91 research outputs found

    Damage to Association Fiber Tracts Impairs Recognition of the Facial Expression of Emotion

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    An array of cortical and subcortical structures have been implicated in the recognition of emotion from facial expressions. It remains unknown how these regions communicate as parts of a system to achieve recognition, but white matter tracts are likely critical to this process. We hypothesized that (1) damage to white matter tracts would be associated with recognition impairment and (2) the degree of disconnection of association fiber tracts [inferior longitudinal fasciculus (ILF) and/or inferior fronto-occipital fasciculus (IFOF)] connecting the visual cortex with emotion-related regions would negatively correlate with recognition performance. One hundred three patients with focal, stable brain lesions mapped onto a reference brain were tested on their recognition of six basic emotional facial expressions. Association fiber tracts from a probabilistic atlas were coregistered to the reference brain. Parameters estimating disconnection were entered in a general linear model to predict emotion recognition impairments, accounting for lesion size and cortical damage. Damage associated with the right IFOF significantly predicted an overall facial emotion recognition impairment and specific impairments for sadness, anger, and fear. One subject had a pure white matter lesion in the location of the right IFOF and ILF. He presented specific, unequivocal emotion recognition impairments. Additional analysis suggested that impairment in fear recognition can result from damage to the IFOF and not the amygdala. Our findings demonstrate the key role of white matter association tracts in the recognition of the facial expression of emotion and identify specific tracts that may be most critical

    Anterior Prefrontal Cortex Contributes to Action Selection through Tracking of Recent Reward Trends

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    The functions of prefrontal cortex remain enigmatic, especially for its anterior sectors, putatively ranging from planning to self-initiated behavior, social cognition, task switching, and memory. A predominant current theory regarding the most anterior sector, the frontopolar cortex (FPC), is that it is involved in exploring alternative courses of action, but the detailed causal mechanisms remain unknown. Here we investigated this issue using the lesion method, together with a novel model-based analysis. Eight patients with anterior prefrontal brain lesions including the FPC performed a four-armed bandit task known from neuroimaging studies to activate the FPC. Model-based analyses of learning demonstrated a selective deficit in the ability to extrapolate the most recent trend, despite an intact general ability to learn from past rewards. Whereas both brain-damaged and healthy controls used comparisons between the two most recent choice outcomes to infer trends that influenced their decision about the next choice, the group with anterior prefrontal lesions showed a complete absence of this component and instead based their choice entirely on the cumulative reward history. Given that the FPC is thought to be the most evolutionarily recent expansion of primate prefrontal cortex, we suggest that its function may reflect uniquely human adaptations to select and update models of reward contingency in dynamic environments

    Influence of the Geometry of the world model on Curiosity Based Exploration

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    In human spatial awareness, 3-D projective geometry structures information integration and action planning through perspective taking within an internal representation space. The way different perspectives are related and transform a world model defines a specific perception and imagination scheme. In mathematics, such collection of transformations corresponds to a 'group', whose 'actions' characterize the geometry of a space. Imbuing world models with a group structure may capture different agents' spatial awareness and affordance schemes. We used group action as a special class of policies for perspective-dependent control. We explored how such geometric structure impacts agents' behavior, comparing how the Euclidean versus projective groups act on epistemic value in active inference, drive curiosity, and exploration behaviors. We formally demonstrate and simulate how the groups induce distinct behaviors in a simple search task. The projective group's nonlinear magnification of information transformed epistemic value according to the choice of frame, generating behaviors of approach toward an object of interest. The projective group structure within the agent's world model contains the Projective Consciousness Model, which is know to capture key features of consciousness. On the other hand, the Euclidean group had no effect on epistemic value : no action was better than the initial idle state. In structuring a priori an agent's internal representation, we show how geometry can play a key role in information integration and action planning

    The Projective Consciousness Model and Phenomenal Selfhood

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    We summarize our recently introduced Projective Consciousness Model (PCM) (Rudrauf et al., 2017) and relate it to outstanding conceptual issues in the theory of consciousness. The PCM combines a projective geometrical model of the perspectival phenomenological structure of the field of consciousness with a variational Free Energy minimization model of active inference, yielding an account of the cybernetic function of consciousness, viz., the modulation of the field’s cognitive and affective dynamics for the effective control of embodied agents. The geometrical and active inference components are linked via the concept of projective transformation, which is crucial to understanding how conscious organisms integrate perception, emotion, memory, reasoning, and perspectival imagination in order to control behavior, enhance resilience, and optimize preference satisfaction. The PCM makes substantive empirical predictions and fits well into a (neuro)computationalist framework. It also helps us to account for aspects of subjective character that are sometimes ignored or conflated: pre-reflective self-consciousness, the first-person point of view, the sense of minenness or ownership, and social self-consciousness. We argue that the PCM, though still in development, offers us the most complete theory to date of what Thomas Metzinger has called “phenomenal selfhood.

    Lesion mapping of cognitive abilities linked to intelligence

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    The Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS) assesses a wide range of cognitive abilities and impairments. Factor analyses have documented four underlying indices that jointly comprise intelligence as assessed with the WAIS: verbal comprehension (VCI), perceptual organization (POI), working memory (WMI), and processing speed (PSI). We used nonparametric voxel-based lesion-symptom mapping in 241 patients with focal brain damage to investigate their neural underpinnings. Statistically significant lesion-deficit relationships were found in left inferior frontal cortex for VCI, in left frontal and parietal cortex for WMI, and in right parietal cortex for POI. There was no reliable single localization for PSI. Statistical power maps and cross-validation analyses quantified specificity and sensitivity of the index scores in predicting lesion locations. Our findings provide comprehensive lesion maps of intelligence factors, and make specific recommendations for interpretation and application of the WAIS to the study of intelligence in health and disease

    Virtual reality vs. tablet for procedural comfort using an identical game in children undergoing venipuncture: a randomized clinical trial

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    IntroductionRecent research has explored the effectiveness of interactive virtual experiences in managing pain and anxiety in children during routine medical procedures, compared to conventional care methods. However, the influence of the specific technology used as an interface, 3-dimensions (D) immersive virtual reality (VR) vs. 2D touch screens, during pediatric venipuncture, remains unexamined. This study aimed to determine if immersive VR is more effective than a tablet in reducing pain and anxiety during short procedures.MethodsAn interactive game was designed by clinicians and psychologists, expert in pain theory, hypnosis, and procedural pain and anxiety relief, and was tailored for both VR and tablet use. Fifty patients were randomly assigned to either the Tablet or VR group. The primary outcome measures were pain and anxiety levels during the procedure. Secondary outcome measures included the need for physical restraint, duration of the procedure, enjoyment levels, and satisfaction ratings from both parents and nurses.ResultsParticipants, in both groups, had low levels of pain and anxiety. Physical restraint was infrequently used, procedures were brief, and high satisfaction levels were reported by patients, parents, and nurses.DiscussionThis study suggests that the type of technology used as a support for the game has a minimal effect on the child's experience, with both groups reporting low pain and anxiety levels, minimal physical restraint, and high enjoyment. Despite immersive VR's technological advancements, this study underscores the value of traditional tablets with well-designed interactive games in enhancing children's wellbeing during medical procedures.Clinical Trial Registration[ClinicalTrials.gov], identifier [NCT05065307]

    Probabilistic functional tractography of the human cortex revisited

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    In patients with pharmaco-resistant focal epilepsies investigated with intracranial electroencephalography (iEEG), direct electrical stimulations of a cortical region induce cortico-cortical evoked potentials (CCEP) in distant cerebral cortex, which properties can be used to infer large scale brain connectivity. In 2013, we proposed a new probabilistic functional tractography methodology to study human brain connectivity. We have now been revisiting this method in the F-TRACT project (f-tract.eu) by developing a large multicenter CCEP database of several thousand stimulation runs performed in several hundred patients, and associated processing tools to create a probabilistic atlas of human cortico-cortical connections. Here, we wish to present a snapshot of the methods and data of F-TRACT using a pool of 213 epilepsy patients, all studied by stereo-encephalography with intracerebral depth electrodes. The CCEPs were processed using an automated pipeline with the following consecutive steps: detection of each stimulation run from stimulation artifacts in raw intracranial EEG (iEEG) files, bad channels detection with a machine learning approach, model-based stimulation artifact correction, robust averaging over stimulation pulses. Effective connectivity between the stimulated and recording areas is then inferred from the properties of the first CCEP component, i.e. onset and peak latency, amplitude, duration and integral of the significant part. Finally, group statistics of CCEP features are implemented for each brain parcel explored by iEEG electrodes. The localization (coordinates, white/gray matter relative positioning) of electrode contacts were obtained from imaging data (anatomical MRI or CT scans before and after electrodes implantation). The iEEG contacts were repositioned in different brain parcellations from the segmentation of patients' anatomical MRI or from templates in the MNI coordinate system. The F-TRACT database using the first pool of 213 patients provided connectivity probability values for 95% of possible intrahemispheric and 56% of interhemispheric connections and CCEP features for 78% of intrahemisheric and 14% of interhemispheric connections. In this report, we show some examples of anatomo-functional connectivity matrices, and associated directional maps. We also indicate how CCEP features, especially latencies, are related to spatial distances, and allow estimating the velocity distribution of neuronal signals at a large scale. Finally, we describe the impact on the estimated connectivity of the stimulation charge and of the contact localization according to the white or gray matter. The most relevant maps for the scientific community are available for download on f-tract. eu (David et al., 2017) and will be regularly updated during the following months with the addition of more data in the F-TRACT database. This will provide an unprecedented knowledge on the dynamical properties of large fiber tracts in human.Peer reviewe