45 research outputs found

    Sistematización de una experiencia de aprendizaje : uso del modelo Addie para el diseño de un curso virtual

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    Esta sistematización describe los resultados alcanzados en el proceso desarrollado de la experiencia de aprendizaje denominada Uso del modelo ADDIE para el diseño de un curso virtual. La práctica educativa sistematizada se implementó con los estudiantes del primer semestre de las licenciaturas Ciencias Sociales, Idiomas Extranjeros Con Énfasis en inglés y los estudiantes del cuarto semestre de Educación Física, Recreación y Deportes del curso de Mediaciones Tecnológicas de la Universidad de Córdoba. El objetivo principal de esta experiencia es el rediseño y virtualización del curso de Mediaciones Tecnológicas para propiciar el aprendizaje y el desarrollo de habilidades cognitivas superiores, interpersonales y asociadas a la tecnología

    Diseño de software educativo basado en competencias

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    This article describes a designed model for an educative software based on competences, which presents a vision of developing these applications by combining teaching, learning, pedagogic, didactic and multimedia and software engineering components. The suggested model consists of five phases that describes step by step the process to be taken into account for the creation of an educative software. The initial phase, is the description of an educative design, which analyzes the educational needs, here are presented the learning objectives and outlines the competences that seek to develop the application. The design of these sub-phases are the following: content design, pedagogic design and learning design. The competences are the key point that involve the development of this model, which are essential for carrying out the steps to follow up the computational design and multimedia design, these are essential for the analysis and modeling software, and for the system man-machine communication. In the production stage the produced components are assembled or collected, according to the case. The last stage of the model is the implementation stage, where testings are done too rigorously assessing the performance of the software, in the contexts for which it was designed.El presente artículo describe un modelo de diseño de software educativo basado en competencias, el cual presenta una visión integral del desarrollo de estas aplicaciones mediante la combinación de componentes pedagógicos, didácticos, multimediales y de ingeniería de software. El modelo sugerido se compone de cinco fases que detallan paso a paso los aspectos que se deben tener en cuenta para la creación de software educativo. La fase inicial constituye la descripción del diseño educativo, en la cual se analiza la necesidad educativa, se plantean los objetivos de aprendizaje y se describen las competencias que se pretenden desarrollar con la aplicación; del diseño de éstas resultan las siguientes subfases: diseño de contenidos, diseño pedagógico y diseño de aprendizaje. Las competencias son el aspecto fundamental que abarca el desarrollo de este modelo, las cuales son primordiales para la realización de las fases a seguir conformadas por el diseño computacional y el diseño multimedial, estas se encargan del análisis y modelado del software, y del sistema de comunicación hombre-máquina. En la fase de producción se ensamblan los componentes elaborados o recolectados, según el caso. La última fase es la de aplicación, donde se hacen las pruebas de rigor para evaluar el desempeño del software en los contextos para los que fue desarrollado

    Association between sex differences on foot health related to the quality of life in a sample of sedentary people

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    [Abstract] Sedentary (sitting) time may produce many anatomical and physiological consequences which are supposedly associated with a decreased quality of life (QoL) related to foot health. Accordingly, this study aimed to analyze the QoL impact on the overall health and the foot health among male and female sedentary people. A total of 312 participants with an age mean of 39.81 ± 15.40 years completed all phases of the study. In addition, self-reported data were registered. The participants' sedentary lifestyle was determined using the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC) physical activity questionnaire. Furthermore, the scores obtained from the Portuguese version of the Foot Health Status Questionnaire were registered. Sedentary people in the equivalent metabolic energy had 301.09 ± 72.22 (min/week). In the first section, values were higher for foot pain and foot function and lower for general foot health and footwear. In the second section, values were higher for general health and vigor and lower for physical activity and social capacity. The differences between the sex groups of the study were statistically significant for footwear (P = 0.008), physical activity (P= 0.002), social capacity (P = 0.001) and vigor (P = 0.001) showing a worst QoL related to foot health in favor of male subjects in comparison with females. The rest of the domains did not show any statistically significant difference (P ≥ .01). The sedentary population evidenced a negative impact on the QoL related to foot health. This problem may be associated with this lifestyle, especially for males.[Resumo] O tempo sedentário (sentado) pode produzir muitas consequências anatômicas e fisiológicas que supostamente estão associadas a uma redução de qualidade de vida (QoL) relacionada à saúde do pé. Por conseguinte, o objetivo deste estudo foi analisar o impacto da QV sobre a saúde geral e a saúde do pé entre pessoas sedentárias masculinas e femininas. Uma amostra de 312 participantes com idade média de 39,81 ± 15,40 anos completou todas as fases do processo de estudo. Além disso, os dados autorrelatados foram registrados. O comportamento sedentário dos informantes foi determinado usando o questionário de prospecção prospectiva de câncer e nutrição (Epic). Além disso, os resultados obtidos com a versão em português do Questionário de Status de Saúde do Pé (PFHSQ) foram registrados. As pessoas sedentárias no equivalente de energia metabólica apresentaram 301,09 ± 72,22 (min/semana). Na primeira seção, os valores foram maiores para a dor no pé e função do pé e diminuíram a saúde e o calçado do pé geral. Na segunda seção, os valores foram maiores para saúde geral e vigor e menores para atividade física e capacidade social. As diferenças entre os grupos sexuais do estudo foram estatisticamente significativas para o calçado (P = 0,008), atividade física (P = 0,002), capacidade social (P = 0,001) e vigor (P = 0,001), mostrando uma pior QV relacionada à saúde do pé a favor dos sujeitos do sexo masculino em relação aos participantes sedentários femininos. O restante dos domínios não apresentou diferença estatisticamente significante (P ≥ 0,01). A população sedentária evidenciou um impacto negativo na QoL relacionada à saúde dos pés. Esse problema pode estar associado a este comportamento, especialmente no sexo masculino

    Effectiveness of Custom Foot Insoles to Decrease Plantar Pressure: A Cross-over Randomized Trial Study

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    [Abstract] Motorsport requires a high physical demand in the development of different body positions. To obtain the maximum efficiency in elite and amateur motorcycling depends on a good biomechanical performance [1,2]. Furthermore, a rider, a motorcycle, and tires integrated with the environment are required to realize the best performance by the rider [3]. To improve moto rider performance on a speed track with multiples turns, riders require accuracy in the dynamics of the motorcycle fitting the Center of Mass (CoM) in load transfer, turning, breaking, speed, and steering changes on the footpeg [4]. There are scant research data about the influence of the foot posture on the footpeg in driving motorcycle development. A moto rider questionnaire was carried out to analyze the discomfort riding on a motorcycle and most of the surveyed riders commented that despite that the foot pain reduced their performance, they could keep riding the motorcycle [5]. Riders have postural and biomechanical variations on the motorcycle when they rest their feet on the footpeg, causing an alteration in the ankle muscles [6], as well as modifications of the sensory information from the hip and knee joint of the leg that supports more force on the footpeg [7]. Scientific literature has shown the influence of different hardness of insoles in the plantar pressure distribution in the motorcycle feet, concluding that the use of hard insoles with aluminum in metatarsal heads decreases forefoot plantar pressure and is more comfortable [8]. On the other hand, recent scientific studies about moto rider musculoskeletal activity in lower limbs and riding on an elite Supersport moto simulator concluded that the use of harder insoles decreased the electromyographic peak activity patterns in all the thigh and hip muscle and all the lower limb muscle except the fibularis longus, due to contact of the knee with the ground in the curve step [9,10]. Recent studies have demonstrated the usefulness of the baropodometric platform to diagnose several diseases on plantar pressure [11–14]. Feet are essential in the stability and propulsion of the human being [15]. The main foot function in the human body is to transfer body weight, in static and dynamic positions, generating stability and flexibility [16]. Biomechanically, feet are used for posture maintenance and symmetrical distribution of plantar pressure responsible [17–19]. The purpose of this research was to analyze the load and distribution variation of the plantar pressures in moto riders using different hardness of insoles after riding on a speed circuit

    An Automated Blood Pressure Display for Self-Measurement in Patients With Chronic Kidney Disease (iHealth Track): Device Validation Study

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    [Abstract] Background: Hypertension is a global public health issue and is closely related to chronic kidney disorder (CKD). In people with CKD, strict monitoring of blood pressure is an important part of therapy. Objective: The aim of this research was to validate the iHealth Track blood pressure monitoring device for patients with CKD according to the European Society of Hypertension International Protocol 2010 (ESH-IP2). Methods: In total, 33 patients who received hemodialysis in Plasencia participated in the study. There were 9 successive measurements made, which conformed to the ESH-IP2. We calculated the differences between the standard reference device (Omron M3 Intellisense) and the test device (iHealth Track) for blood pressure and heart rate values. For 99 total comparisons of paired measurements, we classified differences into various categories (≤5 mmHg, ≤10 mmHg, and ≤15 mmHg for blood pressure; ≤3, ≤5, and ≤8 beats per minute for heart rate). Results: In 90 of 99 systolic blood pressure and 89 of 99 diastolic blood pressure comparisons between the devices, measurement differences were within 5 mmHg. In 81 of 99 heart rate comparisons between the devices, measurement differences were within 3 beats per minute. The mean differences between the test and reference standard measurements were 3.27 (SD 2.99) mmHg for systolic blood pressure, 3.59 (SD 4.55) mmHg for diastolic blood pressure, and 2.18 (SD 2.75) beats per minute for heart rate. We also observed that for both systolic and diastolic blood pressure, 31 of 33 participants had at least two of three comparisons between the devices with measurement differences less than 5 mmHg. For heart rate, 28 of 33 patients had at least two of three comparisons between the devices with measurement differences less than 3 beats per minute. Conclusions: To our knowledge, this is the first study to show that iHealth Track meets the requirements of the ESH-IP2 in patients with CKD. Therefore, the iHealth Track is suitable for use in renal patients

    Dry needling of the flexor digitorum brevis muscle reduces postural control in standing: A pre-post stabilometric study

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    [Abstract] There are studies that show the better balance after dry needling in lumbar pain. However, the postural control effects after foot dry needling are unknown. Our objective was to check if dry needling reduces postural control. Eighteen subjects with flexor digitorum brevis (FDB) muscle Myofascial trigger point were evaluated pre-and post-deep dry needling. We measured stabilometric variables in a pre-post study. We have found significant differences in three stabilometric variables: surface with eyes closed (29.36–53.21 mm2) (p = 0.000), medium speed of the laterolateral displacement with eyes closed (1.42–1.64 mm/s) (p = 0.004), and medium speed of the anteroposterior displacement with eyes closed (1.30–1.53 mm/s) (p = 0.025). Dry needling therapy application in FDB muscle reduces standing postural control with eyes closed

    Facial Hair Decreases Fit Factor of Masks and Respirators in Healthcare Providers

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    [Abstract] In response to the current state of the COVID-19 pandemic, healthcare providers are using common surgical masks and filtering respirators in conjunction with the presence of facial hair, which could lead to a large number of particles passing into their respiratory system. The purpose of this study was to determine the fit factor effectiveness of filtering respirators and surgical masks in bearded versus non-bearded healthcare providers. A controlled randomized clinical trial (NCT04391010) was carried out, analyzing a sample of 63 healthcare providers. The fit factors of surgical masks and FFP3 filtering respirators for healthcare providers with (n = 32) and without (n = 31) facial hair were compared. Fit factors were measured during an exercises protocol in which healthcare providers wore surgical masks and FFP3 filtering respirators. Surgical mask fit factor comparisons did not show significant differences (p > 0.05) between healthcare providers with and without facial hair. In contrast, filtering respirator fit factor comparisons showed statistically significant differences (p < 0.01) between both groups, indicating that healthcare providers with facial hair showed lower fit factor scores, which implies a worse fit factor with respect to healthcare providers without facial hair. The fit factor effectiveness of filtering respirators was reduced in healthcare providers with facial hair. The authors of this paper encourage healthcare providers to trim their beards during filtering respirator use or wear full-mask filtering facepiece respirators, especially during the COVID-19 pandemi

    Reliability and Repeatability of Pressure Center Analysis with Low-Dye Taping Using Force Platform Podiatry Sensors in Feet with Excessive Pronation

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    Background: The analysis of the center of pressure (COP) is a method used to assess the foot function, but its reliability and repeatability have not been evaluated. COP can be altered by diverse conditions, like an excessive foot pronation. Low-Dye taping is commonly used for the treatment of symptoms related to an excessive pronation. To date, no study has evaluated the effects of the Low-Dye taping on COP and the duration of its effects. Thus, the main purpose of this manuscript was to assess the reliability and repeatability of the percentage of center of pressure locus area (%CLA) in feet with an excessive pronation, and secondarily, to assess that the Low-Dye taping modifies the %CLA during the immediate 48 h. Methods: An observational study of the reliability and repeatability of the %CLA variable with the Low-Dye taping in feet with excessive pronation was carried out. We used the EPS-Platform to evaluate the results of the variable in 6 conditions in a first session to evaluate the reliability of the results. We compared the results of the first session with the results in a second session to evaluate the repeatability of the results. We also carried out an ANOVA test to evaluate the changes that the taping produced in the variable between without taping with the rest of the 6 conditions. Results: For the %CLA, we observed a reliability greater than 0.80, measured by the interclass ratio index, both in the first session before taping, and in the second session before taping, thus being a repeatability variable. In the following times, with taping, at 10 min with tape, at 20 min with tape, at 24 h with tape and at 48 h with tape; an interclass ratio coefficient (ICC) higher than 0.80 was again obtained, thus being a reliable variable in all measurements made. The Low-Dye taping did not change %CLA from the time the tape was put in until 48 h (p-value = 1.000). Conclusions: The %CLA variable, in feet with excessive pronation, proved to be a reliable variable in all the measurements obtained before putting on the tape and during the following 48 h with the tape, and a repeatable variable. The Low-Dye taping did not change the %CLA from the time the tape was put in until 48 h

    Accuracy and Repeatability of Spatiotemporal Gait Parameters Measured with an Inertial Measurement Unit

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    In recent years, interest in finding alternatives for the evaluation of mobility has increased. Inertial measurement units (IMUs) stand out for their portability, size, and low price. The objective of this study was to examine the accuracy and repeatability of a commercially available IMU under controlled conditions in healthy subjects. A total of 36 subjects, including 17 males and 19 females were analyzed with a Wiva Science IMU in a corridor test while walking for 10 m and in a threadmill at 1.6 km/h, 2.4 km/h, 3.2 km/h, 4 km/h, and 4.8 km/h for one minute. We found no difference when we compared the variables at 4 km/h and 4.8 km/h. However, we found greater differences and errors at 1.6 km/h, 2.4 km/h and 3.2 km/h, and the latter one (1.6 km/h) generated more error. The main conclusion is that the Wiva Science IMU is reliable at high speeds but loses reliability at low speeds

    Association Between Preexisting Versus Newly Identified Atrial Fibrillation and Outcomes of Patients With Acute Pulmonary Embolism

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    Background Atrial fibrillation (AF) may exist before or occur early in the course of pulmonary embolism (PE). We determined the PE outcomes based on the presence and timing of AF. Methods and Results Using the data from a multicenter PE registry, we identified 3 groups: (1) those with preexisting AF, (2) patients with new AF within 2 days from acute PE (incident AF), and (3) patients without AF. We assessed the 90-day and 1-year risk of mortality and stroke in patients with AF, compared with those without AF (reference group). Among 16 497 patients with PE, 792 had preexisting AF. These patients had increased odds of 90-day all-cause (odds ratio [OR], 2.81; 95% CI, 2.33-3.38) and PE-related mortality (OR, 2.38; 95% CI, 1.37-4.14) and increased 1-year hazard for ischemic stroke (hazard ratio, 5.48; 95% CI, 3.10-9.69) compared with those without AF. After multivariable adjustment, preexisting AF was associated with significantly increased odds of all-cause mortality (OR, 1.91; 95% CI, 1.57-2.32) but not PE-related mortality (OR, 1.50; 95% CI, 0.85-2.66). Among 16 497 patients with PE, 445 developed new incident AF within 2 days of acute PE. Incident AF was associated with increased odds of 90-day all-cause (OR, 2.28; 95% CI, 1.75-2.97) and PE-related (OR, 3.64; 95% CI, 2.01-6.59) mortality but not stroke. Findings were similar in multivariable analyses. Conclusions In patients with acute symptomatic PE, both preexisting AF and incident AF predict adverse clinical outcomes. The type of adverse outcomes may differ depending on the timing of AF onset.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio