24 research outputs found

    Online Monitoring Kualitas Air pada Budidaya Udang Berbasis WSN dan IoT

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    Dalam tulisan ini dijelaskan desain dan pengembangan sistem online monitoring kualitas air berbasis wireless sensor Network (WSN) dan Internet of Things (IoT). Sistem ini didesain dan dikembangkan untuk memantau parameter DO (Dissolved Oxygen), pH, conductivity dan temperatur pada budidaya udang. Sistem terdiri dari beberapa node sensor dengan komponen utama arduino uno yang terhubung dengan Xbee board dan master board dengan komponen utamanya adalah Raspberry Pi 2 (RPi2) board dan Xbee. Data dikirim dari masing-masing node ke RPi2 menggunakan jaringan WSN dengan paket data yang dilengkapi dengan masing-masing ID, setelah itu data disimpan di database internal RPi2 dan ditampilkan di graph. Timer update server digunakan untuk update data dari RPi2 ke server menggunakan jaringan internet melalui wifi. Data di server dapat dilihat menggunakan website, selain itu juga data dapat dilihat pada aplikasi Telegram Messenger yang ter-install di perangkat ponsel. Program RPi2 dikembangkan menggunakan bahasa python dan komponen matplotlib. Hasil percobaan menunjukkan bahwa sistem memiliki prospek yang besar dan dapat digunakan untuk keperluan budidaya udang dengan memberikan informasi yang relevan dan tepat waktu. Data hasil pengumpulan tersebut dapat digunakan untuk penelitian dan analisa lebih lanjut.Â

    Online Monitoring Kualitas Air Pada Budidaya Udang Berbasis WSN Dan IoT

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    Dalam tulisan ini dijelaskan desain dan pengembangan sistem online monitoring kualitas air berbasis wireless sensor Network (WSN) dan Internet of Things (IoT). Sistem ini didesain dan dikembangkan untuk memantau parameter DO (Dissolved Oxygen), pH, conductivity dan temperatur pada budidaya udang. Sistem terdiri dari beberapa node sensor dengan komponen utama arduino uno yang terhubung dengan Xbee board dan master board dengan komponen utamanya adalah Raspberry Pi 2 (RPi2) board dan Xbee. Data dikirim dari masing-masing node ke RPi2 menggunakan jaringan WSN dengan paket data yang dilengkapi dengan masing-masing ID, setelah itu data disimpan di database internal RPi2 dan ditampilkan di graph. Timer update server digunakan untuk update data dari RPi2 ke server menggunakan jaringan internet melalui wifi. Data di server dapat dilihat menggunakan website, selain itu juga data dapat dilihat pada aplikasi Telegram Messenger yang ter-install di perangkat ponsel. Program RPi2 dikembangkan menggunakan bahasa python dan komponen matplotlib. Hasil percobaan menunjukkan bahwa sistem memiliki prospek yang besar dan dapat digunakan untuk keperluan budidaya udang dengan memberikan informasi yang relevan dan tepat waktu. Data hasil pengumpulan tersebut dapat digunakan untuk penelitian dan analisa lebih lanjut

    Object Detector on Coastal Surveillance Radar Using Two-Dimensional Order-Statistic Constant-False Alarm Rate Algoritm

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    This paper describes the development of radar object detection using two dimensional constant false alarm rate (2D-CFAR). Objective of this development is to minimize noise detection if compared with the previous algorithm that uses one dimensional constant false alarm rate (1D-CFAR) algorithm such as order-statistic (OS) CFAR, cell-averaging (CA) CFAR, AND logic (AND) CFAR and variability index (VI) CFAR where has been implemented on coastal surveillance radar. The optimum detection result in coastal surveillance radar testing when Pfa set to 1e-2, Kth set to 3/4*Nwindow and Guard Cell set to 0. Principle of 2D-CFAR algorithm is combining of two CFAR algorithms for each array data of azimuth and range. Order statistic (OS) CFAR algoritm is implemented on this 2D-CFAR by fusion rule of AND logic.The algorithm of 2D-CFAR is developed using Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 and the output of 2D-CFAR is plotted on PPI scope radar using GDI+ library. The result of 2D-CFAR development shows that 2D-CFAR can minimize noise detected if compared with 1D-CFAR with the same parameter of CFAR. Best performance of 2D-CFAR in object detection when Nwindow set to 128. The time of software processing of 2D-CFAR is about two times longer than the 1D-CFAR

    Online Monitoring of Shrimp Aquaculture in Bangka Island Using Wireless Sensor Network

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    In this paper, it will be described the design and realization of online water quality monitoring system based on wireless sensor network (WSN). The new system has been implemented specifically to monitor parameters Dissolved Oxygen (DO), pH and temperature in one spot shrimp aquaculture in Bangka island. The aim was to create suitable water conditions for shrimp aquaculture and save the cost of energy consumption using an automated aeration system, by maintaining the value of the DO above 5 mg/L. On the other hand, water quality data collected from sensor measurements are sent to a data logger using WSN, and then the data is sent to a data center using cellular network (GPRS) such that this data can be viewed using the website. The experimental results show that the system has great prospects and can be used for shrimp aquaculture by providing information that is relevant and timely. The resulting data the collection can be used for research and analysis

    Design and Implementation of Wireless Sensors and Android Based Application for Highly Efficient Aquaculture Management System

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    The main problems in the practice of traditional shrimp aquaculture are related with maintaining good water quality and reducing high operational cost. In this paper it will be described the application of wireless sensors and Android based application as mobile monitoring tool in achieving highly efficient shrimp aquaculture monitoring system. A set of four water quality parameter sensors (pH, temperature, conductivity and DO) were submerged into the pond using a buoy, in which an electronics and Xbee wireless transmitter have been installed to transmit the measured data into a fixed monitoring station. The main component of the fixed monitoring station was a smart data logger capable of performing automatic aeration system. Data transmission from the monitoring station to the master station was done through GSM/GPRS module of a Raspberry microcontroller. Using internet connection, a web based server has been developed from which the Android based application retrieved the measured parameter data. Graphical analysis of water quality data can be performed from a mobile phone, allowing users to monitor the aquaculture regardless of their geographical location. This system has been implemented in a shrimp aquaculture in Bangka island, Indonesia. In addition to giving real-time water quality data, the system was able to reduce the operational electricity cost because of the automatic aeration feature. Consistenly, the system has been sending the measurement data to the web server, which is accessible using Android mobile phones worldwide

    Palm Tree Coplanar Vivaldi Antenna Array on the Same Substrate Size: Design and Performance Evaluation

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    This paper aims to describe the performance of the palm tree Coplanar Vivaldi Antenna Array (CVA) that was simulated from 0.25-6.25 GHz in terms of return loss and radiation pattern. Palm Tree Coplanar Vivaldi Antenna is available in four different configurations: single-element, two-element array, four-element array, and an eight-element array. We create a feeding network and radiator patch for two, four, and eight-array antennas. The simulation results demonstrate that the single-element antenna has the best return loss performance and can cover all frequency work from 0.25-6.25 GHz. In contrast, the antenna array can only cover multiband frequency. At 3 GHz, a single-element antenna has a directivity of 8.77 dBi, a sidelobe level of -2.2 dB, and a beamwidth of 63.70. In contrast, an antenna array of 8 elements has a directivity of 15.5 dBi, a sidelobe level of -12.6 dB, and a beamwidth of 80. Using the same substrate size, by configuring the Vivaldi Coplanar antenna to be an array at a frequency of 3 GHz, the 1×8 array antenna has a 6.73dBi improvement in directivity, a 10.4 dB boost in side lobe level, and a 55.70 enhanced in beamwidth performance compared to a single element. According to the simulation findings, the radiation pattern performance of the. Palm Tree CVA is greater than a single element in the same substrate size. Good directivity, SLL, and beamwidth performance make the proposed Palm Tree CVA array suitable for integration in telecommunication, radar, or cognitive radio applications

    Rancang Bangun Kontrol IC LMS6002 Pada RF Modul LTE (Long Term Evolution)

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    Tulisan ini menjelaskan tentang pengembangan perangkat lunak untuk mengkonfigurasi RF IC LMS6002D. Chip IC LMS6002D merupakan IC RF yang dapat diaplikasikan pada sistem GSM, WiMAX, LTE, serta memiliki berbagai fitur seperti: programmable bandwidth modulation, internal ADC/DAC 12 bit, dan rentang frekuensi 0,3 - 3,8 GHz. Modul sasakala-M328 dengan mikrokontroler ATMega328 (dari Atmel) telah digunakan untuk mengkonfigurasi IC LMS6002D melalui 4 jalur (wire) komunikasi SPI (Serial Periperal Interface), yaitu SS, SCLK, MOSI, dan MISO. Konfigurasi IC LMS6002D dilakukan pada laptop/PC untuk menghasilkan program GUI (Graphical User Interface) dengan menggunakan Visual C#. Paket data dari laptop/PC ditransfer ke modul sasakala-M328 secara serial melalui port USB (USB to Serial), yang selanjutnya diteruskan oleh modul ke IC LMS6002D. Komunikasi SPI dilakukan dalam 16 kali clock, dimulai dengan memberikan logika low pada jalur SS. Delapan bit pertama adalah identifier yang menentukan modus read/write dan 8 bit berikutnya adalah data. Data dikirim mulai dari MSB dengan posisi clock pada tepi naik. Frekuensi clock SPI yang digunakan adalah maksimum 50MHz dengan level tegangan maksimum 3.3V

    Performance analysis of OFDM-IM scheme under STO and CFO

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    In this letter, performance analysis of orthogonal frequency division multiplexing with index modulation (OFDM-IM) is presented in term of bit error rate (BERs). The analysis considers its performance under two impairments, symbol time offset (STO) and carrier frequency offset (CFO) in frequency-selective fading channel. As orthogonal multicarrier system, OFDM-IM is subject to both inter-symbol interference (ISI) and inter-carrier interference (ICI) in a frequency-selective fading channel. OFDM-IM is a new multicarrier communication system, where the active subcarriers indices are used to carry additional bits of information. In general, in the previous existing works, OFDM-IM are evaluated only for near-ideal communication scenarios by only incorporating the CFO factor. In this work, the OFDM-IM performance is investigated and compared with conventional OFDM in the presence of two impairments, STO and CFO. Simulation results show that OFDM-IM outperforms the conventional OFDM with the presence of STO and CFO, especially at high SNR areas

    Robust automotive radar interference mitigation using multiplicative-adaptive filtering and Hilbert transform

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    Radar is one of the sensors that have significant attention to be implemented in an autonomous vehicle since its robustness under many possible environmental conditions such as fog, rain, and poor light. However, the implementation risks interference because of transmitting and/or receiving radar signals from/to other vehicles. This interference will increase the floor noise that can mask the target signal. This paper proposes multiplicative-adaptive filtering and Hilbert transform to mitigate the interference effect and maintain the target signal detectability. The method exploited the trade-off between the step-size and sidelobe effect on the least mean square-based adaptive filtering to improve the target detection accuracy, especially in the long-range case. The numerical analysis on the millimeter-wave frequency modulated continuous wave radar with multiple interferers concluded that the proposed method could maintain and enhance the target signal even if the target range is relatively far from the victim radar

    Aplikasi Elektronika dengan Visual C# 2008 Express Edition

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