2,355 research outputs found

    The joint dynamics of spot and forward exchange rates

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    Los tipos de cambio a plazo a uno y tres meses del marco aleman, franco frances, libra esterlina, yen japones y peseta respecto al dolar parecen estar cointegrados con los tipos de contado que se observan a la fecha de maduracion del contrato forward. Sin embargo, esta relacion de cointegracion no se observa cuando se analiza la relacion entre los tipos de cambio de contado y a plazo que se contratan en una misma fecha. Por otra parte, se encuentra que el comportamiento de los tipos de cambio a plazo es coherente con la hipotesis de impredictibilidad de los tipos de cambio de contado en los horizontes de uno y tres meses. Adicionalmente, se encuentra evidencia de existencia de primas de riesgo/plazo, pero, al ser de pequeña magnitud, los recientes resultados de ineficiencia en los mercados de divisas tienen solidez teorica, aunque poca relevancia a nivel empirico. (fc) (an) (mac

    Existence of positive solutions for a semipositone p-Laplacian problem

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    We prove the existence of positive solutions to a semipositone p-Laplacian problem combining mountain pass arguments, comparison principles, regularity principles and a priori estimates

    Hydrogenic and impurity retention studies on liquid lithium and tungsten as materials for a nuclear fusion reactor by glow discharge and laser techniques

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    Tesis de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Facultad de Ciencias Físicas, Departamento de Física Atómica, Molecular y Nuclear, leída el 12-01-2018La energía de fusión es un proceso perfectamente viable desde el punto de vista científico. El Sol y las demás estrellas del universo actúan como “reactores de fusión” que funcionan adecuadamente día tras día. Un ejemplo de ello lo tenemos en nuestro Sol cuya superficie emite una enorme cantidad de radiación (~4.5∙1020 W), consumiendo para ello unas 5 toneladas de hidrógeno cada segundo. Sin embargo la reproducción de este proceso en nuestro planeta a través de dispositivos controlados de fusión magnética que puedan producir electricidad resulta extremadamente complicada debido a desafíos tecnológicos muy importantes. Entre ellos, la selección de materiales en contacto con el plasma, capaces de extraer la potencia generada y resistir bajo las extremas condiciones esperadas en el interior de estos reactores, es uno de los asuntos más críticos a resolver. El tungsteno y el litio líquido están entre los candidatos mejor considerados para conseguir este objetivo. Esta tesis explora la utilización de estos elementos para conformar estos componentes, enfatizando en dos importantes problemas derivados de su uso: la formación de amoníaco (tritiado) durante las descargas con “seeding” de N2 y la potencial absorción hidrogénica (tritio) en capas híbridas litio líquido-tungsteno...Fusion energy is a perfectly feasible process from the scientific point of view. The Sun and the rest of stars act as "fusion reactors" that work properly day by day. A clear example can be found in the Sun, whose surface emits a huge radiation power (~4.5∙1020 W), employing for this purpose a hydrogen amount of 5 tons per second approximately. However, the reproduction of this process in our planet by means of magnetic controlled fusion devices that could produce electric power results extremely complicated due to very important technological challenges. Among them, the selection of the materials in contact with the plasma, able to extract the generated power and resist under the extreme conditions expected in such reactors, is one of the most critical issues to solve. Tungsten and liquid lithium are among the candidates better considered to develop this purpose. This thesis explores the utilization of these elements to conform the “plasma facing components”, emphasizing in two important problems derived of their use: the formation of (tritiated) ammonia during N2 seeded discharges and the potential hydrogenic (tritium) uptake in tungsten-liquid lithium mixed layers...Depto. de Estructura de la Materia, Física Térmica y ElectrónicaFac. de Ciencias FísicasTRUEunpu

    Using Plant-Based Preparations to Protect Common Bean against Halo Blight Disease: The Potential of Nettle to Trigger the Immune System

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    [EN] Halo blight disease of beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.), caused by the bacterium Pseudomonas syringae pv. phaseolicola (Pph), is responsible for severe losses in crop production worldwide. As the current agronomic techniques used are not effective, it is necessary to search for new ones which may prevent disease in common bean. In this study, we challenged four plant-based preparations (PBPs), with no other agronomic uses, as they come from industrial waste (grapevine pomace (RG) and hop residue (RH)) or wild plants (Urtica dioica (U) and Equisetum sp. (E)), to be used as immune defense elicitors against Pph in common bean. After studying their inhibitory effect against Pph growth by bioassays, the two most effective PBPs (RG and U) were applied in common bean plants. By measuring the total H2O2, lipid peroxidation, and antioxidant enzymatic activities, as well as the expression of six defense-related genes—PR1, WRKY33, MAPKK, RIN4, and PAL1—, it was observed that U-PBP application involved a signaling redox process and the overexpression of all genes, mostly PR1. First infection trials in vitro suggested that the application of U-PBP involved protection against Pph. The elicitation of bean defense with U-PBP involved a decrease in some yield parameters, but without affecting the final production. All these findings suggest a future use of U-PBP to diminish halo blight disease.SIThis research was funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness, grant number RTC-2016-5816-2

    Analysis of soil images applying Laplacian Pyramidal techniques

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    The Laplacian pyramid is a technique for image encoding in which local operators of many scales but identical shape are the basis functions. Our work describes some properties of the filters of the Laplacian pyramid. Specially, we pay attention to Gaussian and fractal behaviour of these filters, and we determine the normal and fractal ranges in the case of single parameter filters, while studying the influence of these filters in soil image processing

    Fractal analysis of laplacian pyramidal filters applied to segmentation of soil images

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    The laplacian pyramid is a well-known technique for image processing in which local operators of many scales, but identical shape, serve as the basis functions. The required properties to the pyramidal filter produce a family of filters, which is unipara metrical in the case of the classical problem, when the length of the filter is 5. We pay attention to gaussian and fractal behaviour of these basis functions (or filters), and we determine the gaussian and fractal ranges in the case of single parameter ?. These fractal filters loose less energy in every step of the laplacian pyramid, and we apply this property to get threshold values for segmenting soil images, and then evaluate their porosity. Also, we evaluate our results by comparing them with the Otsu algorithm threshold values, and conclude that our algorithm produce reliable test results

    Fr. Alfonsi a Castro, Zamorensis,... De iusta Haereticorum punitione Libri tres.

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    Sign.: a-b8, A-Z8, 2A-2Y8, 2Z3.Apostillas marginales.Grab. xil. en port. con fecha 1560

    Título: Opera omnia

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    Marca tip. en ports.Sign.: A6, B8, a-z6, 2A-2I6, 2A8, 2B-2Z6, 3A-3Z6, 4A-4I6, 4K5.Errores de pag.Texto a dos col. con apostillas marginales.Appendix con port. propia, comienza en secuencia [2], 1033-1304 y Tomus secundus con port., pag. y sign. propias, 1182 col