371 research outputs found

    Lean Principles, Learning, and Knowledge Work: Evidence from a Software Services Provider

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    In this paper, we examine the applicability of lean production to knowledge work by investigating the implementation of a lean production system at an Indian software services firm. We first discuss specific aspects of knowledge work—task uncertainty, process invisibility, and architectural ambiguity—that call into question the relevance of lean production in this setting. Then, combining a detailed case study and empirical analysis, we find that lean software projects perform better than non-lean software projects at the company for most performance outcomes. We document the influence of the lean initiative on internal processes and examine how the techniques affect learning by improving both problem identification and problem resolution. Finally, we extend the lean production framework by highlighting the need to (1) identify problems early in the process and (2) keep problems and solutions together in time, space, and person

    Interacting crumpled manifolds

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    In this article we study the effect of a delta-interaction on a polymerized membrane of arbitrary internal dimension D. Depending on the dimensionality of membrane and embedding space, different physical scenarios are observed. We emphasize on the difference of polymers from membranes. For the latter, non-trivial contributions appear at the 2-loop level. We also exploit a ``massive scheme'' inspired by calculations in fixed dimensions for scalar field theories. Despite the fact that these calculations are only amenable numerically, we found that in the limit of D to 2 each diagram can be evaluated analytically. This property extends in fact to any order in perturbation theory, allowing for a summation of all orders. This is a novel and quite surprising result. Finally, an attempt to go beyond D=2 is presented. Applications to the case of self-avoiding membranes are mentioned

    Large emergency-response exercises: qualitative characteristics - a survey

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    Exercises, drills, or simulations are widely used, by governments, agencies and commercial organizations, to simulate serious incidents and train staff how to respond to them. International cooperation has led to increasingly large-scale exercises, often involving hundreds or even thousands of participants in many locations. The difference between ‘large’ and ‘small’ exercises is more than one of size: (a) Large exercises are more ‘experiential’ and more likely to undermine any model of reality that single organizations may create; (b) they create a ‘play space’ in which organizations and individuals act out their own needs and identifications, and a ritual with strong social implications; (c) group-analytic psychotherapy suggests that the emotions aroused in a large group may be stronger and more difficult to control. Feelings are an unacknowledged major factor in the success or failure of exercises; (d) successful large exercises help improve the nature of trust between individuals and the organizations they represent, changing it from a situational trust to a personal trust; (e) it is more difficult to learn from large exercises or to apply the lessons identified; (f) however, large exercises can help develop organizations and individuals. Exercises (and simulation in general) need to be approached from a broader multidisciplinary direction if their full potential is to be realized

    Business Case for a Micro-Combined Heat and Power Fuel Cell System in Commercial Applications

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    Combined heat and power fuel cell systems (CHP-FCSs) provide consistent electrical power and hot water with greater efficiency and lower emissions than alternative sources. These systems can be used either as baseload, grid-connected, or as off-the-grid power sources. This report presents a business case for CHP-FCSs in the range of 5 to 50 kWe. Systems in this power range are considered micro-CHP-FCS. For this particular business case, commercial applications rather than residential or industrial are targeted. To understand the benefits of implementing a micro-CHP-FCS, the characteristics that determine their competitive advantage must first be identified. Locations with high electricity prices and low natural gas prices are ideal locations for micro-CHP-FCSs. Fortunately, these high spark spread locations are generally in the northeastern area of the United States and California where government incentives are already in place to offset the current high cost of the micro-CHP-FCSs. As a result of the inherently high efficiency of a fuel cell and their ability to use the waste heat that is generated as a CHP, they have higher efficiency. This results in lower fuel costs than comparable alternative small-scale power systems (e.g., microturbines and reciprocating engines). A variety of markets should consider micro-CHP-FCSs including those that require both heat and baseload electricity throughout the year. In addition, the reliable power of micro-CHP-FCSs could be beneficial to markets where electrical outages are especially frequent or costly. Greenhouse gas emission levels from micro-CHP-FCSs are 69 percent lower, and the human health costs are 99.9 percent lower, than those attributed to conventional coal-fired power plants. As a result, FCSs can allow a company to advertise as environmentally conscious and provide a bottom-line sales advantage. As a new technology in the early stages of adoption, micro-CHP-FCSs are currently more expensive than alternative technologies. As the technology gains a foothold in its target markets and demand increases, the costs will decline in response to improved manufacturing efficiencies, similar to trends seen with other technologies. Transparency Market Research forecasts suggest that the CHP-FCS market will grow at a compound annual growth rate of greater than 27 percent over the next 5 years. These production level increases, coupled with the expected low price of natural gas, indicate the economic payback period will move to less than 5 years over the course of the next 5 years. To better understand the benefits of micro-CHP-FCSs, The U.S. Department of Energy worked with ClearEdge Power to install fifteen 5-kWe fuel cells in the commercial markets of California and Oregon. Pacific Northwest National Laboratory is evaluating these systems in terms of economics, operations, and their environmental impact in real-world applications. As expected, the economic analysis has indicated that the high capital cost of the micro-CHP-FCSs results in a longer payback period than typically is acceptable for all but early-adopter market segments. However, a payback period of less than 3 years may be expected as increased production brings system cost down, and CHP incentives are maintained or improved

    Behavioural responses of non-breeding waterbirds to marine traffic in the near-shore environment

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    Capsule: Recording of behavioural responses to ferry traffic for 11 target species showed that Red-throated Diver Gavia stellata, Slavonian Grebe Podiceps auratus, and Black-throated Diver Gavia arctica were most likely to react to passing vessels. Aim: To provide information on how responses to marine traffic vary between waterbird species to inform marine spatial planning and environmental impact assessments in the near-shore environment. Methods: We recorded behavioural responses to ferry traffic for 11 target species in near-shore waters: Common Eider Somateria mollissima, Goldeneye Bucephala clangula, Long-tailed Duck Clangula hyemalis, Velvet Scoter Melanitta fusca, Red-breasted Merganser Mergus serrator, Black-throated Diver, Great Northern Diver Gavia immer, Red-throated Diver, European Shag Gulosus aristotelis, Slavonian Grebe and Black Guillemot Cepphus grylle. Responses were analysed using generalized linear models and mixed models. Results: Red-throated Diver, Black-throated Diver and Slavonian Grebe were the most likely species to exhibit a response to passing vessels. While Red-throated Divers and Slavonian Grebes were highly likely to flush, Black-throated Divers and Great Northern Divers rarely took flight, instead favouring swim or dive responses. In rougher sea conditions birds were more likely to take flight, and the propensity to respond declined across the wintering period. Conclusions: This research provides comparative evidence on the behavioural responses of waterbirds to marine traffic. The results support previous studies which highlighted the high sensitivity of diver species to disturbance and provide new evidence that Slavonian Grebe may also be a high sensitivity species

    Lake Naivasha, Kenya: ecology, society and future

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    We examine the degradation of the natural capital and ecosystem services of an important tropical lake, Kenya’s Lake Naivasha, in the context of human activities and exploitation since the mid-20th century.  These factors have culminated in the recent emergence of innovative governance arrangements with potential contributions to the future sustainability of the lake ecosystem.Lake Naivasha maintains high ecological interest and biodiversity value despite its food web being controlled, at three trophic levels, by alien species for the past 40 years.  The lake now has very high economic value, being the centre of Kenya’s floricultural industry, itself the top foreign exchange earner for the country.  It became internationally-renowned in 1999 as one of the first wetland sites worldwide to be nominated by the government for Ramsar status as a result of local action, guided by the Lake Naivasha Riparian Association (LNRA).  This led, in 2004, to gazettement by the Kenyan Government for the management of the lake by a Committee under LNRA guidance.By 2010, however, progress towards sustainable management was limited, not least because the lake water had continued to be over-exploited for irrigation, geothermal power exploration and domestic supplies outside the catchment.  A prolonged drought in Kenya in 2009–10, in conjunction with this ongoing over-exploitation, caused the lake level to recede to the lowest since the late 1940s and brought the ecological degradation to global attention.  Arguably, this new prominence catalysed the political interventions which now offer new hope of progress towards a sustainable lake basin.We examine the ecological changes over the past 40 years and the reasons why new management regimes instituted over the past 10 years have to date been unable to halt ecological degradation of the lake and its environs. We outline a future trajectory that links new governance initiatives with a wider network of stakeholders which, together with external interventions that have been initiated in 2011, may well help to restore the ecosystem’s health

    Spitzer Space Telescope Measurements of Dust Reverberation Lags in the Seyfert 1 Galaxy NGC 6418

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    We present results from a fifteen-month campaign of high-cadence (~ 3 days) mid-infrared Spitzer and optical (B and V ) monitoring of the Seyfert 1 galaxy NGC 6418, with the objective of determining the characteristic size of the dusty torus in this active galactic nucleus (AGN). We find that the 3.6 μ\mum and 4.5 μ\mum flux variations lag behind those of the optical continuum by 37.22.2+2.437.2^{+2.4}_{-2.2} days and 47.13.1+3.147.1^{+3.1}_{-3.1} days, respectively. We report a cross-correlation time lag between the 4.5 μ\mum and 3.6 μ\mum flux of 13.90.1+0.513.9^{+0.5}_{-0.1} days. The lags indicate that the dust emitting at 3.6 μ\mum and 4.5 μ\mum is located at a distance of approximately 1 light-month (~ 0.03 pc) from the source of the AGN UV-optical continuum. The reverberation radii are consistent with the inferred lower limit to the sublimation radius for pure graphite grains at 1800 K, but smaller by a factor of ~ 2 than the corresponding lower limit for silicate grains; this is similar to what has been found for near-infrared (K-band) lags in other AGN. The 3.6 and 4.5 μ\mum reverberation radii fall above the K-band τL0.5\tau \propto L^{0.5} size-luminosity relationship by factors 2.7\lesssim 2.7 and 3.4\lesssim 3.4, respectively, while the 4.5 μ\mum reverberation radius is only 27% larger than the 3.6 μ\mum radius. This is broadly consistent with clumpy torus models, in which individual optically thick clouds emit strongly over a broad wavelength range.Comment: 13 pages, 9 figure

    Wireless Sensor Network for Radiometric Detection and Assessment of Partial Discharge in HV Equipment

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    Monitoring of partial discharge (PD) activity within high voltage electrical environments is frequently used for the assessment of insulation condition. Traditional measurement techniques employ technologies that require either offline installation or high power consumption and cost. A wireless sensor network is proposed that utilizes only received signal strength to locate partial discharge within a high-voltage electricity Substation. The network comprises low-power and lowcost radiometric sensor nodes which receive the radiation propagated from a source of partial discharge. Results are reported from a test performed within a large indoor environment with a network of nine sensor nodes. An emulated PD source was placed at multiple locations within the network. Signal strength measured by the nodes is reported via WirelessHART to a data collection hub where it is processed using a location algorithm. The results obtained place the measured location within 2 m of the actual source location

    Partial Discharge Localization Based on Received Signal Strength

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    Partial Discharge (PD) occurs when insulation containing defects or voids is subject to high voltages. If left untreated PD can degrade insulation until, eventually, catastrophic insulation failure occurs. The detection of PD current pulses, however, can allow incipient insulation faults to be identified, located and repaired prior to plant failure. Wireless technology has paved the path for PD detection and monitoring. Software Defined Radio (SDR) is a promising technology. Signals from two PD sources are received at six outdoors locations using an SDR USRP N200 which is connected to a laptop. PD sources, thereafter, are localized based on received signal strengths

    Ontogeny of Human IgE-expressing B Cells and Plasma Cells

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    BACKGROUND: IgE‐expressing (IgE(+)) plasma cells (PCs) provide a continuous source of allergen‐specific IgE that is central to allergic responses. The extreme sparsity of IgE(+) cells in vivo has confined their study almost entirely to mouse models. OBJECTIVE: To characterize the development pathway of human IgE(+) PCs and to determine the ontogeny of human IgE(+) PCs. METHODS: To generate human IgE(+) cells, we cultured tonsil B cells with IL‐4 and anti‐CD40. Using FACS and RT‐PCR, we examined the phenotype of generated IgE(+) cells, the capacity of tonsil B‐cell subsets to generate IgE(+) PCs and the class switching pathways involved. RESULTS: We have identified three phenotypic stages of IgE(+) PC development pathway, namely (i) IgE(+)germinal centre (GC)‐like B cells, (ii) IgE(+) PC‐like ‘plasmablasts’ and (iii) IgE(+) PCs. The same phenotypic stages were also observed for IgG1(+) cells. Total tonsil B cells give rise to IgE(+) PCs by direct and sequential switching, whereas the isolated GC B‐cell fraction, the main source of IgE(+) PCs, generates IgE(+) PCs by sequential switching. PC differentiation of IgE(+) cells is accompanied by the down‐regulation of surface expression of the short form of membrane IgE (mIgE(S)), which is homologous to mouse mIgE, and the up‐regulation of the long form of mIgE (mIgE(L)), which is associated with an enhanced B‐cell survival and expressed in humans, but not in mice. CONCLUSION: Generation of IgE(+) PCs from tonsil GC B cells occurs mainly via sequential switching from IgG. The mIgE(L)/mIgE(S) ratio may be implicated in survival of IgE(+) B cells during PC differentiation and allergic disease