturge, and pedagogue. Among the many aspects of his theatrical work, it is his theory which, to this day, has not been adequately highlighted. And yet his writings and interventions demonstrate how he was a true artist-theorist and follow in an unbroken line from those of the director-pedagogues of the 20th century in terms of their intellectual significance, ethical intensity, and civic commitment

    Corps et Corporéité au Théâtre: de la sémiotique aux neurosciences. Petit glossaire interdisciplinaire

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    RESUMO Este texto aborda os conceitos de corpo e corporeidade, levantando um léxico de palavras que pretendem funcionar como instrumento por intermédio do qual pensa-se uma nova teatrologia. Discute-se a distinção entre corpo e carne e sua junção teórico-prática na noção de corporeidade. Da mesma forma, convoca-se autores como Marcel Jousse, Richard Schechner, Jean-Marie Pradier, entre outros para ampliar o espectro de possibilidades de pensar o corpo na cena contemporânea. Efetiva-se conexões entre Neurociências, Etnocenologia e Performance Studies, em especial, a partir do conceito de neurônio-espelho como uma simulação encarnada das ações e intenções, mostrando possibilidades de alargar a teatrologia ao incluir o estudo da relação ator espectador numa perspectiva interdisciplinar

    Semiotika Seni Pertunjukan (IV)

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    Sebagaimana diketahui bahwa di lingkungan Perguruan Tinggi Seni biasanya terdapat dua minat utama, yakni kompetensi penciptaan seni dan pengkajian seni. Pada kompetensi penciptaan seni mahasiswa disiapkan menjadi calon-calon kreator atau penciptaan karya seni sesuai dengan Jurusan yang diambil, misalnya, Jurusan Seni Teater, Seni Musik, Seni Murni (lukis dan patung), dll. Sebaliknya, pada program kompetensi pengkajian seni para mahasiswa disiapkan menjadi calon pengkaji seni sesuai dengan Jurusan yang diambil seperti Jurusan Seni Teater, Seni Kriya, Seni Musik, Seni Pedalangan dsb. Harus diakui bahwa buku-buku pendukung matakuliah di perguruan tinggi seni cukup langka. Padahal buku-buku tersebut sangat dibutuhkan mahasiswa sebagai referensi. Karena itu, perlu segera dilakukan penulisan dan penterjemahan buku-buku untuk memperkaya wawasan mahasiswa Jurusan Teater dan mahasiswa seni pada umumnya. Untuk itulah penulis menterjemahkan buku The Semiotic of Performance karya Marco de Marinis. Penterjemahan buku ini dimaksudkan sebagai salah satu materi bahan ajar atau bacaan kuliah “Semiotika Teater” di Jurusan Teater, Fak. Seni Pertunjukan, ISI Yogyakarta. Penterjemahan buku ini memiliki arti strategis bagi peningkatan kompetensi mahasiswa Jurusan Seni Teater, baik yang mengambil kompetensi penciptaan maupun pengkajian teater. Buku ini memaparkan berbagai teori yang terkait dengan semiotika, semiotika drama, dan semotika pertunjukan. Atas selesainya penterjemahan buku ajar ini penulis mengucapkan banyak terimakasih kepada Rektor ISI Yogyakarta, Dekan Fakultas Seni Pertunjukan, Ketua Jurusan Teater Fak Seni Pertunjukan, Kepala UPT Perpustakaan ISI Yogyakarta yang telah memberi kesempatan kepada penulis untuk menterjemahkan buku ajar ini. Sebagaimana diketahui bahwa di lingkungan Perguruan Tinggi Seni biasanya terdapat dua minat utama, yakni kompetensi penciptaan seni dan pengkajian seni. Pada kompetensi penciptaan seni mahasiswa disiapkan menjadi calon-calon kreator atau penciptaan karya seni sesuai dengan Jurusan yang diambil, misalnya, Jurusan Seni Teater, Seni Musik, Seni Murni (lukis dan patung), dll. Sebaliknya, pada program kompetensi pengkajian seni para mahasiswa disiapkan menjadi calon pengkaji seni sesuai dengan Jurusan yang diambil seperti Jurusan Seni Teater, Seni Kriya, Seni Musik, Seni Pedalangan dsb. Harus diakui bahwa buku-buku pendukung matakuliah di perguruan tinggi seni cukup langka. Padahal buku-buku tersebut sangat dibutuhkan mahasiswa sebagai referensi. Karena itu, perlu segera dilakukan penulisan dan penterjemahan buku-buku untuk memperkaya wawasan mahasiswa Jurusan Teater dan mahasiswa seni pada umumnya. Untuk itulah penulis menterjemahkan buku The Semiotic of Performance karya Marco de Marinis. Penterjemahan buku ini dimaksudkan sebagai salah satu materi bahan ajar atau bacaan kuliah “Semiotika Teater” di Jurusan Teater, Fak. Seni Pertunjukan, ISI Yogyakarta. Penterjemahan buku ini memiliki arti strategis bagi peningkatan kompetensi mahasiswa Jurusan Seni Teater, baik yang mengambil kompetensi penciptaan maupun pengkajian teater. Buku ini memaparkan berbagai teori yang terkait dengan semiotika, semiotika drama, dan semotika pertunjukan. Atas selesainya penterjemahan buku ajar ini penulis mengucapkan banyak terimakasih kepada Rektor ISI Yogyakarta, Dekan Fakultas Seni Pertunjukan, Ketua Jurusan Teater Fak Seni Pertunjukan, Kepala UPT Perpustakaan ISI Yogyakarta yang telah memberi kesempatan kepada penulis untuk menterjemahkan buku ajar ini

    Etienne Decroux

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    Etienne Decroux Why a Theatre Laboratory? It  includes the programme of a three days’ international symposium from October 4th through 6th 2004. This is the first initiative taken by the Centre for Theatre Laboratory Studies (CTLS), a newly inaugurated centre under Aarhus University in cooperation with Nordisk Teaterlaboratorium. Peripeti include articles on Stanislavski, Meyerhold, Copeau, Decroux, Grotowski, Peter Brook, Théâtre du Soleil, and Odin Teatret and the theatre laboratory praxis of these masters and inventors, including, of course, reflections on their function and effect. In the last article, Eugenio Barba reflects on the creative process of Odin Teatret over the last 40 years. In addition, we also include the curriculum vitae on those participating in the symposium. The occasion of the symposium is to celebrate the 40th anniversary in October 2004 of Nordisk Teaterlaboratorium/Odin Teatret. Congratulations

    Photonic Integrated Reconfigurable Linear Processors as Neural Network Accelerators

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    Reconfigurable linear optical processors can be used to perform linear transformations and are instrumental in effectively computing matrix-vector multiplications required in each neural network layer. In this paper, we characterize and compare two thermally tuned photonic integrated processors realized in silicon-on-insulator and silicon nitride platforms suited for extracting feature maps in convolutional neural networks. The reduction in bit resolution when crossing the processor is mainly due to optical losses, in the range 2.3-3.3 for the silicon-on-insulator chip and in the range 1.3-2.4 for the silicon nitride chip. However, the lower extinction ratio of Mach-Zehnder elements in the latter platform limits their expressivity (i.e., the capacity to implement any transformation) to 75%, compared to 97% of the former. Finally, the silicon-on-insulator processor outperforms the silicon nitride one in terms of footprint and energy efficiency

    In ricordo di Alfredo De Paz

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    Nel corso di una lunga attività critica orientata allo studio e alla comprensione dell’arte contemporanea e delle sue dinamiche, lo studioso Alfredo De Paz ha saputo adoperare e coniugare metodologie che vanno dalla sociologia alla culturologia, dal purovisibilismo alla massmediologia, applicandole a un raggio di argomenti amplissimo che va dal Romanticismo alle Avanguardie storiche. Si è quindi avvertita la necessità di ricordare, sintetizzare e rimeditare le sue riflessioni e i suoi contributi, senza trascurare tuttavia la qualità umana della sua persona. Negli interventi dei suoi ex-colleghi, qui riuniti, riaffiorano grandi figure della cultura del nostro tempo: il Loos di Ornamento e delitto, il Wölfflin dei Concetti fondamentali della storia dell’arte, l’Hauser della Storia sociale dell’arte, il McLuhan de Gli strumenti del comunicare. Si tratta solo di alcuni tra i principali autori assorbiti e sapientemente rielaborati da Alfredo De Paz lungo oltre quarant’anni di studi e ricerche, per cogliere al meglio la natura profonda e molteplice dell’arte del nostro tempo

    Italian nursing students' attitudes towards care of the dying patient: A multi-center descriptive study

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    Background: International literature reports that nursing students feel unprepared when facing patients and families within dying care. They consider their curricula inadequate in teaching end-of-life care and promoting the attitudes required to care for dying patients. Findings of recent studies exploring nursing students' attitudes towards care of the dying patient are often contradictory. Objectives: To explore Italian nursing students' attitudes towards caring for dying patients. Design: A multicenter cross-sectional study was conducted. Settings: The Bachelor's Degree in Nursing courses of four Universities of the Lazio Region. Participants: The sample included 1193 students. Methods: Data were collected between September 2017 and March 2018 using the Italian version of FATCOD-B-I. The differences between the mean scores were compared through t-test or ANOVA. Associations between scores and participant characteristics were evaluated through generalized linear regression. Results: The mean score of FATCOD-B-I was 115.3 (SD = 9.1). Higher scores were significantly associated with training in palliative care (p < 0.0001) and experience with terminally ill patients (p < 0.0001). Students manifested more negative attitudes when they perceived patients losing hope of recovering, and patient's family members interfering with health professionals' work. Uncertainties emerged around knowledge of opioid drugs, decision-making, concepts of death and dying, management of mourning, and relational aspects of patient care. Conclusions: Italian nursing students seem to have more positive attitudes towards care of dying patients than most other countries. They believe that caring for a terminal patient is a formative, useful experience but they do not feel adequately prepared in practice. Deeper palliative care education, integrated with practical training, would prepare students better, enabling them to discover their own human and professional capacity to relieve suffering