6,777 research outputs found

    An assessment of bottom current controlled sedimentation in Pacific Ocean abyssal environments

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    The effect of the circulation of polar-sourced dense waters on the deep seafloor is still largely unknown. This paper presents multibeam bathymetric evidence for the existence of present-day contourite drifts on the central Pacific ocean at depths ranging between 4000 and 5000 m, based on the identification of their diagnostic erosive (moats, linear moats, furrows and abyssal sinuous channels) and depositional (plastered, elongated separated and abyssal contourite-fan drifts) contourite morphological features. These contourite drifts display a patchy distribution, sculpted by the secondary flows of the Lower Circumpolar Water (LCPW) and the North Pacific Deep Waters (NPDW), as well as local dynamics of the flow in the form of internal waves and bottom currents modulated by tides, which are capable of accelerating the typically sluggish bottom currents and contribute to the erosion, transport and deposition of sediments. The formation of contourites is also predominantly controlled by the presence of large-scale tectonic and volcanic features (ridges, seamounts and deep elongated valleys), which affect the morphology and distribution of the basins and induce the acceleration of bottom currents. Overall, this study allows to re-assess the effects, distribution and significance of bottom-current controlled sedimentation in abyssal environments, where examples of contourite features are still rather scarce in part because of the technical challenges and their remote location, but also because the effect of bottom currents is not well known in the central oceanic basins and only capable of marginally affecting their sedimentological record


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    This paper reports an experimental study on three well known solutions for bankruptcy problems, that is, the constrained equal-awards, the proportional and the constrained equal-losses rule. To do this, we first let subjects play three games designed such that the unique equilibrium outcome coincides with one of these three rules. Moreover, we also let subjects play an additional game, that has the property that all (and only) strategy profiles in which players unanimously agree on the same rule constitute a strict Nash equilibrium. While in the first three games subjects' play easily converges to the unique equilibrium rule, in the last game the proportional rule overwhelmingly prevails as a coordination device.

    El testamento anotado del botánico Mariano La-Gasca (Barcelona, 1839))

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    Encontramos la noticia sobre el testamento del botánico Mariano La-Gasca y Segura (1776-1839) en una de las cartas personales consultadas en el Archivo del madrileño Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales (AMNCN1). Pese a las variadas pesquisas practicadas desde entonces, esa fue la única referencia original localizada sobre el asunto2. Por desconocer el nombre del notario otorgante, la tediosa tarea de localización del testamento (en el Archivo Histórico de Protocolos Notariales de Barcelona, AHPB) se ha dilatado en el tiempo, pues eran 83 los notarios que ejercían en la ciudad condal en el bienio considerado (1838- 39). Su hallazgo nos ha permitido conocer su contenido y el de otros documentos anexos, que transcribimos3. En este artículo nos centraremos exclusivamente en el testamento y asuntos relacionados, dejando para otra ocasión las vicisitudes de su rica biblioteca y de diferentes papeles personales, que no pasaron a manos de sus herederos y se encuentran actualmente en Málaga

    Building circuits from scratch.

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    Este trabajo presenta una experiencia docente desarrollada en el grado en Ingeniería de Imagen y Sonido. Los estudiantes afrontan su primer contacto con el Laboratorio de Electrónica en el segundo semestre del grado. Si bien suelen cumplir con los aspectos teóricos de esta materia, suelen encontrar dificultades para llevar sus conocimientos al mundo real, es decir, para cumplir con sus tareas de laboratorio. El principal problema es que el alumnado todavía se centra en replicar resultados conocidos a priori, en lugar de comprender la configuración experimental. Romper esta dinámica es una iniciativa docente necesaria para dotar a los estudiantes de habilidades básicas de laboratorio. Para lograr este objetivo proponemos el siguiente proceso de aprendizaje: la primera tarea de laboratorio que presentamos consiste en construir sus primeros circuitos RC básicos a partir de componentes electrónicos de fabricación propia. Se guía a los estudiantes para que construyan resistencias superficiales y condensadores pintando rectángulos de grafito de diferentes tamaños con un lápiz blando. Luego, se les pide que realicen algunas tareas básicas, como caracterizar componentes y probar leyes electrónicas básicas. Así pueden tener una idea de la variabilidad experimental y pensar en diferentes factores que podrían afectar sus resultados. Como ayuda adicional, se ha grabado una colección de breves videoclips demostrativos, uno por tarea. Cada vídeo se proyecta en modo bucle en la pantalla del aula mientras los estudiantes trabajan. Durante cada sesión, los estudiantes pueden ver la demostración y relacionarla con su propia implementación. Como resultado, los estudiantes reportaron sentirse altamente motivados. Además, hemos observado un cambio positivo en la actitud de los estudiantes, hacia un desarrollo reflexivo y atento de las tareas de laboratorio. Esperamos comparar la evaluación final del semestre de este grupo con la de años anteriores.Servicio de Formación e Innovación, Universidad de Málaga bajo el proyecto PIE 22-210. Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Analysis of corporate social responsibility in Spanish agribusiness and its influence on innovation and performance

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    In this paper, a model of structural equations is proposed to analyse the relationship between the actions of corporate social responsibility (CSR) and its influence on innovation and cooperation in agribusiness sector located in Murcia, Spain. These companies have always been characterized by an innovative and cooperative spirit to meet the demands of their customers. The proposed model shows the relationship between cooperation and innovation and their influence on economic performance. Moreover, the model suggests, first that innovation partially mediates the relationship between cooperation and performance and second that cooperation partially mediates the relationship between CSR and innovation. Insiders (employees, partners, and managers) and external agents (suppliers and society) and its association with the strategy of innovation and cooperation and the various measures and economic outcomes associated with CSR are also studied

    Knowledge and innovation management model. Its influence on technology transfer and performance in Spanish defence industry

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    Strategic alliances among Defence Organizations could be embraced to approach the innovation process and organize Defence. Moreover, companies, Armed Forces and Defence Systems are creating relationships to take advantage around combined actions, coordinated all of them by the Ministry of Defence. Innovation management associated to knowledge is being used to growth in productivity. So this knowledge needs to be transferred from these alliances to business inter-organizational relationships and cooperation among firms. A strategy of technology and innovation facilitates the collaboration between technology-based companies and the Defence Sector. The purpose is to analyze the Knowledge & Innovation Management (KIM) and its influence on technology transfer, project management and performance. The results of this study show that strategic alliances favours knowledge management and innovation management. This KIM Model has a positive influence on the technology transfer which helps project management join with the Armed Forces and Defence System improving the companies' performance

    Analysis of CSR in Costa Rica Agribusiness: its influence on cooperation, innovation and performance

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    Corporate Social Responsibility in developing countries has become an emerging field of research. In this paper a model of structural equations is proposed to analyze the relationship between Corporate Social Responsibility actions and its influence on Cooperation, Innovation and Performance in the Costa Rican agribusiness sector. Structural equation modelling was used to investigate the conceptual relationship model and explain the associations among variables. The model results suggest that CSR and Innovation positively influence the agribusiness Performance. On the contrary, it seems that Cooperation does not have an influence on such Performance