67 research outputs found

    Towards Abstract Interpretation for Recovering Design Information

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    AbstractIt is a well-known problem that design information of object-oriented programs is often lost or is not kept up-to-date when the program evolves. This design information can be recovered from the program using such techniques as logic meta programming. In this technique logic queries are used to check whether the program is implemented along certain well-known patterns. Currently the technique relies on structural information and patterns are expressed in the queries as conditions over structural elements of the program. Some patterns are however better expressed in dynamic terms which requires behavioural information about the program. Such information can be obtained from execution traces of the program, but these record only one possible input dependent program execution out of many. Abstract interpretation of the object-oriented program could provide a well-founded means for extracting the necessary behavioural information

    Antenatal corticosteroids-to-birth interval in preterm birth

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    Objectives: The purpose of this study was to compare short-term outcomes in children born between 24 and 34 weeks’ gestation, according to observed antenatal corticosteroids (ACS)-to-birth intervals. Research question: ‘Is there a difference in short-term outcomes between observed ACS-to-birth intervals across a range of gestational ages at birth?’ Methods: Cohort study assessing differences in incidence of short-term neonatal outcomes according to the observed interval between the last administration of ACS and birth. Linear, non-weighted GEE models with an independence working correlation structure were fitted to infant level data providing valid point estimates for either incidence or rate differences (binary outcomes) or average differences (continuous outcomes). Results: Of 886 children, 35.9% were born within 2 days after the last administration of ACS, 32.2% within 2 to 7 days, 14.1% within 8 to 14 days, and 17.8% more than 14 days after. Across gestational ages at birth, there were no differences in birth weight between children born at an ACS-to-birth interval of 7 days or less compared to more than 7 days, nor were there differences in respiratory outcomes, cerebral outcomes, or composite outcome. Conclusion: Drawing conclusions on the importance of the ACS-to-birth interval is difficult due to the post-hoc nature of the variable. In the absence of tools to better estimate if and when PTB will occur, it might not have any value in daily practice, regardless of whether there is an optimal ACS-to-birth interval or not

    Unilateral bloody nipple discharge in a two-month-old male

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    Abstract Bloody nipple discharge is a rare but distressing finding in neonates and infants. We report on a 2-month-old boy with unilateral bloody nipple discharge. Ultrasound examination revealed dilated mammary ducts. This benign phenomenon is most likely to be caused by mammary ductal ectasia. Invasive investigations or surgery should be avoided in neonates or infants with bloody nipple discharge unless the discharge is unilateral, spontaneous, persistent and accompanied with a palpable mass. Otherwise only serial clinical follow-up is recommended until spontaneous resolution

    Obstetrical characteristics and neonatal outcome according to aetiology of preterm birth : a cohort study

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    Purpose Preterm birth (PTB) can be categorised according to aetiology into: spontaneous preterm labour (SPL), preterm prelabour rupture of membranes (PPROM), and iatrogenic (iatro) PTB. Outcomes could differ between these groups, which could be of interest in counselling. We aimed to explore differences between aetiologic groups of PTB in maternal demographics, obstetrical characteristics and management, and neonatal outcomes. Methods This is a cohort study (2012-2018) in Ghent University Hospital, Belgium, of deliveries from 24 + 0 to 33 + 6 weeks. We compared perinatal demographics, management, and outcomes between the aetiologic types of PTB. Point and interval estimates for differences between aetiologic types were estimated using a Generalised Estimating Equations approach to handle clustering due to multiple gestations. Results 813 mothers and 987 neonates were included. Prevalences of different aetiologic types of PTB were similar. Maternal BMI was higher in the iatrogenic group (iatro-SPL: + 1.92 kg/m(2), 95% CI 1.02, 2.83; iatro-PPROM: + 2.06 kg/m(2), 95% CI 1.15, 2.96). There was an inversed sex ratio (0.82, 95% CI 0.65, 1.03), more growth restriction (iatro-SPL: + 22.60%, 95% CI 17.08, 28.13; iatro-PPROM: + 24.64%, 95% CI 19.44, 29.83), and a higher caesarean section rate in the iatrogenic group (iatro-SPL: + 57.23%, 95% CI 50.32, 64.13, iatro-PPROM: + 56.79%, 95% CI 50.20, 63.38) and more patients received at least one complete course of antenatal corticosteroids (iatro-SPL: + 17.60%, 95% CI 10.60, 24.60, iatro-PPROM: + 10.73%, 95% CI 4.52, 16.94). In all types of PTB, adverse neonatal outcomes had a low prevalence, except for respiratory distress syndrome. A composite of adverse neonatal outcome was more prevalent in the SPL- compared to the PPROM group, and there was less intraventricular haemorrhage in the iatrogenic group. Conclusion Additional to gestational age at birth, the aetiology of PTB is associated with neonatal outcome. More data are needed to enable individualised management and counselling in case of threatened PTB

    Desmopressin lyophilisate for the treatment of central diabetes insipidus : first experience in very young infants

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    INTRODUCTION: In neonates and small infants, early diagnosis of central diabetes insipidus (CDI) and treatment with desmopressin in low doses (avoiding severe hypo- or hypernatremia) are important to prevent associated high morbidity and mortality in this particular age group. CASE PRESENTATION: We described pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic results of the use of recently launched oral desmopressin lyophilisate (Minirin Melt®) in two infants with CDI, diagnosed at the age of 12 and 62 days, respectively. We observed that a starting dose of 60 μg of Minirin Melt® in the first case resulted in a pharmacokinetic profile largely exceeding the reference frame observed in children with nocturnal enuresis, while a dose of 15 μg in the second case resulted in acceptable concentrations. After initial dose adjustments, administration of sublingual lyophilisate resulted in rather stable serum sodium concentrations. CONCLUSIONS: Using Minirin Melt® in infants with CDI appears to be effective, easy to use and well tolerated

    The Paternal Brain in Action: A Review of Human Fathers' fMRI Brain Responses to Child-Related Stimuli

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    As fathers are increasingly involved in childcare, understanding the neurological underpinnings of fathering has become a key research issue in developmental psychobiology research. This systematic review specifically focused on (1) highlighting methodological issues of paternal brain research using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and (2) summarizing findings related to paternal brain responses to auditory and visual infant stimuli. Sixteen papers were included from 157 retrieved records. Sample characteristics (e.g., fathers' and infant's age, number of kids, and time spent caregiving), neuroimaging information (e.g., technique, task, stimuli, and processing), and main findings were synthesized by two independent authors. Most of the reviewed works used different stimuli and tasks to test fathers' responses to child visual and/or auditory stimuli. Pre-processing and first-level analyses were performed with standard pipelines. Greater heterogeneity emerged in second-level analyses. Three main cortical networks (mentalization, embodied simulation, and emotion regulation) and a subcortical network emerged linked with fathers' responses to infants' stimuli, but additional areas (e.g., frontal gyrus, posterior cingulate cortex) were also responsive to infants' visual or auditory stimuli. This review suggests that a distributed and complex brain network may be involved in facilitating fathers' sensitivity and responses to infant-related stimuli. Nonetheless, specific methodological caveats, the exploratory nature of large parts of the literature to date, and the presence of heterogeneous tasks and measures also demonstrate that systematic improvements in study designs are needed to further advance the field

    Parent–infant closeness after preterm birth and depressive symptoms : A longitudinal study

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    Background: Preterm birth increases the risk for postpartum depression in both mothers and fathers, calling for strategies to alleviate and prevent depressive symptoms in parents of preterm infants. The aim of this study was to assess the association between early parent-infant closeness and later depressive symptoms among parents of preterm infants. We hypothesized that longer duration of closeness associate with fewer depressive symptoms in both parents. Methods: This prospective cohort study included 23 neonatal intensive care units (NICUs) from 15 countries in 2018 to 2020. Each unit recruited families with preterm infants aiming to 30 families. The total duration of parents’ presence in the NICU, and separately parent-infant skin-to-skin contact and holding, were measured using a Closeness Diary up to 14  days. The Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS) was used at discharge and at 4  months corrected age of the infant. Results: The study included 684 mothers and 574 fathers. The median presence was 469   min (Q1 258 and Q3 1,087) per 24   h for the mothers and 259   min (Q1 100 and Q3 540) for the fathers; mean EPDS scores were 9.2 (SD 5.0) and 6.3 (SD 4.4) at discharge and 6.6 (4.7) and 4.3 (4.2) at 4  months, respectively. Parents’ presence and depressive symptoms varied greatly between the units. Parents’ presence as the total measure, or skin-to-skin contact and holding separately, did not associate with depressive symptoms in either mothers or fathers at either time point (adjusted). Conclusion: No association was found between the duration of parent-infant closeness in the neonatal unit and parents’ depressive symptoms. The beneficial effects of family-centered care on parents’ depression seem to be mediated by other elements than parent-infant physical closeness. More research is needed to identify the critical elements which are needed to alleviate parents’ depression after NICU stay.© 2022 Lehtonen, Lilliesköld, De Coen, Toome, Gimeno, Caballero, Tameliene, Laroche, Retpap, Grundt, Van Hoestenberghe, Skene, Pape and Axelin. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY). The use, distribution or reproduction in other forums is permitted, provided the original author(s) and the copyright owner(s) are credited and that the original publication in this journal is cited, in accordance with accepted academic practice. No use, distribution or reproduction is permitted which does not comply with these terms.fi=vertaisarvioitu|en=peerReviewed

    The in-motion-app for remote general movement assessment : a multi-site observational study

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    Objectives To determine whether videos taken by parents of their infants' spontaneous movements were in accordance with required standards in the In-Motion-App, and whether the videos could be remotely scored by a trained General Movement Assessment (GMA) observer. Additionally, to assess the feasibility of using home-based video recordings for automated tracking of spontaneous movements, and to examine parents' perceptions and experiences of taking videos in their homes. Design The study was a multi-centre prospective observational study. Setting Parents/families of high-risk infants in tertiary care follow-up programmes in Norway, Denmark and Belgium. Methods Parents/families were asked to video record their baby in accordance with the In-Motion standards which were based on published GMA criteria and criteria covering lighting and stability of smartphone. Videos were evaluated as GMA 'scorable' or 'non-scorable' based on predefined criteria. The accuracy of a 7-point body tracker software was compared with manually annotated body key points. Parents were surveyed about the In-Motion-App information and clarity. Participants The sample comprised 86 parents/families of high-risk infants. Results The 86 parent/families returned 130 videos, and 121 (96%) of them were in accordance with the requirements for GMA assessment. The 7-point body tracker software detected more than 80% of body key point positions correctly. Most families found the instructions for filming their baby easy to follow, and more than 90% reported that they did not become more worried about their child's development through using the instructions. Conclusions This study reveals that a short instructional video enabled parents to video record their infant's spontaneous movements in compliance with the standards required for remote GMA. Further, an accurate automated body point software detecting infant body landmarks in smartphone videos will facilitate clinical and research use soon. Home-based video recordings could be performed without worrying parents about their child's development

    Parents' experiences of emotional closeness to their infants in the neonatal unit: A meta-ethnography

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    Physical and emotional parent-infant closeness activate important neurobiological mechanisms involved in parenting. In a neonatal care context, most research focuses on physical (parental presence, skin-to-skin contact) aspects; insights into emotional closeness can be masked by findings that overemphasise the barriers or challenges to parenting an infant during neonatal care. To explore existing qualitative research to identify what facilitates and enables parents' experiences of emotional closeness to their infants while cared for in a neonatal unit. A systematic review using meta-ethnographic methods. Search strategy involved searches on six databases, author runs, and backward and forward chaining. Reciprocal translation was used to identify and compare key concepts of parent-infant emotional closeness. Searches identified 6992 hits, and 34 studies from 17 countries that involved 670 parents were included. Three overarching themes and associated sub-themes were developed. 'Embodied connections' describes how emotional closeness was facilitated by reciprocal parent-infant interactions, spending time as a family, and methods for parents to feel connected while physically separated. 'Inner knowing' concerns how knowledge about infant and maternal health and understanding the norms of neonatal care facilitated emotional closeness. 'Evolving parental role' relates to how emotional closeness was intertwined with parental identities of contributing to infant health, providing direct care, and being acknowledged as a parent. Parent-infant closeness evolves and is facilitated by multifaceted biopsychosocial factors. Practice implications include creating private and uninterrupted family time, strategies for parents to maintain an emotional connection to their infant when separated, and neurobiology education for staff. [Abstract copyright: Copyright © 2020 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
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