310 research outputs found

    Braid Matrices and Quantum Gates for Ising Anyons Topological Quantum Computation

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    We study various aspects of the topological quantum computation scheme based on the non-Abelian anyons corresponding to fractional quantum hall effect states at filling fraction 5/2 using the Temperley-Lieb recoupling theory. Unitary braiding matrices are obtained by a normalization of the degenerate ground states of a system of anyons, which is equivalent to a modification of the definition of the 3-vertices in the Temperley-Lieb recoupling theory as proposed by Kauffman and Lomonaco. With the braid matrices available, we discuss the problems of encoding of qubit states and construction of quantum gates from the elementary braiding operation matrices for the Ising anyons model. In the encoding scheme where 2 qubits are represented by 8 Ising anyons, we give an alternative proof of the no-entanglement theorem given by Bravyi and compare it to the case of Fibonacci anyons model. In the encoding scheme where 2 qubits are represented by 6 Ising anyons, we construct a set of quantum gates which is equivalent to the construction of Georgiev.Comment: 25 pages, 13 figure

    Descent of the Giant Stairway into the Jamison Valley

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    Excepts From A Draft for A Book of Walks

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    The rock tombs of Sheikh Saïd,

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    "Special publication of the Egypt exploration fund.

    Evolvable hardware for space applications

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    Self-repair ability of evolved self-assembling systems in cellular automata

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    Self-repairing systems are those that are able to reconfigure themselves following disruptions to bring them back into a defined normal state. In this paper we explore the self-repair ability of some cellular automata-like systems, which differ from classical cellular automata by the introduction of a local diffusion process inspired by chemical signalling processes in biological development. The update rules in these systems are evolved using genetic programming to self-assemble towards a target pattern. In particular, we demonstrate that once the update rules have been evolved for self-assembly, many of those update rules also provide a self-repair ability without any additional evolutionary process aimed specifically at self-repair

    The appropriation of hegemonic masculinity within selected research on men's health

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    Connell's hegemonic masculinity thesis (HMT) has occupied a relatively dominant position within contemporary research exploring the lives of men. Messerschmidt has conducted a review of recent literature that purports to use HMT, he describes in detail some of the ways Connell's work has been appropriated. Taking Messerschmidt's lead, this paper explores a small selection of men's health research that employ HMT as a central organising theme. Such a narrow focus and limited sample enables the theoretical, conceptual and empirical contributions of engagements with Connell's work to be critically explored in detail. This paper provides colleagues with clear examples of ways in which reified and reductive account of masculinity, are still being reproduced in contemporary analyses of men's lives. In calling for researchers to critically reflect upon their usage of Connell's thesis in more detail, my aim is to increase the subtlety and sophistication of such works. A further hope is that by highlighting specific examples of the need to appraise the relevance and adequacy of HMT as a conceptual frame of lived experiences, we might encourage researchers to access the multitude of different theoretical positions that speak to the lives of men

    Evolutionary development of tensegrity structures

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    Contributions from the emerging fields of molecular genetics and evo-devo (evolutionary developmental biology) are greatly benefiting the field of evolutionary computation, initiating a promise of renewal in the traditional methodology. While direct encoding has constituted a dominant paradigm, indirect ways to encode the solutions have been reported, yet little attention has been paid to the benefits of the proposed methods to real problems. In this work, we study the biological properties that emerge by means of using indirect encodings in the context of form-finding problems. A novel indirect encoding model for artificial development has been defined and applied to an engineering structural-design problem, specifically to the discovery of tensegrity structures. This model has been compared with a direct encoding scheme. While the direct encoding performs similarly well to the proposed method, indirect-based results typically outperform the direct-based results in aspects not directly linked to the nature of the problem itself, but to the emergence of properties found in biological organisms, like organicity, generalization capacity, or modularity aspects which are highly valuable in engineering

    La mosca de las alas manchadas Drosophila suzukii en la Comarca Andina

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    La presente obra es una creación colectiva entre el personal de la Agencia de Extensión Rural El Bolsón; Agencia de Extensión Rural El Hoyo y el Instituto de de Investigaciones Forestales y Agropecuarias Bariloche (IFAB).La mosca de alas manchadas, Drosophila suzukii, es un díptero nativo de Asia que ha invadido gran parte del mundo causando importantes daños en cultivos de fruta, principalmente aquella de piel fina. En Argentina fue detectada por primera vez en 2014 y actualmente se encuentra establecida en gran parte del territorio, incluyendo la Comarca Andina del Paralelo 42. Su alto potencial de daño se debe a que la hembra cuenta con un ovipositor aserrado y rígido, el cual le permite cortar la piel de frutos sanos, inclusive aquellos aún no maduros, para dejar sus huevos en su interior. Una vez introducidos, la fruta comienza a descomponerse mientras la larva se alimenta de la pulpa y, producto de la descomposición, aparecen nuevos microorganismos asociados. Además de la gran variedad de frutos que puede atacar, la mosca presenta una alta fecundidad, un ciclo de vida corto y capacidad para adaptarse a diferentes condiciones climáticas, factores que incrementan las probabilidades de causar daños económicos.Fil: Martinez, Andres. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Bariloche; ArgentinaFil: Cardozo, Andrea Gabriela. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Bariloche. Agencia de Extensión Rural El Bolsón; ArgentinaFil: Masciocchi, Maite. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Bariloche. Grupo de Ecología de Poblaciones de Insectos; ArgentinaFil: Fischbein, Deborah. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Bariloche. Grupo de Ecología de Poblaciones de Insectos; ArgentinaFil: Germano, Monica Daniela. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Bariloche; ArgentinaFil: Chillo, María Verónica. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Bariloche. Agencia de Extensión Rural El Bolsón; ArgentinaFil: De La Vega, Gerardo. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Bariloche; ArgentinaFil: Mariño, Javier. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Esquel. Agencia de Extensión Rural El Hoyo; ArgentinaFil: Garis, Gabriel. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Esquel. Agencia de Extensión Rural El Hoyo; Argentin