146 research outputs found

    A case study in the history of neurology

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    We review the case of a young man who developed a constellation of symptoms and signs—bizarre behavior, seizures, abnormal movements, and autonomic instability—that evaded diagnosis at the time of presentation. We use this case to explore the way medical knowledge changes over time. Despite the dramatic advances in our understanding of neurological diseases in recent decades, physicians tend to approach diseases and diagnoses as if they were immutable. Our case reinforces how the diagnosis and treatment of disease are determined by an ever-changing historical context driven by the rapid expansion of medical knowledge. We discuss the implications of this realization and present strategies for navigating the boundaries of knowledge, both in practice and in principle

    Differentiating the Cognitive Profile of Schizophrenia from That of Alzheimer Disease and Depression in Late Life

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    To compare the cognitive profile of older patients with schizophrenia to those with other neuropsychiatric disorders assessed in a hospital-based memory clinic.Demographic, clinical, and cognitive data of all patients referred to the memory clinic at the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health between April 1, 2006 and August 15, 2008 were reviewed. We then identified four groups of older patients with: (1) late-life schizophrenia (LLS) and no dementia or depression (DEP); (2) Alzheimer's disease (AD); (3) DEP and no dementia or LLS; (4) normal cognition (NC) and no DEP or LLS.The four groups did not differ in demographic data except that patients with AD were about 12 years older than those with LLS. However, they differed on cognitive tests even after controlling for age. Patients with LLS were impaired on most cognitive tests in comparison with patients with NC but not on recalling newly learned verbal information at a short delay. They experienced equivalent performance on learning new verbal information in comparison with patients with AD, but better performance on all other tests of memory, including the ability to recall newly learned verbal information. Finally, they were more impaired than patients with DEP in overall memory.Patients with LLS have a different cognitive profile than patients with AD or DEP. Particularly, memory impairment in LLS seems to be more pronounced in learning than recall. These findings suggest that cognitive and psychosocial interventions designed to compensate for learning deficits may be beneficial in LLS

    Deep Brain Stimulation Targeting the Fornix for Mild Alzheimer Dementia: Design of the ADvance Randomized Controlled Trial

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    Background: There are currently few available treatments and no cure for Alzheimer disease (AD), a growing public health burden. Animal models and an open-label human trial have indicated that deep brain stimulation (DBS) of memory circuits may improve symptoms and possibly slow disease progression. The ADvance trial was designed to examine DBS of the fornix as a treatment for mild AD. Methods: ADvance is a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, delayed-start, multicenter clinical trial conducted at six sites in the US and one site in Canada. Eighty-five subjects initially consented to be screened for the trial. Of these, 42 subjects who met inclusion and exclusion criteria were implanted with DBS leads anterior to the columns of the fornix bilaterally. They were randomized 1:1 to DBS off or DBS on groups for the initial 12 months of follow-up. After 1 year, all subjects will have their devices turned on for the remainder of the study. Postimplantation, subjects will return for 13 follow-up visits over 48 months for cognitive and psychiatric assessments, brain imaging (up to 12 months), and safety monitoring. The primary outcome measures include Alzheimer\u27s Disease Assessment Scale -- cognitive component (ADAS-cog-13), Clinical Dementia Rating sum of boxes (CDR-SB), and cerebral glucose metabolism measured with positron emission tomography. This report details the study methods, baseline subject characteristics of screened and implanted participants, and screen-to-baseline test€“retest reliability of the cognitive outcomes. Results: Implanted subjects had a mean age of 68.2 years, were mostly male (55%), and had baseline mean ADAS-cog-13 and CDR-SB scores of 28.9 (SD, 5.2) and 3.9 (SD, 1.6), respectively. There were no significant differences between screened and implanted or nonimplanted subjects on most demographic or clinical assessments. Implanted subjects had significantly lower (better) ADAS-cog-11 (17.5 vs 21.1) scores, but did not differ on CDR-SB. Scores on the major outcome measures for the trial were consistent at screening and baseline. Conclusion: ADvance was successful in enrolling a substantial group of patients for this novel application of DBS, and the study design is strengthened by rigorous subject selection from seven sites, a double-blind placebo-controlled design, and extensive open-label follow-up

    Structural Brain Magnetic Resonance Imaging to Rule out Comorbid Pathology in the Assessment of Alzheimer\u27s Disease Dementia: Findings from the Ontario Neurodegenerative Disease Research Initiative (ONDRI) Study and Clinical Trials over the Past 10 Years

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    Background/Objective: Structural brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is not mandatory in Alzheimer\u27s disease (AD) research or clinical guidelines. We aimed to explore the use of structural brain MRI in AD/mild cognitive impairment (MCI) trials over the past 10 years and determine the frequency with which inclusion of standardized structural MRI acquisitions detects comorbid vascular and non-vascular pathologies. Methods: We systematically searched ClinicalTrials.gov for AD clinical trials to determine their neuroimaging criteria and then used data from an AD/MCI cohort who underwent standardized MRI protocols, to determine type and incidence of clinically relevant comorbid pathologies. Results: Of 210 AD clinical trials, 105 (50%) included structural brain imaging in their eligibility criteria. Only 58 (27.6%) required MRI. 16,479 of 53,755 (30.7%) AD participants were in trials requiring MRI. In the observational AD/MCI cohort, 141 patients met clinical criteria; 22 (15.6%) had relevant MRI findings, of which 15 (10.6%) were exclusionary for the study. Discussion: In AD clinical trials over the last 10 years, over two-thirds of participants could have been enrolled without brain MRI and half without even a brain CT. In a study sample, relevant comorbid pathology was found in 15% of participants, despite careful screening. Standardized structural MRI should be incorporated into NIA-AA diagnostic guidelines (when available) and research frameworks routinely to reduce diagnostic heterogeneity

    Exploratory Assessment of K-means Clustering to Classify 18F-Flutemetamol Brain PET as Positive or Negative

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    Copyright © 2021 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.Rationale: We evaluated K-means clustering to classify amyloid brain PETs as positive or negative. Patients and Methods: Sixty-six participants (31 men, 35 women; age range, 52–81 years) were recruited through a multicenter observational study: 19 cognitively normal, 25 mild cognitive impairment, and 22 demen- tia (11 Alzheimer disease, 3 subcortical vascular cognitive impairment, and 8 Parkinson–Lewy Body spectrum disorder). As part of the neurocognitive and imaging evaluation, each participant had an 18F-flutemetamol (Vizamyl, GE Healthcare) brain PET. All studies were processed using Cortex ID soft- ware (General Electric Company, Boston, MA) to calculate SUV ratios in 19 regions of interest and clinically interpreted by 2 dual-certified radiologists/ nuclear medicine physicians, using MIM software (MIM Software Inc, Cleveland, OH), blinded to the quantitative analysis, with final interpreta- tion based on consensus. K-means clustering was retrospectively used to classify the studies from the quantitative data. Results: Based on clinical interpretation, 46 brain PETs were negative and 20 were positive for amyloid deposition. Of 19 cognitively normal partici- pants, 1 (5%) had a positive 18F-flutemetamol brain PET. Of 25 participants with mild cognitive impairment, 9 (36%) had a positive 18F-flutemetamol brain PET. Of 22 participants with dementia, 10 (45%) had a positive 18F-flutemetamol brain PET; 7 of 11 participants with Alzheimer disease (64%), 1 of 3 participants with vascular cognitive impairment (33%), and 2 of 8 participants with Parkinson–Lewy Body spectrum disorder (25%) had a positive 18F-flutemetamol brain PET. Using clinical interpretation as the criterion standard, K-means clustering (K = 2) gave sensitivity of 95%, specificity of 98%, and accuracy of 97%. Conclusions: K-means clustering may be a powerful algorithm for classifying amyloid brain PET.This is a multisite project of the Toronto Dementia Research Alli- ance (www.tdra.utoronto.ca) partly funded by Brain Canada, The Edward Foundation, the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (FDN 159910), the LC Campbell Cognitive Neurology Research Unit, Sunnybrook Research Institute, and the Dr Sandra Black Cen- tre for Brain Resilience and Recovery. M.F. received support from the Saul A. Silverman Family Foundation as a Canada Interna- tional Scientific Exchange Program and the Morris Kerzner Memo- rial Fund. We gratefully acknowledge GE Healthcare and the CAMH Brain Health Imaging Centre for manufacturing and sup- plying the ligand. We are also grateful to GE Healthcare for provid- ing the software to calculate the brain region of interest SUV ratios. The study protocol, Brain Eye Amyloid Memory study (BEAM), is registered at https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT02524405? term=beam+sandra+black&rank=1

    Targeted copy number variant identification across the neurodegenerative disease spectrum

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    Background: Although genetic factors are known to contribute to neurodegenerative disease susceptibility, there remains a large amount of heritability unaccounted for across the diagnoses. Copy number variants (CNVs) contribute to these phenotypes, but their presence and influence on disease state remains relatively understudied. Methods: Here, we applied a depth of coverage approach to detect CNVs in 80 genes previously associated with neurodegenerative disease within participants of the Ontario Neurodegenerative Disease Research Initiative (n = 519). Results: In total, we identified and validated four CNVs in the cohort, including: (1) a heterozygous deletion of exon 5 in OPTN in an Alzheimer\u27s disease participant; (2) a duplication of exons 1–5 in PARK7 in an amyotrophic lateral sclerosis participant; (3) a duplication of \u3e3 Mb, which encompassed ABCC6, in a cerebrovascular disease (CVD) participant; and (4) a duplication of exons 7–11 in SAMHD1 in a mild cognitive impairment participant. We also identified 43 additional CNVs that may be candidates for future replication studies. Conclusion: The identification of the CNVs suggests a portion of the apparent missing heritability of the phenotypes may be due to these structural variants, and their assessment is imperative for a thorough understanding of the genetic spectrum of neurodegeneration

    Consensus classification of posterior cortical atrophy

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    INTRODUCTION: A classification framework for posterior cortical atrophy (PCA) is proposed to improve the uniformity of definition of the syndrome in a variety of research settings. METHODS: Consensus statements about PCA were developed through a detailed literature review, the formation of an international multidisciplinary working party which convened on four occasions, and a Web-based quantitative survey regarding symptom frequency and the conceptualization of PCA. RESULTS: A three-level classification framework for PCA is described comprising both syndrome- and disease-level descriptions. Classification level 1 (PCA) defines the core clinical, cognitive, and neuroimaging features and exclusion criteria of the clinico-radiological syndrome. Classification level 2 (PCA-pure, PCA-plus) establishes whether, in addition to the core PCA syndrome, the core features of any other neurodegenerative syndromes are present. Classification level 3 (PCA attributable to AD [PCA-AD], Lewy body disease [PCA-LBD], corticobasal degeneration [PCA-CBD], prion disease [PCA-prion]) provides a more formal determination of the underlying cause of the PCA syndrome, based on available pathophysiological biomarker evidence. The issue of additional syndrome-level descriptors is discussed in relation to the challenges of defining stages of syndrome severity and characterizing phenotypic heterogeneity within the PCA spectrum. DISCUSSION: There was strong agreement regarding the definition of the core clinico-radiological syndrome, meaning that the current consensus statement should be regarded as a refinement, development, and extension of previous single-center PCA criteria rather than any wholesale alteration or redescription of the syndrome. The framework and terminology may facilitate the interpretation of research data across studies, be applicable across a broad range of research scenarios (e.g., behavioral interventions, pharmacological trials), and provide a foundation for future collaborative work
