5,937 research outputs found

    Rigidity of the extremal Kerr-Newman horizon

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    We prove that the intrinsic geometry of compact cross-sections of an extremal horizon in four-dimensional Einstein-Maxwell theory must admit a Killing vector field or is static. This implies that any such horizon must be an extremal Kerr-Newman horizon and completes the classification of the associated near-horizon geometries. The same results hold with a cosmological constant

    Traces de la présence capucine au Luxembourg d'Ancien Régime

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    Présentation des couvents capucins d'Arlon, Luxembourg, Marville et Thionville, ainsi que des fondations avortées de Saint-Hubert, Grevenmacher et Echternach aux XVIIe et XVIIIe siècle

    Artificial intelligence in digital pathology: a roadmap to routine use in clinical practice

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    The use of artificial intelligence will likely transform clinical practice over the next decade and the early impact of this will likely be the integration of image analysis and machine learning into routine histopathology. In the UK and around the world, a digital revolution is transforming the reporting practice of diagnostic histopathology and this has sparked a proliferation of image analysis software tools. While this is an exciting development that could discover novel predictive clinical information and potentially address international pathology work-force shortages, there is a clear need for a robust and evidence-based framework in which to develop these new tools in a collaborative manner that meets regulatory approval. With these issues in mind, the NCRI Cellular Molecular Pathology (CM-Path) initiative and the British In Vitro Diagnostics Association (BIVDA) has set out a roadmap to help academia, industry and clinicians develop new software tools to the point of approved clinical use. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved. [Abstract copyright: This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.

    Jürgen Döbereiner : uma vida dedicada à ciência

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    Dr. Jürgen Döbereiner was born in Germany, on the 1st of November 1923, and lived in Brazil for 68 years during which time he developed a range of scientific projects in veterinary pathology and related disciplines. His main interests were the identification of new poisonous plants and mineral deficiencies and the causes of “cara inchada” (“swollen face” a periodontal disease) and botulism in livestock. This research has resulted in the improved health and saving of hundreds of thousands of animals, mainly cattle, annually, and is consequently of enormous economic value to the country. This contribution remains largely under appreciated. He was also involved in organizing diagnostic methods for identifying infectious diseases such as African swine fever and glanders in horses. One of his other major achievements has been the foundation and editing of specialized scientific journals for the documentation of veterinary science research results. At the beginning of his career in the 1950s, he and colleagues from the Institute for Animal Biology (IBA) were struggling to find a national scientific journal where research results from veterinary medicine could be published with practical application to the Brazilian reality. In consequence, the team founded “Arquivos do Instituto de Biologia Animal” and published three volumes (1959-1961). He then founded and edited “Pesquisa Agropecuária Brasileira” (The Brazilian Journal of Agricultural Research”) that included a veterinary section. A series of veterinary volumes were published (1966-1976). Finally, in 1978 he helped create the Brazilian College of Veterinary Pathology (CBPA) that published “Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira” (The Brazilian Journal of Veterinary Research) from 1981. The main goal was to communicate the most relevant disease problems of Brazilian livestock, in particular pathology and related subjects such as epidemiology, clinical study series and laboratory diagnosis to field veterinarians and academics. Dr. Jürgen Döbereiner was president of CBPA (1978-2018) and chief editor of “Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira” (1981-2018). He passed away on the 16th of October, 2018, at the age of 94 at his home in Seropédica/RJ, Brazil.Dr. Jürgen Döbereiner nasceu na Alemanha em 1 de novembro de 1923, durante 68 anos viveu no Brasil e desenvolveu trabalhos científicos no campo da patologia veterinária latu sensu. Sua contribuição científica de destaque foi em temas como plantas tóxicas de interesse pecuário, deficiências minerais em animais de produção, cara inchada (doença periodontal) dos ruminantes, botulismo e diagnóstico de doenças infecciosas. Estas pesquisas resultaram na melhoria da saúde e de centenas de milhares de animais, principalmente bovinos e, consequentemente, foram de enorme valor econômico para o país. Esta contribuição ainda permanece em grande parte subestimada. De grande destaque para a ciência brasileira foi ainda a sua atuação profissional na documentação científica de resultados de pesquisa. No início de sua carreira na década de 1950, Dr. Döbereiner e outros pesquisadores do Instituto de Biologia Animal (IBA) detectaram a necessidade de um periódico científico nacional para publicar resultados de pesquisas com aplicação pratica à realidade brasileira. Dessa iniciativa surgiram os Arquivos do Instituto de Biologia Animal, que publicou três fascículos (1959-1961), em seguida o Dr. Jürgen Döbereiner participou na fundação da revista Pesquisa Agropecuária Brasileira que publicou a Série Veterinária (1966-1976) e finalmente em 1978, houve a fundação do Colégio Brasileiro de Patologia Animal (CBPA) que publica desde 1981 a revista Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira. Este periódico científico foi criado para apresentar à comunidade, principalmente veterinários de campo e professores, os principais problemas de saúde em animais de produção no Brasil, ou seja, patologia em seu sentido amplo, envolvendo as áreas de epidemiologia, clínica e diagnóstico laboratorial. Dr. Jürgen Döbereiner, que foi presidente do CBPA (1978-2018) e Editor-Chefe da revista Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira (1981-2018), faleceu em casa, em 16 de outubro de 2018, aos 94 anos, no município de Seropédica/RJ

    Towards the implementation of laser engineered surface structures for electron cloud mitigation

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    The LHC operation has proven that the electron cloud could be a significant limiting factor in machine performance, in particular for future High Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC) beams. Electron clouds, generated by electron multipacting in the beam pipes, leads to beam instabilities and beam-induced heat load in cryogenic systems. Laser Engineered Surface Structures (LESS) is a novel surface treatment which changes the morphology of the internal surfaces of vacuum chambers. The surface modification results in a reduced secondary electron yield (SEY) and, consequently, in the eradication of the electron multipacting. Low SEY values of the treated surfaces and flexibility in choosing the laser parameters make LESS a promising treatment for future accelerators. LESS can be applied both in new and existing accelerators owing to the possibility of automated in-situ treatment. This approach has been developed and optimised for the LHC beam screens in which the electron cloud has to be mitigated before the HL-LHC upgrade. We will present the latest steps towards the implementation of LESS

    Programa de intervenção em funções executivas pró-aprendizagem acadêmica para jovens/universitários: Desenvolvimento e evidências de validade de conteúdo

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    Despite the current emphasis on intervention programs for executive functions (EF), those for children and older adult predominate, with a gap in programs aimed at young people/undergraduate students. The present study presents the process of developing an EF intervention program to support academic learning for young people/undergraduate students. The development followed 5 stages: 1) Internal organization, 2) Construction, 3) Judges’ Analysis, 4) Review and finalization, 5) Pilot Study. Participants were 8 judges (step 3) and 3 classes of students (n = 102) enrolled in Higher Education (step 5). There was high agreement among the judges regarding the demands and the general quality of the activities. Review and integration of the judges’ quantitative and qualitative assessments gave rise to the current version of the πFex-Academics, with 7 activities structured in 3 modules, with a focus on learning and academic demands. The pilot study revealed good applicability. The πFex-Academics is a promising tool for stimulating EF in a university context.A pesar del énfasis actual en los programas de intervención para funciones ejecutivas (FE), predominan los de niños y ancianos, con una brecha en los programas dirigidos a jóvenes/universitarias. El presente estudio presenta el proceso de desarrollo de un programa de intervención en FE a favor del aprendizaje académico para jóvenes/universitarios. El desarrollo siguió 5 etapas: 1) organización interna, 2) construcción, 3) análisis de expertos, 4) revisión y cierre, 5) estudio piloto. Participaron 8 expertos (etapa 3) y 3 clases (n = 102) matriculados en Educación Superior (etapa 5). Hubo un alto acuerdo entre los jueces con respecto a las demandas y la calidad general de las actividades. La revisión e integración de las evaluaciones cuantitativas y cualitativas de los expertos dieron lugar a la versión actual de πFex-Academics, con siete actividades estructuradas en tres módulos, centradas en el aprendizaje y las demandas académicas. El estudio piloto reveló una buena aplicabilidad. πFex-Academics es una herramienta prometedora para estimular la FE en contexto universitario.Apesar de atual destaque para programas de intervenção das funções executivas (FE), predominam aqueles para crianças e idosos, com uma lacuna de programas destinados ao público jovem/universitário. O presente estudo apresenta o processo de desenvolvimento de um programa de intervenção em FE em prol da aprendizagem acadêmica para jovens/universitários. O desenvolvimento seguiu 5 etapas: 1) Interna de organização, 2) Construção, 3) Análise de Juízes, 4) Revisão e fechamento, 5) Estudo Piloto. Participaram 8 juízes (etapa 3) e 3 turmas (n = 102) ingressantes no Ensino Superior (etapa 5). Houve elevada concordância entre juízes em relação às demandas e qualidade geral das atividades. Revisão e integração das avaliações quanti e qualitativas dos juízes originou a versão atual do πFex-Academics, com sete atividades estruturadas em três módulos, com foco na aprendizagem e demandas acadêmicas. Estudo piloto revelou boa aplicabilidade. O πFex-Academics constitui-se como ferramenta promissora para estimulação de FE em contexto universitário

    Adding instruments and workflow support to existing grid architectures

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    Many Grid architectures have been developed in recent years. These range from the large community Grids such as LHG and EGEE to single site deployments such as Condor. However, these Grid architectures have tended to focus on the single or batch submission of executable jobs. Application scientists are now seeking to manage and use physical instrumentation on the Grid, integrating these with the computational tasks they already perform. This will require the functionality of current Grid systems to be extended to allow the submission of entire workflows. Thus allowing the scientists to perform increasingly larger parts of their experiments within the Grid environment. We propose here a set of high level services which may be used on-top of these existing Grid architectures such that the benefits of these architectures may be exploited along with the new functionality of workflows

    Preparations for the public release of high-level CMS data

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    Volume: 273The CMS Collaboration, in accordance with its commitment to open access and data preservation, is preparing for the public release of up to half of the reconstructed collision data collected in 2010. Efforts at present are focused on the usability of the data in education. The data will be accompanied by example applications tailored for different levels of access, including ready-to-use web-based applications for histogramming or visualising individual collision events and a virtual machine image of the CMS software environment that is compatible with these data. The virtual machine image will contain instructions for using the data with the online applications as well as examples of simple analyses. The novelty of this initiative is two-fold: in terms of open science, it lies in releasing the data in a format that is good for analysis; from an outreach perspective, it is to provide the possibility for people outside CMS to build educational applications using our public data. CMS will rely on services for data preservation and open access being prototyped at CERN with input from CMS and the other LHC experiments.Peer reviewe

    Clinically actionable mutation profiles in patients with cancer identified by whole-genome sequencing

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    Next-generation sequencing (NGS) efforts have established catalogs of mutations relevant to cancer development. However, the clinical utility of this information remains largely unexplored. Here, we present the results of the first eight patients recruited into a clinical whole-genome sequencing (WGS) program in the United Kingdom. We performed PCR-free WGS of fresh frozen tumors and germline DNA at 75× and 30×, respectively, using the HiSeq2500 HTv4. Subtracted tumor VCFs and paired germlines were subjected to comprehensive analysis of coding and noncoding regions, integration of germline with somatically acquired variants, and global mutation signatures and pathway analyses. Results were classified into tiers and presented to a multidisciplinary tumor board. WGS results helped to clarify an uncertain histopathological diagnosis in one case, led to informed or supported prognosis in two cases, leading to de-escalation of therapy in one, and indicated potential treatments in all eight. Overall 26 different tier 1 potentially clinically actionable findings were identified using WGS compared with six SNVs/indels using routine targeted NGS. These initial results demonstrate the potential of WGS to inform future diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment choice in cancer and justify the systematic evaluation of the clinical utility of WGS in larger cohorts of patients with cancer