156 research outputs found

    The effect of geometric structure on stiffness and damping factor of wood applicable to machine tool structure

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    Stiffness and vibration damping capability are important criteria in design of machine tool structure. In other sides, the weight of machine tool structure must be reduced to increase the handling capability. This paper presents an analysis of the effect of geometric structure on stiffness and vibration damping of wood structure. The stiffness was analysed using numerical method, so called finite element method (FEM), while the vibration damping capability was experimentally tested. Vibration testing was also performed to wood structures with sand powder filled into its rectangular hole to observe the its effect on damping factor. Simulation results show that the cross ribs structure yielded minimum mass reduction ratio compared to the three square holes as well as the single rectangular hole structures. While the vibration test results explained that the damping factor of Shorea laevis wood was higher than that Hevea braziiensis wood. The use of sand powder as vibrating mass in closed-box structure effectively increased the damping capability, for single rectangular hole structure the damping factor was increased from 0.048 to 0.07

    Pemanfaatan Bambu Sebagai Alternatif Pengganti Tulangan Baja Pada Pelat Beton Pra Cetak Dengan Perkuatan Karet Tali Timba

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    Perkembangan rekayasa teknologi dalam bidang teknik sipil pada saat ini terasa begitu cepat, yaitu beton sebagai salah satu unsur teknik sipil yang selalu mengalami perkembangan. Struktur yang terbuat dari beton antara lain lantai, atap, plat lantai (decks) jembatan, dan bangunan gedung-gedung bertingkat. Oleh karena itu perlu dibuat jalan keluar dengan mengembangkan pembuatan pelat beton pra cetak menggunakan tulangan bambu dengan perkuatan karet tali timba. Bambu dipilih karena memiliki nilai ekonomis lebih dibanding dengan tulangan dari besi baja, sehingga tepat bila menggunakan bambu sebagai alternatif tulangan pelat lantai beton. Sedangkan karet tali timba dipilih sebagai perkuatan karena memiliki kuat lentur yang baik, sehingga tulangan dari bambu akan lebih kuat. Karet juga berfungsi untuk memperbaiki sifat beton pasca retak. Bambu yang digunakan sebagai tulangan dipecah, dibuat bentuk kotak (posisi kulit dibawah) setebal kira-kira 1,2 cm dengan lebar 2 cm dan panjang 100 cm, yang berasal dari jenis bambu kering udara. Tujuan yang ingin dicapai dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui karakteristik pelat lantai beton dengan menggunakan tulangan bambu dengan perkuatan karet tali timba. Dan yang kedua adalah untuk memperoleh pelat lantai beton pra cetak yang murah dan bisa dimanfaatkan untuk pelat lantai rumah tinggal 2 lantai. Perencanaan beton dengan berdasarkan perbandingan antara semen, pasir, dan kerikil adalah sesuai SK.SNI.T-15-1990-03 f’c = 20 MPa. Faktor air semen (f.a.s) yang digunakan adalah 0,4 dan 0,5. Hasil pengujian kuat tarik baja didapat nilai Pmax rata-rata sebesar 11,83 kN dan nilai fmax rata-rata sebesar 418,57MPa. Hasil pengujian kuat tarik bambu didapat nilai fmax rata-rata sebesar 189 MPa. Hasil pengujian kuat tekan beton dengan f.a.s 0,4 didapat nilairata-rata sebesar 17,071 MPa dan f.a.s 0,5 didapat nilai rata-rata 16,694 MPa. Hasil pengujian kuat lentur pelat lantai beton tulangan baja dengan f.a.s 0,4 diperoleh Mretak awal rata-rata 5,333 MPa sedangkan untuk f.a.s 0,5 diperoleh Mretak awal rata-rata 4,918. Hasil pengujian kuat lentur pelat lantai beton tulangan bambu dengan f.a.s 0,4 diperoleh Mretak awal rata-rata 4,833 MPa sedangkan untuk f.a.s 0,5 diperoleh Mretak awal rata-rata 4,688. Hasil pengujian kuat lentur pelat lantai beton tulangan bambu dan karet dengan f.a.s 0,4 diperoleh Mretak awal rata-rata 5,249 MPa sedangkan untuk f.a.s 0,5 diperoleh Mretak awal ratarata 4,835. Persentase rata-rata perbandingan antara pelat lantai beton tulangan bambu dengan pelat lantai beton tulangan baja fas 0,4 adalah sebesar 91,52 %, sedangkan antara pelat lantai beton tulangan bambu dan karet dengan pelat lantai beton tulangan baja fas 0,4 adalah sebesar 98,58 %. Persentase rata-rata perbandingan antara pelat lantai beton tulangan bambu dengan pelat lantai beton tulangan baja fas 0,5 adalah sebesar 95,44 %, sedangkan antara pelat lantai beton tulangan bambu dan karet dengan pelat lantai beton tulangan baja fas 0,5 adalah sebesar 98,47 %. Hasil perhitungan momen dari keseluruhan benda uji diperoleh Momen pada perhitungan teoritis lebih besar dari Momen penelitian. Menunjukan bahwa hasil penelitian perlu untuk dikoreksi karena seharusnya kondisi yang ideal Momen teoritis lebih kecil dari momen penelitian

    Audit Tenure, Audit Firm Reputation and Audit Quality Study on Indonesian Manufacture Companies

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    The debate on audit quality still continues due to different results and arguments on audit tenure, audit firm reputation and audit quality. This study provides empirical evidence on the differentiation of audit quality by considering the audit tenure and audit firm reputation. Using the data from IDX of manufacturing companies in 2019 and 2020, the researcher examines the difference in audit quality, measured by discretionary accruals, in terms of audit tenure and audit firm reputation. This study also examines 247 companies that are analyzed using Mann-Whitney test. Findings from this study reveal that there is no significant difference between the audit quality of companies that have repeated and non-repeated audits. However, this study indicates that there is a significant difference in the audit quality of a company that is audited by the big 4 and non-big 4 audit firms. Based on the result, it can be suggested that auditor rotation is not necessary to enhance the audit quality since independent auditors tend to sustain their reputation and maintain their service qualifications

    RURAL YOUTH BEHAVIOR IN WATCHING TELEVISION (Case Study Rural Youth in Ciasmara Village Pamijahan Sub-District, Bogor Regency)

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    Family is an important social unit that forming youth identity, but in the other hand family is also a place where contestation happened. Power-relation inside family is commonly happened during several activities such as watching television, having dinner, and prior go to school. The objective of this research is to unmasking the reality of power relation in television watching activities. Qualitative method is used to dissect this phenomenon. In the context of families that only have one television, power relation in watching television is inevitable, especially the prime time, because at this time all family members watch television. This study found that there are several actors who hold important role in power relation, such as Little brother, Grandma, and Father. Their domination have made rural youth become marginalized on their own hous

    DOES TELEVISION PROMOTE DEAGRARIANIZATION? Understanding Rural-Youth Perception Towards the Agricultural-livelihood information on Television

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    The phenomenon of the high number of rural-youth migration from rural areas need to be studied from the perspective on how the agricultural livelihood is constructed by actors within the village. This research tries to focus on how rural-youth interpret messages on television about agricultural livelihood. Previous studies have explained that there are several things that can cause youth in the village to migrate out of the village. This study aims to (1) identify the characteristics of youth in Ciasmara Village, Pamijahan District, Bogor Regency, (2) Rural-youth Exposure in watching television. (3) Perceptions of rural youth on agricultural information representations on television. This research was conducted in Ciasmara village, Pamijahan District, Bogor Regency from March 2020 to August 2020 using quantitative research methods with a descriptive-comparative approach. 120 youth were selected as research samples. This research found that some of rural-youth in Ciasmara village admitted to having watched agricultural programs on television either on the news or in other programs in the last six months. The types of agricultural information that rural-youth in Ciasmara village have watched are mostly related to cultivation, harvest failure, pest attacks, and low agricultural prices.The phenomenon of the high number of rural-youth migration from rural areas need to be studied from the perspective on how the agricultural livelihood is constructed by actors within the village. This research tries to focus on how rural-youth interpret messages on television about agricultural livelihood. Previous studies have explained that there are several things that can cause youth in the village to migrate out of the village. This study aims to (1) identify the characteristics of youth in Ciasmara Village, Pamijahan District, Bogor Regency, (2) Rural-youth Exposure in watching television. (3) Perceptions of rural youth on agricultural information representations on television. This research was conducted in Ciasmara village, Pamijahan District, Bogor Regency from March 2020 to August 2020 using quantitative research methods with a descriptive-comparative approach. 120 youth were selected as research samples. This research found that some of rural-youth in Ciasmara village admitted to having watched agricultural programs on television either on the news or in other programs in the last six months. The types of agricultural information that rural-youth in Ciasmara village have watched are mostly related to cultivation, harvest failure, pest attacks, and low agricultural prices

    Konfirmatori Gabungan Pemasaran Jasa terhadap Animo Beli pada Program Studi Teknologi Pembelajaran

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    This study aims to determine the combined effect of service marketing on buying interest in the learning technology study program. The data analysis method in this study uses a quantitative investigation using the SEM (Structural Equation Modeling) model, the sample data uses the census method. The use of samples in this study were 492 respondents. The authors of this article processed the data using AMOSE version 16.0 programming. The results showed that the combined variables of service marketing, namely product, price, place, promotion, people, process, and physical evidence had a significant effect on buying interest in the Master of Learning Technology (MTP) Program. In conclusion, if students' views about products, prices, places, promotions, people, processes, and physical evidence are good, it will build students' decisions to continue their education in the Learning Technology Study Program, Universitas PGRI Argopuro Jember and vice versa. Keywords: Confirmatory, Combined, Marketin

    Faktor Kualitas Audit, Beban Kerja, Dan Pengalaman Auditor Dalam Menilai Kasus Kecurangan Di Kantor Akuntan Publik Leonard, Mulia, Dan Richard Cab. Semarang

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of Audit Quality, Workload and Auditor Experience in Assessing Fraud Cases at the Public Accounting Firm Leonard, Mulia, and Richard Cab. Semarang. This study used a quantitative approach using primary data, namely data sourced from the results of questionnaires of 50 respondents. Data collection techniques use full sampling techniques. The data analysis methods used are data quality test, classical assumption test, multiple linear regression analysis, model test, and hypothesis test. Data is processed using SPSS software. The results of this study showed that (1) the variable Audit Quality has a positive and significant effect on assessing fraud cases, (2) The Workload variable has no effect and is not significant in assessing fraud cases, and (3) The Auditor Experience variable has a positive and significant effect in assessing fraud cases. &nbsp

    Plasmonic Metasurface for Spatially Resolved Optical Sensing in Three Dimensions

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    The highly localized sensitivity of metallic nanoparticles sustaining localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR) enables detection of minute events occurring close to the particle surface and forms the basis for nanoplasmonic sensing. To date, nanoplasmonic sensors typically consist of two-dimensional (2D) nanoparticle arrays and can therefore only probe processes that occur within the array plane, leaving unaddressed the potential of sensing in three dimensions (3D). Here, we present a plasmonic metasurface comprising arrays of stacked Ag nanodisks separated by a thick SiO2 dielectric layer, which, through rational design, exhibit two distinct and spectrally separated LSPR sensing peaks and corresponding spatially separated sensing locations in the axial direction. This arrangement thus enables real-time plasmonic sensing in 3D. As a proof-of-principle, we successfully determine in a single experiment the layer-specific glass transition temperatures of a bilayer polymer thin film of poly(methyl methacrylate), PM/VIA, and poly(methyl methacrylate)/poly(methacrylic acid), P(MMA-MAA). Our work thus demonstrates a strategy for nanoplasmonic sensor design and utilization to simultaneously probe local chemical or physical processes at spatially different locations. In a wider perspective, it stimulates further development of sensors that employ multiple detection elements to generate distinct and spectrally individually addressable LSPR modes


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    Café is a line of business that provides a place to eat and drink fast food that presents a relaxed or informal atmosphere that provides seating inside and outside. The decline in sales experienced by 245 Coffee in 2021. This is due to increasingly stringent government regulations regarding the implementation of PPKM (Implementation of Restrictions on Community Activities) in order to break the chain of spread of the covid-19 virus which requires cafes or other places to eat not to serve food and drink on the spot. This research is research that uses a descriptive qualitative approach. Qualitative research examines the quality of relationships, activities, situations, or materials with a strong emphasis on overall description in describing the details of everything that happens in a particular activity or situation. Based on the information obtained by researchers when conducting research on 245 Coffee 's marketing communication strategy during the Covid-19 pandemic using 3 marketing communication strategies it can be said that it has been running effectively. This can be seen from the results of a comparison of theories regarding marketing communications according to Kotler and Armstrong with field information and evidence that 245 Coffee able to survive the Covid-19 pandemic and was able to attract consumers and retain old customers
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