169 research outputs found

    DNA secondary structure in Vivo

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    A new set of endogenous control genes for use in quantitative real-time PCR experiments show that formin Ldia2dex transcripts are enriched in the early embryo of the pond snail Lymnaea stagnalis (Panpulmonata)

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    © 2019 The Author(s). Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of The Malacological Society of London, all rights reserved. Although the pond snail Lymnaea stagnalis is an emerging model organism for molecular studies in a wide variety of fields, there are a limited number of verified endogenous control genes for use in quantitative real-Time PCR. As part of a larger study on snail chirality, or left-right asymmetry, we assayed gene expression in pond snail embryos. We evaluated six candidate control genes, by comparing their expression in three tissues (ovotestis, foot and embryo) and used three software programmes (geNorm, Normfinder and Bestkeeper) to do so. The specific utility of these control genes was then tested by investigating the relative expression of six experimental transcripts, including formin Ldia2, a gene that has been associated with chiral variation in L. stagnalis. All six control genes were found to be suitable for use in the three tissues tested. Of the six experimental genes, it was found that all were relatively depleted in the early embryo compared with other tissues, except the formin Ldia2 gene. Instead, transcripts of the wild-Type Ldia2dex were enriched in the embryo, whereas a nonfunctional frameshifted version, Ldia2sin, was severely depleted. These differences in Ldia2sin expression were less evident in the ovotestis and were not evident in the foot tissue, possibly because nonsense-mediated decay is obscured in actively transcribing tissues. Our work provides a set of control genes that may be useful to the wider community and illustrates how these genes may be used to assay differences in expression in a variety of tissues

    Internet 'shellebrity' reflects on origin of rare mirror-image snails

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    While animal bodies are typically bilaterally symmetric on the outside, the internal organs nearly always show an invariant left-right (LR) asymmetry. In comparison, snails are both internally and externally LR asymmetric, outwardly obvious in the shell coiling direction, or chirality. Although some species of snail are naturally variable for chirality, sinistral individuals occur very rarely in most species. The developmental and genetic basis of these rare mirror-imaged individuals remains mysterious. To resolve this issue, the finding of a 'one in a million' sinistral garden snail called 'Jeremy' was used to recruit citizen scientists to find further sinistral snails. These snails were then bred together to understand whether their occurrence is due an inherited condition. The combined evidence shows that rare sinistral garden snails are not usually produced due to a major effect maternal Mendelian locus. Instead, they are likely mainly produced by a developmental accident. This finding has relevance to understanding the common factors that define cellular and organismal LR asymmetry, and the origin of rare reversed individuals in other animal groups that exhibit nearly invariant LR asymmetry

    Evidence of introgressive hybridization between the morphologically divergent land snails Ainohelix and Ezohelix

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    Hybridization between different taxa is likely to take place when adaptive morphological differences evolve more rapidly than reproductive isolation. When studying the phylogenetic relationship between two land snails of different nominal genera, Ainohelix editha and Ezohelix gainesi, from Hokkaido, Japan, using nuclear internal transcribed spacer and mitochondrial 16S ribosomal DNA, we found a marked incongruence in the topology between nuclear and mitochondrial phylogenies. Furthermore, no clear association was found between shell morphology (which defines the taxonomy) and nuclear or mitochondrial trees and morphology of reproductive system. These patterns are most likely explained by historical introgressive hybridization between A. editha and E. gainesi. Because the shell morphologies of the two species are quite distinct, even when they coexist, the implication is that natural selection is able to maintain (or has recreated) distinct morphologies in the face of gene flow. Future studies may be able to reveal the regions of the genome that maintain the morphological differences between these species

    Modelling across extremal dependence classes

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    Different dependence scenarios can arise in multivariate extremes, entailing careful selection of an appropriate class of models. In bivariate extremes, the variables are either asymptotically dependent or are asymptotically independent. Most available statistical models suit one or other of these cases, but not both, resulting in a stage in the inference that is unaccounted for, but can substantially impact subsequent extrapolation. Existing modelling solutions to this problem are either applicable only on sub-domains, or appeal to multiple limit theories. We introduce a unified representation for bivariate extremes that encompasses a wide variety of dependence scenarios, and applies when at least one variable is large. Our representation motivates a parametric model that encompasses both dependence classes. We implement a simple version of this model, and show that it performs well in a range of settings

    Mobilising molluscan models and genomes in biology

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    Molluscs are amongst the most ancient, diverse, and important of all animal taxa. Even so, no individual mollusc species has emerged as a broadly applied model system in biology. We here make the case that both perceptual and methodological barriers have played a role in the relative neglect of molluscs as research organisms. We then summarize the current application and potential of molluscs and their genomes to address important questions in animal biology, and the state of the field when it comes to the availability of resources such as genome assemblies, cell lines, and other key elements necessary to mobilising the development of molluscan model systems. We conclude by contending that a cohesive research community that works together to elevate multiple molluscan systems to ‘model’ status will create new opportunities in addressing basic and applied biological problems, including general features of animal evolution

    Qualitative and quantitative methods show stability in patterns of Cepaea nemoralis shell polymorphism in the Pyrenees over five decades

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    Over the past century, the study of animal color has been critical in establishing some of the founding principles of biology, especially in genetics and evolution. In this regard, one of the emerging strengths of working with the land snail genus Cepaea is that historical collections can be compared against modern‐day samples, for instance, to understand the impact of changing climate and habitat upon shell morph frequencies. However, one potential limitation is that prior studies scored shell ground color by eye into three discrete colours yellow, pink, or brown. This incurs both potential error and bias in comparative surveys. In this study, we therefore aimed to use a quantitative method to score shell color and evaluated it by comparing patterns of C. nemoralis shell color polymorphism in the Pyrenees, using both methods on present‐day samples, and against historical data gathered in the 1960s using the traditional method. The main finding was that while quantitative measures of shell color reduced the possibility of error and standardized the procedure, the same altitudinal trends were recovered, irrespective of the method. The results also showed that there was a general stability in the local shell patterns over five decades, including altitudinal clines, with just some exceptions. Therefore, although subject to potential error human scoring of snail color data remains valuable, especially if persons have appropriate training. In comparison, while there are benefits in taking quantitative measures of color in the laboratory, there are also several practical disadvantages, mainly in terms of throughput and accessibility. In the future, we anticipate that genomic methods may be used to understand the potential role of selection in maintaining shell morph clines. In addition, photographs generated by citizen scientists conducting field surveys may be used with deep learning‐based methods to survey color patterns

    Quantitative measures and 3D shell models reveal interactions between bands and their position on growing snail shells

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    The nature of shell growth in gastropods is useful because it preserves the ontogeny of shape, colour, and banding patterns, making them an ideal system for understanding how inherited variation develops, is established and maintained within a population. However, qualitative scoring of inherited shell characters means there is a lack of knowledge regarding the mechanisms that control fine variation. Here, we combine empirical measures of quantitative variation and 3D modeling of shells to understand how bands are placed and interact. By comparing five‐banded Cepaea individuals to shells lacking individual bands, we show that individual band absence has minor but significant impacts upon the position of remaining bands, implying that the locus controlling band presence/absence mainly acts after position is established. Then, we show that the shell grows at a similar rate, except for the region below the lowermost band. This demonstrates that wider bands of Cepaea are not an artifact of greater shell growth on the lower shell; they begin wider and grow at the same rate as other bands. Finally, we show that 3D models of shell shape and banding pattern, inferred from 2D photos using ShellShaper software, are congruent with empirical measures. This work therefore establishes a method that may be used for comparative studies of quantitative banding variation in snail shells, extraction of growth parameters, and morphometrics. In the future, studies that link the banding phenotype to the network of shell matrix proteins involved in biomineralization and patterning may ultimately aid in understanding the diversity of shell forms found in molluscs

    A conserved set of maternal genes? Insights from a molluscan transcriptome

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    The early animal embryo is entirely reliant on maternal gene products for a ‘jump-start’ that transforms a transcriptionally inactive embryo into a fully functioning zygote. Despite extensive work on model species, it has not been possible to perform a comprehensive comparison of maternally-provisioned transcripts across the Bilateria because of the absence of a suitable dataset from the Lophotrochozoa. As part of an ongoing effort to identify the maternal gene that determines left-right asymmetry in snails, we have generated transcriptome data from 1 to 2-cell and ~32-cell pond snail (Lymnaea stagnalis) embryos. Here, we compare these data to maternal transcript datasets from other bilaterian metazoan groups, including representatives of the Ecydysozoa and Deuterostomia. We found that between 5 and 10% of all L. stagnalis maternal transcripts (~300-400 genes) are also present in the equivalent arthropod (Drosophila melanogaster), nematode (Caenorhabditis elegans), urochordate (Ciona intestinalis) and chordate (Homo sapiens, Mus musculus, Danio rerio) datasets. While the majority of these conserved maternal transcripts (“COMATs”) have housekeeping gene functions, they are a non-random subset of all housekeeping genes, with an overrepresentation of functions associated with nucleotide binding, protein degradation and activities associated with the cell cycle. We conclude that a conserved set of maternal transcripts and their associated functions may be a necessary starting point of early development in the Bilateria. For the wider community interested in discovering conservation of gene expression in early bilaterian development, the list of putative COMATs may be useful resource

    Recombination within the Cepaea nemoralis supergene is confounded by incomplete penetrance and epistasis

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    Although the land snail Cepaea nemoralis is one of the most thoroughly investigated colour polymorphic species, there have been few recent studies on the inheritance of the shell traits. Previously, it has been shown that the shell polymorphism is controlled by a series of nine or more loci, of which five make a single ‘supergene’ containing tightly linked colour and banding loci and more loosely linked pigmentation, spread band and punctate loci. However, one limitation of earlier work was that putative instances of recombination between loci within the supergene were not easily verified. We therefore generated a new set of C. nemoralis crosses that segregate for colour, banding and pigmentation, and several other unlinked shell phenotype loci. The snails were genotyped using a set of RAD-seq-derived loci that flank the supergene, and instances of recombination tested by comparing inferred supergene genotype against RAD-marker genotype. We found no evidence that suspected ‘recombinant’ individuals are recombinant between loci within the supergene. As point estimates of recombination between both colour/banding, and colour/pigmentation loci are zero, incomplete penetrance and epistasis are a better explanation for the apparent ‘recombinant’ phenotype of some snail shells. Overall, this work, therefore, shows that the architecture of the supergene may not be as previously supposed. It also provides a resource for fine mapping of the supergene and other major shell phenotype loci