46 research outputs found

    Retinal OCT speckle as a biomarker for glaucoma diagnosis and staging

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    This paper presents a novel image analysis strategy that increases the potential of macular Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) by using speckle features as biomarkers in different stages of glaucoma. A large pool of features (480) were computed for a subset of macular OCT volumes of the Leuven eye study cohort. The dataset contained 258 subjects that were divided into four groups based on their glaucoma severity: Healthy (56), Mild (94), Moderate (48), and Severe (60). The OCT speckle features were categorized as statistical properties, statistical distributions, contrast, spatial gray-level dependence matrices, and frequency domain features. The averaged thicknesses of ten retinal layers were also collected. Kruskal-Wallis H test and multivariable regression models were used to infer the most significant features related to glaucoma severity classification and to the correlation with visual field mean deviation. Four features were selected as being the most relevant: the ganglion cell layer (GCL) and the inner plexiform layer (IPL) thicknesses, and two OCT speckle features, the data skewness computed on the retinal nerve fiber layer (RNFL) and the scale parameter (a) of the generalized gamma distribution fitted to the GCL data. Based on a significance level of 0.05, the regression models revealed that RNFL skewness exhibited the highest significance among the features considered for glaucoma severity staging (p-values of 8.6×10-6 for the logistic model and 2.8×10-7 for the linear model). Furthermore, it demonstrated a strong negative correlation with the visual field mean deviation (ρ=-0.64). The post hoc analysis revealed that, when distinguishing healthy controls from glaucoma subjects, GCL thickness is the most relevant feature (p-value of 8.7×10-5). Conversely, when comparing the Mild versus Moderate stages of glaucoma, RNFL skewness emerged as the only feature exhibiting statistical significance (p-value = 0.001). This work shows that macular OCT speckle contains information that is currently not used in clinical practice, and not only complements structural measurements (thickness) but also has a potential for glaucoma staging

    Review on retrospective procedures to correct retinal motion artefacts in OCT imaging

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    Motion artefacts from involuntary changes in eye fixation remain a major imaging issue in optical coherence tomography (OCT). This paper reviews the state-of-the-art of retrospective procedures to correct retinal motion and axial eye motion artefacts in OCT imaging. Following an overview of motion induced artefacts and correction strategies, a chronological survey of retrospective approaches since the introduction of OCT until the current days is presented. Pre-processing, registration, and validation techniques are described. The review finishes by discussing the limitations of the current techniques and the challenges to be tackled in future developments

    Microvascular damage assessed by optical coherence tomography angiography for glaucoma diagnosis: a systematic review of the most discriminative regions

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    A growing number of studies have reported a link between vascular damage and glaucoma based on optical coherence tomography angiography (OCTA) imaging. This multitude of studies focused on different regions of interest (ROIs) which offers the possibility to draw conclusions on the most discriminative locations to diagnose glaucoma. The objective of this work was to review and analyse the discriminative capacity of vascular density, retrieved from different ROIs, on differentiating healthy subjects from glaucoma patients. PubMed was used to perform a systematic review on the analysis of glaucomatous vascular damage using OCTA. All studies up to 21 April 2019 were considered. The ROIs were analysed by region (macula, optic disc and peripapillary region), layer (superficial and deep capillary plexus, avascular, whole retina, choriocapillaris and choroid) and sector (according to the Garway–Heath map). The area under receiver operator characteristic curve (AUROC) and the statistical difference (p-value) were used to report the importance of each ROI for diagnosing glaucoma. From 96 screened studies, 43 were eligible for this review. Overall, the peripapillary region showed to be the most discriminative region with the highest mean AUROC (0.80 ± 0.09). An improvement of the AUROC from this region is observed when a sectorial analysis is performed, with the highest AUROCs obtained at the inferior and superior sectors of the superficial capillary plexus in the peripapillary region (0.86 ± 0.03 and 0.87 ± 0.10, respectively). The presented work shows that glaucomatous vascular damage can be assessed using OCTA, and its added value as a complementary feature for glaucoma diagnosis depends on the region of interest. A sectorial analysis of the superficial layer at the peripapillary region is preferable for assessing glaucomatous vascular damage

    Detection of capillary abnormalities in early diabetic retinopathy using scanning laser ophthalmoscopy and optical coherence tomography combined with adaptive optics

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    This study tested if a high-resolution, multi-modal, multi-scale retinal imaging instrument can provide novel information about structural abnormalities in vivo. The study examined 11 patients with very mild to moderate non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy (NPDR) and 10 healthy subjects using fundus photography, optical coherence tomography (OCT), OCT angiography (OCTA), adaptive optics scanning laser ophthalmoscopy (AO-SLO), adaptive optics OCT and OCTA (AO-OCT(A)). Of 21 eyes of 11 patients, 11 had very mild NPDR, 8 had mild NPDR, 2 had moderate NPDR, and 1 had no retinopathy. Using AO-SLO, capillary looping, inflections and dilations were detected in 8 patients with very mild or mild NPDR, and microaneurysms containing hyperreflective granular elements were visible in 9 patients with mild or moderate NPDR. Most of the abnormalities were seen to be perfused in the corresponding OCTA scans while a few capillary loops appeared to be occluded or perfused at a non-detectable flow rate, possibly because of hypoperfusion. In one patient with moderate NPDR, non-perfused capillaries, also called ghost vessels, were identified by alignment of corresponding en face AO-OCT and AO-OCTA images. The combination of multiple non-invasive imaging methods could identify prominent microscopic abnormalities in diabetic retinopathy earlier and more detailed than conventional fundus imaging devices.</p

    Hemorragia digestiva baixa e manejo de emergências: uma revisão integrativa

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    INTRODUÇÃO: O sangramento gastrointestinal pode acometer qualquer localidade e estrutura do trato, estruturas anatômicas são utilizadas para diferenciar o local de acometimento, como o ligamento de Treitz que divide os sangramentos superior e inferior. Características clínicas também são utilizadas nesta diferenciação, hematoquezia e melena são sinais comuns de sangramento no trato inferior. Percebe-se um aumento da prevalência do LGIB devido o envelhecimento e o constante uso de medicamentos que são predisponentes para esse tipo de sintoma. OBJETIVO: Avaliar as possíveis complicações e o manejo adequado em casos emergenciais de hemorragia digestiva baixa. METODOLOGIA: Trata-se de uma revisão integrativa na base de dados PUBMED utilizando os descritores “GASTROINTESTINAL HEMORRHAGE AND LOWER AND EMERGENCY’’ para artigos publicados entre 2018 e 2014. RESULTADOS: O LBIB é causa comum de hospitalização, 64% dos pacientes são do sexo masculino e a média de idade entre eles é de 49,6 anos. Os locais mais comuns em que se encontra o sangramento por meio da coloscopia são o reto (52,9%) e o cólon esquerdo (29,4%). Entre os principais fatores predisponentes de gravidade estão a idade (superior a 75 anos), IMC (menor que 18kg/m²) e os exames laboratoriais com as seguintes alterações: hemoglobina inferior a 11,0 g/dL, nível de albumina &lt; 3,0 g/dL, nitrogênio ureico no sangue (BUN) ≥ 25 mg/dL, proteína C reativa (PCR) ≥ 1,0 mg/dL. O uso de DOAC apresentou influencia na gravidade e no local de acometimento do sinal clínico. CONCLUSÃO: A LGIB é uma causa comum de hospitalização e está relacionado geralmente a a doenças anorretais, pólipos colônicos, colite, câncer colorretal, angiodisplasia e a doença diverticular. Fatores como a idade e uso de medicamentos com função antittrombótica são de risco no que tange a evolução do doente. O tratamento deve se basear na angiografia e embolização, as cirurgias são recomendadas em casos emergenciais

    OCTA multilayer and multisector peripapillary microvascular modeling for diagnosing and staging of glaucoma

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    Purpose: To develop and assess an automatic procedure for classifying and staging glaucomatous vascular damage based on optical coherence tomography angiography (OCTA) imaging. Methods: OCTA scans (Zeiss Cirrus 5000 HD-OCT) from a random eye of 39 healthy subjects and 82 glaucoma patients were used to develop a new classification algorithm based on multilayer and multisector information. The averaged circumpapillary retinal nerve fiber layer (RNFL) thickness was also collected. Three models, support vector machine (SVM), random forest (RF), and gradient boosting (xGB), were developed and optimized for classifying between healthy and glaucoma patients, primary open-angle glaucoma (POAG) and normal-tension glaucoma (NTG), and glaucoma severity groups. Results: All the models, the SVM (area under the receiver operating characteristic [AUROC] 0.89 ± 0.06), the RF (AUROC 0.86 ± 0.06), and the xGB (AUROC 0.85 ± 0.07), with 26, 22, and 29 vascular features obtained after feature selection, respectively, presented a similar performance to the RNFL thickness (AUROC 0.85± 0.06) in classifying healthy and glaucoma patients. The superficial vascular plexus was the most informative layer with the infero temporal sector as the most discriminative region of interest. No significant differentiation was obtained in discriminating the POAG from the NTG group. The xGB model, after feature selection, presented the best performance in classifying the severity groups (AUROC 0.76± 0.06), outperforming the RNFL (AUROC 0.67± 0.06). Conclusions: OCTA multilayer and multisector information has similar performance to RNFL for glaucoma diagnosis, but it has an added value for glaucoma severity classification, showing promising results for staging glaucoma progression. Translational Relevance: OCTA, in its current stage, has the potential to be used in clinical practice as a complementary imaging technique in glaucoma management

    The complete genome sequence of Chromobacterium violaceum reveals remarkable and exploitable bacterial adaptability

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    Chromobacterium violaceum is one of millions of species of free-living microorganisms that populate the soil and water in the extant areas of tropical biodiversity around the world. Its complete genome sequence reveals (i) extensive alternative pathways for energy generation, (ii) ≈500 ORFs for transport-related proteins, (iii) complex and extensive systems for stress adaptation and motility, and (iv) wide-spread utilization of quorum sensing for control of inducible systems, all of which underpin the versatility and adaptability of the organism. The genome also contains extensive but incomplete arrays of ORFs coding for proteins associated with mammalian pathogenicity, possibly involved in the occasional but often fatal cases of human C. violaceum infection. There is, in addition, a series of previously unknown but important enzymes and secondary metabolites including paraquat-inducible proteins, drug and heavy-metal-resistance proteins, multiple chitinases, and proteins for the detoxification of xenobiotics that may have biotechnological applications

    Caracterização objetiva da catarata com recurso a técnicas por ultrassons

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    A catarata resulta da acumulação de lesões ao longo do tempo, o que conduz à alteração do cristalino. Atualmente existem mais de 20 milhões de pessoas no mundo que sofrem de catarata, sendo a principal causa da perda de visão. A facoemulsificação é o procedimento cirúrgico mais utilizado para extrair a catarata e recuperar a acuidade visual. A determinação incorreta da energia ótima de facoemulsificação, que depende da rigidez do cristalino com catarata, poderá provocar danos irreversíveis, nomeadamente a destruição das células do endotélio da córnea ou a destruição da cápsula posterior do cristalino. As técnicas por ultrassons podem ser utilizadas para determinar a rigidez do cristalino. Nesse âmbito, procedeu-se à caraterização objetiva da catarata em cristalinos de suínos, permitindo a análise de parâmetros acústicos como a velocidade e a atenuação ex-vivo. A velocidade de propagação foi calculada através de três abordagens diferentes, o tempo de voo entre as cápsulas anterior e posterior, a análise em frequência e o tempo de voo utilizando um refletor plano. O cálculo da atenuação também foi realizado considerando três metodologias: a diferença espectral entre os ecos das cápsulas anterior e posterior, a diferença espectral entre o eco de um refletor, com e sem o cristalino, e a análise através do sinal de backscattering. Ainda relativamente à atenuação, foi estudada a dependência da atenuação com a frequência. Para além dos métodos referidos também foi utilizada a distribuição Nakagami, o B-scan e o Sonograma para analisar o cristalino. Os resultados deste estudo confirmam que a velocidade e a atenuação dos ultrassons aumentam com a progressão da catarata (p 0.05). O cálculo da atenuação através do sinal de backscattering também revelou um aumento consistente. Observou-se também, e ao contrário do B-scan, que o parâmetro Nakagami e o Sonograma podem ser utilizados para caracterizar o cristalino. O trabalho desenvolvido mostrou que os ultrassons podem ser utilizados para caracterizar a rigidez do cristalino. O conhecimento exato da rigidez do cristalino contribuirá para o aumento dos níveis de segurança da cirurgia de facoemulsificação da catarata. Palavras Chave (Tema): Catarata, cristalino, facoemulsifcação. Palavras Chave (Tecnologias): Ultrassons, velocidade, atenuação, backscatterin