4,669 research outputs found

    Trichinella: epidemiología y nuevas perspectivas de inspección sanitaria en carnes de equino (I)

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    El presente artículo obtuvo el Primer Premio del VI Concurso ADITSIC de trabajos sobre inspección y calidad de la carne. Se trata de una revisión sobre la epidemiología de la Trichinella en la que se muestran los últimos hallazgos sobre la investigación de las triquinas en las carnes de equin

    Motion Detection by Microcontroller for Panning Cameras

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    Motion detection is the first essential process in the extraction of information regarding moving objects. The approaches based on background difference are the most used with fixed cameras to perform motion detection, because of the high quality of the achieved segmentation. However, real time requirements and high costs prevent most of the algorithms proposed in literature to exploit the background difference with panning cameras in real world applications. This paper presents a new algorithm to detect moving objects within a scene acquired by panning cameras. The algorithm for motion detection is implemented on a Raspberry Pi microcontroller, which enables the design and implementation of a low-cost monitoring system.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    First reports of computed tomographic colonography for the screening of colorectal polyps in acromegalic patients

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    *Aim:* To analyze the CTC performance for the screening of colorectal polyps in acromegalic patients. 

*Materials and Methods:* A prospective study of 21 acromegalic patients, 12 male and 9 female, average age 49, who underwent CTC and CC. CTC was performed with a GE Helical Multislice Computed Tomography Apparatus. The colonoscopy was performed, in the same day, without previous knowledge of the CTC diagnostics. The study evaluated the capacity of CTC to detect patients with colorectal polyps and identify each colorectal lesion described by CC. 

*Results:* In two patients (2/21), CC was incomplete. However, in all patients CTC was complete. In Phase I (“Per Patient”), CTC diagnosed 8 of the 9 patients with colorectal polyps and showed 88% sensitivity, 75% specificity and 81% accuracy. In Phase II (“Per Polyp”), out of the 21 acromegalic patients included in this study, 12 presented normal findings at CC. A total of 19 polyps were identified in 9 patients. 10 of the 19 polyps were smaller than 10 mm, and 9 were equal to or larger than 10. CTC identified 7 of the 9 polyps ≥ 10 mm described by CC and only 6 of the 10 small polyps identified at CC were detected by CTC. The histological analysis of resected lesions revealed 12 tubular adenomas, 6 hyperplastic polyps and 1 colonic tubulo-villous adenoma with an adenocarcinoma focus. 

*Conclusion:* In this study, CTC was performed without complications and a complete and safe colorectal evaluation was possible in all acromegalic patients. Moreover, CTC showed good sensitivity to identify acromegalic patients with colorectal polyps

    Deep learning-based anomalous object detection system powered by microcontroller for PTZ cameras

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    Automatic video surveillance systems are usually designed to detect anomalous objects being present in a scene or behaving dangerously. In order to perform adequately, they must incorporate models able to achieve accurate pattern recognition in an image, and deep learning neural networks excel at this task. However, exhaustive scan of the full image results in multiple image blocks or windows to analyze, which could make the time performance of the system very poor when implemented on low cost devices. This paper presents a system which attempts to detect abnormal moving objects within an area covered by a PTZ camera while it is panning. The decision about the block of the image to analyze is based on a mixture distribution composed of two components: a uniform probability distribution, which represents a blind random selection, and a mixture of Gaussian probability distributions. Gaussian distributions represent windows in the image where anomalous objects were detected previously and contribute to generate the next window to analyze close to those windows of interest. The system is implemented on a Raspberry Pi microcontroller-based board, which enables the design and implementation of a low-cost monitoring system that is able to perform image processing.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Scarring by homoclinic and heteroclinic orbits

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    In addition to the well known scarring effect of periodic orbits, we show here that homoclinic and heteroclinic orbits, which are cornerstones in the theory of classical chaos, also scar eigenfunctions of classically chaotic systems when associated closed circuits in phase space are properly quantized, thus introducing strong quantum correlations. The corresponding quantization rules are also established. This opens the door for developing computationally tractable methods to calculate eigenstates of chaotic systems.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Preparación de soportes biomateriales de naturaleza proteica mediante electrohilatura

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    La electrohilatura se ha postulado como un método sencillo, versátil y escalable a nivel industrial que permite obtener nanofibras por aplicación de un campo eléctrico de alto voltaje entre la punta de una aguja, donde se deposita una gota de solución de un polímero, y un colector metálico. Uno de los campos de aplicación más prometedores de esta tecnología es el enfocado al desarrollo de soportes biomateriales para el sector biomédico. Sin embargo, el control de los parámetros del proceso es clave para la obtención de productos eficaces. En este sentido, este trabajo presenta un estudio sistemático del efecto de los principales parámetros de la electrohilatura que pueden afectar al diámetro de las fibras obtenidas, enfocado específicamente al desarrollo de soportes biomateriales de naturaleza proteica (gelatina y colágeno), por tratarse de substratos de similar naturaleza a los componentes fibrosos encontrados en las matrices extracelulares de los tejidos biológicos. Los resultados obtenidos indican que factores como el tipo de polímero, la concentración, el disolvente y la conductividad del colector tienen una influencia significativa en el diámetro final de las nanofibras. Sin embargo, no se observó influencia en el diámetro cuando se varió el voltaje, caudal y distancia al colector del sistema

    Optimal Control of Underactuated Mechanical Systems: A Geometric Approach

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    In this paper, we consider a geometric formalism for optimal control of underactuated mechanical systems. Our techniques are an adaptation of the classical Skinner and Rusk approach for the case of Lagrangian dynamics with higher-order constraints. We study a regular case where it is possible to establish a symplectic framework and, as a consequence, to obtain a unique vector field determining the dynamics of the optimal control problem. These developments will allow us to develop a new class of geometric integrators based on discrete variational calculus.Comment: 20 pages, 2 figure

    Osteopoiquilosis.: a propósito de tres casos

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    Los autores presentan el estudio genealógico, clínico y radiológico de una familia con osteopoiquilosis, haciendo hincapié en el diagnóstico diferencial así como en la importancia de la biopsia en el caso de sospecha de una tumoración ósea.The authors show a genealogic, clinic and radiologic study of one family affected by osteopoikilosis. They emphasiz e the differential diagnosis as well as the importance of biopsy suspecting a bone tumor

    Hydrogen-induced reversible spin-reorientation transition and magnetic stripe domain phase in bilayer Co on Ru(0001)

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    Imaging the change in the magnetization vector in real time by spin-polarized low-energy electron microscopy, we observed a hydrogen-induced, reversible spin-reorientation transition in a cobalt bilayer on Ru(0001). Initially, hydrogen sorption reduces the size of out-of-plane magnetic domains and leads to the formation of a magnetic stripe domain pattern, which can be understood as a consequence of reducing the out-of-plane magnetic anisotropy. Further hydrogen sorption induces a transition to an in-plane easy-axis. Desorbing the hydrogen by heating the film to 400 K recovers the original out-of-plane magnetization. By means of ab-initio calculations we determine that the origin of the transition is the local effect of the hybridization of the hydrogen orbital and the orbitals of the Co atoms bonded to the absorbed hydrogen.Comment: 5 figure