79 research outputs found

    Repellence of natural and synthetic substances to the consuming wild mammals of Araucaria angustifolia (Bertol.) Kuntze seeds at field sowing

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    Este trabalho objetivou testar algumas subst\ue2ncias naturais e sint\ue9ticas, n\ue3o-fitot\uf3xicas e n\ue3o-letais aos animais silvestres consumidores de pinh\uf5es, em dois experimentos com semeadura direta no campo. No experimento I, os tratamentos repelentes foram aplicados diretamente nos pinh\uf5es e, no experimento, II foram aplicados somente na superf\uedcie das covas, logo ap\uf3s a semeadura de pinh\uf5es. Os pinh\uf5es e os tratamentos foram preparados em Laborat\uf3rio do Centro de Ci\ueancias Agroveterin\ue1rias (UDESC), Lages, SC. Os experimentos foram instalados numa \ue1rea de campo nativo-antr\uf3pico, localizada em Lages, SC e adotouse o delineamento experimental de blocos casualizados para ambos. O experimento I teve 15 tratamentos, dez pinh\uf5es por tratamento, com quatro repeti\ue7\uf5es, e o experimento II teve 11 tratamentos, dez pinh\uf5es por tratamento, com quatro repeti\ue7\uf5es. As subst\ue2ncias testadas, isoladamente ou em misturas, sob forma de extratos, \uf3leos e solu\ue7\uf5es, foram \ue0 base de fruto de pimenta vermelha, raiz de salsinha, parte a\ue9rea de losna, \uf3leo essencial de eucalipto, \uf3leo de linha\ue7a, \uf3leo de mamona, breu, oxicloreto de cobre, sulfato de cobre, enxofre, tinta l\ue1tex pva e lignosulfonato de c\ue1lcio. Por meio de vistorias peri\uf3dicas ao longo de 167 e 165 dias respectivamente para os experimentos I e II, os dados foram coletados e organizados quanto ao n\ufamero de pinh\uf5es predados e n\ue3o-predados, sendo posteriormente submetidos \ue0 analise estat\uedstica. Os \uedndices de preda\ue7\ue3o foram elevados para ambos os experimentos: 86,7% no experimento I e 84,3% no experimento II. No experimento com pinh\uf5es tratados, o per\uedodo de tempo mais longo verificado para o in\uedcio da preda\ue7\ue3o foi de 104 dias ap\uf3s a semeadura e no experimento com tratamento no ambiente (covas), foi de 64 dias. Solu\ue7\ue3o de breu e \ue1lcool + \uf3leo de eucalipto, aplicados nos pinh\uf5es, apresentou potencial para redu\ue7\ue3o do n\uedvel de preda\ue7\ue3o. Os tratamentos com \uf3leo de linha\ue7a apresentaram comportamentos vari\ue1veis, igualmente aos tratamentos com tinta l\ue1tex, no experimento com pinh\uf5es tratados. No experimento com tratamentos nas covas, o lignosulfonato de c\ue1lcio combinado individualmente com extratos de pimenta, raiz de salsinha e losna, apresentou efeito significativo de redu\ue7\ue3o da preda\ue7\ue3o. A solu\ue7\ue3o de linha\ue7a, com extratos de pimenta vermelha e com o extrato de raiz de salsinha, tamb\ue9m teve efeito significativo para redu\ue7\ue3o da preda\ue7\ue3o de pinh\uf5es, no experimento com tratamento nas covas.This work aimed at testing some natural and synthetic substances, not phytotoxics and not lethal for the fauna, to verify the repellence action for the consuming wild animals of Parana-Pine seeds, in two direct sowing experiments in the field. In experiment I, there was the direct application of the treatments in the Parana-Pine seeds and, in the experiment II, there was the application of the treatments only in the surface of the plantation hollows, after the sowing of Parana-Pine seeds. The Parana-Pine seeds and the treatments were prepared at Laboratory of Center of Agroveterinary Sciences, University of Santa Catarina State, at Lages city, Brazil. The experiments were carried to a native-antropic field area at Lages city. It was adopted the experimental design of randomized blocks for both experiments. Experiment I was composed of 15 treatments, 10 seeds per treatment, with 4 replications, and experiment II was composed of 11 treatments, 10 seeds per treatment, with 4 replications. The tested substances, isolated or in mixtures, were: fruit of red pepper, root of parsley, stem and leaf of wormwood herb, lemon scented gum essential oil, linseed oil, castor bean oil, rosin, copper oxychloride, copper sulphate, sulphur, l\ue1tex ink and calcium lignosulfonate. Through the periodic inspections, during 167 and 165 days respectively for the experiments I and II, data were collected and organized through the attacked and not attacked Paran\ue1-Pine seeds, being submitted to statistical analysis later. The predation rates were considered high for both experiments: 86,7% in experiment I and 84,3% in experiment II. In the experiment with treated Parana-Pine seeds, the longer time for the beginning of the predation was 104 days after the sowing, while, in the experiment with treatment in the environment (hollows), it was 64 days after the sowing. Solution of rosin and alcohol + lemon scented gum oil, applied in the seeds, presented potential for reduction of the predation level. The treatments with linseed oil presented changeable behaviors, equally to the treatments with latex ink, in the experiment with treated Parana-Pine seeds. In the experiment with treated hollows, the lignosulfonate of calcium in mixture with extracts of pepper, with root of parsley and with wormwood herb presented significant effect of reduction on the predation. The solution of linseed with red pepper extracts and with root of parsley extract also had significant effect for reduction of the predation of these seeds, in the experiment with treated hollows


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    A semente de Araucaria angustifolia, o pinh\ue3o, \ue9 comumente utilizada como alimento e prop\ue1gulo para regenera\ue7\ue3o da esp\ue9cie. A intensa preda\ue7\ue3o das sementes pela fauna silvestre, que ocorre em \ue1reas rec\ue9m-plantadas por semeadura direta e em viveiros florestais, \ue9 um dos fatores adversos e desestimulantes \ue0 propaga\ue7\ue3o da esp\ue9cie. Este trabalho teve como objetivo verificar poss\uedveis efeitos fitot\uf3xicos de algumas subst\ue2ncias naturais e sint\ue9ticas potencialmente repelentes \ue0 fauna silvestre, em sementes de Araucaria angustifolia "in vitro". O experimento foi conduzido no Laborat\uf3rio de Fitopatologia e Fisiologia Vegetal do CAV / UDESC, no per\uedodo de junho a dezembro de 2004. As sementes, ap\uf3s preparadas e tratadas com subst\ue2ncias de origem vegetal e sint\ue9ticas, foram semeadas em bandejas pl\ue1sticas com substrato constitu\ueddo por vermiculita e colocadas em c\ue2mara de crescimento com temperatura, umidade relativa do ar, umidade do substrato e per\uedodos de luz controlados. Foi adotado o delineamento experimental inteiramente casualizado, contendo 15 tratamentos, com 4 repeti\ue7\uf5es de 10 pinh\uf5es. As subst\ue2ncias testadas, isoladas ou em misturas, foram: extratos alco\uf3licos de fruto de pimenta vermelha, raiz de salsa tempero e, da parte a\ue9rea de losna, \uf3leo essencial de eucalipto, \uf3leo de linha\ue7a, \uf3leo de mamona, breu, oxicloreto de cobre, sulfato de cobre, enxofre e tinta l\ue1tex PVA. Emiss\ue3o de raiz, emiss\ue3o da parte a\ue9rea, comprimento da raiz principal e da parte a\ue9rea foram avaliados 76 dias ap\uf3s a semeadura. As an\ue1lises possibilitaram concluir que n\ue3o houve efeitos fitot\uf3xicos das subst\ue2ncias testadas "in vitro" sobre as vari\ue1veis analisadas e que tais subst\ue2ncias podem ser utilizadas nos experimentos de campo para testes de repel\ueancia aos animais consumidores de pinh\uf5es.The seed of Araucaria angustifolia, "pinh\ue3o", is becoming a alternative way of income for many families living at south and southeast of Brazil. The intensive attack on Paran\ue1 pine seeds by the wild fauna, that occur at newly-planted areas by direct sowing and at nursery of seedlings, is one of several adverses and distimulating factors to specie spreading. The objective of this work was to verify probable phytotoxics effects of some naturals and synthetics substances potentially repellentes to wild fauna, in Araucaria angustifolia seeds "in vitro". The experiment was realized at Phytopatology and Plant Physiology Laboratory of Center of Agroveterinary Sciences, University of Santa Catarina State \u2013 Brazil, from june to december, 2004. The Paran\ue1 pine seeds, after preparation and treatment with vegetal and not vegetal substances, were sown in plastic trays with vermiculite substratum and put on cabin of growth with controlled temperature, relative humidity of air, humidity of substratum and photoperiods. It was adopted the randomized complete design with 15 treatments, with 10 seeds each treatment and with 4 repetitions. The tested substances separately or in mixtures were: extract of fruit of red pepper, root of parsley, stem and leaf of wormwood herb, lemon scented gum essential oil, linseed oil, castor bean oil, rosin, copper oxychloride, copper sulphate, sulphur and l\ue1tex ink. The root emission, stem emission, length of main root and length of stem were evaluated 76 days after sowing and statisticaly analyzed. The analysis make possible to conclude that the tested extract do not have phytotoxic effect on seeds and that the substances tested "in vitro" can be used in field experiments, in repellence traits for Parana pine seeds consuming fauna

    Tratamento de sementes de Araucaria angustifolia (Bertol.) Kuntze com substâncias potencialmente repelentes à fauna consumidora.

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    The seed of Araucaria angustifolia, “pinhão”, is becoming a alternative way of income for many families living at south and southeast of Brazil. The intensive attack on Paraná pine seeds by the wild fauna, that occur at newly-planted areas by direct sowing and at nursery of seedlings, is one of several adverses and distimulating factors to specie spreading. The objective of this work was to verify probable phytotoxics effects of some naturals and synthetics substances potentially repellentes to wild fauna, in Araucaria angustifolia seeds “in vitro”. The experiment was realized at Phytopatology and Plant Physiology Laboratory of Center of Agroveterinary Sciences, University of Santa Catarina State –  Brazil, from june to december, 2004. The Paraná pine seeds, after preparation and treatment with vegetal and not vegetal substances, were sown in plastic trays with vermiculite substratum and put on cabin of growth with controlled temperature, relative humidity of air, humidity of substratum and photoperiods. It was adopted the randomized complete design with 15 treatments, with 10 seeds each treatment and with 4 repetitions. The tested substances separately or in mixtures were: extract of fruit of red pepper, root of parsley, stem and leaf of wormwood herb, lemon scented gum essential oil, linseed oil, castor bean oil, rosin, copper oxychloride, copper sulphate, sulphur and látex ink. The root emission, stem emission, length of main root and length of stem were evaluated 76 days after sowing and statisticaly analyzed. The analysis make possible to conclude that the tested extract do not have phytotoxic effect on seeds and that the substances tested “in vitro” can be used in field experiments, in repellence traits for Parana pine seeds consuming fauna.A semente de Araucaria angustifolia, o pinhão, é comumente utilizada como alimento e propágulo para regeneração da espécie. A intensa predação das sementes pela fauna silvestre, que ocorre em áreas recém-plantadas por semeadura direta e em viveiros florestais, é um dos fatores adversos e desestimulantes à propagação da espécie. Este trabalho teve como objetivo verificar possíveis efeitos fitotóxicos de algumas substâncias naturais e sintéticas potencialmente repelentes à fauna silvestre, em sementes de Araucaria angustifolia "in vitro". O experimento foi conduzido no Laboratório de Fitopatologia e Fisiologia Vegetal do CAV / UDESC, no período de junho a dezembro de 2004. As sementes, após preparadas e tratadas com substâncias de origem vegetal e sintéticas, foram semeadas em bandejas plásticas com substrato constituído por vermiculita e colocadas em câmara de crescimento com temperatura, umidade relativa do ar, umidade do substrato e períodos de luz controlados. Foi adotado o delineamento experimental inteiramente casualizado, contendo 15 tratamentos, com 4 repetições de 10 pinhões. As substâncias testadas, isoladas ou em misturas, foram: extratos alcoólicos de fruto de pimenta vermelha, raiz de salsa tempero e, da parte aérea de losna, óleo essencial de eucalipto, óleo de linhaça, óleo de mamona, breu, oxicloreto de cobre, sulfato de cobre, enxofre e tinta látex PVA. Emissão de raiz, emissão da parte aérea, comprimento da raiz principal e da parte aérea foram avaliados 76 dias após a semeadura. As análises possibilitaram concluir que não houve efeitos fitotóxicos das substâncias testadas "in vitro" sobre as variáveis analisadas e que tais substâncias podem ser utilizadas nos experimentos de campo para testes de repelência aos animais consumidores de pinhões

    Repelência de substâncias naturais e sintéticas aos mamíferos silvestres consumidores de sementes de Araucaria angustifolia (Bertol.) Kuntze em semeadura no campo.

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    This work aimed at testing some natural and synthetic substances, not phytotoxics and not lethal for the fauna, to verify the repellence action for the consuming wild animals of Parana-Pine seeds, in two direct sowing experiments in the field. In experiment I, there was the direct application of the treatments in the Parana-Pine seeds and, in the experiment II, there was the application of the treatments only in the surface of the plantation hollows, after the sowing of Parana-Pine seeds. The Parana-Pine seeds and the treatments were prepared at Laboratory of Center of Agroveterinary Sciences, University of Santa Catarina State, at Lages city, Brazil. The experiments were carried to a native-antropic field area at Lages city. It was adopted the experimental design of randomized blocks for both experiments. Experiment I was composed of 15 treatments, 10 seeds per treatment, with 4 replications, and experiment II was composed of 11 treatments, 10 seeds per treatment, with 4 replications. The tested substances, isolated or in mixtures, were: fruit of red pepper, root of parsley, stem and leaf of wormwood herb, lemon scented gum essential oil, linseed oil, castor bean oil, rosin, copper oxychloride, copper sulphate, sulphur, látex ink and calcium lignosulfonate. Through the periodic inspections, during 167 and 165 days respectively for the experiments I and II, data were collected and organized through the attacked and not attacked Paraná-Pine seeds, being submitted to statistical analysis later. The predation rates were considered high for both experiments: 86,7% in experiment I and 84,3% in experiment II. In the experiment with treated Parana-Pine seeds, the longer time for the beginning of the predation was 104 days after the sowing, while, in the experiment with treatment in the environment (hollows), it was 64 days after the sowing. Solution of rosin and alcohol + lemon scented gum oil, applied in the seeds, presented potential for reduction of the predation level. The treatments with linseed oil presented changeable behaviors, equally to the treatments with latex ink, in the experiment with treated Parana-Pine seeds. In the experiment with treated hollows, the lignosulfonate of calcium in mixture with extracts of pepper, with root of parsley and with wormwood herb presented significant effect of reduction on the predation. The solution of linseed with red pepper extracts and with root of parsley extract also had significant effect for reduction of the predation of these seeds, in the experiment with treated hollows.Este trabalho objetivou testar algumas substâncias naturais e sintéticas, não-fitotóxicas e não-letais aos animais silvestres consumidores de pinhões, em dois experimentos com semeadura direta no campo. No experimento I, os tratamentos repelentes foram aplicados diretamente nos pinhões e, no experimento, II foram aplicados somente na superfície das covas, logo após a semeadura de pinhões. Os pinhões e os tratamentos foram preparados em Laboratório do Centro de Ciências Agroveterinárias (UDESC), Lages, SC. Os experimentos foram instalados numa área de campo nativo-antrópico, localizada em Lages, SC e adotou-se o delineamento experimental de blocos casualizados para ambos. O experimento I teve 15 tratamentos, dez pinhões por tratamento, com quatro repetições, e o experimento II teve 11 tratamentos, dez pinhões por tratamento, com quatro repetições. As substâncias testadas, isoladamente ou em misturas, sob forma de extratos, óleos e soluções, foram à base de fruto de pimenta vermelha, raiz de salsinha, parte aérea de losna, óleo essencial de eucalipto, óleo de linhaça, óleo de mamona, breu, oxicloreto de cobre, sulfato de cobre, enxofre, tinta látex pva e lignosulfonato de cálcio. Por meio de vistorias periódicas ao longo de 167 e 165 dias respectivamente para os experimentos I e II, os dados foram coletados e organizados quanto ao número de pinhões predados e não-predados, sendo posteriormente submetidos à analise estatística. Os índices de predação foram elevados para ambos os experimentos: 86,7% no experimento I e 84,3% no experimento II. No experimento com pinhões tratados, o período de tempo mais longo verificado para o início da predação foi de 104 dias após a semeadura e no experimento com tratamento no ambiente (covas), foi de 64 dias. Solução de breu e álcool + óleo de eucalipto, aplicados nos pinhões, apresentou potencial para redução do nível de predação. Os tratamentos com óleo de linhaça apresentaram comportamentos variáveis, igualmente aos tratamentos com tinta látex, no experimento com pinhões tratados. No experimento com tratamentos nas covas, o lignosulfonato de cálcio combinado individualmente com extratos de pimenta, raiz de salsinha e losna, apresentou efeito significativo de redução da predação. A solução de linhaça, com extratos de pimenta vermelha e com o extrato de raiz de salsinha, também teve efeito significativo para redução da predação de pinhões, no experimento com tratamento nas covas

    Family centered care in emergency departments: perception of brazilian nurses and doctors

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    Objective: To know the perception of doctors and nurses working in Emergency Care Units (ECU, in Brazil known as "UPA") on Family Centered Care (FCC). Methods: Descriptive study with qualitative approach conducted in two emergency units in Southern Brazil. Participated 32 health professionals, whose speeches were recorded, transcribed and subjected to content analysis. Results: The majority of respondents was unaware of the FCC, however, perceived it as a practice which values the family presence and allows its insertion in care. Many believed to be difficult to implement the FCC in Brazilian UPA, due to professional unpreparedness on the subject, high numbers and turnover of patients, the small physical space and socio-cultural profile of the population served. Conclusion: There is an urge for discussion of this care reference with managers and professionals, so that gradually, and to the extent of its possibilities, care to families in emergency units is expanded

    Federalism, ICT and development in the Global South

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    This paper builds on the ICT and development literature to answer the question on what indicators better represent ICT institutional background in the Global South, namely Central America, the Caribbean Islands, South America, Africa and South Asia. It delves into the institutional variable of federalism widely used in comparative analyzes tackling the correlation between e.g. broadband deployment and economic development, by finding granulated variables that portray a more precise scenario of institutional commensurability among countries being compared for public policy purposes. Its main underpinnings are the concept of information revolution and the methodology put forward by the Telecommunications Law Indicators for Comparative Studies (TLICS) Model. Six sets of federative indicators on revenue, fiscal transfer, regulatory jurisdiction, adjudication, planning, and media content regulation are put together to compare ICT federal environment in the Global South as a groundwork for the ICT comparative research. The empirical universe of the paper encompassed thirty-eight countries from Central and South America, the Caribbean Islands, Africa and South Asia, that form a potpourri of thirty officially unitary countries – Angola, Belize, Bolivia, Cabo Verde, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Guinea Bissau, Haiti, Honduras, Jamaica, Mozambique, New Zealand, Nicaragua, Panama, Papua New Guinea, Paraguay, Peru, Philippines, Sao Tome and Principe, Singapore, Suriname, Tanzania, Trinidad and Tobago, and Uruguay –, and eight federal countries – Argentina, Brazil, India, Malaysia, Mexico, Nigeria, South Africa, and Venezuela. The article is organized in three main parts. A brief description of the paper assumptions is performed in the first part. The second part applies TLICS variables to sets of the aforementioned states. The third part delves into the comparison of the states analyzed by means of categorizing the differences and commonalities revealed by more than one thousand five hundred variables collected in the legal and institutional framework of those countries and finally summarized in the ICT federal index (IFI) and ICT unitary index (IUI). We also test the association between federalism as the outcome and each of the independent (explanatory) variables proposed by the TLICS model by applying statistical tests (Fisher exact test, relative risk, and odds ratio). The only ICT variable significantly associated with a country being classified as a federal state is tax in the telecom and broadcast. As a main outcome, based on data collected from the institutional background and legal frameworks of those countries, we found clusters of federal commonalities in federal and unitary countries of the region. With that, we proposed two indices that better represent federal and unitary institutional backgrounds: The ICT Federal Index (IFI); and the ICT Unitary Index (IUI). They provide a real picture of their institutional background for ICT and development comparative purposes and gather sets of countries with similar institutional backgrounds upon which the ICT and Development literature may rely on to explain different outcomes from public policies or investments on ICT in countries that share a common institutional background, as far as the institutional variable of federalism is concerned

    Interplay between Optical and Electrical Properties of Nanostructured Surfaces in Crystalline Silicon Solar Cells

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    Light trapping has now been recognized as an essential element of highly efficient solar cells. A large number of sophisticated nanostructures have been developed and optically characterized, many of which have been aimed at thin-film silicon technology. It is still an open question whether such nanostructures are beneficial for thick devices, however, especially, since highly efficient solar cells employ >100 μm thick absorber materials and wet etched micron-sized pyramids for light trapping. In this paper, we study and compare the optical and electrical performances of binary quasirandom nanostructures with pyramidal structures to address this question. We show that, while simulations indicate that pyramids have better optical performance, the best overall performance observed experimentally was achieved with binary nanostructures. We found that the experimental short-circuit current for a solar cell patterned with a quasirandom nanostructure is 3.2 mA/cm2 higher than the current observed with pyramids. We attribute this higher current to a better balance between optical performance and surface recombination achieved by the binary nanostructures. This result indicates that binary nanostructures may be beneficial even for thick solar cells

    Relationship arachidonic acid (ARA): docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) in the body composition of Nile tilapia fed with diets containing the microalgae Schizochytrium sp.

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    Todos os textos, informa??es e resultados apresentados s?o de inteira responsabilidade dos autores.Ag?ncias financiadoras para a realiza??o do trabalho: Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cient?fico e Tecnol?gico (CNPq), Alltech Inc., Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior (CAPES) e Funda??o de Amparo ? Pesquisa do Estado de Minas Gerais (FAPEMIG).O ?cido araquid?nico compete com DHA pelas mesmas vias metab?licas na forma??o de membranas e constitui??o das c?lulas do f?gado. Isto sugere que a ingest?o de DHA podem substituir parcialmente o ?cido araquid?nico atrav?s da modifica??o da composi??o de ?cidos graxos nos tecidos, o que reduz a ocorr?ncia de desordens nos sitema imune e doen?as inflamat?rias. Com isso, objetivou-se avaliar a rela??o ARA : DHA corporal de alevinos de til?pia do Nilo alimentadas com ra??es contendo a microalga Schizochytrium sp..Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cient?fico e Tecnol?gico (CNPq)Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior (CAPES)Funda??o de Amparo ? Pesquisa do Estado de Minas Gerais (FAPEMIG)The arachidonic acid competes with DHA by the same pathways in the formation of membranes and formation of liver cells. This suggests that intake of DHA may partially replace arachidonic acid by modifying the composition of fatty acids in tissues, reducing the occurrence of immune system disorders and inflammatory diseases. The relationship ARA: DHA body of Nile tilapia fry fed diets containing the microalgae Schizochytrium sp. was evaluated

    Antifungal activity of amphotericin B conjugated to nanosized magnetite in the treatment of paracoccidioidomycosis

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    This study reports on in vitro and in vivo tests that sought to assess the antifungal activity of a newly developed magnetic carrier system comprising amphotericin B loaded onto the surface of pre-coated (with a double-layer of lauric acid) magnetite nanoparticles. The in vitro tests compared two drugs; i.e., this newly developed form and free amphotericin B. We found that this nanocomplex exhibited antifungal activity without cytotoxicity to human urinary cells and with low cytotoxicity to peritoneal macrophages. We also evaluated the efficacy of the nanocomplex in experimental paracoccidioidomycosis. BALB/c mice were intratracheally infected with Paracoccidioides brasiliensis and treated with the compound for 30 or 60 days beginning the day after infection. The newly developed amphotericin B coupled with magnetic nanoparticles was effective against experimental paracoccidioidomycosis, and it did not induce clinical, biochemical or histopathological alterations. The nanocomplex also did not induce genotoxic effects in bone marrow cells. Therefore, it is reasonable to believe that amphotericin B coupled to magnetic nanoparticles and stabilized with bilayer lauric acid is a promising nanotool for the treatment of the experimental paracoccidioidomycosis because it exhibited antifungal activity that was similar to that of free amphotericin B, did not induce adverse effects in therapeutic doses and allowed for a reduction in the number of applications