1,157 research outputs found

    A comparative molecular approach to mesodermal patterning in basal deuterostomes: the expression pattern of Brachyury in the enteropneust hemichordate Ptychodera flava

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    This work concerns the formation of mesoderm in the development of an enteropneust hemichordate, Ptychodera flava, and the expression of the Brachyury gene during this process. Brachyury expression occurs in two distinct phases. In the embryo, Brachyury is transcribed during gastrulation in the future oral and anal regions of the gut, but transcripts are no longer detected by 2 weeks of development. Brachyury expression is not detected during the 5 months of larval planktonic existence. During this time, the adult coeloms begin to develop, originating as coalescences of cells that appear to delaminate from the wall of the gut. Brachyury expression cannot be detected again until metamorphosis, when transcripts appear in the mesoderm of the adult proboscis, collar and the very posterior region of the trunk. It is also expressed in the posterior end of the gut. At no time is Brachyury expressed in the stomochord, the putative homologue of the chordate notochord. These observations illuminate the process of maximal indirect development in Ptychodera and, by comparison with patterns of Brachyury expression in the indirect development of echinoderms, their sister group, they reveal the evolutionary history of Brachyury utilization in deuterostomes

    Increasing the voluntary and community sector’s involvement in Integrated Offender Management(IOM)

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    As part of an undertaking to increase voluntary and community sector (VCS) involvement in service delivery, the Home Office set up an initiative to provide small grants to VCS organisations to work with IOM partnerships. The Home Office commissioned an evaluation of the initiative which aimed to: explore the strengths and weaknesses of the funding model; identify perceived barriers and facilitators to voluntary and community sector involvement in IOM; explore how the Home Office might best work with the VCS to encourage and support their capacity to work in partnership with statutory agencies; and identify any implications for the delivery of future similar projects

    Process evaluation of Derbyshire Intensive Alternatives to Custody Pilot

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    The aim of this study was to critically assess the implementation and development of the Intensive Alternatives to Custody (IAC) pilot in Derbyshire. The Ministry of Justice (MoJ) Penal Policy paper (May 2007) outlined the government’s intention to develop higher intensity community orders as an alternative to short-term custody. The IAC Order was subsequently developed and piloted, first in Derbyshire and then in six other areas.* The pilots were centrally funded until March 2011

    A l'origine des grands animaux, un petit ver tout nu

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    Les premiers multicellulaires, marins et invértebrés, sont apparus avant le début du Cambrien, il y a 544 millions d'années. Quarante millions d'années plus tard, les branches principales du règne animal étaient probablement déjà présentes, à l’exception des espèces terrestres. Durant « l'explosion cambrienne » apparaissent done tous les plans de base des animaux actuels. Comment expliquer l'émergence de cette extraordinaire diversité? La clé du mystère se cache sans doute dans les processus génétiques qui contrôlent le développement embryonnaire

    The lived experience of gaming and gambling: guiding practitioners' understanding for supporting children and young people.

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    Introduction: Recent innovations in gaming technology have raised concerns about gambling-type harms for children and young people (CYP) who play video games. Whereas alcohol and drug addiction are known to be associated with health risks, there is less awareness of the potential risks of gambling-like behaviour within video games, and the support services available to young people and their parents. Therefore, the focus of this research is to understand the current context in which the risks of gaming and gambling-related harms for CYP are addressed by health and social care systems in the UK. Research Methodology: Four 90-minute focus groups were conducted online with practitioners and people with previous lived experience of gaming and gambling harm in the UK. Two focus groups included 4-5 practitioners working with CYP in health and social care settings. Two focus groups included 2-3 people with previous lived experience of gaming and gambling harm in the UK. Focus group data was analysed by Thematic Analysis and the themes arising in different groups were compared and contrasted. Results: Similar patterns of negative consequences were found to result from behavioural addiction to both gambling and gambling-like content within video games, supporting a suggestion that gambling-related harms and gaming-related harms may be converging through digital technology. A perception of low levels of practitioner awareness of this convergence may lead to increased risks of gambling-type behaviour for CYP. Key themes for practitioner focus groups were Safeguarding, Whole Systems Approach and Barriers to Support. Key themes from the lived experience focus groups were Escapism, Preventative Measures, Public Perception and Ecological Dynamics. Implications: These findings carry implications for practitioners seeking to support CYP and also for policy makers and regulators who are seeking to address this issue, including a range of recommendations within a whole-systems public health approach to safeguarding CYP from the risks of gaming and gambling-related harm


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    I. A radiometric micro-volume procedure for measurement of erythrocytic hexose monophosphate shunt (HMS) activity in intact cells in vitro is described. 2.The procedure is rapid, allowing 200 individual HMS determinations in a single experiment of 5 hr duration. 3. The procedure is reproducible, yielding HMS activity means insignificantly different (P \u3e 0.05) between replicate experiments. 4. A profile of sodium nitrite-induced HMS stimulation is reported: HMS was elevated 2-fold (P \u3c 0.001) between zero and 2.5mM NaN02; HMS elevation was more distinct (7-fold) between 2.5 and 5.0mM NaNO2; maximum activity (22-fold) was observed between 10 and 20mM NaN02; \u3e 20mM NaNO2 caused significant (P \u3c 0.001) diminution of HMS; glucose carbon recycling through the HMS occurred only with \u3e 2.5mM NaNO2 where this process contributed :::; 16% to total HMS activity

    High angle of attack flying qualities criteria for longitudinal rate command systems

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    This study was designed to investigate flying qualities requirements of alternate pitch command systems for fighter aircraft at high angle of attack. Flying qualities design guidelines have already been developed for angle of attack command systems at 30, 45, and 60 degrees angle of attack, so this research fills a similar need for rate command systems. Flying qualities tasks that require post-stall maneuvering were tested during piloted simulations in the McDonnell Douglas Aerospace Manned Air Combat Simulation facility. A generic fighter aircraft model was used to test angle of attack rate and pitch rate command systems for longitudinal gross acquisition and tracking tasks at high angle of attack. A wide range of longitudinal dynamic variations were tested at 30, 45, and 60 degrees angle of attack. Pilot comments, Cooper-Harper ratings, and pilot induced oscillation ratings were taken from five pilots from NASA, USN, CAF, and McDonnell Douglas Aerospace. This data was used to form longitudinal design guidelines for rate command systems at high angle of attack. These criteria provide control law design guidance for fighter aircraft at high angle of attack, low speed flight conditions. Additional time history analyses were conducted using the longitudinal gross acquisition data to look at potential agility measures of merit and correlate agility usage to flying qualities boundaries. This paper presents an overview of this research
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