7,790 research outputs found

    Downward shortwave surface irradiance from 17 sites for the FIRE/SRB Wisconsin experiment

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    A field experiment was conducted in Wisconsin during Oct. to Nov. 1986 for purposes of both intensive cirrus cloud measurments and SRB algorithm validation activities. The cirrus cloud measurements were part of the FIRE. Tables are presented which show data from 17 sites in the First ISCCP (International Satellite Cloud Climatology Project) Regional Experiment/Surface Radiation Budget (FIRE/SRB) Wisconsin experiment region. A discussion of intercomparison results and calibration inconsistencies is also included

    Numerical Solutions of the Complete Navier-Stokes Equations

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    This report details the development of a new two-equation turbulence closure model based on the exact turbulent kinetic energy k and the variance of vorticity, zeta. The model, which is applicable to three dimensional flowfields, employs one set of model constants and does not use damping or wall functions, or geometric factors

    A new high-precision and low-power GNSS receiver for long-term installations in remote areas

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    We have developed a new high-precision GNSS receiver specifically designed for long-term unattended deployments in remote areas. The receiver reports its status, and can be reprogrammed remotely, through an integrated satellite data link. It uses less power than commercially available alternatives while being equally, if not more, accurate. Data is saved locally on dual SD card slots for increased reliability. Deployments of a number those receivers in several different locations on the Antarctic Ice Sheet have shown them to robust and able to operate flawlessly at low temperatures down to −40 °C

    Intrinsic Geometry of a Null Hypersurface

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    We apply Cartan's method of equivalence to construct invariants of a given null hypersurface in a Lorentzian space-time. This enables us to fully classify the internal geometry of such surfaces and hence solve the local equivalence problem for null hypersurface structures in 4-dimensional Lorentzian space-times

    Cellular expression and crystal structure of the murine cytomegalovirus MHC-Iv glycoprotein, m153

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    Mouse cytomegalovirus (MCMV), a β-herpesvirus that establishes latent and persistent infections in mice, is a valuable model for studying complex virus-host interactions. MCMV encodes the m145 family of putative immunoevasins with predicted MHC-I structure. Functions attributed to some family members include downregulation of host MHC-I (m152) and NKG2D ligands (m145, m152, m155) and interaction with inhibitory or activating NK receptors (m157). We present the cellular, biochemical and structural characterization of m153, which is a heavily glycosylated homodimer, that does not require β2m or peptide, and is expressed at the surface of MCMV-infected cells. Its 2.4 Å crystal structure confirms that this compact molecule preserves an MHC-I-like fold and reveals a novel mode of dimerization, confirmed by site-directed mutagenesis, and a distinctive disulfide-stabilized extended amino terminus. The structure provides a useful framework for comparative analysis of the divergent members of the m145 family

    Differential efficacy of vaccinia virus envelope proteins administered by DNA immunisation in protection of BALB/c mice from a lethal intranasal poxvirus challenge

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    DNA vaccines might offer an alternative to the live smallpox vaccine in providing protective efficacy in an orthopoxvirus (OPV) lethal respiratory challenge model. BALB/c mice were immunised with DNA vaccines coding for 10 different single vaccinia virus (VACV) membrane proteins. After an intranasal challenge with the VACV IHD strain, three gene candidates B5R, A33R and A27L produced > or =66% survival. The B5R DNA vaccine consistently produced 100% protection and exhibited greatest efficacy after three 50 microg intramuscular doses in this model. Sero-conversion to these vaccines was often inconsistent, implying that antibody itself was not a correlate of protection. The B5R DNA vaccine induced a strong and consistent gamma interferon (IFNgamma) response in BALB/c mice given a single DNA vaccine dose. Strong IFNgamma responses were also measured in pTB5R immunised C57BL6 mice deficient for MHC class I molecules, suggesting that the memory response was mediated by a CD4+ T cell population

    Exploiting similarity in turbulent shear flows for turbulence modeling

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    It is well known that current k-epsilon models cannot predict the flow over a flat plate and its wake. In an effort to address this issue and other issues associated with turbulence closure, a new approach for turbulence modeling is proposed which exploits similarities in the flow field. Thus, if we consider the flow over a flat plate and its wake, then in addition to taking advantage of the log-law region, we can exploit the fact that the flow becomes self-similar in the far wake. This latter behavior makes it possible to cast the governing equations as a set of total differential equations. Solutions of this set and comparison with measured shear stress and velocity profiles yields the desired set of model constants. Such a set is, in general, different from other sets of model constants. The rational for such an approach is that if we can correctly model the flow over a flat plate and its far wake, then we can have a better chance of predicting the behavior in between. It is to be noted that the approach does not appeal, in any way, to the decay of homogeneous turbulence. This is because the asymptotic behavior of the flow under consideration is not representative of the decay of homogeneous turbulence

    Drivers of bird species richness within moist high-altitude grasslands in eastern South Africa

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    Moist high-altitude grasslands in South Africa are renowned for high avifaunal diversity and are priority areas for conservation. Conservation management of these areas conflicts with management for other uses, such as intensive livestock agriculture, which requires annual burning and leads to heavy grazing. Recently the area has become target for water storage schemes and renewable electricity energy projects. There is therefore an urgent need to investigate environmental factors and habitat factors that affect bird species richness in order to optimise management of those areas set aside for conservation. A particularly good opportunity to study these issues arose at Ingula in the eastern South African high-altitude grasslands. An area that had been subject to intense grazing was bought by the national power utility that constructed a pumped storage scheme on part of the land and set aside the rest for bird conservation. Since the new management took over in 2005 the area has been mostly annually burned with relatively little grazing. The new management seeks scientific advice on how to maintain avian species richness of the study area. We collected bird occurrence and vegetation data along random transects between 2006 and 2010 to monitor the impact of the new management, and to study the effect of the habitat changes on bird species richness. To achieve these, we convert bird transect data to presence only data to investigate how bird species richness were related to key transect vegetation attributes under this new grassland management. First we used generalised linear mixed models, to examine changes in vegetation grass height and cover and between burned and unburned habitats. Secondly, we examined how total bird species richness varied across seasons and years. And finally we investigated which habitat vegetation attributes were correlated with species richness of a group of grassland depended bird species only. Transects that were burned showed a larger decrease in vegetation cover compared to transects that were not burned. Grass height increased over time. Bird species richness was highest in summer compared to other seasons and increased over time. Overall bird species richness increased over the three summer surveys but species richness of birds that prefer heavily grazed habitat showed little change over the three years. Changes in bird species richness were best explained by the model with grass height for combined species richness of grassland depended birds but also for birds that prefer heavy grazing when treated alone. On one hand birds that prefer moderate grazing were best explained by a null model. However, overall bird species richness was better positively correlated to grass height than grass cover or dead grass. We conclude that frequent burning alone with relatively reduced grazing led to higher but less dense grass, which benefited some species and disadvantaged others. We suggest that management of this grassland use combination of fire and grazing and leave some areas unburned to accommodates birds of various habitat needs