315 research outputs found

    Evaluating the risks of pasture and land degradation in native pastures in Queensland

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    The objective of the project was to develop an approach to quantify the risks of land nd pasture degradation. This objective was achieved by developing an operational model of the condition of native pastures in Queensland. The results of the project showed that: 1) historical and current pasture data can be used with models to simulate grazing lands in near real-time; 2) spatial models of production can be developed and validated with existing spatial data and monitoring systems; 3) data from graziers indicate that safe utilisation rates are 15-25% of average pasture growth; 4) relative risks of land and pasture can be quantified from simulations using actual numbers compared to safe stocking rates; and 5) case studies using the pasture growth model and models of grazing feedback on pasture and land degradation to evaluate the economic consequences of stocking rate strategies have been used in other projects (e.g. DroughtPlan: McKeon et al. 1996, Stafford Smith et al. 1996)

    Objective `Safe' Grazing Capacities for South-West Queensland Australia: Development of a Model for Individual Properties

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    Few tools are available to assist graziers, land administrators and financiers in making objective grazing capacity decisions on Australian rangelands, despite existing knowledge regarding stocking rate theory and the impact of stocking rates on land condition. To address this issue a model for objectively estimating 'safe' grazing capacities on individual grazing properties in south-west Queensland was developed. The method is based on 'safe' levels of utilisation (15%-20%) by domestic livestock of average annual forage grown for each land system on a property. Average annual forage grown (kglha) was calculated as the product of the rainfall use efficiency (kglhdmm) and average annual rainfall (mm) for a land system. This estimate included the impact of tree and shrub cover on forage production. The 'safe' levels of forage utilisation for south- west Queensland pastures were derived from the combined experience of (1) re-analysis of the results of grazing trials, (2) reaching a consensus on local knowledge and (3) examination of existing grazing practice on 'benchmark' grazing properties. We recognise the problems in defining, determining and using grazing capacity values, but consider that the model offers decision makers a tool that can be used to assess the grazing capacity of individual properties

    Sums over Graphs and Integration over Discrete Groupoids

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    We show that sums over graphs such as appear in the theory of Feynman diagrams can be seen as integrals over discrete groupoids. From this point of view, basic combinatorial formulas of the theory of Feynman diagrams can be interpreted as pull-back or push-forward formulas for integrals over suitable groupoids.Comment: 27 pages, 4 eps figures; LaTeX2e; uses Xy-Pic. Some ambiguities fixed, and several proofs simplifie

    Climate Change in Queensland's Grazing Lands: II. An Assessment of the Impact on Animal Production From Native Pastures

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    The 160 million ha of grazing land in Queensland support approximately 10 million beef equivalents (9.8 million cattle and 10.7 million sheep) with treed and cleared native pastures as the major forage source. The complexity of these biophysical systems and their interaction with pasture and stock management, economic and social forces limits our ability to easily calculate the impact of climate change scenarios. We report the application of a systems approach in simulating the flow of plant dry matter and utilisation of forage by animals. Our review of available models highlighted the lack of suitable mechanistic models and the potential role of simple empirical relationships of utilisation and animal production derived from climatic and soil indices. Plausible climate change scenarios were evaluated by using a factorial of rainfall (f 10%) * 3260C temperature increase * doubling CO, in sensitivity studies at property, regional and State scales. Simulation of beef cattle liveweight gain at three locations in the Queensland black speargrass zone showed that a *lo% change in rainfall was magnified to be a f 15% change in animal production (liveweight gain per ha) depending on location, temperature and CO, change. Models of 'safe' carrying capacity were developed from property data and expert opinion. Climate change impacts on 'safe' carrying capacity varied considerably across the State depending on whether moisture, temperature or nutrients were the limiting factors. Without the effect of doubling CO,, warmer temperatures and +lo% changes in rainfall resulted in -35 to +70% changes in 'safe' carrying capacity depending on location. With the effect of doubling CO, included, the changes in 'safe' carrying capacity ranged from -12 to +115% across scenarios and locations. When aggregated to a whole-of-State carrying capacity, the combined effects of warmer temperature, doubling CO, and +lo% changes in rainfall resulted in 'safe' carrying capacity changes of +3 to +45% depending on rainfall scenario and location. A major finding of the sensitivity study was the potential importance of doubling CO, in mitigating or amplifying the effects of warmer temperatures and changes in rainfall. Field studies on the impact of CO, are therefore a high research priority. Keywords: climate change, Queensland, simulation, rangelands, beef production, cattle, carrying capacity, CO,, utilisatio

    On the selection of AGN neutrino source candidates for a source stacking analysis with neutrino telescopes

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    The sensitivity of a search for sources of TeV neutrinos can be improved by grouping potential sources together into generic classes in a procedure that is known as source stacking. In this paper, we define catalogs of Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) and use them to perform a source stacking analysis. The grouping of AGN into classes is done in two steps: first, AGN classes are defined, then, sources to be stacked are selected assuming that a potential neutrino flux is linearly correlated with the photon luminosity in a certain energy band (radio, IR, optical, keV, GeV, TeV). Lacking any secure detailed knowledge on neutrino production in AGN, this correlation is motivated by hadronic AGN models, as briefly reviewed in this paper. The source stacking search for neutrinos from generic AGN classes is illustrated using the data collected by the AMANDA-II high energy neutrino detector during the year 2000. No significant excess for any of the suggested groups was found.Comment: 43 pages, 12 figures, accepted by Astroparticle Physic

    ReïŹning and regaining skills in ïŹxation/diversiïŹcation stage performers: The Five-A Model

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    Technical change is one of many factors underpinning success in elite, fixation/diversification stage performers. Surprisingly, however, there is a dearth of research pertaining to this process or the most efficacious methods used to bring about such a change. In this paper we highlight the emergent processes, yet also the lack in mechanistic comprehension surrounding technical change, addressing issues within the motor control, sport psychology, coaching and choking literature. More importantly, we seek an understanding of how these changes can be made more secure to competitive pressure, and how this can be embedded within the process of technical change. Following this review, we propose The Five-A Model based on successful coaching techniques, psychosocial concomitants, the avoidance of choking and principles of effective behaviour change. Specific mechanisms for each stage are discussed, with a focus on the use of holistic rhythm-based cues as a possible way of internalising changes. Finally, we suggest the need for further research to examine these five stages, to aid a more comprehensive construction of the content and delivery of such a programme within the applied setting

    The delivery of personalised, precision medicines via synthetic proteins

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    Introduction: The design of advanced drug delivery systems based on synthetic and su-pramolecular chemistry has been very successful. Liposomal doxorubicin (CaelyxÂź), and liposomal daunorubicin (DaunoXomeÂź), estradiol topical emulsion (EstrasorbTM) as well as soluble or erodible polymer systems such as pegaspargase (OncasparÂź) or goserelin acetate (ZoladexÂź) represent considerable achievements. The Problem: As deliverables have evolved from low molecular weight drugs to biologics (currently representing approximately 30% of the market), so too have the demands made of advanced drug delivery technology. In parallel, the field of membrane trafficking (and endocytosis) has also matured. The trafficking of specific receptors i.e. material to be recycled or destroyed, as well as the trafficking of protein toxins has been well characterized. This, in conjunction with an ability to engineer synthetic, recombinant proteins provides several possibilities. The Solution: The first is using recombinant proteins as drugs i.e. denileukin diftitox (OntakÂź) or agalsidase beta (FabrazymeÂź). The second is the opportunity to use protein toxin architecture to reach targets that are not normally accessible. This may be achieved by grafting regulatory domains from multiple species to form synthetic proteins, engineered to do multiple jobs. Examples include access to the nucleocytosolic compartment. Herein the use of synthetic proteins for drug delivery has been reviewed

    Phytoplankton in a temperate-zone salt marsh: Net production and exchanges with coastal waters

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    Phytoplankton production and associated variables were measured in Flax Pond, a 52 ha salt marsh on the north shore of Long Island, New York, from July 1972 to October 1973. Measurements made up to five times per day, once per week, yielded a mean annual net primary production, determined by the 14 C technique, of 20.5 mg C/m 3 /h; daily means were as high as 60.0 mg C/m 3 /h. However, when productivity was calculated for the entire marsh ecosystem, the shallow water in the salt marsh produced only 11.7 g C/m 2 of marsh/year. There was a net flux of phytoplankton from the coastal waters into the marsh; during the summer up to 0.2 g chlorophy 11/m 2 of marsh was carried in with the tides daily and remained in the marsh. Analysis of the productivity data, as well as variables associated with productivity (pH, standing crop, nutrients, extinction coefficient), indicated that the aquatic portion of the marsh behaved more as a net consumer rather than a net producer of phytoplankton.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/46630/1/227_2004_Article_BF00391561.pd

    Neutrino oscillation studies with IceCube-DeepCore

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    AbstractIceCube, a gigaton-scale neutrino detector located at the South Pole, was primarily designed to search for astrophysical neutrinos with energies of PeV and higher. This goal has been achieved with the detection of the highest energy neutrinos to date. At the other end of the energy spectrum, the DeepCore extension lowers the energy threshold of the detector to approximately 10 GeV and opens the door for oscillation studies using atmospheric neutrinos. An analysis of the disappearance of these neutrinos has been completed, with the results produced being complementary with dedicated oscillation experiments. Following a review of the detector principle and performance, the method used to make these calculations, as well as the results, is detailed. Finally, the future prospects of IceCube-DeepCore and the next generation of neutrino experiments at the South Pole (IceCube-Gen2, specifically the PINGU sub-detector) are briefly discussed
