553 research outputs found

    Ariel - Volume 11 Number 1

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    Executive Editors Ellen Feldman Leonardo S. Nasca, Jr. Business Managers Barbara L. Davies Martin B. Getzow News Editor Aaron D. Bleznak Features Editor Dave Van Wagoner CAHS Editor Joan M. Greco Editorial Page Editor Samuel Markind Photography Editor Leonardo S. Nasca, Jr. Sports Editor Paul F. Mansfiel

    Molecular and Phenotypic Characteristics of Healthcare- and Community-Associated Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus at a Rural Hospital

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    BACKGROUND: While methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) originally was associated with healthcare, distinct strains later emerged in patients with no prior hospital contact. The epidemiology of MRSA continues to evolve. METHODS: To characterize the current epidemiology of MRSA-colonized patients entering a hospital serving both rural and urban communities, we interviewed patients with MRSA-positive admission nasal swabs between August 2009 and March 2010. We applied hospitalization risk factor, antimicrobial resistance phenotype, and multi-locus sequence genotype (MLST) classification schemes to 94 case-patients. RESULTS: By MLST analysis, we identified 15 strains with two dominant clonal complexes (CCs)-CC5 (51 isolates), historically associated with hospitals, and CC8 (27 isolates), historically of community origin. Among patients with CC5 isolates, 43% reported no history of hospitalization within the past six months; for CC8, 67% reported the same. Classification by hospitalization risk factor did not correlate strongly with genotypic classification. Sensitivity of isolates to ciprofloxacin, clindamycin, or amikacin was associated with the CC8 genotype; however, among CC8 strains, 59% were resistant to ciprofloxacin, 15% to clindamycin, and 15% to amikacin. CONCLUSIONS: Hospitalization history was not a strong surrogate for the CC5 genotype. Conversely, patients with a history of hospitalization were identified with the CC8 genotype. Although ciprofloxacin, clindamycin, and amikacin susceptibility distinguished CC8 strains, the high prevalence of ciprofloxacin resistance limited its predictive value. As CC8 strains become established in healthcare settings and CC5 strains disseminate into the community, community-associated MRSA definitions based on case-patient hospitalization history may prove less valuable in tracking community MRSA strains

    Gliomas and Farm Pesticide Exposure in Women: The Upper Midwest Health Study

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    An excess incidence of brain cancer in male farmers has been noted in several studies, but few studies have focused on women. The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health Upper Midwest Health Study evaluated effects of rural exposures for 341 female glioma cases and 528 controls, all adult (18–80 years of age) nonmetropolitan residents of Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, and Wisconsin. On average, controls lived longer on farms than did cases. After adjusting for age, age group, education, and farm residence, no association with glioma was observed for exposure to arsenicals, benzoic acids, carbamates, chloroacetanilides, dinitroanilines, inorganics, organochlorines, organophosphates, phenoxys, triazines, or urea-based or estrogenic pesticides. An increased risk of glioma was observed for carbamate herbicides but was not statistically significant (odds ratio = 3.0; 95% confidence interval, 0.9–9.5). No association was observed between glioma and exposure to 12 widely used specific pesticides, after adjustment for age, age group, education, and any other pesticide exposure. These results were not affected after exclusion of proxy respondents (43% of cases, 2% of controls). Women were less likely than men to have applied pesticides, but more likely to have laundered pesticide-contaminated clothes. Storing pesticides in the house was associated with a statistically non-significant increased risk. Results show that exposure to pesticides was not associated with an increased risk of intracranial gliomas in women. Other farm-related factors could be etiologic factors and will be discussed in future reports

    Colouration in amphibians as a reflection of nutritional status : the case of tree frogs in Costa Rica

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    Colouration has been considered a cue for mating success in many species; ornaments in males often are related to carotenoid mobilization towards feathers and/or skin and can signal general health and nutrition status. However, there are several factors that can also link with status, such as physiological blood parameters and body condition, but there is not substantial evidence which supports the existence of these relationships and interactions in anurans. This study evaluated how body score and blood values interact with colouration in free-range Agalychnis callidryas and Agalychnis annae males. We found significant associations between body condition and plasmatic proteins and haematocrit, as well as between body condition and colour values from the chromaticity diagram. We also demonstrated that there is a significant relation between the glucose and plasmatic protein values that were reflected in the ventral colours of the animals, and haematocrit inversely affected most of those colour values. Significant differences were found between species as well as between populations of A. callidryas, suggesting that despite colour variation, there are also biochemical differences within animals from the same species located in different regions. These data provide information on underlying factors for colouration of male tree frogs in nature, provide insights about the dynamics of several nutrients in the amphibian model and how this could affect the reproductive output of the animals

    2003 Wild Blueberry Project Reports

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    The 2003 edition of the Wild Blueberry Project Reports was prepared for the Wild Blueberry Commission of Maine and the Wild Blueberry Advisory Committee by researchers at the University of Maine, Orono. Projects in this report include: 1. Factors Affecting the Microbial and Pesticide Residues Levels on Lowbush Blueberries 2. Effect of Blueberry Products on Oxidation in Ground Beef Patties 3. Infestation Detection using Near-Infrared Spectroscopy 4. Whole Wild Blueberries and Arterial Functional Properties 5. Irrigation Water use in Wild Blueberry Production 7. Control Tactics for Blueberry Pest Insects 8. IPM Strategies 9. Biology and Ecology of Blueberry Pest Insects, 2003 10. Wild Blueberry Pollination Research 11. Stem Blight/Dieback and Leaf Spot Diseases in Wild Blueberry Fields 12. Effect of Foliar N spray on Leaf N Concentration, Growth and Yield of Wild Blueberries 13. Effect of Foliar Spray (4-13-15) on Leaf Nutrient Concentration, Growth and Yield of Wild Blueberries 14. Effect of Foliar Copper Application on Growth and Yield of Wild Blueberries 15. Effect of Foliar Copper and/or Iron Application on Growth and Yield of Wild Blueberries 16. Effect of Soil pH on Nutrient Uptake. 17. Effect of Gibberellic Acid (GA3) and CPPU on Fruit Set and Yield of Wild Blueberry after low temperature flower stress 18. Effect of Fertilizer Timing (prune year vs. crop year) on Wild Blueberry Growth and Productivity. 19. Assessment of Hexazinone Alternatives for Weed Control in Wild Blueberries and Weed Control and Field Cover Program Base 20. Evaluation of Fall Applications of Sulfonylurea Herbicides for Bunchberry Control in Wild Blueberries 21. Assessment of clean-cut adapter on hand clippers for weed control in wild blueberries 22. Evaluation and Demonstration of Techniques for Filling in Bare Spots in Wild Blueberry Fields 23. Blueberry Extension Education Program in 2003 24. 2003 Pesticide Groundwater Survey 25. Cultural Weed Management using Sulfur to lower the p

    Signal Transmission in the Auditory System

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    Contains table of contents for Section 3, an introduction and reports on six research projects.Health Sciences FundNational Institutes of Health Grant 5 R01 DC00194National Institutes of Health Grant 8 P01 DC00119National Institutes of Health Grant 5 R01 DC00473National Institutes of Health Grant 5 R01 DC00238National Institutes of Health Grant 5 T32 DC00006National Institutes of Health Grant 5 P01 DC00361National Institutes of Health Grant 5 R01 DC00235Peoples Republic of China FellowshipUnisys Corporation Doctoral FellowshipWhitaker Health Sciences Fellowshi

    Cloud Computing As a Tool for Enhancing Ecological Goals?

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    Cloud computing has been introduced as a promising information technology (IT) that embodies not only economic advantages in terms of increased efficiency but also ecological gains through saving energy. The latter has become particularly important in view of the rising energy costs of IT. The present study analyzes whether necessary preconditions for accepting cloud computing as a new infrastructure, such as awareness and perceived net value, exist on the part of the users. The analysis is based on a combined research framework of the theory of reasoned action (TRA) and the technology acceptance model (TAM) in a cloud computing setting. Two consumer surveys, the one to elicit beliefs and the second to gain insight into the ranking of the variables, are employed. This study uses structural equation modeling (SEM) to evaluate the hypotheses. The results indicate support for the proposed research framework. Surprisingly however, the ecological factor does not play a role in forming cloud computing intentions, regardless of prior knowledge or experience. Empirical evidence of this study suggests increasing efforts for informing actual and potential users, particularly in respect to possible ecological advantages through applying the new IT infrastructure

    Photometry of Particles Ejected From Active Asteroid (101955) Bennu

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    AbstractNear‐Earth asteroid (101955) Bennu is an active asteroid experiencing mass loss in the form of ejection events emitting up to hundreds of millimeter‐ to centimeter‐scale particles. The close proximity of the Origins, Spectral Interpretations, Resource Identification, and Security–Regolith Explorer spacecraft enabled monitoring of particles for a 10‐month period encompassing Bennu's perihelion and aphelion. We found 18 multiparticle ejection events, with masses ranging from near zero to hundreds of grams (or thousands with uncertainties) and translational kinetic energies ranging from near zero to tens of millijoules (or hundreds with uncertainties). We estimate that Bennu ejects ~104 g per orbit. The largest event took place on 6 January 2019 and consisted of ~200 particles. The observed mass and translational kinetic energy of the event were between 459 and 528 g and 62 and 77 mJ, respectively. Hundreds of particles not associated with the multiparticle ejections were also observed. Photometry of the best‐observed particles, measured at phase angles between ~70° and 120°, was used to derive a linear phase coefficient of 0.013 ± 0.005 magnitudes per degree of phase angle. Ground‐based data back to 1999 show no evidence of past activity for Bennu; however, the currently observed activity is orders of magnitude lower than observed at other active asteroids and too low be observed remotely. There appears to be a gentle decrease in activity with distance from the Sun, suggestive of ejection processes such as meteoroid impacts and thermal fracturing, although observational bias may be a factor
